Issue 9 Badges

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This article contains information about changes that took place in Homecoming: City of Heroes. It is provided for historical purposes.


Issue 9 introduced the invention crafting system and market, with many associated badges. For Heroes, it added 1 Achievement Badge, 4 Accomplishment badges, 1 Accolade badge, 50 Invention badges and 16 Wentworths badges. In total, 72 badges were introduced for Heroes during Issue 9.

For Villains, Issue 9 added 2 Exploration badges, 1 Accomplishment badge, 1 Accolade badge, 50 Invention badges and 16 Wentworths badges. In total, 70 badges were introduced for Villains during Issue 9.

Finally, one Supergroup badge was added for Heroes in Issue 9.

NOTE: Issue 13 introduced a massive resorting and reorganizing of the badge system. Consequently, many, if not most, of this issue's badges may no longer be in the categories in which they are listed below. Please refer to the individual badge category listings for current information.

NOTE: The Invention and Wentworth's badges listed below were originally all included in the Achievement badge list. They have been updated here for ease of reference.

Exploration Badges

V badge TourismBadge.png The Abyss

There were two Villain-only badges added to The Abyss.

Badge Zone Location ( x y z )
Geneticist The Abyss -577-36-1113[Copy]
Reborn The Abyss 679-544-3189[Copy]

Achievement Badges

There was one Hero-only Achievement badge added with Issue 9.

Badge defeatrecluse.png Diplomat   Defeat the villains Ghost Widow, Scirocco, Captain Mako and Black Scorpion in the Statesman Task Force

Accomplishment Badges

There was one Hero/Villain Accomplishment badge added with Issue 9.

Badge invention tutorial.png Inventor   Complete the Invention System tutorial

There were three Hero-only Accomplishment badges added with Issue 9.

Badge arachnosflier.png Heat Seeker   Defeat the Arachnos Flier during the Statesman Task Force
Badge defeatrecluse.png Peerless   Defeat Lord Recluse within the Statesman Task Force
Badge defeatrecluse.png Saved the World   Complete the Statesman Task Force

Accolade Badges

There was one Hero/Villain Accolade badge added with Issue 9.

Badge field crafting.png Field Crafter   Earn the Inventor, Master Craftsman, and all level 10-40 memorization badges (38 total badges required)

Invention Badges

There were fifty Hero/Villain Invention badges added with Issue 9.

Table of Memorization Badges and Crafting Count Requirements
Badge Category Recipe Levels
10 15 & 20 25 & 30 35 & 40 45 & 50
Defense Debuff, To Hit Debuff, Taunt, Confuse Declining
2 & 1
2 & 2
3 & 2
4 & 3
Heal Medicator
5 & 4
6 & 6
8 & 7
10 & 9
Defense Buff, Resist Damage Armorer
5 & 4
6 & 6
8 & 7
10 & 9
Sleep, Snare, Hold, Stun, Immobilize, Fear Blinding
5 & 5
7 & 6
9 & 8
11 & 11
Endurance Modification, Endurance Reduction Energy Conservationist
Battery Powered
6 & 6
Nuclear Powered
8 & 7
Mystically Powered
10 & 9
12 & 12
Recharge Rate, Interrupt Time Trigger Man
Hired Gun
7 & 6
9 & 8
11 & 11
14 & 14
Accuracy, ToHit Buff Major
Lt. Colonel
7 & 6
9 & 8
Major General
11 & 11
14 & 14
Damage, Knockback Munitionist
7 & 6
9 & 8
Arms Dealer
11 & 11
Lord of War
14 & 14
Run Speed, Fly Speed, Jump, Range Pilgrim
7 & 6
9 & 8
Walks the Earth
11 & 11
14 & 14
Icon for all badges in that level: Badge crafter 1.png Badge crafter 2.png Badge crafter 3.png Badge crafter 4.png Badge crafter 5.png
Notes: +2 salvage storage +1 recipe storage

Invention Debuff Badges

(ToHit Debuff, Defense Debuff, Confuse, Taunt)

10: Declining Badge
15, 20: Decaying Badge
25, 30: Despoiler Badge (grants +2 salvage storage)
35, 40: Dismantler Badge
45, 50: Retrograde Badge (grants +1 recipe storage)

Invention Heal Badges


10: Medicator Badge
15, 20: Mender Badge
25, 30: Rebuilder Badge (grants +2 salvage storage)
35, 40: Revivifier Badge
45, 50: Reanimator Badge (grants +1 recipe storage)

Invention Mitigation Badges

(Defense Buff, Dam Resist, Intang)

10: Armorer Badge
15, 20: Guardian Badge
25, 30: Protector Badge (grants +2 salvage storage)
35, 40: Security Badge
45, 50: Defensive Badge (grants +1 recipe storage)

Invention Mez Badges

(Fear, Hold, Immob, Sleep, Slow, Stun)

10: Blinding Badge
15, 20: Beguiler Badge
25, 30: Charming Badge (grants +2 salvage storage)
35, 40: Charismatic Badge
45, 50: Mesmerizer Badge (grants +1 recipe storage)

Invention Endurance Badges

(End Reduc, End Mod)

10: Energy Conservationist Badge
15, 20: Battery Powered Badge
25, 30: Nuclear Powered Badge (grants +2 salvage storage)
35, 40: Mystically Powered Badge
45, 50: Perpetual Badge (grants +1 recipe storage)

Invention Rate of Fire Badges

(Recharge Redux, Interrupt)

10: Trigger Man Badge
15, 20: Hired Gun Badge
25, 30: Hit-Man Badge (grants +2 salvage storage)
35, 40: Sniper Badge
45, 50: Sharpshooter Badge (grants +1 recipe storage)

Invention Accuracy Badges

(Acc, ToHit Buff)

10: Major Badge
15, 20: Lt. Colonel Badge
25, 30: Colonel Badge (grants +2 salvage storage)
35, 40: Major General Badge
45, 50: General Badge (grants +1 recipe storage)

Invention Damage Badges

(Damage, Knockdown)

10: Munitionist Badge
15, 20: Weaponeer Badge
25, 30: Warhead Badge (grants +2 salvage storage)
35, 40: Arms Dealer Badge
45, 50: Lord of War Badge (grants +1 recipe storage)

Invention Travel Badges

(Fly, Run, Range, Jump)

10: Pilgrim Badge
15, 20: Vagabond Badge
25, 30: Wanderer Badge (grants +2 salvage storage)
35, 40: Walks the Earth Badge
45, 50: Nomad Badge (grants +1 recipe storage)

Crafting Badges

Badge inventor lvl 1.png Artisan   Craft 50 times
Badge inventor lvl 2.png Master Artisan   Craft 100 times
Badge inventor lvl 3.png Craftsman   Craft 500 times
Badge inventor lvl 4.png Master Craftsman   Craft 1000 times
Badge inventor lvl 5.png Fabricator   Craft 10,000 times

Wentworths Badges

There were sixteen Hero/Villain Wentworths badges added with Issue 9.

Badge auction seller hero.png Badge auction seller villain.png Broker   Sell 50 recipes at the consignment house
Badge auction seller hero.png Badge auction seller villain.png Inspiring   Sell 50 inspirations at the consignment house
Badge auction seller hero.png Badge auction seller villain.png Scrounger   Sell 50 salvage pieces at the consignment house (grants +2 salvage storage)
Badge auction seller hero.png Badge auction seller villain.png Enhancer   Sell 50 enhancements at the consignment house
Badge auction seller 01.png Vendor   Complete 10 total sales at the consignment house
Badge auction seller 02.png Salesman / Saleswoman   Complete 50 total sales at the consignment house
Badge auction seller 03.png Tradesman / Tradeswoman   Complete 100 total sales at the consignment house
Badge auction seller 04.png Merchant   Complete 250 total sales at the consignment house (grants +1 transaction slot)
Badge auction seller 05.png Peddler   Complete 500 total sales at the consignment house
Badge auction seller 06.png Retailer   Complete 1000 total sales at the consignment house (grants +1 transaction slot)
Badge auction seller 07.png Dealer   Complete 2000 total sales at the consignment house
Badge auction seller 08.png Auctioneer   Complete 3000 total sales at the consignment house (grants +1 transaction slot)
Badge auction seller 09.png Businessman / Businesswoman   Complete 4000 total sales at the consignment house
Badge auction seller 10.png Marketer / Black Marketeer   Complete 5000 total sales at the consignment house (grants +1 transaction slot)
Badge auction seller 11.png Shopkeeper   Complete 6000 total sales at the consignment house
Badge auction seller 12.png Power Seller   Complete 7000 total sales at the consignment house (grants +1 transaction slot)

Supergroup Badges

There was one Hero-only Supergroup badge added with Issue 9.

Badge sgitem.png Scorpion's Surprise   Defeat Lord Recluse in a mission

See Also