Imperious Task Force
![]() Time's Arrow | |
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Contact | Imperious |
Zone | Cimerora |
Suggested Team Size | 6 players |
Coordinates | (-1140, 102, 4592.5) |
Level Range | 35-50 |
Merits | 26 |
Badge |
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Enemy Groups | |
The Imperious Task Force is a co-operative Task Force that allows heroes and villains to team together. The task force was added in Issue 12 with the introduction of Cimerora. Characters must have the Midnight Squad Badge to queue for the Imperious Task Force.
Merit Rewards: This activity awards 26 Reward Merits.
Incarnate Component: Level 50 characters may choose 1 Ancient Nictus Fragment instead of Reward Merits.
You are a brave warrior, but you are not yet ready for this battle, I fear.
Not Enough People
The quest I have for you requires a much larger party than you currently have.
Come back to me when you have a total of six heroes or villains in your group.
You look down at the broken helm of your enemy and are reminded of the events you've come to know as. . .
Time's Arrow
Agree to form a task force
Time's Arrow
The Oracle of Phoebas
Well met.
I am Imperious, deposed ruler of Cimerora. My men and I have fallen back to this outpost as we plan our attack to retake our lands. But much work has to be done before that can happen. Montague Castanella told me that he would send people to aid me from his land. I welcome the help.
Mission Acceptance
Take the boat to the mountain of the oracle. Seek out Sister Solaris and ask for her divinations. She will show us the path to victory.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You still need to take the boat to the Oracle. She, and she alone, will tell us how to escape this dark place.
Mission Objective(s)
Imperious believes that consulting the Oracle will show you the way to defeating Romulus.
- Consult the Oracle
- 10 Sybils to rescue
- Lead Sister Solaris to Altar
You've rescued Sister Solaris and the other Sybils as well as consulting the Oracle. Return to Imperious for further instruction.
Notable NPCs
- Sybil x 2
- Sybil Clara (Hostage)
- Sybil Domina (Hostage)
- Sybil Drusilla (Hostage)
- Sybil Fatonia (Hostage)
- Sybil Faustina (Hostage)
- Sybil Galeria (Hostage)
- Sybil Livilla (Hostage)
- Sybil Messalina (Hostage)
- Sybil Supera (Hostage)
- Sybil Valeria (Hostage)
- Minotaur (Elite Boss)
- Sister Solaris
Sister Solaris and the rest of the Sybils are being held captive by the men of Romulus. I was told to go for help, but I am too afraid. His men are everywhere! Please, take this key and do what you can to save the Sybils!
I saw... a monster of a man with the head of a bull with these invaders. I have heard legends of the Minotaur, but never seen one before. It is horrible.
Please, help my sisters!
Please, Character! You have to help us. Romulus has captured the other Sybils and he is holding Sister Solaris at the top of the mountain.
Please go inside.

The Sybil has given you the key to the temple.
Thank you for coming to our aid, Character. As much as I would like to allow you to see our oracle, Sister Solaris made me promise that you would rescue all of our other sisters first. I am not to give you the key until you have freed them.
Please hurry! I do not know how much longer Sister Solaris can hold off the Minotaur.
Thank you for rescuing my sisters. Please, take this key. It will open the door behind me and allow you to step onto the top of the mountain. Sister Solaris needs your help.

From this last group of soldiers holding a Sybil, you managed to collect the key that will allow you up to the Oracle.
Please, Character. You have to take the door behind me up to the top of the mountain. Sister Solaris needs your group to save her - to save all of us.

As Sister Solaris hovered in the air above you she recited these words...
Time is not our own...
...the arrow flies to the quiver.Beasts of metal, flesh and darkness
merge to create an army of night
spreading its pitch from horizon to horizon.Only travelers out of time
can hope to die by dawn's first light.
I do not know why I am surprised that Romulus would try and take over Point Phoebas and the Sybils. Perhaps I assumed that even he had limits to what he would do - a mistake I have made too often. But never again.
What did the Oracle tell you? I hope it is of use to us.
Take out the shadow cysts
Time's Arrow
Shadows on the cave wall
The dark ones, the ones you called the Nictus, have infected the catacombs beneath this land. They seem to thrive from large black shadow crystals hidden within those tunnels. I believe this should be our next assault.
Mission Acceptance
I heard rumors of these dark ones in the caves while I was still in power. I sent Romulus and a contingent of men to investigate. Only Romulus returned, cut and beaten, claiming he had faced a beast from Hades.
If I only knew then what I know now, that the cuts on Romulus were from my own men trying to defend themselves against that traitor!
I have spoken with Daedalus, my prized crafter, and it is his belief that if you destroy the shadow crystals, you will destroy the ability of the dark ones to survive in this realm.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Romulus was once my most loyal aid. He would lead in my name when I traveled abroad, and when matters demanded that I stay at home, he would be my voice to peoples of far off lands.
His betrayal is maddening! I must not allow it to go on any longer. I must have my empire back. Destroying those crystals is the next step in returning me to the throne.
Mission Objective(s)
Destroying the crystals will destroy the dark ones' abilities to survive in these catacombs.
- Destroy the Shadow Cysts
- 10 Shadow Cyst
You destroyed the Shadow Cysts. Return to Imperious for further instruction.
Notable NPCs
- Minotaur (Elite Boss)
- Cyclops (Elite Boss)
- Shadow Cyst Crystal x 10
I could hear the screams of those creatures from here. You are a mean group of warriors; I have never seen any more fierce.
With the crystals destroyed and the dark ones weakened, I believe the power of Romulus is now threatened.
Now is the time we strike.
Stop Romulus
Time's Arrow
Vespillos Pass
I have questioned many of Romulus' men you captured from the catacombs. They revealed some startling information.
Romulus is rallying the full force of his army to assault your own time.
He plans to use two Incarnates from your time to awaken two of his giant colossi. Perhaps you have heard of these two men. They go by the names Honoree and Lord Recluse. These colossi are being crafted in the mountains of Vespillos Pass.
Mission Acceptance
The army waits in Vespillos Pass for a ship that will take them to your time. From there, they plan to capture these two men, bring them back here, and wake the sleeping giants.
You do not want this to happen, whatever your allegiance is to these two Incarnates. I have seen, first-hand, the devastation left behind by the forces of Romulus. I have called for help on this task.
You will be joined by my prized artisan, Daedalus. He will assist you in your journey up the pass to the colossi.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Vespillos Pass is where we would take our dead. Only those who died in battle were allowed to go there. It is no wonder that Romulus could build these colossi there without our knowledge. The lands are forbidden to everyone, except myself and a few others, Romulus being one of the few.
Go there, stop Romulus and stop his men!
Mission Objective(s)
Romulus is rallying his troops for a full assault on your time.
They plan to use the Honoree and Lord Recluse to power their giant colossi.
- Stop Romulus
- 5 Generals
- Romulus Phalanx
- Defeat Romulus
- 100 Cimeroran Traitors
You've defeated Romulus Augustus and stopped their attack on Paragon City and the Rogue Isles.
Notable NPCs
- Daedalus (Hero Ally)
- General Atilius (Elite Boss)
- General Cordius (Elite Boss)
- General Geminius (Elite Boss)
- General Rutilius (Elite Boss)
- Requiem (5th Column Arch-villain, 5th General) (this is the 5th general)
- Romulus Augustus (Arch-villain)
- Romulus Phalanx Control
- Turret Computer One
- Turret Computer Two

Though Daedalus is presented as a Hero, he is more like a Boss.

After you defeated Requiem, you pull from him a small black journal. Reading through it you find it is entirely in some sort of code that only he can understand. Just as you think you're not going to get anything out of him, Requiem begins to talk...
I have come across time itself to this land. Our temporal strongholds are growing even now as you stand here gloating. You think you have won, but that is only because you are ignorant to my plans.
I came here to establish another stronghold in Cimerora. This cradle of power is to be my training ground for recruits. The Cimerorans are the best fighters time has ever seen. They shall be mine.
Nothing you can do now or later will ever stop me.
With those words, Requiem teleports away to an unknown location.
With Romulus defeated and his forces scattered to the winds, it is only a matter of time before Cimerora is once again ours.
Tell me, who is this 5th Column you discovered in Vespillos Pass? Are they allied with the dark ones? What are they doing here? I fear I have more questions than answers, my friend.
They must have been the ones supplying Romulus with the weapons and forces he needed to take my empire. There is no way he would have had the power to do it alone.
Romulus attempted to take over your land and I have heard that they already control many others. Frankly, these actions are beyond his grasp. Romulus never had any grander endeavors beyond what he could hold in his hand. It is obvious that he was merely a pawn in this game, and my land only the board upon which it was played. Be thankful that your own time and place were not subjected to such an atrocity.
Retake the city
Time's Arrow
Castellum Quarter
Before you arrived, I had hoped that I would be able to retake my own city, but that has not been the case. Since your arrival, you have systematically removed one obstacle after another. Now, only a single block remains before this land is once again returned to its rightful ruler.
I need your help and you have proven that, above all, you are the ones to help me.
Gather your forces; it is time to reclaim the city! The time for subtlety is no more! Now we storm the gates!
Mission Acceptance
I will be joining you on this assault. It is my home; if anyone should be by your side, it should be me.
But I have some grave news for you. It would appear that somehow Romulus survived your battle at Vespillos Pass. He is guarded by his entire remaining army. The battle will be a fierce one, but I promise you, it will end with Romulus tasting my blade one inch at a time.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Gather your forces and storm the gates of Castellum Quarter! I will meet you on the other side of the wall. We will paint the earth with Romulus' blood!
Mission Objective(s)
It is only fitting that the final battle against Romulus happens here, at the heart of Cimerora.
- Reclaim Cimerora
- Defeat Romulus & Minions
- 300 traitors to defeat
You have recaptured Castellum Quarter, the inner city of Cimerora. In doing so, you've defeated over 300 of Romulus' men and Romulus himself.
Notable NPCs
- Imperious (Hero Ally)
- General Coruncanius (Elite Boss)
- General Domitius (Elite Boss)
- General Gabinius (Elite Boss)
- General Ursius (Elite Boss)
- General Sergius (Elite Boss)
- General Terentius (Elite Boss)
- Cyclops x 6 (Elite Boss)
- Minotaur x 6 (Elite Boss)
- Romulus Augustus (Arch-villain)
- Nictus Essence x 3 (Arch-villain)

Though Imperious is presented as a Hero, he is more like a Boss.

Romulus Augustus: Master,
Romulus Augustus: I have failed you.
Romulus Augustus: The champions wield the power of the gods.
Nictus: Perhaps they do, Romulus.
Nictus: But I will make you stronger than even the gods themselves.
Romulus Augustus: How is that--?
Nictus: --I will show you!
Romulus Augustus: By the dark gods...
Romulus Augustus: I am... NICTUS!
Romulus Augustus: The champions shall be a feast laid before me!

While time traveling into the past, you visit Cimerora and in a crate you find a hand written letter addressed to Character...
Did you think I wouldn't find you? You were sly, using an Aspect of the Pillar that wasn't linked to Ouroboros. Did you ever stop to think where Montague may have acquired that crystal? Or how?
I apologize. This letter was not meant for harsh words or recriminations. I merely meant to remind you that I can find you...anytime, anyplace, anywhere. That is all.
Who am I? I know you have been asking yourself that question for a time now. Am I Requiem? Am I Silos? Am, perhaps? You may even be asking yourself which one of those people I am. Have you ever met Praetorian Earth Requiem? He doesn't go by that name, of course, in case you were wondering. Have you, perchance, met the shadow version of yourself? What about the version of Mender Silos from Faathim's reality?
It is a paradox.
Try not to think about it.
But again, my train of thought wanders. I'm writing you to tell you that, as surprising as it might sound, Mender Silos and his time traveling cohorts are actually succeeding in delaying the coming storm. Note, I didn't say preventing. There is still hope.
Because of their actions, and likely yours as well, it may be sometime before I can truly extend my hand to you in kinship. There is other work in other places for us to do. As much as I enjoy these letters, I'm sure you will understand that we have more pressing matters to attend. So, for now, I bid you farewell.
As always, look for me in the crystal.
We have retaken the city, defeated Romulus and the dark ones and even sent those vile 5th Column back across time. Glorious!
The people of Cimerora owe you a debt beyond mere words. You came here owing me nothing, yet giving me back everything I had lost. Now I am in your debt.
I will make sure that your deeds and your memory are remembered throughout all of time.
Completing the Time's Arrow Task Force from Imperious awards the Temporal Strife Badge and unlocks Roman-style armor costume pieces.

You are one of the few who has traveled back in time to face the 5th Column as they attempted to build a temporal stronghold in the ancient lands of Cimerora.
Master of Imperious Task Force
If you successfully complete the Imperious Task Force with challenge settings of zero defeats (no one on the team can be defeated throughout the entire task force) and no Temporary Powers, you will receive the following achievement badge. Note, the powers blocked by accepting this challenge setting will not all be powers listed as "Temporary Powers" in your powers tray: you will lose access to some that are in the "Inherent Powers" section as well as all "Day Job Powers," but may retain some "Temporary Powers" (such as those granted by the alignment system). Powers acquired as part of add-on content (like Ninja Run) will be blocked.

You have proven yourself Master of the Imperious Task Force.
Advanced Mode
Main Article: Advanced Mode
For in-depth information regarding the changes to this Task Force in Advanced Mode, see Imperious Task Force/Advanced Mode
Introduced to the Imperious Task Force in Issue 27 Page 4, Advanced Mode is a suite of optional difficulties that add stacking threat and rewards on top of the base Task Force, scaled for players with Incarnate abilities slotted and viable team compositions. In addition to scaling buffs, Advanced Mode adds a myriad of new enemies and mechanics to existing enemies. Most notably, there is an additional boss encounter in all difficulties of Advanced Mode, that awards the Freezer Burn badge.

Despite not having their intended Incarnate-power batteries, the 5th Column's twin Aereus Colossi Dextro and Laeva were formidable displays of engineering.
There are also additional rewards, with the most significant being payouts of Prismatic Aether based on how high the difficulty is set. See the main article for further details.
- ☆ 1-Star = 4 Prismatic Aether salvage.
- ☆☆ 2-Star = (4+7) 11 Prismatic Aether salvage.
- ☆☆☆ 3-Star = (4+7+6) 17 Prismatic Aether salvage.
- ☆☆☆☆ 4-Star = (4+7+6+7) 24 Prismatic Aether salvage.
See Also
- Imperious Task Force: Strategy
- Task Force
- Strike Force
- Advanced Difficulty
- Prismatic Aether Particle Salvage