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=== Peacebringers ===
=== Peacebringers ===
For the Peacebringers, the top one We know of is [[Sunstorm]]. He seems to have some clout, as Shadowstar refers to him when mentioning the truce between the Peacebringers and Warshades. [[Moonfire]], however, seems to be the Kheld "PR" department and liaison with other superheroes and hero groups.
[[Sunstorm]] is the primary liason and contact for Peacebringers. He appears in Atlas Park. He explains, however, he is not in a leadership position.  
[[Moonfire]] exists in Striga Isle. She is also not part of leadership.  

As for a "ruling body," the Kheldians ARE extragalactic. While there may be a "ruling council" or something similar, the Peacebringers on earth don't seem to refer to them.
The Kheldians have a ruling council, but do not refer to them.

=== Nictus ===
=== Nictus ===

Revision as of 05:45, 15 August 2024

Horus - a Peacebringer - and Requiem - a Nictus - as seen in the Blue King CoH comic book.
Editor's Note:

Much of this article is copied with permission from Memphis Bill's Kheldian Backstory guide 1.0. As such, it may contain an informal tone, and more references to how players can roleplay than other articles.


Kheldians are an alien species that was introduced to the game as part of the backstory for heroic "Epic" Archetypes. The playable Kheldians are Peacebringers and Warshades; the villainous Epic Archetypes are Soldiers and Widows. These archetypes are intended to have their own storyline, or "epic," to follow from levels 1-50; to that end, they have special contacts and missions that are unlocked as players level up. Because of the archetype-specific storyline, players that wish to roleplay a Kheldian accurately according to the game lore have less freedom with a character's backstory than other archetypes. Kheldians are also designed to be a "jack of all trades" style of archetype. Because of this, they are locked in to two powersets that have many more abilities than traditional powersets, and give players different shapeshifting forms to choose from. The changes to their powersets and especially the different forms give the Kheldians a significantly different play style from other archetypes.


Kheldians are energy beings from outside our galaxy. They have the ability to join with human hosts in a (usually) symbiotic relationship. When this happens, the two separate personalities merge into one new one with its own identity and name. There are three types you'll typically encounter in the City of Heroes universe: Peacebringers, Nictus and Warshades.


Peacebringers are, in essence, the armed forces of the Kheldian population, and are dedicated to hunting down the Nictus.


Nictus were the ruling class of the Kheldians, known at the time as Science Lords, who started feeding off of the rest of the Kheldian population after scientifically altering themselves.


Warshades are Nictus who, per the Kheldian lore guide, were "horrified" at the plans of the Nictus and turned to fight against them to defend Humanity.


The native lifespan of a Kheldian is from 10-20 years, per the original Kheldian lore bible. It is noted that reproduction can lower that.

By joining with a series of hosts, the lifespan can be extended near-indefinitely.

Host Relationship

When merging, the Kheldian and the host merge to form a new, combined entity.

The Kheldian's lifespan is extended, as is that of the host, who also gets new abilities.

A Nictus can take over an unwilling host, if the host's willpower is low. A host with enough willpower can keep control or force the Nictus out.

Only one Kheldian at a time can inhabit a host.


Natively, Kheldians are primarily energy beings with no defined shape. The Kheldian lore bible does mention them forming a "shell" and interacting with material items via tentacles formed of energy.


The Nova form is a tentacled creature with ranged attacks and inherent flight.

The Bright Novas are from their native gas giant's upper reaches, and are called Mefnanim. The Dark Novas are from the depths of the same planet, and called Hulmanim.


The Dwarf form is a higher resistance, tank type form with primarily melee attacks.

The White Dwarf form's native race name is Kurukt, living on neutron stars. The Black Dwarf form is named the Ruktur, living on the surface of a pulsar.



Sunstorm is the primary liason and contact for Peacebringers. He appears in Atlas Park. He explains, however, he is not in a leadership position. Moonfire exists in Striga Isle. She is also not part of leadership.

The Kheldians have a ruling council, but do not refer to them.


For the Nictus - Arakhn is the head cheese. On the other hand, Requiem says

"When we are done and this world is under our rule, the Nictus will need a leader if we are to stave off the certain Peacebringer assault and quell the growing number of Warshades. If you show such weakness again, you shall not live to challenge me for the title."

so it's hardly a "secure" position. Arakhn's also in charge of the Galaxy troops and Void Hunter mercenaries, while Requiem has the War Wolves.


Shadowstar is not the leader but a helper similar to Sunstorm.

How long have they been here?

A very long time. As mentioned before, Shadowstar has been around since the time of ancient Egypt. The Nictus have definitely been here at least as long, given references to the Path of the Dark (using Shadow Seeds - essentially Nictus Cysts) being here since Ancient Rome - and they sounded pretty well established by that time. (The cyst in Ravenna mentioned in the PotD arc has been there since the 5th century AD.)

How long have the Peacebringers been here? We don't know. There are many scattered around the globe, some joined, some not - Sunstorm makes mention of them, as does Moonfire. They have chased the Nictus "across half the universe."

(Spoiler) Requiem planned to use Shadow Cysts ('Shadow Seeds') planted across the globe to take over and make Earth a new Nictus homeworld. During the Kheld arcs, you find a 70 year old map showing the plans. So they've been growing and planning this for quite some time. Why they've waited this long? Hard to say. One guess is that it's a combination of an increased Peacebringer presence and technology finally getting to a point where they can force Nictus into unwilling hosts en masse. (Moonfire TF.)

How did they GET here?

Kheldians are able to use a combination of their light form and alien forms to propel themselves great distances at faster-than-light speeds. A forum post quoting Avatea details the mechanism:


This description comes from FloatingFatMan, who requested an explanation from the devs to write some fan fiction, the first part of which illustrates the method of travel described: [2]

Interestingly, the City of Heroes comic shows the Peacebringer that joined with Horus arriving in a spaceship, but those comics aren't exactly canon (for instance, they show the Nova form as the Kheld native form). It is possible that the Kheldian was injured an unable to travel the ordinary way or that it had other items in the ship that it couldn't carry with it while in light form.

Although it can be assumed that Nictus are able to travel in a similar manner, they can also be transported within Shadow Cysts. The following is pure conjecture: Nictus can travel great distances very quickly, by using a Shadow Cyst. The Cysts are made by (or from) weakened Nictus, and are quite tough. It is plausible that a colony of Nictus, weakened, became encysted and scattered like dandelion seeds, with one landing on Earth some millenia ago.

Creating Cysts requires three things - a weakened Nictus, the "right" crystals, and the "right" energy available. This leads to some of the speculation at the end of the guide - that the reason there was no earlier attempt to take over Earth is that we were too primitive until recently. Now, though, more cysts could be made and a takeover could be contemplated.

Not Quite Kheldians

Let's break these into three levels:

Quantum Gunners

Quantums are nothing more than your average bad guy who is armed with a Quantum Array Gun. These smack Kheldians rather hard, but other than that, they're just a thug.

Galaxy Troops

Galaxy troops are soldiers who have been infused with Nictus fragments ("pieces" of dying or weakened Nictus, though it seems healthy ones can create them too.) They are given some Warshade-like attacks (such as Ebon Bolt and Gravimetric Snare.) Not all of them are volunteers.

Galaxy troops can opt to go for a "full conversion" after a while to a full Nictus - most likely, given other in game comments, because the shards integrate more fully into the host, get stronger, and keep making the suggestion (plus the "longing for space" that's mentioned.) It's mentioned in a story arc that the conversion rate for Galaxy troops to full Nictus is reaching 40%.

Void Hunters

Void Hunter mercenaries are the real baddies, as far as Kheldians are concerned. They're infused with far more Nictus fragments which have been modified with Quantum energy and are out hunting Khelds. They have a Quantum Array gun, as well as additional Nictus damage when in melee that affects the Kheldian inside the host. Their altered fragments provide them with energy resistance, instead of the attacks the Galaxy troops get.

Arakhn's in charge of the Void Hunter mercenaries, though Requiem's secretly been sending "loyalists" to undergo the process. (Shadow Science.)


Two other types of creatures come up in conversations about these - War Wolves and Vampyrii. Failed Galaxy conversions can create War Wolves, though there is also some separate process geared specifically towards making them. Vampyrii are made in a completely separate process that has nothing to do with Nictus shards or Kheldians at all.

There is a portion of the Kheldian story arcs that has you dealing with "shadow" enemies - Shadow freaks, Shadow Vampyrii and the like. These are Freaks and Vampyrii that have been infused with Nictus fragments. Nosferatu himself was considering it. But the fragments have NOTHING to do with the original creation of Vampyrii.


We don't know how Khelds reproduce. Nictus, however, have a means apparently available to them (hinted at in the Galaxy soldier section.) In order to make a Galaxy soldier, N-fragments ("pieces" of a Nictus) are implanted. We don't know how many pieces it takes, or how many you can get from a dying Nictus. 40% of those troops (at this point) opt to become full Nictus. If you can get more than one set of shards from a Nictus - and given there's a bit about creating them from healthy Nictus, as well - you can have multiple Nictus created from one. How much of the original Nictus personality remains is unknown.

In-game, the Peacebringers seem surprised by this, so they most likely have some other means available to them.

We don't know of "native" Kheld gender. The hosts obviously have gender, but native Khelds - unknown.


Of course, part of the fun is naming your character. There are no hard-and-fast rules about Kheldian naming. Everything I thought I found for Peacebringers had some exception. I THOUGHT the name would be "solar object + light reference" but that's broken by Sunstorm, Moonbow and Freeflight... so go nuts. Warshades SEEM to have a "shadow" reference to them - but people seem to go that way (shadow/dark) with them as it is, given their dark coloration in-form.

The names, by the way, are the names of the joined beings. Shadowstar's daughter Lilian is slated to become "the new" Shadowstar, so it's an inherited name or title.

Native Kheldian names? We know of some - Altered Umbra, Perihelion, and Dirge of Entropy. The best "explanation" for these names is it's the best fit our minds and language can come up with for Kheldian names. They are, after all, energy beings.

Some names from within the game:
Peacebringer: Sunstorm (Kheld named Perihelion,) Freeflight, Moonfire, Coldstar, Fullalbedo, Moonbow, Brightshift
Warshade: Shadowstar, Shadowcatcher (Nictus named Altered Umbra), Romulus
Nictus: Requiem (Nictus named Dirge of Entropy,) Arakhn

So just pick something that sounds good to you.

Other bits and pieces, speculation and references

Don't take any of the below as canon. It's just loose speculation or interesting tidbits.

  • Requiem is called Science Lord in the original COH comic. Again, though - not canon.
  • Earth was either not interesting enough, not advanced enough, or not needed for takeover earlier. Given "recent" advances (Nictus takeover map = 70 years old, Industrial Revolution = 1800s, now up to nuclear power, quantum physics, and space travel) we may have just gotten VERY interesting or much more useful. Nictus may even be (in game, obviously) a driving force behind some advances. Nothing in game to back this up other than needing the "right" energy and crystals for a cyst. It's just an interesting choice time-wise.
  • The closest star is 4.2 light years away. Unless Peacebringers have hosts that can survive interstellar space, something Cyst-like or can 'hibernate' as well, it would take nearly half a Kheldian's natural life to get here (assuming that, as an energy being and having no mass, they could travel at the speed of light.) On the other hand, traveling at very near the speed of light results in time dilation effects that shorten the trip significantly for the traveler. Since lifespan is a subjective matter in most cases, a Kheldian traveling in natural form at or near the speed of light may not age during the trip.
  • Shadowstar's been mentioned in "ancient Egypt," which gives us 2000-5000 years to work with. Board speculation (or bored speculation?) came up with an interesting idea - that Egyptian funeral rites could have been influenced by experience with the Nictus, with the Pyramids as a hiding point for a Cyst. Nothing in game supporting it, but it's an interesting idea to play with. (Fuzun.)

Most of the "in game" quotation was made easier by having to refer to, on my part, as well as being able to go back and read through story arcs.

You can, if you don't mind spoilers, go to and read through the Moonfire, Sunstorm, Shadowstar and general Kheldian arc for information, as well as the Issue 3 introduction of Kheldians over at the City of Heroes homepage.