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== Overview ==
== Overview ==
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Zone Rikti War Zone
Level Range 45-50
Introduced By Serpent Drummer
Introduces Dark Watcher
Enemy Groups
v  d  e

Gaussian is a hero and villain contact in the Vanguard Compound neighborhood of Rikti War Zone. His level range is 45-50.


New Contacts

Contact Introduced By


Vanguard Tactician

Gaussian is Vanguard's main tactician, coordinating intelligence efforts across Divisions to form a united front against the Rikti. Many believe that his ability to keep vanguard organized is the only thing that's prevented the Rikti from overwhelming Vanguard's forces, but Gaussian prefers to downplay his role and instead credit the steadfast determination and fighting skill of the volunteer troops.

Initial Contact

This isn't over yet, but with you around I think we just might have a chance.

Alright, let's get this out of the way. My title is tactician, but I'm also in charge of Vanguard's cloak-and-dagger stuff. I've been watching your work, so I know you can handle weird situations, and that you have a tendency to come out on top despite the odds. That sounds like just the kind of person I need right now.

Below Level Requirement

Drummer said that you had an impressive record, and I agree. However, I need something just a bit more impressive. Like, about 45 security or threat levels worth of impressive. I'll see you when you're ready.


Gaussian sells all Enhancements at 200% of their base cost.

Story Arc

The Red and the Black

souvenir info

Accept Gaussian's Mission

The Red and the Black
Part: One


The mission I have is dangerous, but unlike some cloak-and-dagger types, I actually like it when the people I work with know what's going on. Deniability is great, sure, but I prefer people to be able to react to a changing situation. So if you're in, I'll give you the low-down. But don't make me wait too long.

Okay, here's the situation:
You know about the branches of Vanguard, right? The Helm, Shield, and Gauntlet? Well, there's another branch. The one I run: the Sword. We handle counter-intelligence, special forces actions, all that kind of stuff. It can be some ugly work, but it's necessary.

Now here's what this has to do with you:
Some actions have gone... wrong lately. Frankly, I suspect that some of the Sword have been compromised. I can't investigate it myself, so I need someone to do it by proxy. That would be you. And this is the incident I want you to check:
One of those Traditionalist Negotiators is missing. One of the Sword teams I suspect was in the vicinity, lead by Captain Flint, someone I used to trust. I want you to check out their location. If the diplomat's there, bring him back alive. I'll be waiting for your report. Oh, and the negotiator's name is Sah'Teece. Apparently he was a Rikti sports hero before he became a diplomat. Some kind of racing, I guess.

Mission Objective(s)

This really looks like the kind of place someone could dump a body.

  • Locate Missing Negotiator
    • Rescue Sah'Teece
    • Defeat Captain Flint

You prevented the assassination and captured the plot's leader!

Sword Sorcerer: Stand down and walk away, Character! This doesn't involve you!



Notable NPCs

  • Lt. Davidson (Vanguard Sword, Boss)
  • Negotiator Sah'Teece (Returning Human, Defector)

Negotiator Sah'Teece: Protest: Innocence! Occupation: Diplomat! Prior Actions: Non-Hostile!
Vanguard Ranger: Non-hostile, he says!
Lt. Davidson: That's the problem. You're too much of a stabilizing influence.
Vanguard Ranger: Sir!
Negotiator Sah'Teece: We've been made! - has to be a bug
Lt. Davidson: It's not persona. . . Character! Send a message to Captain Flint!

Negotiator Sah'Teece: Expression: Many Thanks! Prior Status: Very Worried! Current Status: Very Relieved!

Negotiator Sah'Teece: Sincere Expression: Thanks

  • Captain Flint(?) (Vanguard Sword, Boss(?)) - never actually saw Captain Flint, but cleared the map and completed the mission
Assassination List

If you weren't a member of Vanguard, this Cipher would take serious effort to decode. But with your training, it only takes a few moments to read the names of the negotiators and diplomats this squad has been assigned to murder. The evidence is plain, but leaves you with more questions.


Sah'Teece has been on Earth for a while. We told him that his kidnappers were really Nemesis Automatons, and he bought it without reservation. Guess you can get used to anything. But you and I know that those were real people, soldiers of the Vanguard who've gone renegade. They're taking orders to illegally murder people with an eye towards destabilizing the peace with the Traditionalists. This isn't just Flint and a rogue squad. This is a conspiracy. And I'm going to need your help rooting it out.

Investigate Renegade Safe House

The Red and the Black
Part: Two


Working with the data you've collected and the testimony of the traitors you brought in, we've found the location of a rally point for the renegades. I want you to go in and try to get any intelligence you can gather. We need to know what they're planning and how they were turned against us.

So far, we've kept the presence of the Renegades within the Sword quiet. I'd like to keep it that way and end this quickly.

Mission Objective(s)

Nothing good has happened in this abandoned place in a long time.

  • Strike Renegade Safe House
    • 3 clues
    • Defeat Captain Grool

You're finished at the safe house. Time to tell Gaussian what you've learned.



Notable NPCs

Lt. Sefu Tendaji: What is going on? Well, you have earned my trust, so let us find the truth together.

Captain Grool: Helping Longbow? You show your true colors at last, Character!

'It is even more troubling'

After you met up with him, Lt. Sefu Tendaji took a moment to speak to you:

'I came here to find a missing diplomat. We discovered that he had been taken here by Vanguard agents. I thought that there would be no problems, but this is madness! I have fought alongside the Vanguard, I have even defended the Vanguard to my superiors, but to be attacked like this? It is even more troubling that you seem unsurprised.

Well, I know I can still trust you. Let us find the diplomat, together.'

The Next Target

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, you find this. It was Captain Grool's next set of orders. It doesn't name the target, but from the location and amount of forces they're preparing, the only possible victim of the next assassination attempt must be Lady Grey herself!

A personal journal

This laptop belongs to Lt. Ceres. It's full of mad, paranoid ranting about how the Vanguard has lost its way, and may now be too 'weak' to do the job that the writer feels must be done.

The Diplomat's Body

The Diplomat's name was Bill J. Wylde, a former astronaut and one of the chief proponents of opening talks with the Rikti Traditionalist faction. He was definitely killed by Vanguard weapons, from behind at close range. This was an assassination, and whether or not the people responsible were renegades, Bill Wylde's death is going to cause a lot of trouble with Longbow.

An Unfinished Letter

This handwritten letter is unfinished and discarded, probably an early draft. It's addressed to a woman named 'Martha", and attempts to explain the deep regrets the author feels regarding the harsh actions he and the rest of the Sword must undertake for the good of humanity. It's unaddressed and unfinished, so there's no way to know who Martha was, or if she ever recieved it.


From what you've found, the situation with the renegades is worse than I suspected. And now Longbow has a stake in it. Tendaji's a good guy, but the murder of Mr. Wylde is too much. He's going to go to 'W.M. Dietrich', and then there's going to be trouble. But we have to concentrate on putting down these renegades first and that means stopping the assassination on Lady Grey. Or does it? Hmm... You know, I've got an idea...

Spring the trap on the Renegade Swords

The Red and the Black
Part: Three


Here's the plan, Character. The Renegades are gathering a large number of their forces for an assassination attempt on Lady Grey. I've talked to her and she's going to walk right into the trap. Only now the trap is for them, not for her. You're going to be there as her back-up, you and any allies you want to bring. We're going to break this conspiracy and put an end to this today.

The Renegades planned to get Lady Grey alone and then swarm her with hit-squads. They might have had a chance, too, but not anymore. You have two objectives: first, you have to get Lady Grey to safety. If she falls, even if we're able to miniport her back out, that still will count as a victory for the Renegades. Your secondary objective is to eliminate all the assassin squads. Good luck.

Mission Objective(s)

Lady Grey is waiting as the bait in this trap. Time to spring it!

  • Trap the Renegades
    • Find Lady Grey
    • 3 assassin squads
    • Escort Lady Grey to Safety

You protected Lady Grey and defeated all of the assassins.

Colonel Toros: Character is helping Lady Grey escape!

We must strike now!
No one gets out alive!



Notable NPCs

Lady Grey: We are becoming most exasperated by these attempts on Our person.

Lady Grey: An admirable performance, Character. We shall see you back at headquarters.

Captain Nin: Time for a little help!

Lt. Further: My triumph will be glorious!
Lt. Further: Come on, Men! Get Character!


Good job! The Renegades are sure to get desperate now, and that may draw them out and give us a chance to put an end to them. That is, unless someone does something stupid...

Capture Captain Racer

The Red and the Black
Part: Four


With their attempt on Lady Grey a failure, the Renegade Sword units are on edge. They're making mistakes and now one of their key intelligence officers, Captain Racer, is exposed. Your mission is to catch him and bring him in.

We need to know what the Renegades are doing and what they plan to do next. You'll have to take care of any opposition on-site, but keep on-task. We need to find out their plans.

Mission Objective(s)

The minute you walk in, you hear the sounds of fighting. Something's very wrong.

  • Catch Captain Racer
    • Find Captain Racer
    • Defeat Racer's Captor

You didn't find what you were looking for, but Lt. Tendaji did give you a clue.

Longbow Flamethrower: All Vanguard personnel are to stand down!

Vanguard Ranger: Can't you see? This is the only way!

Longbow Flamethrower: All Vanguard troops are to stand down!

Vanguard Ranger: We're so close! Can't lose now!



Notable NPCs

Lt. Sefu Tendaji: How did it come to this?

Lt. Sefu Tendaji: This is on Ms. Liberty's order. The Vanguard have gone too far!

Lt. Sefu Tendaji: You fight well, but your cause is lost.

Lt. Sefu Tendaji: You won a good fight. Now let me tell you something.

'I am very worried, my friend'

Always an honorable man, Lt. Sefu Tendaji took a moment to talk to you after you defeated him.

'I am very worried, my friend. I know that these are renegades, but people are afraid, and there are many Longbow who have never trusted the Vanguard. In fact, we've had a secret monitoring station in the area for some time, listening in on Vanguard communications. It has been busy recording all of the activity among the Renegades lately, particularly after you stopped their assassination attempt.

Unfortunately, I do not have access to the listening station, but I believe that whatever the Renegades are up to can be found in those records.'

Racer's Remains

You found some of the information you were looking for, but not everything, and you can't ask Captain Racer for more. He swallowed a poison capsule, opting to die rather than reveal his secrets to Longbow... Or you.


This is what I was afraid of. Knowledge of the Sword Renegades is out and people are scared. Incandescent is doing her best, but Longbow is Ms. Liberty's force and the people love her. Now Ms. Liberty has decided that Longbow should handle the Rikti situation and that Vanguard should join up or stand down. She's said that we're superfluous, a danger, and that Longbow has the troops and gear to take on the Rikti better than we can. After all of this, I can see where she's coming from. She may have a point. More than that, she may be right. But I don't look good in red and white. We have to handle this.

Raid hidden Longbow data center

The Red and the Black
Part: Five


Longbow's been wrapping up all of our leads as they're trying to seize control of the situation and get enough rope to hang us. But we're not out of it yet. Lt. Tendaji strongly hinted to you about a Longbow listening base they have hidden in the zone, and we've found it. If they have the information that Tendaji implied that they did, it could help us confirm what we think the Renegades are up to. We need all the information we can get to stop them and we can find it in only one place: that Longbow Base.

All we want in there is the data. Unfortunately, the base will be staffed, and most likely there will be security responses each time you get some of the information. Still, it would be best if you could do this without any unnecessary action. I have my own problems with Longbow, but we're all on the same side against the Rikti.

Mission Objective(s)

It looks like Sefu wasn't kidding. There's a complete Longbow base hidden here!

  • Steal data from Longbow
    • 3 data thefts

You got the information you were looking for.



Notable NPCs

Security Squad Leader: Something's happened to that patrol!

Lt. Rush: BWAH-HA-HA! Let's fight, then!

Captured Vanguard Gear

This crate is filled with gear captured from Vanguard agents. There's also a lot of technological items re-captured after being stolen by Sword Renegades. There's enough here to build some kind of portal-related device.

A Tactical Projection

This unfinished but well-researched report details one Agent Ikah's theories about recent Vanguard activity. Ikah lays out the probability of a renegade branch within the Vanguard and then analyzes their recent actions. His conclusion is that if they make an attempt on Lady Grey's life and fail, they'll likely take a desperate measure to cut off what they see as the source of all their problems at the source, and made an attempt to destroy the conduit between our world and the Rikti homeworld. It sounds like a good idea, but as Ikah points out, the barriers between Earth and Rikti Earth are so weak right now, such an action could have unimaginably bad consequences.

Transmission Logs

There is a massive amount of data here, a record of every transmission made by a Vanguard Unit. It looks like they sorted them all by branch. There are even separate files for the Renegades' transmissions. The listening post must have assumed they were a new branch.


This is bad. If Longbow is right, and I think they are, the Renegades are about to cause a catastrophe. If they manage to use the device they're building to destroy the inter-dimensional corridor between our world and the Rikti Homeworld, it won't seal the thing off, it will open them up. To EVERYTHING. It could change the laws of physics, free the Rularuu, and worse. They have to be stopped.

Stop the Renegades

The Red and the Black
Part: Finale


See Also