The Labyrinth of Fog (Enemy Group)

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The Labyrinth of Fog are an enemy group found in the zone of the same name.

Enemy Types

Elite Bosses

Gladiator In The Fog (Archery)

Gladiator In The Fog

The Labyrinth of Fog's legion of immortal phantoms are a mystery unto themselves.

The Gladiators In The Fog participate in an eternal blood sport, honing their combat skills in the phantasmagorical maze that they call home. An eternity of testing themselves against the Labyrinth's mirages, at times even challenging the mighty Minotaur itself to trial by combat.

Their's is an existence not unlike a bloody gladius, weapons that only exist to hone their sharpness and prove themselves, iron tempered on the field of battle.

The Minotaur In The Fog is anchoring itself behind the existence of these Gladiators, every single one must be defeated before the Minotaur can be vanquished!

Blood and strength unseen, Gladiator.


Archery MediumArrow.png Aimed Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe -MaxHP
Though it takes longer to execute, your Aimed Shot deals greater damage than Snap Shot.

Archery ConeArrow.png Fistful of Arrows Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe -MaxHP
You fire a fistful of arrows at foes in a cone in front of you. Good at close range.

Archery FlamingArrow.png Blazing Arrow Ranged, Superior DMG(Negative), Light DoT(Fire), Foe -MaxHP
You fire a Blazing Arrow at your foe, dealing some Lethal damage and causing them to catch on fire and burn.

Archery ExplodingArrow.png Explosive Arrow Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe Knockback, -MaxHP
You fire a grenade-tipped arrow at long range. This explosion affects all within the blast radius, and can knock them back.

Archery SniperArrow.png Ranged Shot Ranged, Extreme DMG(Negative), Foe -MaxHP
A long range shot that blasts your foes. Like most sniper attacks, this power has a bonus to Accuracy, but is best fired from a distance as it can be interrupted.

Archery RainofArrows.png Rain of Arrows Ranged (Location AoE), Extreme DoT(Negative), Foe -MaxHP
You unleash a Rain of Arrows on a targeted location, damaging foes within a large area.

Fitness Quick.png Swift Auto: Self +SPD
You can naturally run slightly faster than normal. This ability is always on and does not cost any Endurance.

Leadership Tactics.png Constitution Auto: Self +Prot( Kb 100 Rp 100 )
You have extremely strong constitution and are immune to knockback and repel effects.

Gladiator In The Fog (Battle Axe)

The Labyrinth of Fog's legion of immortal phantoms are a mystery unto themselves.

The Gladiators In The Fog participate in an eternal blood sport, honing their combat skills in the phantasmagorical maze that they call home. An eternity of testing themselves against the Labyrinth's mirages, at times even challenging the mighty Minotaur itself to trial by combat.

Their's is an existence not unlike a bloody gladius, weapons that only exist to hone their sharpness and prove themselves, iron tempered on the field of battle.

The Minotaur In The Fog is anchoring itself behind the existence of these Gladiators, every single one must be defeated before the Minotaur can be vanquished!

Blood and strength unseen, Gladiator.


BattleAxe Gash.png Chop Melee, High DMG(Negative), Foe Knockdown, -DEF, -MaxHP
The Chop deals heavy damage with your Battle Axe, although it is much slower than Gash. This attack can knock down a target.

BattleAxe Beheader.png Gash Melee, Superior DMG(Negative), Foe Knockback, -MaxHP
Gashes your opponent with your Battle Axe dealing superior damage. This attack is very slow, but can deal a lot damage and knock the target down.

BattleAxe TAoE.png Pendulum Melee (Targeted AoE), Heavy DMG(Negative), Foe Knockback, -MaxHP
This attack swings your Battle Axe directly in front of you. Foes struck by this attack are dealt heavy damage, and may be knocked down.

BattleAxe Swoop.png Swoop Melee, Extreme DMG(Negative), Foe Knockup, -MaxHP
A Swoop of your Battle Axe deals a superior amount of damage, and can send your target flying upwards.

BattleAxe WhirlingAxe.png Axe Cyclone PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe Knockback, -MaxHP
You spin your Battle Axe in a huge arc, attacking all nearby foes. This attack deals moderate damage to any foe it hits, draws them into melee range and can knock them down.

BattleAxe Cleave.png Cleave Ranged (Targeted AoE), Extreme DMG(Negative), Foe Knockdown, -MaxHP
This is an attempt to split your opponent in two with one fell swoop of your Battle Axe. It is an extremely devastating attack that deals massive damage and can knock foes to the ground. The power of this attack can actually extend a short distance through multiple foes.

ShieldDefense ActiveDefense.png Deflection Toggle: Self +Def( S7.5% L7.5% F7.5% C7.5% E7.5% N7.5% ), Res( S7.5 L7.5 )
Your mastery of the shield allows you to easily deflect melee attacks, and attacks that do get through your ironclad defenses tend to do less damage. While Deflection is active the user will gain defense to melee attacks and some minor resistance to lethal and smashing damage.

Fitness Quick.png Swift Auto: Self +SPD
You can naturally run slightly faster than normal. This ability is always on and does not cost any Endurance.

Leadership Tactics.png Constitution Auto: Self +Prot( Kb 100 Rp 100 )
You have extremely strong constitution and are immune to knockback and repel effects.

Gladiator In The Fog (Dual Blades)

The Labyrinth of Fog's legion of immortal phantoms are a mystery unto themselves.

The Gladiators In The Fog participate in an eternal blood sport, honing their combat skills in the phantasmagorical maze that they call home. An eternity of testing themselves against the Labyrinth's mirages, at times even challenging the mighty Minotaur itself to trial by combat.

Their's is an existence not unlike a bloody gladius, weapons that only exist to hone their sharpness and prove themselves, iron tempered on the field of battle.

The Minotaur In The Fog is anchoring itself behind the existence of these Gladiators, every single one must be defeated before the Minotaur can be vanquished!

Blood and strength unseen, Gladiator.


DualBlades ModerateOpening.png Power Slice Melee, Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe -MaxHP
You perform a deadly Strike with your blades. This is a basic attack that deals a moderate amount of negative damage.

DualBlades ModerateBridge.png Ablating Strike Melee, Heavy DMG(Negative), Foe -DEF, -MaxHP
You Slash at your foe with your blades, dealing a good amount of negative damage. This attack can reduce a target's Defense, making him easier to hit.

DualBlades AoEBridge.png Typhoon's Edge PBAoE Melee, High DMG(Negative), Foe Knockdown, -DEF, -ToHit, -MaxHP
You spin around in a circle, attacking everyone within melee range with a striking attack.

DualBlades FollowUp.png Blinding Feint Melee, Light DMG(Negative), Foe -MaxHP, Self +DMG, +ToHit
You perform a feint attack that deals light damage. After this attack hits, it gives you a large bonus to your chance to hit and damage for a brief time.

DualBlades Special2.png Sweeping Strike Melee (Cone), High DMG(Negative), Moderate DoT(Negative), Foe -MaxHP
You make a sweeping strike with your blades, hitting all foes in a cone in front of you and dealing superior negative damage to each.

DualBlades HighLow.png One Thousand Cuts Melee (Cone), Extreme DMG(Negative), Foe Knockdown, -MaxHP
Unleashes a flurry of attacks on all foes in a cone in front of you, dealing moderate negative damage to each foe hit.

DualBlades Special1.png Air Cutter Ranged, High DMG(Negative), Foe Knockback, -MaxHP
The Minotaur cuts the very air, causing a blade of wind to slash their foes.

Fitness Quick.png Swift Auto: Self +SPD
You can naturally run slightly faster than normal. This ability is always on and does not cost any Endurance.

Leadership Tactics.png Constitution Auto: Self +Prot( Kb 100 Rp 100 )
You have extremely strong constitution and are immune to knockback and repel effects.

Gladiator In The Fog (Staff)

The Labyrinth of Fog's legion of immortal phantoms are a mystery unto themselves.

The Gladiators In The Fog participate in an eternal blood sport, honing their combat skills in the phantasmagorical maze that they call home. An eternity of testing themselves against the Labyrinth's mirages, at times even challenging the mighty Minotaur itself to trial by combat.

Their's is an existence not unlike a bloody gladius, weapons that only exist to hone their sharpness and prove themselves, iron tempered on the field of battle.

The Minotaur In The Fog is anchoring itself behind the existence of these Gladiators, every single one must be defeated before the Minotaur can be vanquished!

Blood and strength unseen, Gladiator.


StaffFighting MercurialBlow.png Mercurial Blow Melee, Light DMG(Negative), Foe -DEF, -MaxHP
You strike your foe with a lightning fast blow from your staff, dealing light smashing damage and reducing defenses. This attack also has a chance for a critical hit, which deals increased smashing damage.

StaffFighting PreciseStrike.png Precise Strike Melee, Heavy DMG(Negative), Foe Disorient, -MaxHP
You attempt to daze your foe with a heavy staff blow to their head. The target is dealt moderate smashing damage and may be stunned by the blow. This attack also has a chance for a critical hit, which deals increased smashing damage.

StaffFighting GuardedSpin.png Guarded Spin Melee (Cone), Heavy DMG(Negative), Foe -MaxHP, Self +DEF(Melee, Negative)
You spin your staff like a propeller in front of you dealing Light Smashing damage to enemies in your frontal arc and deflecting any incoming attacks, thus boosting your Melee and Lethal damage briefly. While a form is active, this power will build one level of Perfection.

StaffFighting SerpentsReach.png Serpent's Reach Ranged, High DMG(Negative), Foe Knockdown, -MaxHP
You fully extend your staff and release a burst of energy to lash out at a distant target. This deals high smashing damage and has a good chance of knocking your target down. This attack also has a chance for a critical hit, which deals increased smashing damage.

StaffFighting InnocuousStrikes.png Innocuous Strike Melee (Cone), High DMG(Negative), Foe Immobilize, -SPD, -MaxHP
You repeatedly batter your foes' feet and legs with a flurry strikes from your staff. This attack deals moderate smashing damage to all foes within its cone, also reducing movement speeds. Each target also has a chance to be immobilized briefly. This attack also has a chance for a critical hit, which deals increased smashing damage.

StaffFighting SkySplitter.png Sky Splitter Melee, Extreme DMG(Negative), Foe Knockup, Disorient, -Fly, -MaxHP, Self +Regen, +Recovery
You leap into the air and hammer your foe with an overhead bash from your staff. Sky Splitter deals extreme smashing damage, knocks the target off their feet and potentially leaves them stunned, while you enjoy boosts to your Regen, Recovery, Damage and ToHit. This attack also has a chance for a critical hit, which deals increased smashing damage.

Fitness Quick.png Swift Auto: Self +SPD
You can naturally run slightly faster than normal. This ability is always on and does not cost any Endurance.

Leadership Tactics.png Constitution Auto: Self +Prot( Kb 100 Rp 100 )
You have extremely strong constitution and are immune to knockback and repel effects.

Gladiator In The Fog (Titan Weapons)

The Labyrinth of Fog's legion of immortal phantoms are a mystery unto themselves.

The Gladiators In The Fog participate in an eternal blood sport, honing their combat skills in the phantasmagorical maze that they call home. An eternity of testing themselves against the Labyrinth's mirages, at times even challenging the mighty Minotaur itself to trial by combat.

Their's is an existence not unlike a bloody gladius, weapons that only exist to hone their sharpness and prove themselves, iron tempered on the field of battle.

The Minotaur In The Fog is anchoring itself behind the existence of these Gladiators, every single one must be defeated before the Minotaur can be vanquished!

Blood and strength unseen, Gladiator.


TitanWeapons DefensiveSweep.png Defensive Sweep Melee (Cone), Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe -MaxHP, Self +DEF(Melee, Negative)
You take a defensive stance and strike your opponents. Successfully executing this attack will cause light negative damage to nearby foes, while giving you increased defense against their melee and negative attacks.

TitanWeapons CrushingBlow.png Crushing Blow Melee, High DMG(Negative), Foe -DEF, -MaxHP
You swing a mighty crushing blow at your opponent dealing High Negative damage.

TitanWeapons FollowThrough.png Follow Through Melee, Superior DMG(Negative), Foe Disorient, Knockback, -MaxHP
You Follow Through with a massive attack dealing Superior Smashing damage, knocking your opponent down and possibly stunning them.

TitanWeapons SweepingStrike.png Titan Sweep Melee (Cone), Heavy DMG(Negative), Foe Knockback, -MaxHP
You make a sweeping slash with your weapon, causing high damage and possibly knocking your opponent down.

TitanWeapons ShatterArmor.png Rend Armor Melee, Extreme DMG(Negative), Foe -DEF, -Resist(All), -MaxHP
You batter your enemy with your mighty weapon dealing Extreme Negative damage and reducing their resistance to damage as well as their defense to all types of attacks for a short time.

TitanWeapons WhirlingSlice.png Whirling Smash PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe Knockback, -MaxHP
You perform a powerful Whirling Smash attack that deals Moderate Negative damage, and can knock an opponent down.

TitanWeapons ArcofDestruction.png Arc of Destruction Melee (Cone), Superior DMG(Negative), Foe Knockback, -MaxHP
You swing your weapon in a devastating Arc of Destruction that deals Superior Smashing damage and has a good chance to knock foes down. Arc of Destruction may only be used while on the ground.

Fitness Quick.png Swift Auto: Self +SPD
You can naturally run slightly faster than normal. This ability is always on and does not cost any Endurance.

Leadership Tactics.png Constitution Auto: Self +Prot( Kb 100 Rp 100 )
You have extremely strong constitution and are immune to knockback and repel effects.

Malevolent Fog

Malevolent Fog

This thing is an entropic amalgamation of malevolent fog.

If you can suppress its raging energies, you could release the swirling power within!

As malevolence accumulates in local fog concentrations, it can cause those exposed to become erratic and volatile. Prolonged exposure to this pollution will cause insanity, and throughout the ages has claimed the minds of many who lost their way in the Labyrinth of Fog.


Flight TravelFlight.png Fly Self Fly
Volatile Aether can Fly!

Fitness Quick.png Swift Auto: Self +SPD
You can naturally run slightly faster than normal. This ability is always on and does not cost any Endurance.

Regeneration FastHealing.png Unstable Energy Auto: Res( All30 ), +Res(DeBuffs), No Regeneration
Volatile Aether is unstable energy and cannot regain health.

Their unstable nature makes them difficult to debuff.

Invulnerability ToughHide.png Fog of Catastrophe Scaling Health
The Malevolent Fog is but an aspect of the Fog of Catastrophe and will swell in response to the subconscious fear of those surrounding it.


The Minotaur In The Fog (Archery)

The Minotaur In The Fog

The Minotaur In The Fog is the fabled guardian of the labyrinth, who relentlessly hunts down any soul who trespasses within these passages.

Few are the mighty that have held their own against the Minotaur, most of which are considered legends by today's historians.

Fleeing would be the best choice for those who want to live.

The Labyrinth of Fog's champion could percieve the souls of those who did not belong within, making it nearly impossible to evade its keen awareness.


Flight TravelFlight.png Fly Self Fly
The Minoatur In The Fog can Fly!

Archery MediumArrow.png Aimed Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe -MaxHP
Though it takes longer to execute, your Aimed Shot deals greater damage than Snap Shot.

Archery ConeArrow.png Fistful of Arrows Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe -MaxHP
You fire a fistful of arrows at foes in a cone in front of you. Good at close range.

Archery FlamingArrow.png Blazing Arrow Ranged, Superior DMG(Negative), Light DoT(Fire), Foe -MaxHP
You fire a Blazing Arrow at your foe, dealing some Lethal damage and causing them to catch on fire and burn.

Archery ExplodingArrow.png Explosive Arrow Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe Knockback, -MaxHP
You fire a grenade-tipped arrow at long range. This explosion affects all within the blast radius, and can knock them back.

Archery SniperArrow.png Ranged Shot Ranged, Extreme DMG(Negative), Foe -MaxHP
A long range shot that blasts your foes. Like most sniper attacks, this power has a bonus to Accuracy, but is best fired from a distance as it can be interrupted.

Archery RainofArrows.png Rain of Arrows Ranged (Location AoE), Extreme DoT(Negative), Foe -MaxHP
You unleash a Rain of Arrows on a targeted location, damaging foes within a large area.

SonicBlast Cone.png Cursed Plague Howl Ranged (Cone), Extreme DMG(Toxic), Foe -Resist(All), Special: Diseased
The Minotaur In The Fog's cursed howl brings with it plague and disease to those unfortunate enough to be caught in it. This cone attack is one of the most dangerous in the minotaur's arsenal and should be faced away from your allies. The Minotaur In The Fog's plagued breath its properties after being transformed by the Labyrinth of Fog's power has fascinatined alchemists for ages.

TrickArrow Immobilize.png Netted Pilums High-Accuracy: Ranged (Cone), Foe Immobilize, -Fly, -Jump, -SPD, -DEF
These barbed and netted Pilums can bring down any flying target and the Minotaur is extremely adept at hitting multiple enemies at once with a single throw. The compound netted pilums were an advancement gifted to their lands by a Cimeroran inventer known as Daedalus.

Robotics LaserRifleBurst.png Hoof Stomp Lock The Minotaur In The Fog builds power for their Hoof Stomp!
The Minotaur In The Fog must wind up its attack before unleashing its mighty Hoof Stomp.

DevouringEarthSeed Hematic Consumption.png Hoof Stomp Autohit: PBAoE, Fatal DMG(Smash), Foe -Resist(Negative), -DMG, Unresistable Knockback
The Minotaur's hoof drives an earth-shattering blow into the ground, damaging and knocking back all those nearby.

Apparitions Merge.png Fog Given Form PBAoE Summon: Doppelgangers
If threatened, The Minotaur In The Fog can condense the fog around those foreign to it and call the maze's Gladiators In The Fog to combat. This will spawn Gladiators In The Fog near all players within 250ft of the Minotaur. When cornered, the Minotaur will attempt to sow chaos on the battlefield by beckoning forth the souls of those who lost their minds to the Fog of Catastrophe, using an ancient lust for battle as a smokescreen.

Apparitions Merge.png Trial By Combat PBAoE Teleport: Colosseum of Minos
When intruders prove themselves worthy opponents to the mighty Minotaur In The Fog, it will pull all challengers into the Colosseum of Minos, where combatants will make their final stand. This power will summon all players to the Colosseum of Minos for a showdown with the Minotaur In The Fog. The Minotaur endures with only a single memory: Battle to the death in the Colosseum of Minos. When challenged by worthy foes, this recollection will manifest, causing the Labyrinth of Fog to assemble a fascimile of that arena and draw all those nearby inside.

Temporary MoteOfApathy.png Third Eye Self +ToHit
The Minotaur will focus its cursed third eye to deliver extremely accurate attacks. The beast's vision can percieve subtle changes in movement, mana, spirit, temperature, electricity, and more, making it all but impossible for prey to avoid detection. The king had seen the monstrous race known as minotaurs before, but this one had been cursed, born with a calamitous third eye.

Fitness Quick.png Beefy Auto: Self +[5 to 10] Level Shift, +SPD, +Jump
The Minotaur In The Fog travels through the labyrinth, using the fog as a medium to achieve transcendent strength and speed.

Fitness Stamina.png Lean Auto: Self +Recovery, -Heal
The Minotaur In The Fog is a conceptual monster given form, it cannot be healed. However, as they are not material, they do not tire like a normal being would and have increased recovery.

Invulnerability ToughHide.png Avatar of Achlys Scaling Health
The Minotaur In The Fog draws on an ancient divine power to gain in strength as more foes populate the Labyrinth of Fog.

Invulnerability Unstoppable.png Resistance Res( All60 )
Archvillain resistance.

The Minotaur In The Fog (Battle Axe)

The Minotaur In The Fog is the fabled guardian of the labyrinth, who relentlessly hunts down any soul who trespasses within these passages.

Few are the mighty that have held their own against the Minotaur, most of which are considered legends by today's historians.

Fleeing would be the best choice for those who want to live.

The Labyrinth of Fog's champion could percieve the souls of those who did not belong within, making it nearly impossible to evade its keen awareness.


Flight TravelFlight.png Fly Self Fly
The Minoatur In The Fog can Fly!

BattleAxe Gash.png Chop Melee, High DMG(Negative), Foe Knockdown, -DEF, -MaxHP
The Chop deals heavy damage with your Battle Axe, although it is much slower than Gash. This attack can knock down a target.

BattleAxe Beheader.png Gash Melee, Superior DMG(Negative), Foe Knockback, -MaxHP
Gashes your opponent with your Battle Axe dealing superior damage. This attack is very slow, but can deal a lot damage and knock the target down.

BattleAxe TAoE.png Pendulum Melee (Targeted AoE), Heavy DMG(Negative), Foe Knockback, -MaxHP
This attack swings your Battle Axe directly in front of you. Foes struck by this attack are dealt heavy damage, and may be knocked down.

BattleAxe Swoop.png Swoop Melee, Extreme DMG(Negative), Foe Knockup, -MaxHP
A Swoop of your Battle Axe deals a superior amount of damage, and can send your target flying upwards.

BattleAxe WhirlingAxe.png Axe Cyclone PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe Knockback, -MaxHP
You spin your Battle Axe in a huge arc, attacking all nearby foes. This attack deals moderate damage to any foe it hits, draws them into melee range and can knock them down.

BattleAxe Cleave.png Cleave Ranged (Targeted AoE), Extreme DMG(Negative), Foe Knockdown, -MaxHP
This is an attempt to split your opponent in two with one fell swoop of your Battle Axe. It is an extremely devastating attack that deals massive damage and can knock foes to the ground. The power of this attack can actually extend a short distance through multiple foes.

SonicBlast Cone.png Cursed Plague Howl Ranged (Cone), Extreme DMG(Toxic), Foe -Resist(All), Special: Diseased
The Minotaur In The Fog's cursed howl brings with it plague and disease to those unfortunate enough to be caught in it. This cone attack is one of the most dangerous in the minotaur's arsenal and should be faced away from your allies. The Minotaur In The Fog's plagued breath its properties after being transformed by the Labyrinth of Fog's power has fascinatined alchemists for ages.

TrickArrow Immobilize.png Netted Pilums High-Accuracy: Ranged (Cone), Foe Immobilize, -Fly, -Jump, -SPD, -DEF
These barbed and netted Pilums can bring down any flying target and the Minotaur is extremely adept at hitting multiple enemies at once with a single throw. The compound netted pilums were an advancement gifted to their lands by a Cimeroran inventer known as Daedalus.

Robotics LaserRifleBurst.png Hoof Stomp Lock The Minotaur In The Fog builds power for their Hoof Stomp!
The Minotaur In The Fog must wind up its attack before unleashing its mighty Hoof Stomp.

DevouringEarthSeed Hematic Consumption.png Hoof Stomp Autohit: PBAoE, Fatal DMG(Smash), Foe -Resist(Negative), -DMG, Unresistable Knockback
The Minotaur's hoof drives an earth-shattering blow into the ground, damaging and knocking back all those nearby.

Apparitions Merge.png Fog Given Form PBAoE Summon: Doppelgangers
If threatened, The Minotaur In The Fog can condense the fog around those foreign to it and call the maze's Gladiators In The Fog to combat. This will spawn Gladiators In The Fog near all players within 250ft of the Minotaur. When cornered, the Minotaur will attempt to sow chaos on the battlefield by beckoning forth the souls of those who lost their minds to the Fog of Catastrophe, using an ancient lust for battle as a smokescreen.

Apparitions Merge.png Trial By Combat PBAoE Teleport: Colosseum of Minos
When intruders prove themselves worthy opponents to the mighty Minotaur In The Fog, it will pull all challengers into the Colosseum of Minos, where combatants will make their final stand. This power will summon all players to the Colosseum of Minos for a showdown with the Minotaur In The Fog. The Minotaur endures with only a single memory: Battle to the death in the Colosseum of Minos. When challenged by worthy foes, this recollection will manifest, causing the Labyrinth of Fog to assemble a fascimile of that arena and draw all those nearby inside.

Temporary MoteOfApathy.png Third Eye Self +ToHit
The Minotaur will focus its cursed third eye to deliver extremely accurate attacks. The beast's vision can percieve subtle changes in movement, mana, spirit, temperature, electricity, and more, making it all but impossible for prey to avoid detection. The king had seen the monstrous race known as minotaurs before, but this one had been cursed, born with a calamitous third eye.

ShieldDefense ActiveDefense.png Deflection Toggle: Self +Def( S7.5% L7.5% F7.5% C7.5% E7.5% N7.5% ), Res( S7.5 L7.5 )
Your mastery of the shield allows you to easily deflect melee attacks, and attacks that do get through your ironclad defenses tend to do less damage. While Deflection is active the user will gain defense to melee attacks and some minor resistance to lethal and smashing damage.

Fitness Quick.png Beefy Auto: Self +[5 to 10] Level Shift, +SPD, +Jump
The Minotaur In The Fog travels through the labyrinth, using the fog as a medium to achieve transcendent strength and speed.

Fitness Stamina.png Lean Auto: Self +Recovery, -Heal
The Minotaur In The Fog is a conceptual monster given form, it cannot be healed. However, as they are not material, they do not tire like a normal being would and have increased recovery.

Invulnerability ToughHide.png Avatar of Achlys Scaling Health
The Minotaur In The Fog draws on an ancient divine power to gain in strength as more foes populate the Labyrinth of Fog.

Invulnerability Unstoppable.png Resistance Res( All60 )
Archvillain resistance.

The Minotaur In The Fog (Dual Blades)

The Minotaur In The Fog is the fabled guardian of the labyrinth, who relentlessly hunts down any soul who trespasses within these passages.

Few are the mighty that have held their own against the Minotaur, most of which are considered legends by today's historians.

Fleeing would be the best choice for those who want to live.

The Labyrinth of Fog's champion could percieve the souls of those who did not belong within, making it nearly impossible to evade its keen awareness.


Flight TravelFlight.png Fly Self Fly
The Minoatur In The Fog can Fly!

DualBlades ModerateOpening.png Power Slice Melee, Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe -MaxHP
You perform a deadly Strike with your blades. This is a basic attack that deals a moderate amount of negative damage.

DualBlades ModerateBridge.png Ablating Strike Melee, Heavy DMG(Negative), Foe -DEF, -MaxHP
You Slash at your foe with your blades, dealing a good amount of negative damage. This attack can reduce a target's Defense, making him easier to hit.

DualBlades AoEBridge.png Typhoon's Edge PBAoE Melee, High DMG(Negative), Foe Knockdown, -DEF, -ToHit, -MaxHP
You spin around in a circle, attacking everyone within melee range with a striking attack.

DualBlades FollowUp.png Blinding Feint Melee, Light DMG(Negative), Foe -MaxHP, Self +DMG, +ToHit
You perform a feint attack that deals light damage. After this attack hits, it gives you a large bonus to your chance to hit and damage for a brief time.

DualBlades Special2.png Sweeping Strike Melee (Cone), High DMG(Negative), Moderate DoT(Negative), Foe -MaxHP
You make a sweeping strike with your blades, hitting all foes in a cone in front of you and dealing superior negative damage to each.

DualBlades HighLow.png One Thousand Cuts Melee (Cone), Extreme DMG(Negative), Foe Knockdown, -MaxHP
Unleashes a flurry of attacks on all foes in a cone in front of you, dealing moderate negative damage to each foe hit.

DualBlades Special1.png Air Cutter Ranged, High DMG(Negative), Foe Knockback, -MaxHP
The Minotaur cuts the very air, causing a blade of wind to slash their foes.

SonicBlast Cone.png Cursed Plague Howl Ranged (Cone), Extreme DMG(Toxic), Foe -Resist(All), Special: Diseased
The Minotaur In The Fog's cursed howl brings with it plague and disease to those unfortunate enough to be caught in it. This cone attack is one of the most dangerous in the minotaur's arsenal and should be faced away from your allies. The Minotaur In The Fog's plagued breath its properties after being transformed by the Labyrinth of Fog's power has fascinatined alchemists for ages.

TrickArrow Immobilize.png Netted Pilums High-Accuracy: Ranged (Cone), Foe Immobilize, -Fly, -Jump, -SPD, -DEF
These barbed and netted Pilums can bring down any flying target and the Minotaur is extremely adept at hitting multiple enemies at once with a single throw. The compound netted pilums were an advancement gifted to their lands by a Cimeroran inventer known as Daedalus.

Robotics LaserRifleBurst.png Hoof Stomp Lock The Minotaur In The Fog builds power for their Hoof Stomp!
The Minotaur In The Fog must wind up its attack before unleashing its mighty Hoof Stomp.

DevouringEarthSeed Hematic Consumption.png Hoof Stomp Autohit: PBAoE, Fatal DMG(Smash), Foe -Resist(Negative), -DMG, Unresistable Knockback
The Minotaur's hoof drives an earth-shattering blow into the ground, damaging and knocking back all those nearby.

Apparitions Merge.png Fog Given Form PBAoE Summon: Doppelgangers
If threatened, The Minotaur In The Fog can condense the fog around those foreign to it and call the maze's Gladiators In The Fog to combat. This will spawn Gladiators In The Fog near all players within 250ft of the Minotaur. When cornered, the Minotaur will attempt to sow chaos on the battlefield by beckoning forth the souls of those who lost their minds to the Fog of Catastrophe, using an ancient lust for battle as a smokescreen.

Apparitions Merge.png Trial By Combat PBAoE Teleport: Colosseum of Minos
When intruders prove themselves worthy opponents to the mighty Minotaur In The Fog, it will pull all challengers into the Colosseum of Minos, where combatants will make their final stand. This power will summon all players to the Colosseum of Minos for a showdown with the Minotaur In The Fog. The Minotaur endures with only a single memory: Battle to the death in the Colosseum of Minos. When challenged by worthy foes, this recollection will manifest, causing the Labyrinth of Fog to assemble a fascimile of that arena and draw all those nearby inside.

Temporary MoteOfApathy.png Third Eye Self +ToHit
The Minotaur will focus its cursed third eye to deliver extremely accurate attacks. The beast's vision can percieve subtle changes in movement, mana, spirit, temperature, electricity, and more, making it all but impossible for prey to avoid detection. The king had seen the monstrous race known as minotaurs before, but this one had been cursed, born with a calamitous third eye.

Fitness Quick.png Beefy Auto: Self +[5 to 10] Level Shift, +SPD, +Jump
The Minotaur In The Fog travels through the labyrinth, using the fog as a medium to achieve transcendent strength and speed.

Fitness Stamina.png Lean Auto: Self +Recovery, -Heal
The Minotaur In The Fog is a conceptual monster given form, it cannot be healed. However, as they are not material, they do not tire like a normal being would and have increased recovery.

Invulnerability ToughHide.png Avatar of Achlys Scaling Health
The Minotaur In The Fog draws on an ancient divine power to gain in strength as more foes populate the Labyrinth of Fog.

Invulnerability Unstoppable.png Resistance Res( All60 )
Archvillain resistance.

The Minotaur In The Fog (Staff)

The Minotaur In The Fog is the fabled guardian of the labyrinth, who relentlessly hunts down any soul who trespasses within these passages.

Few are the mighty that have held their own against the Minotaur, most of which are considered legends by today's historians.

Fleeing would be the best choice for those who want to live.

The Labyrinth of Fog's champion could percieve the souls of those who did not belong within, making it nearly impossible to evade its keen awareness.


Flight TravelFlight.png Fly Self Fly
The Minoatur In The Fog can Fly!

StaffFighting MercurialBlow.png Mercurial Blow Melee, Light DMG(Negative), Foe -DEF, -MaxHP
You strike your foe with a lightning fast blow from your staff, dealing light smashing damage and reducing defenses. This attack also has a chance for a critical hit, which deals increased smashing damage.

StaffFighting PreciseStrike.png Precise Strike Melee, Heavy DMG(Negative), Foe Disorient, -MaxHP
You attempt to daze your foe with a heavy staff blow to their head. The target is dealt moderate smashing damage and may be stunned by the blow. This attack also has a chance for a critical hit, which deals increased smashing damage.

StaffFighting GuardedSpin.png Guarded Spin Melee (Cone), Heavy DMG(Negative), Foe -MaxHP, Self +DEF(Melee, Negative)
You spin your staff like a propeller in front of you dealing Light Smashing damage to enemies in your frontal arc and deflecting any incoming attacks, thus boosting your Melee and Lethal damage briefly. While a form is active, this power will build one level of Perfection.

StaffFighting SerpentsReach.png Serpent's Reach Ranged, High DMG(Negative), Foe Knockdown, -MaxHP
You fully extend your staff and release a burst of energy to lash out at a distant target. This deals high smashing damage and has a good chance of knocking your target down. This attack also has a chance for a critical hit, which deals increased smashing damage.

StaffFighting InnocuousStrikes.png Innocuous Strike Melee (Cone), High DMG(Negative), Foe Immobilize, -SPD, -MaxHP
You repeatedly batter your foes' feet and legs with a flurry strikes from your staff. This attack deals moderate smashing damage to all foes within its cone, also reducing movement speeds. Each target also has a chance to be immobilized briefly. This attack also has a chance for a critical hit, which deals increased smashing damage.

StaffFighting SkySplitter.png Sky Splitter Melee, Extreme DMG(Negative), Foe Knockup, Disorient, -Fly, -MaxHP, Self +Regen, +Recovery
You leap into the air and hammer your foe with an overhead bash from your staff. Sky Splitter deals extreme smashing damage, knocks the target off their feet and potentially leaves them stunned, while you enjoy boosts to your Regen, Recovery, Damage and ToHit. This attack also has a chance for a critical hit, which deals increased smashing damage.

SonicBlast Cone.png Cursed Plague Howl Ranged (Cone), Extreme DMG(Toxic), Foe -Resist(All), Special: Diseased
The Minotaur In The Fog's cursed howl brings with it plague and disease to those unfortunate enough to be caught in it. This cone attack is one of the most dangerous in the minotaur's arsenal and should be faced away from your allies. The Minotaur In The Fog's plagued breath its properties after being transformed by the Labyrinth of Fog's power has fascinatined alchemists for ages.

TrickArrow Immobilize.png Netted Pilums High-Accuracy: Ranged (Cone), Foe Immobilize, -Fly, -Jump, -SPD, -DEF
These barbed and netted Pilums can bring down any flying target and the Minotaur is extremely adept at hitting multiple enemies at once with a single throw. The compound netted pilums were an advancement gifted to their lands by a Cimeroran inventer known as Daedalus.

Robotics LaserRifleBurst.png Hoof Stomp Lock The Minotaur In The Fog builds power for their Hoof Stomp!
The Minotaur In The Fog must wind up its attack before unleashing its mighty Hoof Stomp.

DevouringEarthSeed Hematic Consumption.png Hoof Stomp Autohit: PBAoE, Fatal DMG(Smash), Foe -Resist(Negative), -DMG, Unresistable Knockback
The Minotaur's hoof drives an earth-shattering blow into the ground, damaging and knocking back all those nearby.

Apparitions Merge.png Fog Given Form PBAoE Summon: Doppelgangers
If threatened, The Minotaur In The Fog can condense the fog around those foreign to it and call the maze's Gladiators In The Fog to combat. This will spawn Gladiators In The Fog near all players within 250ft of the Minotaur. When cornered, the Minotaur will attempt to sow chaos on the battlefield by beckoning forth the souls of those who lost their minds to the Fog of Catastrophe, using an ancient lust for battle as a smokescreen.

Apparitions Merge.png Trial By Combat PBAoE Teleport: Colosseum of Minos
When intruders prove themselves worthy opponents to the mighty Minotaur In The Fog, it will pull all challengers into the Colosseum of Minos, where combatants will make their final stand. This power will summon all players to the Colosseum of Minos for a showdown with the Minotaur In The Fog. The Minotaur endures with only a single memory: Battle to the death in the Colosseum of Minos. When challenged by worthy foes, this recollection will manifest, causing the Labyrinth of Fog to assemble a fascimile of that arena and draw all those nearby inside.

Temporary MoteOfApathy.png Third Eye Self +ToHit
The Minotaur will focus its cursed third eye to deliver extremely accurate attacks. The beast's vision can percieve subtle changes in movement, mana, spirit, temperature, electricity, and more, making it all but impossible for prey to avoid detection. The king had seen the monstrous race known as minotaurs before, but this one had been cursed, born with a calamitous third eye.

Fitness Quick.png Beefy Auto: Self +[5 to 10] Level Shift, +SPD, +Jump
The Minotaur In The Fog travels through the labyrinth, using the fog as a medium to achieve transcendent strength and speed.

Fitness Stamina.png Lean Auto: Self +Recovery, -Heal
The Minotaur In The Fog is a conceptual monster given form, it cannot be healed. However, as they are not material, they do not tire like a normal being would and have increased recovery.

Invulnerability ToughHide.png Avatar of Achlys Scaling Health
The Minotaur In The Fog draws on an ancient divine power to gain in strength as more foes populate the Labyrinth of Fog.

Invulnerability Unstoppable.png Resistance Res( All60 )
Archvillain resistance.

The Minotaur In The Fog (Titan Weapons)

The Minotaur In The Fog is the fabled guardian of the labyrinth, who relentlessly hunts down any soul who trespasses within these passages.

Few are the mighty that have held their own against the Minotaur, most of which are considered legends by today's historians.

Fleeing would be the best choice for those who want to live.

The Labyrinth of Fog's champion could percieve the souls of those who did not belong within, making it nearly impossible to evade its keen awareness.


Flight TravelFlight.png Fly Self Fly
The Minoatur In The Fog can Fly!

TitanWeapons DefensiveSweep.png Defensive Sweep Melee (Cone), Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe -MaxHP, Self +DEF(Melee, Negative)
You take a defensive stance and strike your opponents. Successfully executing this attack will cause light negative damage to nearby foes, while giving you increased defense against their melee and negative attacks.

TitanWeapons CrushingBlow.png Crushing Blow Melee, High DMG(Negative), Foe -DEF, -MaxHP
You swing a mighty crushing blow at your opponent dealing High Negative damage.

TitanWeapons FollowThrough.png Follow Through Melee, Superior DMG(Negative), Foe Disorient, Knockback, -MaxHP
You Follow Through with a massive attack dealing Superior Smashing damage, knocking your opponent down and possibly stunning them.

TitanWeapons SweepingStrike.png Titan Sweep Melee (Cone), Heavy DMG(Negative), Foe Knockback, -MaxHP
You make a sweeping slash with your weapon, causing high damage and possibly knocking your opponent down.

TitanWeapons ShatterArmor.png Rend Armor Melee, Extreme DMG(Negative), Foe -DEF, -Resist(All), -MaxHP
You batter your enemy with your mighty weapon dealing Extreme Negative damage and reducing their resistance to damage as well as their defense to all types of attacks for a short time.

TitanWeapons WhirlingSlice.png Whirling Smash PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe Knockback, -MaxHP
You perform a powerful Whirling Smash attack that deals Moderate Negative damage, and can knock an opponent down.

TitanWeapons ArcofDestruction.png Arc of Destruction Melee (Cone), Superior DMG(Negative), Foe Knockback, -MaxHP
You swing your weapon in a devastating Arc of Destruction that deals Superior Smashing damage and has a good chance to knock foes down. Arc of Destruction may only be used while on the ground.

SonicBlast Cone.png Cursed Plague Howl Ranged (Cone), Extreme DMG(Toxic), Foe -Resist(All), Special: Diseased
The Minotaur In The Fog's cursed howl brings with it plague and disease to those unfortunate enough to be caught in it. This cone attack is one of the most dangerous in the minotaur's arsenal and should be faced away from your allies. The Minotaur In The Fog's plagued breath its properties after being transformed by the Labyrinth of Fog's power has fascinatined alchemists for ages.

TrickArrow Immobilize.png Netted Pilums High-Accuracy: Ranged (Cone), Foe Immobilize, -Fly, -Jump, -SPD, -DEF
These barbed and netted Pilums can bring down any flying target and the Minotaur is extremely adept at hitting multiple enemies at once with a single throw. The compound netted pilums were an advancement gifted to their lands by a Cimeroran inventer known as Daedalus.

Robotics LaserRifleBurst.png Hoof Stomp Lock The Minotaur In The Fog builds power for their Hoof Stomp!
The Minotaur In The Fog must wind up its attack before unleashing its mighty Hoof Stomp.

DevouringEarthSeed Hematic Consumption.png Hoof Stomp Autohit: PBAoE, Fatal DMG(Smash), Foe -Resist(Negative), -DMG, Unresistable Knockback
The Minotaur's hoof drives an earth-shattering blow into the ground, damaging and knocking back all those nearby.

Apparitions Merge.png Fog Given Form PBAoE Summon: Doppelgangers
If threatened, The Minotaur In The Fog can condense the fog around those foreign to it and call the maze's Gladiators In The Fog to combat. This will spawn Gladiators In The Fog near all players within 250ft of the Minotaur. When cornered, the Minotaur will attempt to sow chaos on the battlefield by beckoning forth the souls of those who lost their minds to the Fog of Catastrophe, using an ancient lust for battle as a smokescreen.

Apparitions Merge.png Trial By Combat PBAoE Teleport: Colosseum of Minos
When intruders prove themselves worthy opponents to the mighty Minotaur In The Fog, it will pull all challengers into the Colosseum of Minos, where combatants will make their final stand. This power will summon all players to the Colosseum of Minos for a showdown with the Minotaur In The Fog. The Minotaur endures with only a single memory: Battle to the death in the Colosseum of Minos. When challenged by worthy foes, this recollection will manifest, causing the Labyrinth of Fog to assemble a fascimile of that arena and draw all those nearby inside.

Temporary MoteOfApathy.png Third Eye Self +ToHit
The Minotaur will focus its cursed third eye to deliver extremely accurate attacks. The beast's vision can percieve subtle changes in movement, mana, spirit, temperature, electricity, and more, making it all but impossible for prey to avoid detection. The king had seen the monstrous race known as minotaurs before, but this one had been cursed, born with a calamitous third eye.

Fitness Quick.png Beefy Auto: Self +[5 to 10] Level Shift, +SPD, +Jump
The Minotaur In The Fog travels through the labyrinth, using the fog as a medium to achieve transcendent strength and speed.

Fitness Stamina.png Lean Auto: Self +Recovery, -Heal
The Minotaur In The Fog is a conceptual monster given form, it cannot be healed. However, as they are not material, they do not tire like a normal being would and have increased recovery.

Invulnerability ToughHide.png Avatar of Achlys Scaling Health
The Minotaur In The Fog draws on an ancient divine power to gain in strength as more foes populate the Labyrinth of Fog.

Invulnerability Unstoppable.png Resistance Res( All60 )
Archvillain resistance.

Related Badges


The Labyrinth of Fog is an unnatural dungeon where a mythical fog, steeped in malevolence, coagulates of its own volition, and you've taken advantage of the opportunity to claim their powers for yourself.


The Labyrinth's Gladiators In The Fog are a curious phenomenon. This legion of immortal warriors compete in an eternal blood sport to determine who is the strongest amongst them, but not one was found worthy of taking you down.


Historians insisted that it couldn't be done, that The Minotaur in the Fog could not be bested in combat, but you've done just that. You've proven yourself worthy to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the greatest ancient heroes of myth.