Multidimensional Badge
Multidimensional is an exploration badge for visiting an instanced map for certain missions, such as the Hydra missions from Tina Macintyre and Unai Kemen.
This badge is awarded for spending any amount of time on the mission map that appears in either of the Hydra missions from Tina Macintyre, and the Hydra mission from Unai Kemen. The badge is awarded after a random period of time while on the map, or will be rewarded immediately if you leave the map.
This badge is awarded for spending time on a particular mission map regardless of the mission it's used in. This means that Heroes may receive this badge in unintended missions.
This badge is only awarded to characters of the hero or vigilante alignments. Although credit for this badge may be earned by villains or rogues, the badge will not be awarded to a character until they change alignment.