Villain Exploration Badges

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Badges listed on this page are just those that are earnable by villains without alignment changes.

Exploration Badges by Zone

Badge tourism hazard.png The Abyss

There are eight known exploration badges in The Abyss.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Reborn The Abyss 679-544-3189[Copy]
Geneticist The Abyss -577-35-1113[Copy]
Here Be Dragons The Abyss -236-43352[Copy]
Caged Beast The Abyss -43-44-135[Copy]
No Escape The Abyss -291-29-687[Copy]
Hamidon's Ire The Abyss -823-43-1183[Copy]
The Tree of Woe The Abyss 1399-44-1499[Copy]
Abyssal Gaze The Abyss 1061-48-2222[Copy]

V badge TourismBadge.png Bloody Bay

There are eight known exploration badges in Bloody Bay.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Crooked Politician Bloody Bay 2265137-832[Copy]
All Consuming Bloody Bay -11940-743[Copy]
Imploding Bloody Bay 18851291337[Copy]
Ghoulish Bloody Bay 9165360[Copy]
What Lurks Beyond Bloody Bay -1490.0-23.0-1883.0[Copy]
Burgermeister Bloody Bay 1948.0-15.01806.0[Copy]
Mostly Harmless Bloody Bay -192.096.02064.0[Copy]
Restless Bloody Bay -792.02.0459.0[Copy]

V badge TourismBadge.png Breakout

There is one known exploration badge in Breakout.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Jail Bird Breakout -2314-103970[Copy]

V badge TourismBadge.png Cap au Diable

There are eight known exploration badges in Cap au Diable.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Sparky Cap au Diable -2432294-1248[Copy]
Media Junky Cap au Diable -894248-1458[Copy]
Egghead Cap au Diable 94198-1441[Copy]
Steamed Cap au Diable -2426224-472[Copy]
Sweet Tooth Cap au Diable -2220-2136[Copy]
Doom Sayer Cap au Diable 22340-1330[Copy]
Master of Science Cap au Diable -446430-328[Copy]
Circle Gazer Cap au Diable -13037-2394[Copy]

Badge tourist 01.png Cimerora

There are eight known exploration badges in Cimerora.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Depths of Time Cimerora -110894262[Copy]
Battle-Hardened Cimerora -1006.2265.53113.5[Copy]
Sanctuary Cimerora 1633.4-55.35206.6[Copy]
Voice of the Oracle Cimerora 1012.0389.54930.0[Copy]
Out of Bounds Cimerora -1002.0137.93124.4[Copy]
Human Nature Cimerora -975.3227.81389.3[Copy]
Vision of Ambition Cimerora -1724.0368.51327.0[Copy]
Darkness Unleashed Cimerora -169.2192.31489.8[Copy]

Badge tourism hazard.png Dark Astoria

There are eight known exploration badges in Dark Astoria.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Folly's Victim Dark Astoria 22281764896[Copy]
Palace of Stone Leaves Dark Astoria 4160-42720[Copy]
Auspice Avernus Dark Astoria 10151152371[Copy]
Death's Head Supplicant Dark Astoria 1727233905[Copy]
Walker on the Profane Ascent Dark Astoria 2829193793[Copy]
Witness of Oaths Dark Astoria 29091914574[Copy]
Life out of Death Dark Astoria 61971172444[Copy]
Of Things Unclean Dark Astoria 936-14321[Copy]

Badge tourism hazard.png Echo: Dark Astoria

There are eight known exploration badges in Echo: Dark Astoria.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Dark Mystic Echo: Dark Astoria 167862833[Copy]
Seeker of the Unknown Echo: Dark Astoria 1868-801352[Copy]
Cairn Warder Echo: Dark Astoria 102651218[Copy]
Whisperer on Witchburn Hill Echo: Dark Astoria 11511161921[Copy]
Phantom Radio Echo: Dark Astoria 29852043676[Copy]
Too Dark Park Echo: Dark Astoria 935-14321[Copy]
Astoria's Last Stand Echo: Dark Astoria 47876727[Copy]
The Sleeper Below Echo: Dark Astoria 1431-77673[Copy]

Badge tourist 01.png Echo: Rikti Crash Site

There are eight known exploration badges in Echo: Rikti Crash Site.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Ace Echo: Rikti War Zone 1360293-274[Copy]
Powerful Echo: Rikti Crash Site 27684-745[Copy]
Under Fire Echo: Rikti Crash Site 16280-1046[Copy]
Scarred Echo: Rikti Crash Site 3216-137-3198[Copy]
Asunder Echo: Rikti Crash Site 397034-3852[Copy]
Eyewitness Echo: Rikti Crash Site 1820471-4606[Copy]
Communications Specialist Echo: Rikti Crash Site 960171-1174[Copy]
Shielded Echo: Rikti Crash Site 2934-10-6249[Copy]

Badge TourismPraetoria.png First Ward

There are eight known exploration badges in First Ward.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Dearly Departed First Ward -218877486[Copy]
Eye of the Vortex First Ward 178947-173[Copy]
Fearless Insurgent First Ward -62657-2656[Copy]
Shell Shocked First Ward 829231955[Copy]
Mayhem's Prodigal First Ward 24692512254[Copy]
Shadow Walker First Ward -12020-1952[Copy]
Vengeance Seeker First Ward 14442193459[Copy]
Witness for the Fallen First Ward 18113-677[Copy]

V badge TourismBadge.png Grandville

There are eight known exploration badges in Grandville.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Overlord Grandville 1358-441-596[Copy]
Sewer Dweller Grandville 2682-443-731[Copy]
Guttersnipe Grandville 2861-4752310[Copy]
Master / Mistress of the Airwaves Grandville 27267341043[Copy]
Passing Fab Grandville 2496-848-3016[Copy]
Image Crasher Grandville 2677243826[Copy]
Line Holder Grandville 1728-400656[Copy]
Gutter Bait Grandville 2573-282-238[Copy]

Badge TourismPraetoria.png Imperial City

There are nine known exploration badges in Imperial City.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Gold Digger Imperial City 28028-2288[Copy]
Mercy Missionary Imperial City -5820-3763[Copy]
Park Ranger Imperial City -1279-87-512[Copy]
Praetorian of Privilege Imperial City -1607-132426[Copy]
Seen Imperial City -460-56-336[Copy]
Seer Imperial City -2838-122603[Copy]
Tiberian Overseer Imperial City 5641093168[Copy]
Tuned In Imperial City -1370-32-1731[Copy]
Going Rouge Imperial City -2358-16934[Copy]

Badge tourist 01.png Kallisti Wharf

There is one known exploration badge in Kallisti Wharf.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
On the Shoulders of Giants Kallisti Wharf 42861482720[Copy]

V badge TourismBadge.png Mercy Island

There are eight known exploration badges in Mercy Island.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Cesspool Mercy Island -32268-2656[Copy]
Snake Charmer Mercy Island -38542-1712[Copy]
Chum Mercy Island -40486-1854[Copy]
Fortified Mercy Island -2497304-440[Copy]
The Next Big Thing Mercy Island -1215239-153[Copy]
Widower / Widow Mercy Island -3890407354[Copy]
First Rule Mercy Island -7465-1602[Copy]
Tiki Fan Mercy Island -1836239438[Copy]

V badge TourismBadge.png Midnighter Club

There is one known exploration badge in the Midnighter Club.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Midnighter Club Member Midnighter Club 1050-150[Copy]

Badge tourism hazard.png Monster Island

There are eight known exploration badges in Monster Island.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Monster Islander Monster Island -24371-8276[Copy]
The Roar of the Beast Monster Island -1938-17-7960[Copy]
Rikti Monkey Island Monster Island -29810-5449[Copy]
Monsters' Playthings Monster Island -13000-7608[Copy]
Dark Garden Monster Island -2171-1-6446[Copy]
Grim Fandango Monster Island -14980-6344[Copy]
Misfit Monstrosity Monster Island 29310-7405[Copy]
Monster Factory Monster Island -170547-7378[Copy]

V badge TourismBadge.png Nerva Archipelago

There are eight known exploration badges in the Nerva Archipelago.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Watcher on the Knoll Nerva Archipelago -93855434[Copy]
Locked and Loaded Nerva Archipelago 32861263645[Copy]
Nerva Wreck Nerva Archipelago 1388102876[Copy]
Primal Instinct Nerva Archipelago 2304-110798[Copy]
Tree Hugger Nerva Archipelago -16512-180[Copy]
Unethical Tourist Nerva Archipelago -644166712[Copy]
Blind Eye Nerva Archipelago 35261413886[Copy]
Soother Nerva Archipelago 1236811396[Copy]

Badge TourismPraetoria.png Neutropolis

There are eight known exploration badges in Neutropolis.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Airlift Neutropolis 7228-711280[Copy]
Don't Drink It Neutropolis 6905-232461[Copy]
Eyes to the Future Neutropolis 1854974-648[Copy]
Longshoreman / Longshorewoman Neutropolis 2924-561375[Copy]
Moar Power Neutropolis 57602242244[Copy]
Stockpiling Neutropolis 5182-56-457[Copy]
Stuff of Life Neutropolis 2228-58-649[Copy]
Urban Renewal Neutropolis 6356-64-1206[Copy]

Badge TourismPraetoria.png Night Ward

There are eight known exploration badges in Night Ward.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Nocturnal Pilgrim Night Ward -233484-37[Copy]
Happy Camper Night Ward 104272029[Copy]
House Hunter Night Ward 1699-577-1975[Copy]
Abandoned Soul Night Ward -41148-2623[Copy]
Dead but Dreaming Night Ward 901231997[Copy]
Follow the Light Night Ward 127649-2134[Copy]
Monolithic Night Ward -2605752031[Copy]
Stargazer Night Ward 178944-227[Copy]

Badge TourismPraetoria.png Nova Praetoria

There are eight known exploration badges in Nova Praetoria.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Ambitious Nova Praetoria -54201089-255[Copy]
Citizen Cole Nova Praetoria -3090-4-255[Copy]
Civic Minded Nova Praetoria -486233-256[Copy]
Guardians of Justice Nova Praetoria -5097290-830[Copy]
Into the Wild Nova Praetoria -6637-121728[Copy]
Technophile Nova Praetoria -6336-162[Copy]
Un-Civil Society Nova Praetoria -451832-256[Copy]
On the Waterfront Nova Praetoria -6748-7672[Copy]

V badge TourismBadge.png Ouroboros

There is one known exploration badge in Ouroboros.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Chrononaut Ouroboros 543868-768[Copy]

V badge TourismBadge.png Pocket D

There are two known exploration badges in Pocket D.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Big Time Pocket D -16320-1362[Copy]
Trucker Pocket D 200-3-1101[Copy]

V badge TourismBadge.png Port Oakes

There are eight known exploration badges in Port Oakes.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Scurvy Dog Port Oakes -2852821216[Copy]
Washed Up Port Oakes -390316-1369[Copy]
Powder Monkey Port Oakes -3738238-1128[Copy]
Driller Port Oakes 103081982[Copy]
Long Walk Port Oakes -703128211[Copy]
Big Spider Port Oakes -102397-896[Copy]
Commuter's Woe Port Oakes 177164-696[Copy]
Hidden Getaway Port Oakes 365128-2424[Copy]

V badge TourismBadge.png Recluse's Victory

There are eight known exploration badges in Recluse's Victory.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Globetrotter Recluse's Victory 12816-249[Copy]
Ragnarok Recluse's Victory -848-15-352[Copy]
Dark Victory Recluse's Victory 102742-1420[Copy]
Last Stand Recluse's Victory 10830-136[Copy]
A Scar in Time Recluse's Victory 552.374.3-1415.9[Copy]
True Neutral Recluse's Victory -0.316.3511.9[Copy]
Sick of Time Travel Recluse's Victory -653.20.363.7[Copy]
Watch Your Back Recluse's Victory -1343.7-41.7-1539.7[Copy]

Badge tourism hazard.png Rikti War Zone

There are eight known exploration badges in Rikti War Zone.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Vanguard Operative Rikti War Zone 328-1188-2445[Copy]
Trespasser Rikti War Zone 9782-737[Copy]
Lifesaver Rikti War Zone -42515-206[Copy]
Base Jumper Rikti War Zone 34340511[Copy]
Homewrecker Rikti War Zone 35660-759[Copy]
Luscious Rikti War Zone 4243-24-1862[Copy]
Junkyard Dog Rikti War Zone 14740-3722[Copy]
Unabashed Rikti War Zone 2947-18-5638[Copy]

V badge TourismBadge.png Sharkhead Isle

There are eight known exploration badges in Sharkhead Isle.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Razor Toothed Sharkhead Isle 460-141653[Copy]
Forged by Hellfire Sharkhead Isle 197064-192[Copy]
Freak of Nature Sharkhead Isle 122990-2183[Copy]
Pit Viper Sharkhead Isle 148-3771500[Copy]
Sky Chaser Sharkhead Isle 3041272309[Copy]
Unwelcome Guest Sharkhead Isle -63411437[Copy]
Sky Trader Sharkhead Isle -207756512[Copy]
Carping the Diem Sharkhead Isle -18-1986[Copy]

V badge TourismBadge.png Siren's Call

There are eight known exploration badges in Siren's Call.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Hangman / Hangwoman Siren's Call -1133-165-1193[Copy]
Politician Siren's Call 6650961[Copy]
Broad Shoulders Siren's Call 259-63362[Copy]
Piratical Siren's Call -1631-144-867[Copy]
Wasted Resources Siren's Call -122771-324[Copy]
Hot Dog Siren's Call 14901472[Copy]
Still Standing Siren's Call 105191-325[Copy]
Volatile Siren's Call -300-132-634[Copy]

V badge TourismBadge.png St. Martial

There are eight known exploration badges in St. Martial.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Deuces Wild St. Martial -3325-29-436[Copy]
Crimelord St. Martial -8969-1496[Copy]
Stonekeeper St. Martial -25661203001[Copy]
Camel Snot St. Martial -18855952046[Copy]
Dead Man's Tree St. Martial 1670121-2228[Copy]
Slumlord St. Martial -202-74-852[Copy]
Infamous Rubble St. Martial -48511531868[Copy]
Showstopper St. Martial -219816-1953[Copy]

Badge TourismPraetoria.png Underground - Imperial City

There are eight known exploration badges in Underground Imperial.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Broken Mind Underground Imperial -14393361713[Copy]
Condemning Underground Imperial -815330-6169[Copy]
Engineer Underground Imperial -2015464-193[Copy]
Eyes of the Dark Underground Imperial -1246335-2429[Copy]
Hoarder Underground Imperial -1101496-4913[Copy]
Lowlife Underground Imperial -862272-5215[Copy]
Silent Witness Underground Imperial -2482335-591[Copy]
Underground Explorer Underground Imperial Multiple Locations [Copy]

Badge TourismPraetoria.png Underground - Neutropolis

There are eight known exploration badges in Underground Neutropolis.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Binge Eater Underground Neutropolis -82-1024-3495[Copy]
Cluttered Underground Neutropolis -2539-1216-3033[Copy]
Drink Enriche! Underground Neutropolis -1231-1249-1316[Copy]
Grade F Underground Neutropolis -3050-1248-2239[Copy]
Keeping the Lights On Underground Neutropolis -2378-1222-1455[Copy]
Ready for Anything Underground Neutropolis -1859-1248-4112[Copy]
Nailbiter Underground Neutropolis 238-1216-2189[Copy]
The New Boss Underground Neutropolis -399-1200-2696[Copy]

Badge TourismPraetoria.png Underground - Nova Praetoria

There are eight known exploration badges in Underground Nova.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Clockwork Mechanic Underground Nova -3504512-783[Copy]
Disappeared Underground Nova -2640641-1312[Copy]
Ferryman / Ferrywoman of the Damned Underground Nova -1407506-1506[Copy]
Morbid Underground Nova -1280640-3024[Copy]
Secret Prisoner Underground Nova Multiple Locations [Copy]
Trainspotter Underground Nova -1840511-760[Copy]
Urban Spelunker Underground Nova Multiple Locations [Copy]
Warrior at the Gate Underground Nova -3200511-48[Copy]

V badge TourismBadge.png Warburg

There are eight known exploration badges in Warburg.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Weapon of Mass Destruction Warburg -7681440[Copy]
Tunnel Rat Warburg -12190143[Copy]
Triumphant Warburg 22827433[Copy]
Disassembled Warburg -812.018.0-489.0[Copy]
Forcibly Evicted Warburg 4.0-64.0-436.0[Copy]
Herculean Warburg 1955.0120.0-338.0[Copy]
Nuclear Warburg 363.0-57.0-335.0[Copy]
Game Over Warburg -1178.098.0-724.0[Copy]

Other Exploration Badges

V badge TourismBadge.png Mayhem Missions

There are nine known exploration badges in Mayhem Missions.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Global Threat Atlas Park Mayhem 15430660[Copy]
King Maker Kings Row Mayhem -252-42-2515[Copy]
Road Raged Skyway City Mayhem -64642-4031[Copy]
Steel Worker Steel Canyon Mayhem -460001497[Copy]
Tyrannical Independence Port Mayhem -1211-24-2702[Copy]
Talon of Talos Talos Island Mayhem -14381606877[Copy]
Brickhouse Brickstown Mayhem -1610-147[Copy]
Anarchist Founder's Falls Mayhem -380242687[Copy]
Gate Crasher Peregrine Island Mayhem -11540-3079[Copy]

Badge tourism hazard.png Instanced Missions

There are three known exploration badges in Instanced Missions.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Cage Fighter Instanced Arena Map -190-24-1329[Copy]
Shady Instanced Mission [Copy]
Multidimensional Instanced Mission [Copy]

V badge TourismBadge.png Architect Entertainment

There is one known exploration badge that can be found in any of the seven Architect Entertainment Buildings accessible to Villains.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Thrill Seeker AE Buildings [Copy]

Badge TourismPraetoria.png Other Praetorian Badges

There are two multi-part exploration badges in Praetoria.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
River Rat Multiple Zones Multiple Locations [Copy]
Rail Rider Multiple Zones Multiple Locations [Copy]

In-Game Sequential List

#BadgeHow to obtain
0 Party Animal Pocket D, Studio 55, and Paragon Dance Party
482 Crooked Politician / Lobbyist Bloody Bay (2264.0, 137.0, -831.5)[Copy]
483 All Consuming / Hungry Bloody Bay (-1193.5, -0.0, -742.0)[Copy]
484 Imploding Bloody Bay (1885.0, 128.5, 1337.0)[Copy]
485 Ghoulish Bloody Bay (92.5, 65.0, 359.5)[Copy]
486 What Lurks Beyond Bloody Bay (-1490.0, -23.2, -1883.0)[Copy]
487 Burgermeister / Burgermeisterin Bloody Bay (1948.0, -15.8, 1805.0)[Copy]
488 Mostly Harmless Bloody Bay (-192.0, 96.0, 2064.0)[Copy]
489 Restless Bloody Bay (-793.0, -0.0, 458.5)[Copy]
490 Sparky Cap au Diable (-2432.5, 294.0, -1247.5)[Copy]
491 Media Junky Cap au Diable (-893.0, 248.0, -1457.5)[Copy]
492 Egghead Cap au Diable (940.5, 98.0, -1440.0)[Copy]
493 Steamed Cap au Diable (-2426.0, 224.0, -471.0)[Copy]
494 Sweet Tooth Cap au Diable (-222.5, -0.5, -2134.5)[Copy]
495 Overlord Grandville (1357.5, -441.0, -596.5)[Copy]
496 Sewer Dweller Grandville (2681.5, -443.6, -729.5)[Copy]
497 Guttersnipe Grandville (2861.5, -475.7, 2311.5)[Copy]
498 Master of the Airwaves / Mistress of the Airwaves Grandville (2726.5, 734.0, 1044.5)[Copy]
499 Cesspool Mercy Island (-322.5, 67.4, -2656.5)[Copy]
500 Snake Charmer Mercy Island (-384.5, 42.2, -1711.5)[Copy]
501 Chum Mercy Island (-4047.0, 6.3, -1853.5)[Copy]
502 Fortified Mercy Island (-2496.5, 303.2, -439.0)[Copy]
503 The Next Big Thing Mercy Island (-1215.5, 239.0, -152.0)[Copy]
504 Widower / Widow Mercy Island (-3889.5, 407.0, 354.5)[Copy]
505 Watcher on the Knoll Nerva Archipelago (-94.0, 84.9, 5432.5)[Copy]
506 Locked and Loaded Nerva Archipelago (3286.5, 126.0, 3644.0)[Copy]
507 Nerva Wreck Nerva Archipelago (1388.5, 10.0, 2876.5)[Copy]
508 Primal Instinct Nerva Archipelago (2305.5, -109.9, 798.5)[Copy]
509 Tree Hugger Nerva Archipelago (-168.1, 12.0, -177.6)[Copy]
510 Scurvy Dog Port Oakes (-2852.0, 81.9, 1216.5)[Copy]
511 Washed Up Port Oakes (-3903.5, 15.5, -1369.5)[Copy]
512 Powder Monkey Port Oakes (-3738.5, 237.4, -1128.5)[Copy]
513 Driller Port Oakes (1030.0, 8.2, 1982.0)[Copy]
514 Globetrotter Recluse's Victory (128.0, 15.9, -247.5)[Copy]
515 Ragnarok Recluse's Victory (-848.5, -15.9, -350.5)[Copy]
516 Dark Victory / Temporal Fighter Recluse's Victory (1027.0, 42.0, -1418.0)[Copy]
517 Last Stand Recluse's Victory (1083.0, 0.1, -134.5)[Copy]
518 A Scar in Time Recluse's Victory (552.3, 74.0, -1416.0)[Copy]
519 True Neutral Recluse's Victory (0.0, 16.0, 512.0)[Copy]
520 Sick of Time Travel Recluse's Victory (-653.2, -0.0, 64.0)[Copy]
521 Watch Your Back Recluse's Victory (-1344.0, -42.0, -1540.0)[Copy]
522 Razor Toothed Sharkhead Isle (461.5, -15.4, 1652.0)[Copy]
523 Forged by Hellfire Sharkhead Isle (1968.0, 64.0, -192.0)[Copy]
524 Freak of Nature Sharkhead Isle (1228.0, 89.6, -2183.5)[Copy]
525 Pit Viper Sharkhead Isle (147.5, -377.8, 1498.5)[Copy]
526 Hangman / Hangwoman Siren's Call (-1134.5, -165.7, -1193.5)[Copy]
527 Politician Siren's Call (664.0, -0.0, 960.5)[Copy]
528 Broad Shoulders Siren's Call (257.5, -63.9, 361.0)[Copy]
529 Piratical Siren's Call (-1631.0, -144.0, -866.5)[Copy]
530 Wasted Resources Siren's Call (-1227.4, 71.0, -324.5)[Copy]
531 Hot Dog Siren's Call (149.0, -0.0, 1473.0)[Copy]
532 Still Standing Siren's Call (105.0, 190.8, -324.0)[Copy]
533 Volatile Siren's Call (-300.5, -132.5, -635.0)[Copy]
534 Deuces Wild St. Martial (-3325.5, -29.0, -434.5)[Copy]
535 Crimelord / Paroled St. Martial (-895.0, 9.2, -1496.0)[Copy]
536 Stonekeeper St. Martial (-2566.0, 119.5, 3000.5)[Copy]
537 Camel Snot St. Martial (-1885.0, 595.5, 2047.5)[Copy]
538 Jail Bird Breakout or The Pilgrim's Breakout flashback
539 Weapon of Mass Destruction / Weapon Inspector Warburg (-768.0, 143.5, -0.0)[Copy]
540 Tunnel Rat Warburg (-1218.0, 0.3, 143.5)[Copy]
541 Triumphant Warburg (228.0, 273.8, 32.0)[Copy]
542 Disassembled Warburg (-811.5, 18.0, -489.5)[Copy]
543 Forcibly Evicted Warburg (5.5, -64.0, -435.5)[Copy]
544 Herculean Warburg (1957.0, 119.4, -340.3)[Copy]
545 Nuclear Warburg (363.0, -57.5, -336.0)[Copy]
546 Game Over Warburg (-1177.5, 97.5, -724.0)[Copy]
547 Global Threat / Global Guardian Mayhem Mission Atlas Park
548 King Maker Mayhem Mission Kings Row
549 Road Raged Mayhem Mission Skyway City
550 Steel Worker Mayhem Mission Steel Canyon
551 Tyrannical / Revolutionary Mayhem Mission Independence Port
552 Talon of Talos Mayhem Mission Talos Island
553 Brickhouse Mayhem Mission Brickstown
554 Anarchist / Libertarian Mayhem Mission Founders' Falls
555 Gate Crasher / Gate Closer Mayhem Mission Peregrine Island
565 Cage Fighter Arena Cage Map instance
566 Big Time Pocket D (-162.5, 20.0, -1362.0)[Copy]
567 Trucker Pocket D (200.0, -3.0, -1101.5)[Copy]
568 Reborn The Abyss (678.0, -544.0, -3189.0)[Copy]
569 Geneticist The Abyss (-576.0, -36.0, -1115.5)[Copy]
570 Vanguard Operative Rikti War Zone (328.0, -69.0, -2444.5)[Copy]
571 Trespasser Rikti War Zone (978.5, 2.0, -738.0)[Copy]
572 Powerful Echo: Rikti Crash Site (276.0, 84.0, -745.0)[Copy]
573 Lifesaver Rikti War Zone (-425.5, 15.0, -207.0)[Copy]
574 Under Fire Echo: Rikti Crash Site (1629.0, 0.0, -1047.0)[Copy]
575 Base Jumper Rikti War Zone (3434.0, 0.1, 512.0)[Copy]
576 Homewrecker Rikti War Zone (3566.5, 0.0, -761.5)[Copy]
577 Luscious Rikti War Zone (4243.0, -24.4, -1861.5)[Copy]
578 Junkyard Dog Rikti War Zone (1474.5, 0.0, -3722.0)[Copy]
579 Scarred Echo: Rikti Crash Site (3216.4, -137.6, -3198.0)[Copy]
580 Asunder Echo: Rikti Crash Site (3969.7, 34.0, -3851.5)[Copy]
581 Unabashed Rikti War Zone or raid instance mothership
582 Eyewitness Echo: Rikti Crash Site (1820.4, 471.0, -4605.8)[Copy]
583 Chrononaut Ouroboros (543.5, 867.6, -768.3)[Copy]
584 Depths of Time Cimerora (-1107.8, 9.1, 4264.5)[Copy]
585 Battle-Hardened Cimerora (-1084.0, 171.9, 4690.0)[Copy]
586 Sanctuary Cimerora (1633.5, -55.6, 5206.5)[Copy]
587 Voice of the Oracle Cimerora (1011.0, 389.0, 4930.0)[Copy]
588 Out of Bounds Cimerora (-1004.0, 137.9, 3123.5)[Copy]
589 Human Nature Cimerora (-976.0, 227.5, 1390.0)[Copy]
590 Vision of Ambition Cimerora (-1724.0, 368.5, 1327.0)[Copy]
591 Darkness Unleashed Cimerora (-170.0, 192.0, 1490.0)[Copy]
592 Midnighter Club Member Midnighter Club (104.0, 0.2, -152.0)[Copy]
593 Thrill Seeker Architect Entertainment Buildings
594 First Rule Mercy Island (-73.5, 65.0, -1602.0)[Copy]
595 Tiki Fan Mercy Island (-1835.5, 239.0, 437.5)[Copy]
596 Long Walk Port Oakes (-703.0, 128.0, 211.5)[Copy]
597 Big Spider Port Oakes (-1023.5, 96.9, -896.0)[Copy]
598 Commuter's Woe Port Oakes (1771.0, 63.5, -696.0)[Copy]
599 Hidden Getaway Port Oakes (365.0, 128.0, -2423.5)[Copy]
600 Doom Sayer Cap au Diable (2234.5, -0.4, -1330.0)[Copy]
601 Master of Science Cap au Diable (-446.0, 429.8, -328.0)[Copy]
602 Circle Gazer Cap au Diable (-130.0, 36.8, -2394.0)[Copy]
603 Sky Chaser Sharkhead Isle (304.0, 127.3, 2309.0)[Copy]
604 Unwelcome Guest Sharkhead Isle (-634.0, 0.5, 1437.0)[Copy]
605 Sky Trader Sharkhead Isle (-2077.0, 56.0, 512.0)[Copy]
606 Carping the Diem Sharkhead Isle (-0.5, 7.7, -1986.0)[Copy]
607 Unethical Tourist Nerva Archipelago (-644.0, 16.1, 6712.5)[Copy]
608 Blind Eye Nerva Archipelago (3525.5, 140.5, 3886.0)[Copy]
609 Soother Nerva Archipelago (1236.0, 81.2, 1395.5)[Copy]
610 Dead Man's Tree St. Martial (1670.5, 121.3, -2229.0)[Copy]
611 Slumlord / Social Worker St. Martial (-202.5, -74.5, -852.5)[Copy]
612 Infamous Rubble St. Martial (-4851.0, 152.4, 1868.0)[Copy]
613 Showstopper St. Martial (-2198.5, 15.5, -1953.0)[Copy]
614 Passing Fab Grandville (2496.0, -848.5, -3016.5)[Copy]
615 Image Crasher Grandville (2677.5, 243.4, 826.5)[Copy]
616 Line Holder Grandville (1728.0, -400.0, 656.0)[Copy]
617 Gutter Bait Grandville (2573.5, -282.0, -238.0)[Copy]
662 On the Shoulders of Giants Kallisti Wharf (4286.5, 147.5, 2720.5)[Copy]
672 Ambitious Nova Praetoria (-5435.5, 1087.7, -256.0)[Copy]
673 Citizen Cole Nova Praetoria (-3110.0, -2.5, -256.0)[Copy]
674 Civic Minded Nova Praetoria (-4862.0, 33.1, -255.5)[Copy]
675 Guardians of Justice Nova Praetoria (-5099.0, 288.9, -830.5)[Copy]
676 Into the Wild Nova Praetoria (-6637.0, -12.0, 1728.0)[Copy]
677 Technophile Nova Praetoria (-6335.5, -16.0, 2.0)[Copy]
678 Un-Civil Society Nova Praetoria (-4517.5, 32.0, -256.0)[Copy]
679 On the Waterfront Nova Praetoria (-6748.0, -76.0, 72.0)[Copy]
680 Gold Digger Imperial City (280.0, 27.5, -2287.5)[Copy]
681 Mercy Missionary Imperial City (-581.8, -0.3, -3763.5)[Copy]
682 Park Ranger Imperial City (-1278.5, -87.6, -512.0)[Copy]
683 Praetorian of Privilege Imperial City (-1607.0, -13.1, 2426.0)[Copy]
684 Seen Imperial City (-459.5, -56.0, -336.0)[Copy]
685 Seer Imperial City (-2838.5, -12.0, 2603.0)[Copy]
686 Tiberian Overseer Imperial City (563.5, 108.3, 3170.5)[Copy]
687 Tuned In Imperial City (-1370.3, -32.0, -1730.9)[Copy]
688 Clockwork Mechanic Underground Nova (-3504.0, 512.2, -784.0)[Copy]
689 Disappeared Underground Nova (-2640.0, 640.2, -1312.0)[Copy]
690 Ferryman of the Damned / Ferrywoman of the Damned Underground Nova (-1408.0, 505.9, -1568.0)[Copy]
691 Morbid Underground Nova (-1280.0, 640.2, -3024.0)[Copy]
692 Secret Prisoner Underground Nova north or south rooms
693 Trainspotter Underground Nova (-1840.0, 511.1, -760.0)[Copy]
694 Urban Spelunker Underground Nova entrances
695 Warrior at the Gate Underground Nova (-3200.0, 511.1, -48.0)[Copy]
696 Broken Mind Underground Imperial (-1439.0, 335.3, 1713.0)[Copy]
697 Condemning Underground Imperial (-815.5, 330.0, -6169.0)[Copy]
698 Engineer Underground Imperial (-2014.5, 464.0, -193.0)[Copy]
699 Eyes of the Dark Underground Imperial (-1246.0, 335.3, -2429.5)[Copy]
700 Hoarder Underground Imperial (-1101.5, 496.0, -4912.5)[Copy]
701 Lowlife Underground Imperial (-862.5, 271.2, -5215.5)[Copy]
702 Silent Witness Underground Imperial (-2482.5, 335.1, -591.5)[Copy]
703 Underground Explorer Underground Imperial entrances
704 Airlift Neutropolis (7229.0, -71.6, 1280.0)[Copy]
705 Don't Drink It Neutropolis (6905.0, -23.3, 2461.0)[Copy]
706 Eyes to the Future Neutropolis (1853.7, 974.1, -647.7)[Copy]
707 Longshoreman / Longshorewoman Neutropolis (2924.0, -56.4, 1375.0)[Copy]
708 Moar Power Neutropolis (5760.0, 224.1, 2244.5)[Copy]
709 Stockpiling Neutropolis (5182.0, -56.0, -457.0)[Copy]
710 Stuff of Life Neutropolis (2227.5, -58.5, -649.0)[Copy]
711 Urban Renewal Neutropolis (6356.0, -64.0, -1206.0)[Copy]
712 Binge Eater Underground Neutropolis (-82.0, -1024.0, -3494.5)[Copy]
713 Cluttered Underground Neutropolis (-2539.5, -1216.0, -3033.0)[Copy]
714 Drink Enriche! Underground Neutropolis (-1230.5, -1249.0, -1316.0)[Copy]
715 Grade F Underground Neutropolis (-3051.0, -1247.9, -2238.5)[Copy]
716 Keeping the Lights On Underground Neutropolis (-2378.0, -1221.9, -1454.5)[Copy]
717 Ready for Anything Underground Neutropolis (-1858.5, -1248.0, -4112.0)[Copy]
718 Nailbiter Underground Neutropolis (237.5, -1216.0, -2189.5)[Copy]
719 The New Boss Underground Neutropolis (-399.0, -1200.0, -2695.5)[Copy]
720 River Rat Praetoria rivers
721 Rail Rider Praetoria Cole Transportation Authority stations
722 Going Rouge Imperial City (-2358.0, -16.3, 925.5)[Copy]
730 Whisperer on Witchburn Hill Echo: Dark Astoria (1151.5, 115.8, 1921.5)[Copy]
731 Phantom Radio Echo: Dark Astoria (2984.5, 204.0, 3676.5)[Copy]
732 Too Dark Park Echo: Dark Astoria (935.5, -0.9, 4320.5)[Copy]
733 Astoria's Last Stand Echo: Dark Astoria (4787.0, 5.4, 727.5)[Copy]
734 The Sleeper Below Echo: Dark Astoria (1431.5, -77.2, 673.5)[Copy]
811 Here Be Dragons The Abyss (-236.5, -43.2, 352.5)[Copy]
812 Caged Beast The Abyss (-43.0, -44.0, -134.5)[Copy]
813 No Escape The Abyss (-291.5, -29.1, -687.0)[Copy]
814 Hamidon's Ire The Abyss (-823.5, -43.7, -1183.5)[Copy]
815 The Tree of Woe The Abyss (1399.5, -44.0, -1499.0)[Copy]
816 Abyssal Gaze The Abyss (1061.5, -48.0, -2221.5)[Copy]
817 Monster Islander Monster Island (-2437.0, 0.9, -8275.5)[Copy]
818 The Roar of the Beast Monster Island (-1938.0, -16.8, -7960.0)[Copy]
819 Rikti Monkey Island Monster Island (-2980.5, 0.0, -5448.5)[Copy]
820 Monsters' Playthings Monster Island (-1300.5, 0.1, -7608.0)[Copy]
821 Dark Garden Monster Island (-2171.0, -1.7, -6446.0)[Copy]
822 Grim Fandango Monster Island (-1498.0, 0.0, -6344.0)[Copy]
823 Misfit Monstrosity Monster Island (2930.5, 0.0, -7404.5)[Copy]
824 Monster Factory Monster Island (-1705.0, 47.0, -7378.0)[Copy]
842 Shrouded / Shady Mission map instance
851 Dark Mystic Echo: Dark Astoria (1678.5, 5.5, 2834.5)[Copy]
852 Seeker of the Unknown Echo: Dark Astoria (1868.0, -79.9, 1352.5)[Copy]
853 Cairn Warder Echo: Dark Astoria (1026.0, 51.3, 219.0)[Copy]
884 Multidimensional Mission map instance Hero Vigilante Resistance
898 Ace Echo: Rikti Crash Site (1359.5, 293.2, -273.5)[Copy]
918 Dearly Departed First Ward (-2188.0, 76.3, 486.5)[Copy]
919 Eye of the Vortex First Ward (177.5, 946.6, -173.0)[Copy]
920 Fearless Insurgent First Ward (-625.0, 57.0, -2656.0)[Copy]
921 Shell Shocked First Ward (828.5, 22.8, 1955.0)[Copy]
922 Mayhem's Prodigal First Ward (2468.3, 250.7, 2254.3)[Copy]
923 Shadow Walker First Ward (-120.0, 16.0, -1952.0)[Copy]
924 Vengeance Seeker First Ward (1443.5, 218.5, 3459.0)[Copy]
925 Witness for the Fallen First Ward (180.5, 12.5, -677.0)[Copy]
926 Folly's Victim Dark Astoria (2228.0, 176.0, 4895.5)[Copy]
927 Palace of Stone Leaves Dark Astoria (4160.0, -42.0, 720.0)[Copy]
928 Auspice Avernus Dark Astoria (1015.0, 114.6, 2370.5)[Copy]
929 Death's Head Supplicant Dark Astoria (1727.0, 233.3, 905.0)[Copy]
930 Walker on the Profane Ascent Dark Astoria (2828.5, 193.1, 793.0)[Copy]
931 Witness of Oaths Dark Astoria (2909.0, 191.1, 4573.5)[Copy]
932 Life out of Death Dark Astoria (6196.5, 117.1, 2444.0)[Copy]
933 Of Things Unclean Dark Astoria (935.5, -0.9, 4320.5)[Copy]
934 Nocturnal Pilgrim Night Ward (-2333.5, 83.3, -37.0)[Copy]
935 Happy Camper Night Ward (104.0, 26.4, 2029.5)[Copy]
936 House Hunter Night Ward (1699.0, -568.8, -1987.0)[Copy]
937 Abandoned Soul Night Ward (-411.0, 56.0, -2623.5)[Copy]
938 Dead but Dreaming Night Ward (901.0, 22.3, 1997.0)[Copy]
939 Follow the Light Night Ward (1270.0, 60.0, -2134.0)[Copy]
940 Monolithic Night Ward (-2604.5, 74.7, 2031.5)[Copy]
941 Stargazer Night Ward (178.5, 956.3, -227.0)[Copy]
942 Communications Specialist Echo: Rikti Crash Site (960.5, 171.0, -1174.3)[Copy]
943 Shielded Echo: Rikti Crash Site (2932.8, -10.5, -6250.2)[Copy]

External Links