Hero Achievement Badges

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Achievement Badges are earned by reaching certain milestones in a heroic career. Badges listed on this page are just those that are earnable by Heroes or Vigilantes who have not participated in any content available to Villains.

Achievement Badges by Type

Badges Earned Badges

Badge count 10.png Tourist   Earn 10 badges
Badge count 25.png Collector   Earn 25 badges
Badge count 50.png Explorer   Earn 50 badges
Badge count 100.png Pathfinder   Earn 100 badges
Badge count 200.png Trailblazer   Earn 200 badges
Badge count 500.png Seeker   Earn 500 badges
Badge count 750.png Adventurer   Earn 750 badges
Badge count 1000.png Questing   Earn 1000 badges
Badge count 1250.png Voyager   Earn 1250 badges
Badge count 1500.png
Until the End of the World   Earn 1500 badges

Damage Badges

Badge damage recvd 01.png
Tough   Endure 100,000 points of damage
Badge damage recvd 01.png
Indestructible   Endure 500,000 points of damage
Badge damage recvd 01.png
Adamant   Endure 1,000,000 points of damage
Badge damage recvd 01.png
Unbreakable   Endure 10,000,000 points of damage
Badge damage recvd 01.png
Nigh Indestructible   Endure 25,000,000 points of damage
Badge damage recvd 01.png
Invulnerable   Endure 50,000,000 points of damage
Badge damage recvd 01.png
Immortal   Endure 100,000,000 points of damage

Damage Dealt Badges

Badge villain 01.png
Marauder   Deal 100,000 damage
Badge villain 01.png
Eliminator   Deal 500,000 damage
Badge villain 01.png
Relentless   Deal 1,000,000 damage
Badge villain 01.png
Decimator   Deal 10,000,000 damage
Badge villain 01.png
Executioner   Deal 25,000,000 damage
Badge villain 01.png
Eradicator   Deal 50,000,000 damage
Badge villain 01.png
Cataclysmic   Deal 100,000,000 damage

Debt Badges

Badge debt 01.png
The Unwavering   Pay off 50,000 debt
Badge debt 01.png
The Unyielding   Pay off 100,000 debt
Badge debt 01.png
The Unbroken Spirit   Pay off 200,000 debt
Badge debt 01.png
Deathless   Pay off 400,000 debt
Badge debt 01.png
Undying   Pay off 600,000 debt
Badge debt 01.png
Exalted   Pay off 1,000,000 debt

Healing Badges

Badge healing 01.png
Medic   Heal others for 250,000 hit points
Badge healing 01.png
Surgeon   Heal others for 1,000,000 hit points
Badge healing 01.png
Doctor   Heal others for 2,000,000 hit points
Badge healing 01.png
Medical Specialist   Heal others for 3,000,000 hit points
Badge healing 01.png
Medicine Man / Woman   Heal others for 5,000,000 hit points
Badge healing 01.png
Empath   Heal others for 10,000,000 hit points

Held Badges

Badge hold 01.png
Restrained   Be held for 10 minutes
Badge hold 01.png
Entangled   Be held for 30 minutes
Badge hold 01.png
Imprisoned   Be held for 60 minutes
Badge hold 01.png
Confined   Be held for 3 hours
Badge hold 01.png
Caged   Be held for 6 hours
Badge hold 01.png
Jailed   Be held for 12 hours

Influence Badges

Badge influence 01.png
Celebrity   Earn 500,000 influence
Badge influence 01.png
Sensation   Earn 2,500,000 influence
Badge influence 01.png
Superstar   Earn 10,000,000 influence
Badge influence 01.png
Trendsetter   Earn 50,000,000 influence
Badge influence 01.png
Popular   Earn 250,000,000 influence
Badge influence 01.png
Leader   Earn 500,000,000 influence

Level Badges

Badge level 10.png
Protector of Innocents   Reach level 10
Badge level 20.png
Keeper of Peace   Reach level 20
Badge level 30.png
Defender of Truth   Reach level 30
Badge level 40.png
Justice Incarnate   Reach level 40
Badge level 50.png
Hero of the City   Reach level 50

Mentoring Badges

Badge mentoring 01.png
Advisor   Sidekick another hero for 4 hours
Badge mentoring 01.png
Guide   Sidekick another hero for 8 hours
Badge mentoring 01.png
Paragon   Sidekick another hero for 12 hours
Badge mentoring 01.png
Role Model   Sidekick another hero for 16 hours
Badge mentoring 01.png
Epitome   Sidekick another hero for 20 hours
Badge mentoring 01.png
Paradigm   Sidekick another hero for 24 hours

Safeguard Mission Badges

Badge SafeG BombSquad.png
Bomb Squad   Stop 10 bombing side missions in Safeguard Missions
Badge SafeG FireMarshal.png
Fire Marshal   Stop 10 arson side missions in Safeguard Missions
Badge SafeG Interceptor.png
Interceptor   Stop 10 weapon deal side missions in Safeguard Missions
Badge SafeG PPDDeputy.png
PPD Deputy   Save 25 hostage PPD agents in Safeguard Missions
Badge SafeG SecurityExpert.png
Security Expert   Stop 10 vault break-ins in Safeguard Missions

Reject Inspiration Badges

Badge i25 inspirations.png
Aloof   Reject 50 inspiration drops
Badge i25 inspirations.png
Unconcerned   Reject 100 inspiration drops
Badge i25 inspirations.png
Apathetic   Reject 500 inspiration drops
Badge i25 inspirations.png
Couldn't Care Less   Reject 1000 inspiration drops

Reject Recipe Badges

Badge i25 recipes.png
Picky Eater   Reject 50 recipe drops
Badge i25 recipes.png
Food Critic   Reject 100 recipe drops
Badge i25 recipes.png
Grand Gourmet   Reject 500 recipe drops
Badge i25 recipes.png
Iron Chef   Reject 1000 recipe drops

Souvenir Badges

Souvenir count 10.png
Bounty   Collect 10 Souvenirs
Souvenir count 25.png
Pickpocket   Collect 25 Souvenirs
Souvenir count 50.png
Kleptomaniac   Collect 50 Souvenirs
Souvenir count 100.png
Packrat   Collect 100 Souvenirs
Souvenir count 200.png
Curator   Collect 200 Souvenirs

Alignment Badges

This feature originally required Going Rogue.

Badge HeroAlignment.png
Gallant   Complete a Hero Morality mission
Badge VigilanteAlignment.png
Above the Law   Complete a Vigilante Morality mission
Badge HeroAlignmentPower.png
Heard the Call   Maintain a Hero alignment for 7 days
Badge VigilanteAlignmentPower.png
Fearsome   Maintain a Vigilante alignment for 7 days
Badge Descended.png
Descended   Shift alignment from Hero to Villain
Badge ComeFullCircleHero.png
Come Full Circle   Return to your original alignment (Hero or Villain)
Badge TravelBetweenCities.png
Grass Is Meaner   Travel to the Rogue Isles as a Vigilante

Task Force Badges

Badge MasterofLadyGreysTF.png
Master of Lady Grey's Task Force   Complete the Lady Grey Task Force with No Temporary Powers and Zero Team Defeats
Badge task force master statesman.png
Master of Ms. Liberty's Task Force   Complete the Ms. Liberty Task Force with No Temporary Powers and Zero Team Defeats
Badge MasterofReichsmanTF.png
Master of the 5th Column Task Force   Complete the Dr. Kahn Task Force with No Temporary Powers and Zero Team Defeats
Badge MasterofImperiousTF.png
Master of the Imperious Task Force   Complete the Imperious Task Force with No Temporary Powers and Zero Team Defeats
Badge tf tinmage achievement.png Drone Protector   Ensure no drones are defeated in the first mission of the Apex Task Force

This feature originally required Going Rogue.

Badge tf tinmage achievement.png Burden Bearer   Don't activate any drones in the first mission of the Apex Task Force

This feature originally required Going Rogue.

Badge tf tinmage achievement.png Already Dead   Defeat Battle Maiden within 15 minutes in the Apex Task Force

This feature originally required Going Rogue.

Badge tf alpha achievement.png Hacker   Click all 8 devices within 30 seconds of entering the warehouse in the first mission of the Tin Mage Mark II Task Force

This feature originally required Going Rogue.

Badge tf alpha achievement.png Midnight Dodger What Dodges At Midnight   Set off zero proximity mines during the warehouse battle in the first mission of the Tin Mage Mark II Task Force

This feature originally required Going Rogue.

Badge tf alpha achievement.png Kitty's Got Claws   In the third mission of the Tin Mage Mark II Task Force, defeat Neuron before Bobcat reaches 50% health, then defeat Bobcat

This feature originally required Going Rogue.

Badge tf alpha achievement.png Army of Neu   Defeat 40 of Neuron's clones in the third mission of the Tin Mage Mark II Task Force

This feature originally required Going Rogue.

Badge tf tinmage master.png
Master of Apex's Task Force   Earn the Drone Protector, Burden Bearer, and Already Dead badges

This feature originally required Going Rogue.

Badge tf alpha accolade.png
Master of Tin Mage's Task Force   Earn the Hacker, Midnight Dodger What Dodges At Midnight, Kitty's Got Claws, and Army of Neu badges

This feature originally required Going Rogue.

Badge superpatriot set 01.png Defender of Primal Earth   Earn both the Master of Apex's Task Force and Master of Tin Mage's Task Force badges

Trial Badges

Badge it baf achievement.png Not On My Watch   Allow no Mindwashed Prisoners to escape during a Behavioral Adjustment Facility Incarnate Trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it baf achievement.png Alarm Raiser   Never disable a Guard Tower using the controls at its base during a Behavioral Adjustment Facility Incarnate Trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it baf achievement.png Gotta Keep 'Em Separated   Defeat Siege & Nightstar without moving them from their initial locations during a Behavioral Adjustment Facility Incarnate Trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it baf achievement.png Strong & Pretty   Defeat Siege & Nightstar while none of their reinforcements are alive during a Behavioral Adjustment Facility Incarnate Trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it baf master.png
Master of the B.A.F.   Earn the Not On My Watch, Alarm Raiser, Gotta Keep 'Em Separated, and Strong and Pretty badges

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it lambda achievement.png Synchronized   Destroy a Weapons Cache and a Containment Canister within 2 seconds of each other during the Lambda Sector Incarnate Trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it lambda achievement.png Well-Stocked   Complete the Lambda Sector Incarnate Trial having destroyed all the Weapons Caches in sabotage, but using no Pacification Grenades

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it lambda achievement.png Antacid   Complete the Lambda Sector Incarnate Trial having destroyed all Containment Canisters in sabotage, but using no Molecular Acids

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it lambda achievement.png Lambda Looter   Complete the Lambda Sector Incarnate Trial having destroyed all containers in sabotage, but using no Pacification Grenades or Molecular Acids

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it lambda master.png
Master of the Lambda Sector   Earn the Synchronized, Well-Stocked, Antacid, and Lambda Looter badges

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it keyes achievement.png Anti-Anti-Matter   Complete the Keyes Island Reactor Trial after having brought Anti-Matter below 10% of his health while attempting to take control of Reactor Hope

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it keyes achievement.png Bunker Buster   During the Keyes Island Reactor Trial, bust down all three doors on a bunker within three seconds, and then repeat for all bunkers near Reactor Infinity

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it keyes achievement.png Loves a Challenge   Complete the Keyes Island Reactor Trial without anyone dying or destroying any terminals during the final battle with Anti-Matter

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it keyes achievement.png Avoids the Green Stuff   Don't let anyone be caught by an Obliteration Beam in the final battle with Anti-Matter during the Keyes Island Reactor Trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it keyes master.png
Master of the Keyes Island Reactor   Earn the Anti-Anti-Matter, Bunker Buster, Loves a Challenge, and Avoids the Green Stuff badges

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it underground achievement.png Regenerate This   Defeat the Self-Repairing and Lichen Infested War Walkers within 8 minutes of starting the fight

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it underground achievement.png Tour Guide   Don't let Desdemona's health go below 50% during The Underground Trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it underground achievement.png Preservation Specialist   Don't let any of the IDF bombs detonate in The Underground Trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it underground achievement.png Avatar Assassin   Defeat the Avatar of Hamidon at the same time as a Detonating Seedling in The Underground Trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it underground master.png
Master of the Underground   Earn the Regenerate This, Tour Guide, Preservation Specialist, and Avatar Assassin badges

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it tpn achievement.png News Flash   Complete all three 500-point Public Opinion challenges, taking no more than 8 minutes per challenge, and then finish the TPN Campus Trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it tpn achievement.png Fair & Balanced   Do not allow a single Telepathist to convert 4 or more citizens for the duration of TPN Campus, and then finish the trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it tpn achievement.png Television Addict   Complete all four terminals in all three buildings during each 500-point Public Opinion challenge, while also keeping H.D. above 80% health at all times, and then finish the trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it tpn achievement.png Tonight's Top Story   Defeat Maelstrom within four minutes during each of his three encounters

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it tpn master.png
Master of the TPN Campus   Earn the Spin Doctor, News Flash, Fair & Balanced, Television Addict, and Tonight's Top Story badges

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it mom achievement.png Dreamwalker   Defeat all of Malaise's possible nightmares at least once during the Minds of Mayhem Trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it mom achievement.png A Perfect Storm   Defeat Mother Yin while creating no more than 4 Eyes of the Storm, then complete the trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it mom achievement.png Daylight Saver   Defeat Mother Mayhem without allowing Aurora Borealis' health to drop below 75%, and then complete the trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it mom achievement.png Lost Connection to Server   Defeat Shalice Tilman without missing any opportunity to sever her connection to the Seer Network, and then complete the trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it mom master.png
Master of the Minds of Mayhem   Earn the Mental Voyager, Dreamwalker, A Perfect Storm, Daylight Saver, and Lost Connection to Server badges

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge sewer trial achievement.png
The Cleanser   Defeat all the Lost Worshippers in the Death from Below Sewer Trial before defeating the Lost Leader
Badge sewer trial achievement.png
Cadaver Counter   Defeat the Vahzilok leader in the Death from Below Sewer Trial without killing any of the Cadavers
Badge it dea achievement.png Spinebreaker   Destroy all four Repulsive Spines (maintaining the protective barrier around Mot) within one minute of each other during the Dilemma Diabolique Trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it dea achievement.png Sentinel Smasher   Defeat the Sentinel after rescuing four specific heroes during the Dilemma Diabolique Trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it dea achievement.png Sacrificial Lamb   Defeat Diabolique without defeating the two heroes under her control during the final battle of the Dilemma Diabolique Trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it dea achievement.png Life and Death   Defeat Diabolique without allowing her to heal from a single Lifegiving Essence during the final battle of the Dilemma Diabolique Trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it dea master.png
Master of Dilemma Diabolique   Earn the Spinebreaker, Sentinel Smasher, Sacrificial Lamb, and Life and Death badges

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

BloodyBayTrial SimultaneousDefeat.png
Brotherly Love   Defeat both Neo-Shivan Obliterators within 30 seconds of each other in the Drowning in Blood trial
BloodyBayTrial Meteors.png
Sidereal Researcher   Collect 4 meteor samples during a single run of the Drowning in Blood trial
Badge it magisterium achievement.png Triple Threat   Defeat all three Archvillains during the Battle Royale stage of the Magisterium Trial within 5 seconds of the first one's defeat

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it magisterium achievement.png Ready to Rumble   Defeat Black Swan sooner than 8 minutes after entering the Magisterium

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it magisterium achievement.png Shadow Master   Never allow Black Swan to open all six Shadow Rifts simultaneously in the Magisterium Trial

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it magisterium achievement.png The Hard Way   Defeat Tyrant during the final battle of the Magisterium Trial without destroying more than 12 Lights of the Well

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it magisterium master.png
Master of the Magisterium   Earn the Triple Threat, Ready to Rumble, Shadow Master, and The Hard Way badges

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Badge it magisterium achievement.png The Really Hard Way   Defeat Tyrant during the final battle of the Magisterium Trial without destroying any Lights of the Well
Badge i25 valet.png
Valet   Prevent destruction of vehicles around Wentworth's building during the Market Crash Trial
Badge trial marketcrashmaster.png
Master of the Market Crash   Complete the Market Crash Trial with the 'Master of the Market Crash Trial' challenge enabled (No Deaths, No Incarnate Powers, No Temporary Powers)
Badge trial edenmaster.png
Master of the Prisoners of Eden   Complete the Eden Trial with the 'Master of the Prisoners of Eden Trial' challenge enabled (No Deaths, No Incarnate Powers, No Temporary Powers)
Badge trial hydramaster.png
Master of the Descent to the Hydra   Complete the Abandoned Sewers Trial with the 'Master of the Descent to the Hydra Trial' challenge enabled (No Deaths, No Incarnate Powers, No Temporary Powers)

Time Spent Badges

Badge time.png
Irradiated   Spend one hour in Bloody Bay
Badge time.png
Siren's Song   Spend one hour in Siren's Call
Badge time.png
Time Traveler   Spend one hour in Recluse's Victory
Badge time.png
Web Master   Spend one hour in Warburg
Badge time.png
Troll Task Force Member   Spend 1 hour in The Hollows
Badge time.png
Firebase Zulu Security Detail   Spend 3 minutes in the Shadow Shard
Badge Pocket D VIP.png Pocket D VIP Gold Club Member   Spend 1 hour in Pocket D.

Other Badges

Badge vanguard 002.png Demolitionist   Plant a bomb on the Rikti Mothership 10 times during Rikti Mothership Raids
Badge i19 hero storyarcoptional.png
No One Left Behind   Save all the Rogue PPD in the hero story arc from Roy Cooling
Badge i22 mission sc steelsavior.png
Steel Savior   Defeat all the enemies at the end of Laura Lockhart's second mission in less than 3:00
Badge i22 mission sc warhero.png
War Hero   Complete the story arc from Laura Lockhart
Badge i25 mission sc guardian.png
Guardian of Forever   Recruit a new member into Ouroboros
Badge i22 mission sc deadlycombatant.png
Deadly Combatant   Choose to kill Sun Xiong after you defeat him in the story arc from Graham Easton
Badge i22 mission sc dignifiedcombatant.png
Dignified Combatant   Choose to spare Sun Xiong after you defeat him in the story arc from Graham Easton
Mission DA Zone Achievement.png Time Saver  Save both Sigil and Kadabra Kill within two minutes of starting the final fight in the final mission from Heather Townshend

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Mission DA Zone Achievement.png Knows No Fear  Refuse help from the Cimerorans in the final mission from Sister Solaris

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Mission DA Zone Achievement.png Lone Wolf  Refuse help from other Incarnate NPCs in the final mission from Dream Doctor

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Mission DA Zone Achievement.png Buddy Cop  Save Detective Hopp at least once in Dark Astoria before your final meeting in Dream Doctor's story arc

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Mission DA Zone Achievement.png Incarnate Rival  Save Madame Bellerose at least once in Dark Astoria before your final meeting in Dream Doctor's story arc

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

Mission DA Zone Achievement.png
Bailout Hero   Complete Dream Doctor's The Dilemma of Diabolique story arc.

In-Game Sequential List

Warning: these sequential lists are not actively maintained. In particular, Homecoming badge changes mean the badges shown are not guaranteed to be sequential, and the descriptions may be outdated. Once other badge work is completed, we hope to update them.

Badge SafeG FireMarshal.png
Fire Marshal   Stop 10 arson side missions in Safeguard Missions
Badge SafeG BombSquad.png
Bomb Squad   Stop 10 bombing side missions in Safeguard Missions
Badge SafeG PPDDeputy.png
PPD Deputy   Save 25 hostage PPD agents in Safeguard Missions
Badge SafeG SecurityExpert.png
Security Expert   Stop 10 vault break-ins in Safeguard Missions
Badge SafeG Interceptor.png
Interceptor   Stop 10 weapon deal side missions in Safeguard Missions
Badge vanguard 002.png Demolitionist   Plant a bomb on the Rikti Mothership 10 times during Rikti Mothership Raids
Badge task force master statesman.png
Master of Ms. Liberty's Task Force   Complete the Ms. Liberty Task Force with No Temporary Powers and Zero Team Defeats
Badge MasterofReichsmanTF.png
Master of the 5th Column Task Force   Complete the Dr. Kahn Task Force with No Temporary Powers and Zero Team Defeats
Badge MasterofImperiousTF.png
Master of the Imperious Task Force   Complete the Imperious Task Force with No Temporary Powers and Zero Team Defeats
Badge Pocket D VIP.png Pocket D VIP Gold Club Member   Spend time in Pocket D.
Badge MasterofLadyGreysTF.png
Master of Lady Grey's Task Force   Complete the Lady Grey Task Force with No Temporary Powers and Zero Team Defeats
Badge HeroAlignment.png
Gallant   Complete a Hero Morality mission
Badge VigilanteAlignment.png
Above the Law   Complete a Vigilante Morality mission
Badge HeroAlignmentPower.png
Heard the Call   Maintain a Hero alignment for 7 days
Badge VigilanteAlignmentPower.png
Fearsome   Maintain a Vigilante alignment for 7 days
Badge Descended.png
Descended   Shift alignment from Hero to Villain
Badge ComeFullCircleHero.png
Come Full Circle   Return to your original alignment (Hero or Villain)
Badge TravelBetweenCities.png
Grass Is Meaner   Travel to the Rogue Isles as a Vigilante
Badge tf tinmage achievement.png Drone Protector   Ensure no drones are defeated in the first mission of the Apex Task Force
Badge tf tinmage achievement.png Burden Bearer   Don't activate any drones in the first mission of the Apex Task Force
Badge tf tinmage achievement.png Already Dead   Defeat Battle Maiden within 15 minutes in the Apex Task Force
Badge tf alpha achievement.png Hacker   Click all 8 devices within 30 seconds of entering the warehouse in the first mission of the Tin Mage Mark II Task Force
Badge tf alpha achievement.png Midnight Dodger What Dodges At Midnight   Set off zero proximity mines during the warehouse battle in the first mission of the Tin Mage Mark II Task Force
Badge tf alpha achievement.png Kitty's Got Claws   In the third mission of the Tin Mage Mark II Task Force, defeat Neuron before Bobcat reaches 50% health, then defeat Bobcat.
Badge tf alpha achievement.png Army of Neu   Defeat 40 of Neuron's clones in the third mission of the Tin Mage Mark II Task Force.
Badge tf tinmage master.png
Master of Apex's Task Force   Earn the Drone Protector, Burden Bearer, and Already Dead badges.
Badge tf alpha accolade.png
Master of Tin Mage's Task Force   Earn the Hacker, Midnight Dodger What Dodges At Midnight, Kitty's Got Claws, and Army of Neu badges.
Badge i19 hero storyarcoptional.png
No One Left Behind   Save all the Rogue PPD in the hero story arc from Roy Cooling
Badge time.png
Troll Task Force Member   Spend 1 hour in The Hollows
Badge time.png
Firebase Zulu Security Detail   Spend 3 minutes in the Shadow Shard
Badge damage recvd 01.png
Tough   Endure 100,000 points of damage
Badge damage recvd 01.png
Indestructible   Endure 500,000 points of damage
Badge damage recvd 01.png
Adamant   Endure 1,000,000 points of damage
Badge damage recvd 01.png
Unbreakable   Endure 10,000,000 points of damage
Badge debt 01.png
The Unwavering   Pay off 50,000 debt
Badge debt 01.png
The Unyielding   Pay off 100,000 debt
Badge debt 01.png
The Unbroken Spirit   Pay off 200,000 debt
Badge healing 01.png
Medic   Heal others for 250,000 hit points
Badge healing 01.png
Surgeon   Heal others for 1,000,000 hit points
Badge healing 01.png
Doctor   Heal others for 2,000,000 hit points
Badge hold 01.png
Restrained   Be held for 10 minutes
Badge hold 01.png
Entangled   Be held for 30 minutes
Badge hold 01.png
Imprisoned   Be held for 60 minutes
Badge influence 01.png
Celebrity   Earn 500,000 influence
Badge influence 01.png
Sensation   Earn 2,500,000 influence
Badge influence 01.png
Superstar   Earn 10,000,000 influence
Badge level 10.png
Protector of Innocents   Reach level 10
Badge level 20.png
Keeper of Peace   Reach level 20
Badge level 30.png
Defender of Truth   Reach level 30
Badge level 40.png
Justice Incarnate   Reach level 40
Badge level 50.png
Hero of the City   Reach level 50
Badge mentoring 01.png
Advisor   Sidekick another hero for 4 hours
Badge mentoring 01.png
Guide   Sidekick another hero for 8 hours
Badge mentoring 01.png
Paragon   Sidekick another hero for 12 hours
Badge it baf achievement.png Not On My Watch   Allow no Mindwashed Prisoners to escape during a Behavioral Adjustment Facility Incarnate Trial
Badge it baf achievement.png Alarm Raiser   Never disable a Guard Tower using the controls at its base during a Behavioral Adjustment Facility Incarnate Trial
Badge it baf achievement.png Gotta Keep 'Em Separated   Defeat Siege & Nightstar without moving them from their initial locations during a Behavioral Adjustment Facility Incarnate Trial
Badge it baf achievement.png Strong & Pretty   Defeat Siege & Nightstar while none of their reinforcements are alive during a Behavioral Adjustment Facility Incarnate Trial
Badge it baf master.png
Master of the B.A.F.   Earn the Not On My Watch, Alarm Raiser, Gotta Keep 'Em Separated, and Strong and Pretty badges
Badge it lambda achievement.png Synchronized   Destroy a Weapons Cache and a Containment Canister within 2 seconds of each other during the Lambda Sector Incarnate Trial
Badge it lambda achievement.png Well-Stocked   Complete the Lambda Sector Incarnate Trial having destroyed all the Weapons Caches in sabotage, but using no Pacification Grenades
Badge it lambda achievement.png Antacid   Complete the Lambda Sector Incarnate Trial having destroyed all Containment Canisters in sabotage, but using no Molecular Acids
Badge it lambda achievement.png Lambda Looter   Complete the Lambda Sector Incarnate Trial having destroyed all containers in sabotage, but using no Pacification Grenades or Molecular Acids
Badge it lambda master.png
Master of the Lambda Sector   Earn the Synchronized, Well-Stocked, Antacid, and Lambda Looter badges
Badge it keyes achievement.png Anti-Anti-Matter   Complete the Keyes Island Reactor Trial after having brought Anti-Matter below 10% of his health while attempting to take control of Reactor Hope
Badge it keyes achievement.png Bunker Buster   During the Keyes Island Reactor Trial, bust down all three doors on a bunker within three seconds, and then repeat for all bunkers near Reactor Infinity
Badge it keyes achievement.png Loves a Challenge   Complete the Keyes Island Reactor Trial without anyone dying or destroying any terminals during the final battle with Anti-Matter
Badge it keyes achievement.png Avoids the Green Stuff   Don't let anyone be caught by an Obliteration Beam in the final battle with Anti-Matter during the Keyes Island Reactor Trial
Badge it keyes master.png
Master of the Keyes Island Reactor   Earn the Anti-Anti-Matter, Bunker Buster, Loves a Challenge, and Avoids the Green Stuff badges
Badge it underground achievement.png Regenerate This   Defeat the Self-Repairing and Lichen Infested War Walkers within 8 minutes of starting the fight
Badge it underground achievement.png Tour Guide   Don't let Desdemona's health go below 50% during The Underground Trial
Badge it underground achievement.png Preservation Specialist   Don't let any of the IDF bombs detonate in The Underground Trial
Badge it underground achievement.png Avatar Assassin   Defeat the Avatar of Hamidon at the same time as a Detonating Seedling in The Underground Trial
Badge it underground master.png
Master of the Underground   Earn the Regenerate This, Tour Guide, Preservation Specialist, and Avatar Assassin badges
Badge sewer trial achievement.png
The Cleanser   Defeat all the Lost Worshippers in the Death from Below Sewer Trial before defeating the Lost Leader
Badge sewer trial achievement.png
Cadaver Counter   Defeat the Vahzilok leader in the Death from Below Sewer Trial without killing any of the Cadavers
Badge it tpn achievement.png News Flash   Complete all three 500-point Public Opinion challenges, taking no more than 8 minutes per challenge, and then finish the TPN Campus Trial
Badge it tpn achievement.png Fair & Balanced   Do not allow a single Telepathist to convert 4 or more citizens for the duration of TPN Campus, and then finish the trial
Badge it tpn achievement.png Television Addict   Complete all four terminals in all three buildings during each 500-point Public Opinion challenge, while also keeping H.D. above 80% health at all times, and then finish the trial
Badge it tpn achievement.png Tonight's Top Story   Defeat Maelstrom within four minutes during each of his three encounters
Badge it tpn master.png
Master of the TPN Campus   Earn the Spin Doctor, News Flash, Fair & Balanced, Television Addict, and Tonight's Top Story badges
Badge it mom achievement.png Dreamwalker   Defeat all of Malaise's possible nightmares at least once during the Minds of Mayhem Trial
Badge it mom achievement.png A Perfect Storm   Defeat Mother Yin while creating no more than 4 Eyes of the Storm, then complete the trial
Badge it mom achievement.png Daylight Saver   Defeat Mother Mayhem without allowing Aurora Borealis' health to drop below 75%, and then complete the trial
Badge it mom achievement.png Lost Connection to Server   Defeat Shalice Tilman without missing any opportunity to sever her connection to the Seer Network, and then complete the trial
Badge it mom master.png
Master of the Minds of Mayhem   Earn the Mental Voyager, Dreamwalker, A Perfect Storm, Daylight Saver, and Lost Connection to Server badges
Badge i22 mission sc steelsavior.png
Steel Savior   Defeat all the enemies at the end of Laura Lockhart's second mission in less than 3:00
Badge i22 mission sc warhero.png
War Hero   Complete the story arc from Laura Lockhart
Badge i22 mission sc deadlycombatant.png
Deadly Combatant   Choose to kill Sun Xiong after you defeat him in the story arc from Graham Easton
Badge i22 mission sc dignifiedcombatant.png
Dignified Combatant   Choose to spare Sun Xiong after you defeat him in the story arc from Graham Easton
Badge it dea achievement.png Spinebreaker   Destroy all four Repulsive Spines (maintaining the protective barrier around Mot) within one minute of each other during the Dilemma Diabolique Trial
Badge it dea achievement.png Sentinel Smasher   Defeat the Sentinel after rescuing four specific heroes during the Dilemma Diabolique Trial
Badge it dea achievement.png Sacrificial Lamb   Defeat Diabolique without defeating the two heroes under her control during the final battle of the Dilemma Diabolique Trial
Badge it dea achievement.png Life and Death   Defeat Diabolique without allowing her to heal from a single Lifegiving Essence during the final battle of the Dilemma Diabolique Trial
Badge it dea master.png
Master of Dilemma Diabolique   Earn the Gate Crasher, Sentinel Smasher, Sacrificial Lamb, and Life and Death badges
BloodyBayTrial SimultaneousDefeat.png
Brotherly Love   Defeat both Neo-Shivan Obliterators within 30 seconds of each other in the Drowning in Blood trial
BloodyBayTrial Meteors.png
Sidereal Researcher   Collect 4 meteor samples during a single run of the Drowning in Blood trial
Mission DA Zone Achievement.png Time Saver  Save both Sigil and Kadabra Kill within two minutes of starting the final fight in the final mission from Heather Townshend
Mission DA Zone Achievement.png Knows No Fear  Refuse help from the Cimerorans in the final mission from Sister Solaris
Mission DA Zone Achievement.png Lone Wolf  Refuse help from other Incarnate NPCs in the final mission from Dream Doctor
Mission DA Zone Achievement.png Buddy Cop  Save Detective Hopp at least once in Dark Astoria before your final meeting in Dream Doctor's story arc
Mission DA Zone Achievement.png Incarnate Rival  Save Madame Bellerose at least once in Dark Astoria before your final meeting in Dream Doctor's story arc
Badge it magisterium achievement.png Triple Threat   Defeat all three Archvillains during the Battle Royale stage of the Magisterium Trial within 5 seconds of the first one's defeat
Badge it magisterium achievement.png Ready to Rumble   Defeat Black Swan sooner than 8 minutes after entering the Magisterium
Badge it magisterium achievement.png Shadow Master   Never allow Black Swan to open all six Shadow Rifts simultaneously in the Magisterium Trial
Badge it magisterium achievement.png The Hard Way   Defeat Tyrant during the final battle of the Magisterium Trial without destroying more than 12 Lights of the Well
Badge it magisterium master.png
Master of the Magisterium   Earn the Triple Threat, Ready to Rumble, Shadow Master, and The Hard Way badges
Badge damage recvd 01.png
Nigh Indestructible   Endure 25,000,000 points of damage
Badge damage recvd 01.png
Invulnerable   Endure 50,000,000 points of damage
Badge damage recvd 01.png
Immortal   Endure 100,000,000 points of damage
Badge debt 01.png
Deathless   Pay off 400,000 debt
Badge debt 01.png
Undying   Pay off 600,000 debt
Badge debt 01.png
Exalted   Pay off 1,000,000 debt
Badge healing 01.png
Medical Specialist   Heal others for 3,000,000 hit points
Badge healing 01.png
Medicine Man / Woman   Heal others for 5,000,000 hit points
Badge healing 01.png
Empath   Heal others for 10,000,000 hit points
Badge hold 01.png
Confined   Be held for 3 hours
Badge hold 01.png
Caged   Be held for 6 hours
Badge hold 01.png
Jailed   Be held for 12 hours
Badge influence 01.png
Trendsetter   Earn 50,000,000 influence
Badge influence 01.png
Popular   Earn 250,000,000 influence
Badge influence 01.png
Leader   Earn 500,000,000 influence
Badge mentoring 01.png
Role Model   Sidekick another hero for 16 hours
Badge mentoring 01.png
Epitome   Sidekick another hero for 20 hours
Badge mentoring 01.png
Paradigm   Sidekick another hero for 24 hours
Badge count 10.png Tourist   Earn 10 badges
Badge count 25.png Collector   Earn 25 badges
Badge count 50.png Explorer   Earn 50 badges
Badge count 100.png Pathfinder   Earn 100 badges
Badge count 200.png Trailblazer   Earn 200 badges
Badge count 500.png Seeker   Earn 500 badges
Badge count 750.png Adventurer   Earn 750 badges
Badge count 1000.png Questing   Earn 1000 badges
Badge count 1250.png Voyager   Earn 1250 badges
Badge count 1500.png Until the End of the World   Earn 1500 badges

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