The Awakened
This article is about failed Praetorian Seers. For PPD Awakened, see Awakened Division.
The Awakened are found in First Ward content.
The Awakened are a loosely organized group of ex-Seers who, for various reasons, either never made it through the training or were cast out of the Seer Network due to aberrant behavior.
Villain Types
Astral Projection
This seems to be a projection of a powerful member of the Awakened. You are unable to see the fully tangible Awakened, but you are certain it is nearby.
Psionic Dart Ranged, Light DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge
This basic attack does moderate Psionic damage, and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed.
Aura Aura
You are merely a reflection.
Burnouts are Seers whose psychic powers never came under their control. This makes them quite dangerous, as their instability would have the potential to spread to otherwise functional Seers. This caused the Burnouts to be cast out of the Seer program.
Levels: 20-54
Psionic Dart Ranged, Light DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge
This basic attack does moderate Psionic damage, and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed.
Psychic Blast Ranged, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge
This attack does moderate Psionic damage, and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed.
Subdue Ranged, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe Immobilize
Using your own hyperactive mind, you lash out in an effort to subdue the weaker mind of your foes. This causes psionic damage and has the potential to immobilize your foes.
Overload Suicide Special: High-Accuracy, PBAoE, Extreme DMG(Psionic)
You continuously remain hovering in a delicate psychic balance due to the traumas inflicted by Mother Mayhem and Malaise. When you are nearly defeated in combat, all control over this balance is lost, causing a powerful eruption of psionic energy that deals significant damage to your foes.
Damage Resistance Res( F10 C-10 P10 )
The Awakened have had their pain centers burned away by Mother Mayhem and Malaise. In addition to the natural Psionic resistance of Seers, the Awakened are resistant to Fire damage.
Psychotics are psychics who couldn't handle even the early stages of Mother Mayhem's 'training'. They've gone completely crazy and are utterly without fear. Though most of their psychic abilities have dissipated, what is left has mutated them into violent attackers who concentrate their last remaining energy into attacks which manifest physical pain in their targets.
Levels: 20-54
Psionic Break Melee, Light DMG(Psionic), Light DoT(Lethal), Foe -Regeneration
You snap at your target, mentally injuring them. The target takes psionic damage and experiences reduced Regeneration. Their mind makes the pain of the break real, causing the target to also suffer lethal damage as they start to bleed.
Psychic Roar PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe Fear
You unleash a frightening psychic roar that harms the minds of those around you. So intimidating is this roar that your targets may also become briefly terrified of you.
Psionic Dart Ranged, Light DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge
This basic attack does moderate Psionic damage, and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed.
Damage Resistance Res( F10 C-10 P10 )
The Awakened have had their pain centers burned away by Mother Mayhem and Malaise. In addition to the natural Psionic resistance of Seers, the Awakened are resistant to Fire damage.
The Channelers are psychics whose powers successfully manifested in a safe manner, allowing them to effectively perform feats of telekinesis and vision induction. However, a minor flaw in their brain chemistry gave an outlet for psionic mutation to spread, starting in the brain and spreading through the right side of the body. They exhibit moderate signs of the greater corruption seen in Subjugators, particularly in their right arm. This corruption allows them to create lashes of psionic energy for use in combat, along with their other abilities.
Levels: 31-54
Psionic Dart Ranged, Light DMG (Psionic), Foe -Recharge
This basic attack does moderate Psionic damage, and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed.
Psionic Lash Melee (Long), Minor DMG(Psionic), Minor DoT(Fire), Foe -Recharge, Chance for Knockdown
You channel energy into your whip and lash out at your foe, dealing high energy damage and causing fire damage over time. Lash has longer range than most melee attacks. It will reduce the target's damage resistance and also has a chance to knockdown your target.
Psionic Thrash Melee (Long Cone), Minor DMG(Psionic), Minor DoT(Fire), Foe -Speed, -Recharge, Chance for Knockback
You create a whip of pure psionic energy and make an impressive sweep, causing psionic damage to enemies within a wide cone. Affected targets are seared by this attack and suffer additional fire damage over time. They also are unable to fly and suffer both reduced movement and attack speed. There is also a chance that affected targets will be knocked back.
Telekinetic Lift Ranged, Light DMG(Psionic/Smash), Foe Knockup, -Fly
You channel energy into your whip and make an impressive sweep, causing high energy damage to enemies within a wide cone and also causing some fire damage over time. Coruscating Thrash has a larger range than most melee cones. Targets that are struck will also have their resistance to damage reduced for a short time and may be knocked down.
Psionic Wounds Ranged, Moderate DMG(Psionic/Lethal), Light DoT(Psionic)
The target is made to believe that they are suffering from real, bleeding wounds, but the effects are initially only in their mind. Only at the end are the wounds made real in a burst of lethal damage.
Damage Resistance Res( F10 C-10 P10 )
The Awakened have had their pain centers burned away by Mother Mayhem and Malaise. In addition to the natural Psionic resistance of Seers, the Awakened are resistant to Fire damage.
Conduits were once psychics or Seers who, unlike the Burnouts, managed to gain control of their power, but whose bodies couldn't completely handle the energy resulting from such control. This results in psionic energy continuously coursing over their body. Conduits retain enough control over their power to use it to provide beneficial effects to others like them and to confront any who challenge them.
Levels: 20-54
Psychic Blast Ranged, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge
This attack does moderate Psionic damage, and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed.
Subdue Ranged, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe Immobilize
Using your own hyperactive mind, you lash out in an effort to subdue the weaker mind of your foes. This causes psionic damage and has the potential to immobilize your foes.
Psychic Scream Ranged (Cone), Light DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge
You unleash a psychic scream that deals psionic damage to your target and increases recharge time, effectively reducing attack speed.
Psychic Battery PBAoE, Team +Recharge, +Damage, +ToHit
Using your mind, you increase the strength of all your nearby Awakened allies and their possessed Seers.
Nullify Pain PBAoE, Team Heal
Nullify Pain will heal nearby allies for some hit points by numbing the pain caused by their wounds. Nullify Pain is not as potent as Soothe, but can heal multiple targets at once.
Psionic Wounds (Only Level 31 and up) Ranged, High DMG(Psionic/Lethal), Minor DoT(Psionic)
The target is made to believe that they are suffering from real, bleeding wounds, but the effects are initially only in their mind. Only at the end are the wounds made real in a burst of lethal damage.
Psionic Fury (Only Level 31 and up) Ranged (Location AoE), Extreme DoT(Psionic), Foe -Endurance, -Recovery, -Regeneration, -Recharge
You create a powerful psionic storm at your target's location. This hits any targets caught within its area of effect on an ongoing basis, but can be avoided if the area is evacuated.
Overload Suicide Special: High-Accuracy, PBAoE, Extreme DMG(Psionic)
You continuously remain hovering in a delicate psychic balance due to the traumas inflicted by Mother Mayhem and Malaise. When you are nearly defeated in combat, all control over this balance is lost, causing a powerful eruption of psionic energy that deals significant damage to your foes.
Damage Resistance Res( F10 C-10 P10 )
The Awakened have had their pain centers burned away by Mother Mayhem and Malaise. In addition to the natural Psionic resistance of Seers, the Awakened are resistant to Fire damage.
Oppressors are powerful and vengeful psychics who revel in enslaving lesser minds to their own. Close proximity to an Oppressor will cause short bouts of confusion in most subjects as their mind is slowly siphoned away and replaced with that of the Oppressor's. Their rage at being contained within the Seer Network has manifestation of corrupted flesh that wracks their bodies, resulting in their subsequent removal from the Network for safety reasons. Oppressors are thus without use in Praetoria, as the dangerous side-effects of prolonged exposure to the Seer network prevent them from remaining safely bound to it, and their desire to enslave the will of others makes them unfit for duty elsewhere.
Levels: 20-54
Psionic Blast Ranged, Extreme DMG(Psionic)
You fire a psionic burst at the target, causing damage.
Mind Siphon Special: Auto, PBAoE, Foe Confuse
You gradually siphon the minds of all those around you. The longer they remain close to you, the worse this becomes, until they become confused.
Psionic Pulse PBAoE, High DMG(Psionic/Smash), Foe Knockup
You unleash a powerful psionic shockwave that ripples through the air around you, dealing Psionic and Smashing damage to any hit by the wave. The shockwave also has a chance to knockback its targets.
Psionic Lash (Only Level 31 and up) Melee (Long), Minor DMG(Psionic), Minor DoT(Fire), Foe -Recharge, Chance for Knockdown
You channel energy into your whip and lash out at your foe, dealing high energy damage and causing fire damage over time. Lash has longer range than most melee attacks. It will reduce the target's damage resistance and also has a chance to knockdown your target.
Psionic Siphon (Only Level 31 and up) High-Accuracy, Ranged, Light DoT(Psionic/Fire), Foe Hold, -Heal, Self Heal
You hold your target with your psionic whip, preventing them from moving. While they helplessly tremble under your gaze, you are healed while they suffer psionic and fire damage over time. The affected target is also made highly resistant to healing.
Oppressor Summon Seers
You have summoned subjugated Seers to aid you!
- Subjugated Scryer
Psionic Dart Ranged, Light DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge
This basic attack does moderate Psionic damage, and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed.
Resistance Auto, Res( P20 ), Def( M2.5 R2.5 )
Seers are able to predict their foes' incoming attacks granting them a minor defense buff, and are quite resistant to psychic damage.
- Subjugated Seer
Fortitude Ally +Defense, +Damage, +ToHit
Fortitude immensely enhances a single targeted ally's accuracy, damage potential, and defense. The target ally will even take less damage from those few attacks that do hit him. Fortitude even protects the target ally from psionic attacks and damage.
Soothe Mind Ally Heal
Heals a single targeted ally for a moderate amount of health. You cannot use this power to heal yourself.
Resistance Auto, Res( P20 ), Def( M2.5 R2.5 )
Seers are able to predict their foes' incoming attacks granting them a minor defense buff, and are quite resistant to psychic damage.
Damage Resistance Res( F10 C-10 P10 )
The Awakened have had their pain centers burned away by Mother Mayhem and Malaise. In addition to the natural Psionic resistance of Seers, the Awakened are resistant to Fire damage.
The Mindcrasher is a particularly violent psychic whose mind has remained intact despite the pain it has endured, allowing her to maintain control of her power where the Psychotic has failed. The enormous psychic power she wields has begun to rapidly alter her body, causing psionically driven organic armor to emerge from her body. This organic armor is capable of being expanded at will, allowing her to encase herself in an absorptive carapace or to reach out and infect distant targets. What energy is not being diverted to maintaining her armored body is instead being diverted toward her attacks, which consist mainly of psionic energy spikes which spontaneously emerge from her arms when threatened.
Levels: 31-54
Psionic Cut Melee, Minor DMG(Psionic), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -Recharge
You cut your target with a blade formed from within your mind. This manifested blade causes psionic damage and leaves injuries that cause additional lethal damage over time. The target also suffers a reduction in their attack speed.
Psionic Thrust Melee, Light DMG(Psionic), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -Recharge, -ToHit, -Regeneration, -Recovery, Chance for Taunt
You hack your target with a blade formed from within your mind. This manifested blade causes psionic damage and leaves injuries that cause additional lethal damage over time. The target also suffers a reduction in their attack speed, chance to hit, regeneration and recovery. The target may also be taunted to attack you if they are not already doing so.
Psionic Slash Melee (Cone), Light DMG(Psionic), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -Regeneration, -Damage
You slash your target with a blade formed from within your mind. This manifested blade causes psionic damage and leaves injuries that cause additional lethal damage over time. The target also suffers a reduction in their regeneration and damage potential.
Mental Breakdown Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Psionic), Minor DoT(Psionic), Foe -Regeneration, -Recovery, Resist(Heal), Self Heal
You create a powerful illusion in the minds of your targets, causing them to become rapidly hyperstressed. This causes a cascading reaction in the mind that causes psionic damage. The effects of this reaction linger, causing additional psionic damage over time. Additionally, affected targets suffer reduced regeneration, recovery and healing effectiveness. Finally, the endorphins released within your own body as the success of your attack heal you.
Psionic Dart Ranged, Light DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge
This basic attack does moderate Psionic damage, and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed.
Psionic Carapace Self +Absorb, +Regeneration
You create a powerful illusion in the minds of your targets, causing them to become rapidly hyperstressed. This causes a cascading reaction in the mind that causes psionic damage. The effects of this reaction linger, causing additional psionic damage over time. Additionally, affected targets suffer reduced regeneration, recovery and healing effectiveness. Finally, the endorphins released within your own body as the success of your attack heal you.
Metabolic Superiority Auto, Self +Regeneration, +Recharge, +ToHit, Resist(Regeneration, Recharge, Speed Debuffs)
Your mind exerts an extremely powerful hold over your body, naturally increasing your regeneration rate, attack speed and chance to hit. Moreover, your force of will makes attacks that would reduce these attributes or your movement speeds less effective.
Damage Resistance Res( F10 C-10 P10 )
The Awakened have had their pain centers burned away by Mother Mayhem and Malaise. In addition to the natural Psionic resistance of Seers, the Awakened are resistant to Fire damage.
Astral Mindstorm
This seems to be a projection of a powerful member of the Awakened. You are unable to see the fully tangible Awakened, but you are certain it is nearby.
Psionic Dart Ranged, Light DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge
This basic attack does moderate Psionic damage, and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed.
Aura Aura
You are merely a reflection.
Once one of the more strong-willed and keenly focused of Mother Mayhem's test subjects, a Mindstorm is a barely contained maelstrom of psychic energy. So powerful was their resistance to Mother Mayhem's experiments that it manifested as an energetic storm consuming their body. Now, held together only by her force of will and concentration, the Mindstorm's body is wracked by a crackling, unceasing surge of energy. Unlike the Subjugator, most of the corruption has manifested across their body, as their minds are still largely intact. This enables the Mindstorm to control and even direct the tremendous psychic power at their disposal to achieve devastating results.
Levels: 20-54
Psionic Dart Ranged, Light DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge
This basic attack does moderate Psionic damage, and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed.
Psychic Scream Ranged (Cone), Light DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge
You unleash a psychic scream that deals psionic damage to your target and increases recharge time, effectively reducing attack speed.
Psionic Lightning Ranged, Light DMG(Psionic), Foe -Endurance
You cause a bolt of psionic energy to strike your foe, dealing heavy damage. These bolts also have a chance to drain the enemy's endurance.
Psionic Tornado Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe Knockup, -Recharge
Unleashes a whirlwind of Psionic energy on a target, tossing nearby foes into the air. The Psionic Tornado damages foes and slows their attack speed.
Mass Levitate Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockup, -Fly
You can send multiple targets violently into the air, then slam them to the ground for Smashing damage. This power can bring flying foes to the ground.
Nullify Pain PBAoE, Team Heal
Nullify Pain will heal nearby allies for some hit points by numbing the pain caused by their wounds. Nullify Pain is not as potent as Soothe, but can heal multiple targets at once.
Psionic Lash (Only Level 31 and up) Melee (Long), Minor DMG(Psionic), Minor DoT(Fire), Foe -Recharge, Chance for Knockdown
You channel energy into your whip and lash out at your foe, dealing high energy damage and causing fire damage over time. Lash has longer range than most melee attacks. It will reduce the target's damage resistance and also has a chance to knockdown your target.
Psionic Siphon (Only Level 31 and up) High-Accuracy, Ranged, Light DoT(Psionic/Fire), Foe Hold, -Heal, Self Heal
You hold your target with your psionic whip, preventing them from moving. While they helplessly tremble under your gaze, you are healed while they suffer psionic and fire damage over time. The affected target is also made highly resistant to healing.
Frazzle Special: Auto, PBAoE, Light DMG(Psionic), Foe Fear
The crackling energy coursing around you continuously shocks foes, dealing damage and instilling in them a sense of doom and disarray.
Damage Resistance Res( F15 C-10 P15 )
The Awakened have had their pain centers burned away by Mother Mayhem and Malaise. In addition to the natural Psionic resistance of Seers, the Awakened are resistant to Fire damage.
The Subjugator was once a Seer of immense power, used to suppress and control the minds of others. Even within the Seer program, the Subjugator could impose her will on other Seers. However, in some, this power caused tumors to take root in their brain. The more a Subjugator used her powers, the worse these tumors became, eventually growing to consume the Seer's head. Now, even though this Subjugator has become a grotesque monster, her power has grown even greater than it was when she was still human.
Levels: 20-54
Psychic Lash Melee, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe Fear
You can send a large blast of energy at a foe, dealing heavy damage and draining some Endurance. Some of this Endurance may transfer back to you. There is also a chance that you will reduce your target's chance to hit and their Recovery.
Psionic Blast Ranged, Extreme DMG(Psionic)
You fire a psionic burst at the target, causing damage.
Psionic Pulse PBAoE, High DMG(Psionic/Smash), Foe Knockup
You unleash a powerful psionic shockwave that ripples through the air around you, dealing Psionic and Smashing damage to any hit by the wave. The shockwave also has a chance to knockback its targets.
Psionic Fury (Only Level 31 and up) Ranged (Location AoE), Extreme DoT(Psionic), Foe -Endurance, -Recovery, -Regeneration, -Recharge
You create a powerful lightning storm at your target's location. This hits any targets caught within its area of effect on an ongoing basis, but can be avoided if the area is evacuated.
Consume Special: A Subjugator Prepares to Consume a Seer!
The Subjugator targets one of its Subjugated Seers and consumes her psychically. This kills the pet, but heals the Subjugator by a significant amount. The attack can be interrupted.
Consumption Special: Sacrifice Seer: Self Heal
The Subjugator targets one of its Subjugated Seers and consumes her psychically. This kills the pet, but heals the Subjugator by a significant amount. The attack can be interrupted.
Subjugator Summon 4 Seers
You have summoned subjugated Seers to aid you!
- Subjugated Scryer
Psionic Dart Ranged, Light DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge
This basic attack does moderate Psionic damage, and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed.
Resistance Auto, Res( P20 ), Def( M2.5 R2.5 )
Seers are able to predict their foes' incoming attacks granting them a minor defense buff, and are quite resistant to psychic damage.
- Subjugated Seer
Fortitude Ally +Defense, +Damage, +ToHit
Fortitude immensely enhances a single targeted ally's accuracy, damage potential, and defense. The target ally will even take less damage from those few attacks that do hit him. Fortitude even protects the target ally from psionic attacks and damage.
Soothe Mind Ally Heal
Heals a single targeted ally for a moderate amount of health. You cannot use this power to heal yourself.
Resistance Auto, Res( P20 ), Def( M2.5 R2.5 )
Seers are able to predict their foes' incoming attacks granting them a minor defense buff, and are quite resistant to psychic damage.
Mind Siphon Special: Auto, PBAoE, Foe Confuse
You gradually siphon the minds of all those around you. The longer they remain close to you, the worse this becomes, until they become confused.
Blessing of Light Auto, Self Def( P50 )
The Subjugators have been so heavily corrupted by Psionic energy that there is little more that can be twisted within them. This gives them periods of extreme defense against Psionic attacks.
Damage Resistance Res( F15 C-10 P15 )
The Awakened have had their pain centers burned away by Mother Mayhem and Malaise. In addition to the natural Psionic resistance of Seers, the Awakened are resistant to Fire damage.
The Immanence was once a psychic who embraced her power and made little effort to contain it. Unlike the Mindstorms, who maintain their corporeal form through sheer force of will, the Immanence allowed her power to expand and become so overwhelming that her body simply dematerialized, leaving nothing but a manifestation of living psionic energy. The Immanence is a being who represents the raw power of a mind unfettered by the body. They can twist their own energy to manipulate the world around them, creating voids and fields of deadly psionic force. Their power has evolved to the point where they are even capable of creating living fragments of their own essence to assist them in combat.
Levels: 31-54
Psionic Blast Ranged, Light DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge
You fire a psionic burst at the target, causing psionic damage and reducing attack speed.
Psionic Torment Ranged, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -Regeneration, -Recovery, -Recharge
You create painful visions within the mind of your target, causing psionic damage. These visions manifest as wounds that cause lethal damage over time. Affected targets also suffer reduced regeneration, recovery and attack speed.
Psionic Prison Ranged, Minor DMG(Psionic), Moderate DoT(Psionic), Foe -Endurance, Hold
You imprison your target in a field of collapsing psionic energy. They are held in place and suffer continuous psionic damage and endurance loss.
Psionic Shock Ranged, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe -Endurance
You unleash a bolt of pure psionic energy on your target, causing psionic damage and draining endurance.
Psionic Pulse PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Psionic/Smash), Foe Chance for Knockback
You unleash a powerful psionic shockwave that ripples through the air around you, dealing Psionic and Smashing damage to any hit by the wave. The shockwave also has a chance to knockback its targets.
Psionic Void Ranged (Location AoE), Extreme DoT(Psionic)
You create a field of psionic energy at the feet of up to two targets. This field deals continuous psionic damage over time.
Psionic Flow Ranged (Location AoE), Extreme DoT(Psionic), Foe -Endurance, -Recovery, Self +Damage(Psionic), +Defense(Psionic)
You create a powerful stream of psionic energy. This causes significant psionic damage to all enemies caught in its field, as well as drains endurance and lowers recovery.
Shards of the Self Summon 4 Shards
You have created shards of yourself to aid you in battle.
- Fragment of Immanence
Psionic Blast Ranged, Light DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge
You fire a psionic burst at the target, causing psionic damage and reducing attack speed.
Overload Suicide Special: PBAoE, Light DMG(Psionic)
You continuously remain hovering in a delicate psychic balance due to the traumas inflicted by Mother Mayhem and Malaise. When you are nearly defeated in combat, all control over this balance is lost, causing a powerful eruption of psionic energy that deals significant damage to your foes.
Damage Resistance Res( F15 C-10 P15 )
The Awakened have had their pain centers burned away by Mother Mayhem and Malaise. In addition to the natural Psionic resistance of Seers, the Awakened are resistant to Fire damage.
Penelope Mayhem
Formerly the Praetorian Penelope Yin, Penelope Mayhem is the collected consciousness of the Awakened. She is driven by all the negative emotions they felt and wants nothing more than to spread these feelings throughout the entire world. It is possible that once this is done, the regular Penelope Yin will be able to emerge. However, it's just as likely that that will not break the pure anger that is now Penelope Mayhem.
Psionic Blast Ranged, Light DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge
You fire a psionic burst at the target, causing damage and reducing attack speed.
Psionic Crush Ranged, Moderate DoT(Psionic), Foe -Endurance, Hold
You imprison your target in a field of collapsing psionic energy. They are held in place and suffer continuous damage and endurance loss.
Psionic Torment Ranged, High DMG(Psionic), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -Regeneration, -Recovery, -Recharge, -Endurance
You create painful visions within the mind of your target, causing psionic damage. These visions manifest as wounds that cause lethal damage over time. Affected targets also suffer reduced regeneration, recovery and attack speed.
Psionic Drift Ranged (Targeted AoE), High DMG(Psionic), Minor DoT(Psionic), Foe Disorient/Fear/Confuse
You induce a dream state in all nearby targets around you while also dealing continuous psionic damage. These dreams can manifest as nightmares, lucid dreams or deep sleep, which manifest as fear, confusion or stun.
Psionic Burst PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Psionic/Smash), Foe Knockup
You unleash a powerful psionic shockwave that ripples through the air around you, dealing Psionic and Smashing damage to any hit by the wave. The shockwave also has a chance to knockback its targets.
Psionic Blade Melee, Light DMG(Psionic), Light DoT(Lethal), Foe -Defense
You create a blade of crystalline psionic energy around your hand and use it to stab your target with a quick attack. The target suffers psionic damage, followed by a wound that causes lethal damage over time and reduced defense.
Psionic Thrust Melee, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -Resist(Psionic)
You create a blade of crystalline psionic energy around your hand and viciously stab your target. The target suffers psionic damage, followed by a wound that causes lethal damage over time and reduced resistance to further psionic damage.
Psionic Nexus Summon Psionic Nexus
You create a a nexus of psionic energy at your location.
- Psionic Nexus
- Penelope Mayhem has created an ally out of pure psionic energy. These allies unleash psionic storms as their primary means of attack. However, they will gradually build up psionic energy the longer they are alive. This will eventually reach a point where the Nexus is able to unleash a deadly explosion, which resets the buildup and allows it to begin again.
Fly Flight
Some members of the Talons of Vengeance have grown wings and are capable of flight.
Psionic Lightning Ranged, Minor DMG(Psionic), Foe -Endurance
You cause a bolt of psionic energy to strike your foe, dealing heavy damage. These bolts also have a chance to drain the enemy's endurance.
Psionic Tornado Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DoT(Psionic), Foe Knockup, -Recharge
You unleash a whirling vortex of psionic energy at your target, causing the target and those near them to be afflicted with moderate damage over time. Additionally, all affected targets are knocked into the air and suffer reduced attack speed.
Impenetrable Mind Auto, Res( P40 ), Def( P20 )
You are naturally protected from psionic damage, gaining a boost to your psionic resistance and defense.
Archvillain's Might Auto, Self Prot( Ho 50 St 50 Kb 100 Co 50 Fr 50 Rp 100 ), Resist(Debuffs)
Arch-villains are very powerful individuals, and as such have significant resistance to many status effects. They are not immune, however, and can be vulnerable for brief windows of opportunity.
Related Badges

The rejects from the Seer program could have used more training if they wanted to stand up to you. You defeated several Awakened to earn this badge.