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The Warriors are a medium level street gang that can be fought mainly in Striga Isle and Talos Island in City of Heroes and through newspaper missions in City of Villains.

Editor's Note:

Several changes and updates have been made to the Warriors faction from the Homecoming team; for better information on the faction as they appeared on live, please research the Paragon Wiki.

This article is a work in progress as the newly released Warriors are being researched.


Warriors official info ( Copied from the City of Heroes official website [1] )

All Warriors wear this icon in the back of their jackets. This is, probably, the group's logo

The Warriors are a fierce street gang in Paragon City. They operate primarily out of the Talos Island and Striga Isle zones. Their membership is wide and varied, and they don’t seem to discriminate based on ethnicity, race, or religion. The one common trait that all members share is the ability to fight and to fight well.

The Warriors take their inspiration and colors from ancient Greek soldiers, emblazing their jackets with the image of a crested hoplite helm. They also wear ornate bracers, and many sport detailed tattoos depicting ancient battles. However, their camouflage pants, torn vests, and combat boots are all trappings of modern urban warfare. As a final touch, perhaps symbolizing the glorious crests of their heroes, they all wear red headbands.

The rank-and-file street soldiers of the Warriors consist of Bruisers, Slicers, Slammers, and Choppers. The Warriors train exhaustively in the use of archaic weapons, such as one-handed crossbows, broad swords, and battle axes. This intensive training regime has made them tougher than most street gangs, and they dominate any encounter with the Hellions or Skulls.

Lieutenants tend to carry longbows to target high-flying blasters and teleporting defenders, but their real mastery is in their up-close work. Crushers carry heavy maces, which they use to bash their enemies to a pulp. Swordsmen, called “Slashers” by everyone on the street, are experts with the blade, able to demonstrate both finesse and ferocity. Chopper lieutenants, called “Hewers” among themselves, wield brutal axes and are capable of dealing out gruesome damage.

The Warriors’ martial skills are also seemingly enhanced by some exposure to magical energies. Nowhere is this enhancement clearer than among the bosses, although some suspect that the lieutenants and even some of the street soldiers have also benefited from a magical blessing. The Smasher Elite, Slasher Elite, and Hewer Elite are not only expert fighters, but are magically tough and resilient. Inexperienced heroes may be surprised the first time they land a powerful blow to see the Warrior laugh it off and strike back just as hard.

The Elite rule the roost and run the day-to-day activities of the gang. Although they commonly engage in many base gang activities, like extortion, robberies, and protection rackets, their focus is primarily on the buying and selling of mystical artifacts – running the magical black market, as it were. This often puts the Warriors in conflict with the Circle of Thorns. The Warriors seem to have neutral or even positive connections to the Outcasts and Hellions, however, two other gangs focused on the trade of magical artifacts. The Warriors have had a long-standing rivalry with the Trolls and the Freakshow, but their greatest enemies are the Tsoo, who constantly threaten to usurp their territory and drive them out of Talos Island.

While a number of the Warriors’ bosses have been captured by heroes and served time in the Zig – bosses like Heracles, Alexander, Aeneas, and Patrochus – reports are sketchy on who truly leads the gang. Rumors suggest a man named Odysseus founded the Warriors after he stole a magical artifact from a defeated hero, or possibly did a favor for the Circle of Thorns, or even sold his soul to an Arachnos mystic. To date he has remained hidden, directing his soldiers from the highest levels.

Architect Entertainment Description

After making a deal with a demon prince, David Odysseus Hill formed one of the most powerful gang forces in Paragon City. In fact, he now leads the coalition of gangs known as Smuggler's Run. All of the Warriors gain power by drinking from an ancient mystical urn given to Odysseus by the demon. It is whispered around Paragon City that the urn is connected to the Well of the Furies. With his own highly trained fighting force adding the muscle provided by the Hellions and Outcasts, this group is a threat to take over all gang activity in Paragon City.

Villain types


Warrior Bruiser

Warrior Bruiser

A little education can be a dangerous thing. The Ancient Greek-inspired Warriors with a balance of muscles and brains are most often given to the School of Grothia, adept at leaving bruises and blood wherever they go.

Levels: 20-39


Fighting Boxing.png Boxing Melee, Light DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You strike your opponent with a strong punch that causes light smashing damage and has a small chance to stun foes. If you have also trained Kick, this power's damage is increased by 15% and your chance to stun increases.

Fighting Kick.png Kick Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
You strike your opponent with a forceful kick that causes moderate smashing damage and has a small chance to knock opponents down. If you have also trained Boxing, this power's damage is increased by 15% and your chance to knockdown increases.

Inherent Brawl.png Brawl Melee, Light DMG(Smash), Fighting Synergy
When all else fails, you have only your two fists to depend on, and will cause smashing damage to your target. Brawl also features a synergy with the Fighting pool. If you have trained Boxing or Kick, Brawl will also reduce the target's attack speed and chance to hit.

MedievalWeapons Crossbow.png Hand Crossbow Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
Small rapid fire Handheld Crossbow.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Auto: Res( F20 P-20 )
The Warriors have acclimated to a newfound infernal power and are resistant to fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks.

Warrior Chopper

Warrior Chopper

A little education can be a dangerous thing. The Ancient Greek-inspired Warriors that show potential for rage and destruction are most often given to the School of Tsekouri, trained with an axe to butcher their adversaries.

Levels: 20-39


BattleAxe Chop.png Beheader Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockdown
This is an attempt to remove your opponent's head from his neck with your Battle Axe. This attack is fairly quick for such a large weapon, and has a chance to knock them down.

MedievalWeapons Crossbow.png Hand Crossbow Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
Small rapid fire Handheld Crossbow.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Auto: Res( F20 P-20 )
The Warriors have acclimated to a newfound infernal power and are resistant to fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks.

Warrior Slammer

A low level Warrior, during a relics smuggling operation

A little education can be a dangerous thing. The Ancient Greek-inspired Warriors that show raw strength are most often given to the School of Skiptro, trained with a mace to shatter an opponent's ability to continue fighting.

Levels: 20-39


Mace Bash.png Bash Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You perform a Bashing attack with your mace that deals moderate damage, and can sometimes Disorient your opponent.

MedievalWeapons Crossbow.png Hand Crossbow Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
Small rapid fire Handheld Crossbow.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Auto: Res( F20 P-20 )
The Warriors have acclimated to a newfound infernal power and are resistant to fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks.

Warrior Slicer

A little education can be a dangerous thing. The Ancient Greek-inspired Warriors with a tactical mind are inducted into the School of Spathi, trained with a sword for both precision disarmament and brutal life-ending maneuvers.

Levels: 20-39


Sword Slash.png Slash Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -DEF
You perform a quick Slash that can reduce a target's Defense, making him easier to hit. This attack causes moderate damage, but has a quick recharge time.

MedievalWeapons Crossbow.png Hand Crossbow Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
Small rapid fire Handheld Crossbow.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Auto: Res( F20 P-20 )
The Warriors have acclimated to a newfound infernal power and are resistant to fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks.

Warrior Soldier

A little education can be a dangerous thing. The Ancient Greek-inspired Warriors that demonstrate keen senses tend to be matriculated into the School of Toxo, learning to strike fast and from a distance.

Levels: 20-39


MedievalWeapons Crossbow.png Crossbow Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
The Heavy Crossbow can knock down foes.

Archery ExplodingArrow.png Exploding Bolt Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Fire/Lethal), Foe Knockback
You fire a grenade-tipped bolt at long range. This explosion affects all within the blast radius, and can knock them back.

Inherent Brawl.png Brawl Melee, Light DMG(Smash), Fighting Synergy
When all else fails, you have only your two fists to depend on, and will cause smashing damage to your target. Brawl also features a synergy with the Fighting pool. If you have trained Boxing or Kick, Brawl will also reduce the target's attack speed and chance to hit.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Auto: Res( F20 P-20 )
The Warriors have acclimated to a newfound infernal power and are resistant to fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks.

Warrior Striker

A little education can be a dangerous thing. The Ancient Greek-inspired Warriors that demonstrate a level of control over kinetic energies are most often given to the School of Ravdos, trained to wield a staff to keep enemies at range and maximize their evasiveness.

Levels: 20-39


StaffFighting MercurialBlow.png Mercurial Blow Melee, Light DMG(Smash), Foe -DEF
You strike your foe with a lightning fast blow from your staff dealing Light Smashing damage. The attack is so unexpected that the target's defenses are reduced slightly for a short time.

StaffFighting PreciseStrike.png Precise Strike Melee, Heavy DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You attempt to daze your foe with a heavy staff blow to their head. Precise Strike has a higher chance to hit than normal, deals Moderate Smashing damage, and has a small chance to disorient the target briefly.

MedievalWeapons Crossbow.png Pilum Ranged, High DMG(Lethal)
You throw a pilum at a foe, dealing heavy damage.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Auto: Res( F20 P-20 )
The Warriors have acclimated to a newfound infernal power and are resistant to fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks.

Warrior Archer

A little education can be a dangerous thing. The Ancient Greek-inspired Warriors that demonstrate keen senses tend to be matriculated into the School of Toxo, learning to strike fast and from a distance.

Levels: 40-54


Archery MediumArrow.png Aimed Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
Though it takes longer to execute, your Aimed Shot deals greater damage than Snap Shot.

Archery FlamingArrow.png Blazing Arrow Ranged, High DMG(Lethal/Fire), Minor DoT(Fire)
You fire a Blazing Arrow at your foe, dealing some Lethal damage and causing them to catch on fire and burn.

TrickArrow Hold.png Ice Arrow Ranged, Moderate DMG(Cold/Lethal), Foe Hold
You fire an arrow of crystalline nether energy at your target. This arrow pierces the target, causing lethal damage, while the frigid temperature of the arrow causes additional cold damage. This temperature has a chance of crystallizing vapor in the air around the target, giving a small chance of holding the opponent.

Inherent Brawl.png Brawl Melee, Light DMG(Smash), Fighting Synergy
When all else fails, you have only your two fists to depend on, and will cause smashing damage to your target. Brawl also features a synergy with the Fighting pool. If you have trained Boxing or Kick, Brawl will also reduce the target's attack speed and chance to hit.

SuperReflexes Dodge.png Reflexes Auto: Self +Def( M12% R12% ), +Res(DeBuff DEF, Slow), Scaling Damage Resistance, +SPD, +Recharge
You have the ability to innately Dodge some melee attacks and you resist Defense DeBuffs. Dodge also grants you minor Damage Resistance to all damage except Toxic and Psionic. This Damage Resistance is only available as you lose Health but it improves as your HP declines. This power is always on, and will permanently increase your Defense versus melee attacks.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Auto: Res( F20 P-20 )
The Warriors have acclimated to a newfound infernal power and are resistant to fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks.

Warrior Basher

A little education can be a dangerous thing. The Ancient Greek-inspired Warriors that show raw strength are most often given to the School of Skiptro, trained with a mace to shatter an opponent's ability to continue fighting.

Levels: 40-54


Mace Bash.png Bash Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You perform a Bashing attack with your mace that deals moderate damage, and can sometimes Disorient your opponent.

Mace Pulverize.png Pulverize Melee, High DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You attempt to Pulverize your opponent. This attack is slower than Bash but causes more damage. It also has a chance of Disorienting your opponent for a brief time.

Mace Shatter.png Shatter Melee (Cone), Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
You attempt to Shatter the bones of your opponent by striking them with all your might. This attack will deal great damage and can knock foes back a great ways. The power of this attack can actually extend a short distance through multiple foes.

Archery MediumArrow.png Aimed Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
Though it takes longer to execute, your Aimed Shot deals greater damage than Snap Shot.

Willpower HighPainTolerance.png Willpower Auto: Self +Res( All6 ), +MaxHP, +Regeneration, +Recovery
You have a greater tolerance to pain than others. You are also slightly resistant to all types of damage. This power is always on and costs no Endurance.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Auto: Res( F20 P-20 )
The Warriors have acclimated to a newfound infernal power and are resistant to fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks.

Warrior Brawler

A little education can be a dangerous thing. The Ancient Greek-inspired Warriors with a balance of muscles and brains are most often given to the School of Grothia, adept at leaving bruises and blood wherever they go.

Levels: 40-54


Brawling InitialStrike.png Initial Strike Melee, Light DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You deliver a pair of lightning fast blows to your opponent in an effort to throw them off balance. Initial Strike deals Light Smashing damage and has a small chance to disorient your target.

Brawling HeavyBlow.png Heavy Blow Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
You strike your foe with a powerful punch dealing Moderate Smashing damage. Heavy Blow has a fair chance to knock the target off its feet.

Brawling SweepingCross.png Sweeping Cross Melee (Cone), High DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You execute a sweeping right hook that can strike multiple targets in your frontal arc. Sweeping Cross deals High Smashing damage and can disorient foes.

Archery MediumArrow.png Aimed Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
Though it takes longer to execute, your Aimed Shot deals greater damage than Snap Shot.

SuperReflexes Dodge.png Reflexes Auto: Self +Def( M12% R12% ), +Res(DeBuff DEF, Slow), Scaling Damage Resistance, +SPD, +Recharge
You have the ability to innately Dodge some melee attacks and you resist Defense DeBuffs. Dodge also grants you minor Damage Resistance to all damage except Toxic and Psionic. This Damage Resistance is only available as you lose Health but it improves as your HP declines. This power is always on, and will permanently increase your Defense versus melee attacks.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Auto: Res( F20 P-20 )
The Warriors have acclimated to a newfound infernal power and are resistant to fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks.

Warrior Cleaver

A little education can be a dangerous thing. The Ancient Greek-inspired Warriors that show potential for rage and destruction are most often given to the School of Tsekouri, trained with an axe to butcher their adversaries.

Levels: 40-54


BattleAxe Chop.png Beheader Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockdown
This is an attempt to remove your opponent's head from his neck with your Battle Axe. This attack is fairly quick for such a large weapon, and has a chance to knock them down.

BattleAxe Gash.png Chop Melee, High DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
Chop deals heavy damage with your Battle Axe, although it is much slower than Gash. This attack has a chance to knock them down.

BattleAxe TAoE.png Pendulum Melee (Targeted AoE), Heavy DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
This attack swings your Battle Axe directly in front of you. Foes struck by this attack are dealt heavy damage, and may be knocked down.

Archery MediumArrow.png Aimed Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
Though it takes longer to execute, your Aimed Shot deals greater damage than Snap Shot.

Willpower HighPainTolerance.png Willpower Auto: Self +Res( All6 ), +MaxHP, +Regeneration, +Recovery
You have a greater tolerance to pain than others. You are also slightly resistant to all types of damage. This power is always on and costs no Endurance.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Auto: Res( F20 P-20 )
The Warriors have acclimated to a newfound infernal power and are resistant to fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks.

Warrior Spearman

A little education can be a dangerous thing. The Ancient Greek-inspired Warriors that demonstrate a level of control over kinetic energies are most often given to the School of Ravdos, trained to wield a staff to keep enemies at range and maximize their evasiveness.

Levels: 40-54


StaffFighting MercurialBlow.png Mercurial Blow Melee, Light DMG(Smash), Foe -DEF
You strike your foe with a lightning fast blow from your staff dealing Light Smashing damage. The attack is so unexpected that the target's defenses are reduced slightly for a short time.

StaffFighting PreciseStrike.png Precise Strike Melee, Heavy DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You attempt to daze your foe with a heavy staff blow to their head. Precise Strike has a higher chance to hit than normal, deals Moderate Smashing damage, and has a small chance to disorient the target briefly.

StaffFighting SerpentsReach.png Serpent's Reach Ranged, High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
You fully extend your staff and release a burst of energy to lash out at a distant target and deal High Smashing damage with a good chance to knock your target down.

MedievalWeapons Crossbow.png Pilum Ranged, High DMG(Lethal)
You throw a pilum at a foe, dealing heavy damage.

SuperReflexes Dodge.png Reflexes Auto: Self +Def( M12% R12% ), +Res(DeBuff DEF, Slow), Scaling Damage Resistance, +SPD, +Recharge
You have the ability to innately Dodge some melee attacks and you resist Defense DeBuffs. Dodge also grants you minor Damage Resistance to all damage except Toxic and Psionic. This Damage Resistance is only available as you lose Health but it improves as your HP declines. This power is always on, and will permanently increase your Defense versus melee attacks.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Auto: Res( F20 P-20 )
The Warriors have acclimated to a newfound infernal power and are resistant to fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks.

Warrior Swordsman

A little education can be a dangerous thing. The Ancient Greek-inspired Warriors with a tactical mind are inducted into the School of Spathi, trained with a sword for both precision disarmament and brutal life-ending maneuvers.

Levels: 40-54


Sword Slash.png Slash Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -DEF
You perform a quick Slash that can reduce a target's Defense, making him easier to hit. This attack causes moderate damage, but has a quick recharge time.

Sword Hack.png Hack Melee, High DMG(Lethal), Foe -DEF
You Hack your opponent for a high amount of damage. This attack can reduce a target's Defense, making him easier to hit.

Sword WhirlingSword.png Whirling Sword PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -DEF
You perform a Whirling Sword maneuver, attacking all foes in melee range. This attack wounds your opponents, causing them to take minor damage over time and reduces their defense.

Archery MediumArrow.png Aimed Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
Though it takes longer to execute, your Aimed Shot deals greater damage than Snap Shot.

Willpower HighPainTolerance.png Willpower Auto: Self +Res( All6 ), +MaxHP, +Regeneration, +Recovery
You have a greater tolerance to pain than others. You are also slightly resistant to all types of damage. This power is always on and costs no Endurance.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Auto: Res( F20 P-20 )
The Warriors have acclimated to a newfound infernal power and are resistant to fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks.



The Crushers are experienced members of the School of Skiptro, specialized in the mace. They are stronger and more durable than the initiates after a few months of conditioning, hitting harder and taking more hits.

Levels: 20-39


Mace Bash.png Bash Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You perform a Bashing attack with your mace that deals moderate damage, and can sometimes Disorient your opponent.

Mace Pulverize.png Pulverize Melee, High DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You attempt to Pulverize your opponent. This attack is slower than Bash but causes more damage. It also has a chance of Disorienting your opponent for a brief time.

Mace Clobber.png Clobber Melee, Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You Clobber your foe with a massive swing of your mace. This attack deals exceptional damage and can leave most opponents disoriented for a period of time.

Mace Shatter.png Shatter Melee (Cone), Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
You attempt to Shatter the bones of your opponent by striking them with all your might. This attack will deal great damage and can knock foes back a great ways. The power of this attack can actually extend a short distance through multiple foes.

MedievalWeapons Crossbow.png Crossbow Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
The Heavy Crossbow can knock down foes.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Res( S20 L20 F20 P-20 ), Prot( Kb 50% )
The stronger Warriors are tough and resistant to smashing, lethal, and fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks. They are also sturdy on their feet.


Only the most depraved and bloodlusting Warriors are allowed to advance in the School of Tsekouri. Those with the Hewer title are able to cause great amounts of gruesome damage with both speed and finesse.

Levels: 20-39


BattleAxe Chop.png Beheader Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockdown
This is an attempt to remove your opponent's head from his neck with your Battle Axe. This attack is fairly quick for such a large weapon, and has a chance to knock them down.

BattleAxe Gash.png Chop Melee, High DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
Chop deals heavy damage with your Battle Axe, although it is much slower than Gash. This attack has a chance to knock them down.

BattleAxe Beheader.png Gash Melee, Superior DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
Gashes your opponent with your Battle Axe dealing superior damage. This attack is very slow, but can deal a lot damage and knock the target down.

BattleAxe TAoE.png Pendulum Melee (Targeted AoE), Heavy DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
This attack swings your Battle Axe directly in front of you. Foes struck by this attack are dealt heavy damage, and may be knocked down.

MedievalWeapons Crossbow.png Crossbow Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
The Heavy Crossbow can knock down foes.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Res( S20 L20 F20 P-20 ), Prot( Kb 50% )
The stronger Warriors are tough and resistant to smashing, lethal, and fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks. They are also sturdy on their feet.


A true Hoplite from ancient Greek history would wield a spear and shield and engage with their allies in a defensive formation, but the advanced students in the School of Ravdos do not seem to emulate this style. Perhaps this is an indication that the Warriors are not as educated as they would like to put off.

Levels: 20-39


StaffFighting MercurialBlow.png Mercurial Blow Melee, Light DMG(Smash), Foe -DEF
You strike your foe with a lightning fast blow from your staff dealing Light Smashing damage. The attack is so unexpected that the target's defenses are reduced slightly for a short time.

StaffFighting PreciseStrike.png Precise Strike Melee, Heavy DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You attempt to daze your foe with a heavy staff blow to their head. Precise Strike has a higher chance to hit than normal, deals Moderate Smashing damage, and has a small chance to disorient the target briefly.

StaffFighting EyeoftheStorm.png Eye of the Storm PBAoE Melee, Heavy DoT(Smash), Foe Knockdown
With a lightning fast series of spins of your staff you strike at all nearby foes dealing moderate damage with a chance of knocking foes down.

StaffFighting SerpentsReach.png Serpent's Reach Ranged, High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
You fully extend your staff and release a burst of energy to lash out at a distant target and deal High Smashing damage with a good chance to knock your target down.

StaffFighting GuardedSpin.png Guarded Spin Melee (Cone), Heavy DoT(Smash), Self +DEF(Melee, Smash, Lethal)
You spin your staff like a propeller in front of you dealing Light Smashing damage to enemies in your frontal arc and deflecting any incoming attacks, thus boosting your Melee and Lethal defense briefly.

MedievalWeapons Crossbow.png Pilum Ranged, High DMG(Lethal)
You throw a pilum at a foe, dealing heavy damage.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Res( S20 L20 F20 P-20 ), Prot( Kb 50% )
The stronger Warriors are tough and resistant to smashing, lethal, and fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks. They are also sturdy on their feet.


Once a trainee in the School of Grothia claims their first kill with nothing but their bare fists, they are granted their first tattoos of rank and trained in the ancient art of Pankration. More deadly than their initiate counterparts, Pankratiasts should be approached with caution.

Levels: 20-39


Brawling InitialStrike.png Initial Strike Melee, Light DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You deliver a pair of lightning fast blows to your opponent in an effort to throw them off balance. Initial Strike deals Light Smashing damage and has a small chance to disorient your target.

Brawling HeavyBlow.png Heavy Blow Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
You strike your foe with a powerful punch dealing Moderate Smashing damage. Heavy Blow has a fair chance to knock the target off its feet.

Brawling SweepingCross.png Sweeping Cross Melee (Cone), High DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You execute a sweeping right hook that can strike multiple targets in your frontal arc. Sweeping Cross deals High Smashing damage and can disorient foes.

Brawling SpinningStrike.png Spinning Strike Melee (Targeted AoE), High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
You execute a spinning attack that first strikes with your fist and finally your heel hitting your foe and all enemies immediately nearby. Spinning Strike deals Heavy Smashing damage and has a high chance to knockdown foes.

Archery MediumArrow.png Aimed Shot Ranged, Heavy DMG(Lethal)
Typical Long Bow. Long range and deadly.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Res( S20 L20 F20 P-20 ), Prot( Kb 50% )
The stronger Warriors are tough and resistant to smashing, lethal, and fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks. They are also sturdy on their feet.


Warrior Slasher

Although they prefer to be called Swordsmen, everyone refers to these students in the School of Spathi as Slashers. They're experts at swordplay, and can swing with both finesse and ferocity, making them very dangerous in close combat.

Levels: 20-39


Sword Slash.png Slash Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -DEF
You perform a quick Slash that can reduce a target's Defense, making him easier to hit. This attack causes moderate damage, but has a quick recharge time.

Sword Hack.png Hack Melee, High DMG(Lethal), Foe -DEF
You Hack your opponent for a high amount of damage. This attack can reduce a target's Defense, making him easier to hit.

Sword Parry.png Parry Melee, Light DMG(Lethal), Self +DEF(Melee, Smash, Lethal)
You can use this power to Parry incoming melee attacks. The Parry itself does minor damage, but every successful hit will increase your Defense against melee and lethal attacks for a short while.

Sword WhirlingSword.png Whirling Sword PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -DEF
You perform a Whirling Sword maneuver, attacking all foes in melee range. This attack wounds your opponents, causing them to take minor damage over time and reduces their defense.

Archery MediumArrow.png Bow Ranged, Heavy DMG(Lethal)
Typical Long Bow. Long Range and deadly.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Res( S20 L20 F20 P-20 ), Prot( Kb 50% )
The stronger Warriors are tough and resistant to smashing, lethal, and fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks. They are also sturdy on their feet.

Crusher Champion

The Crushers are experienced members of the School of Skiptro, specialized in the mace. They are stronger and more durable than the initiates after a few months of conditioning, hitting harder and taking more hits.

Levels: 40-54


Mace Bash.png Bash Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You perform a Bashing attack with your mace that deals moderate damage, and can sometimes Disorient your opponent.

Mace Pulverize.png Pulverize Melee, High DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You attempt to Pulverize your opponent. This attack is slower than Bash but causes more damage. It also has a chance of Disorienting your opponent for a brief time.

Mace Clobber.png Clobber Melee, Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You Clobber your foe with a massive swing of your mace. This attack deals exceptional damage and can leave most opponents disoriented for a period of time.

Mace Shatter.png Shatter Melee (Cone), Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
You attempt to Shatter the bones of your opponent by striking them with all your might. This attack will deal great damage and can knock foes back a great ways. The power of this attack can actually extend a short distance through multiple foes.

TrickArrow Hold.png Ice Arrow Ranged, Moderate DMG(Cold/Lethal), Foe Hold
You fire an arrow of crystalline nether energy at your target. This arrow pierces the target, causing lethal damage, while the frigid temperature of the arrow causes additional cold damage. This temperature has a chance of crystallizing vapor in the air around the target, giving a small chance of holding the opponent.

Willpower HeightenedSenses.png Heightened Senses Toggle: Self +Def( S5% L5% F15% C15% E15% N15% ), Prot( Ho 5.19 Im 5.19 St 5.19 Sl 5.19 Kb 2.0 Co 5.19 Fr 5.19 ), +Perception
You become more aware of your environment and its hazards while this power is activated. This will increase your Defense versus environmental damage as long as it is active. Your Heightened Senses also allow you to perceive stealthy foes and resist Defense DeBuffs.

Willpower HighPainTolerance.png Willpower Auto: Self +Res( All7.5 ), +MaxHP, +Regeneration, +Recovery
You have a greater tolerance to pain than others. You are also slightly resistant to all types of damage. This power is always on and costs no Endurance.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Res( S20 L20 F20 P-20 ), Prot( Kb 50% )
The stronger Warriors are tough and resistant to smashing, lethal, and fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks. They are also sturdy on their feet.

Hewer Champion

Only the most depraved and bloodlusting Warriors are allowed to advance in the School of Tsekouri. Those with the Hewer title are able to cause great amounts of gruesome damage with both speed and finesse.

Levels: 40-54


BattleAxe Chop.png Beheader Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockdown
This is an attempt to remove your opponent's head from his neck with your Battle Axe. This attack is fairly quick for such a large weapon, and has a chance to knock them down.

BattleAxe Gash.png Chop Melee, High DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
Chop deals heavy damage with your Battle Axe, although it is much slower than Gash. This attack has a chance to knock them down.

BattleAxe Beheader.png Gash Melee, Superior DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
Gashes your opponent with your Battle Axe dealing superior damage. This attack is very slow, but can deal a lot damage and knock the target down.

BattleAxe TAoE.png Pendulum Melee (Targeted AoE), Heavy DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
This attack swings your Battle Axe directly in front of you. Foes struck by this attack are dealt heavy damage, and may be knocked down.

TrickArrow Hold.png Ice Arrow Ranged, Moderate DMG(Cold/Lethal), Foe Hold
You fire an arrow of crystalline nether energy at your target. This arrow pierces the target, causing lethal damage, while the frigid temperature of the arrow causes additional cold damage. This temperature has a chance of crystallizing vapor in the air around the target, giving a small chance of holding the opponent.

Willpower HeightenedSenses.png Heightened Senses Toggle: Self +Def( S5% L5% F15% C15% E15% N15% ), Prot( Ho 5.19 Im 5.19 St 5.19 Sl 5.19 Kb 2.0 Co 5.19 Fr 5.19 ), +Perception
You become more aware of your environment and its hazards while this power is activated. This will increase your Defense versus environmental damage as long as it is active. Your Heightened Senses also allow you to perceive stealthy foes and resist Defense DeBuffs.

Willpower HighPainTolerance.png Willpower Auto: Self +Res( All7.5 ), +MaxHP, +Regeneration, +Recovery
You have a greater tolerance to pain than others. You are also slightly resistant to all types of damage. This power is always on and costs no Endurance.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Res( S20 L20 F20 P-20 ), Prot( Kb 50% )
The stronger Warriors are tough and resistant to smashing, lethal, and fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks. They are also sturdy on their feet.

Hoplite Champion

A true Hoplite from ancient Greek history would wield a spear and shield and engage with their allies in a defensive formation, but the advanced students in the School of Ravdos do not seem to emulate this style. Perhaps this is an indication that the Warriors are not as educated as they would like to put off.

Levels: 40-54


StaffFighting MercurialBlow.png Mercurial Blow Melee, Light DMG(Smash), Foe -DEF
You strike your foe with a lightning fast blow from your staff dealing Light Smashing damage. The attack is so unexpected that the target's defenses are reduced slightly for a short time.

StaffFighting PreciseStrike.png Precise Strike Melee, Heavy DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You attempt to daze your foe with a heavy staff blow to their head. Precise Strike has a higher chance to hit than normal, deals Moderate Smashing damage, and has a small chance to disorient the target briefly.

StaffFighting EyeoftheStorm.png Eye of the Storm PBAoE Melee, Heavy DoT(Smash), Foe Knockdown
With a lightning fast series of spins of your staff you strike at all nearby foes dealing moderate damage with a chance of knocking foes down.

StaffFighting SerpentsReach.png Serpent's Reach Ranged, High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
You fully extend your staff and release a burst of energy to lash out at a distant target and deal High Smashing damage with a good chance to knock your target down.

StaffFighting GuardedSpin.png Guarded Spin Melee (Cone), Heavy DoT(Smash), Self +DEF(Melee, Smash, Lethal)
You spin your staff like a propeller in front of you dealing Light Smashing damage to enemies in your frontal arc and deflecting any incoming attacks, thus boosting your Melee and Lethal defense briefly.

DarkCast DarkBlast.png Withering Pilum Ranged, High DMG(Lethal/Negative), Foe -DMG
You throw a pilum at a foe, dealing heavy damage. The target suffers lethal damage and negative energy damage, as well as a reduction in their damage output.

SuperReflexes PracticedBrawler.png Practiced Brawler Toggle: Self +Def( M15% R15% ), Prot( Ho 5.19 Im 5.19 St 5.19 Sl 5.19 Kb 2.0 Co 5.19 ), +Perception
Your training has allowed you to become a Practiced Brawler, tuning you into a perfect fighting machine. You gain a resistance to Knockback, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, and Immobilization powers for a short duration.

SuperReflexes Dodge.png Reflexes Auto: Self +Def( M15% R15% ), +Res(DeBuff DEF, Slow), Scaling Damage Resistance, +SPD, +Recharge
You have the ability to innately Dodge some melee attacks and you resist Defense DeBuffs. Dodge also grants you minor Damage Resistance to all damage except Toxic and Psionic. This Damage Resistance is only available as you lose Health but it improves as your HP declines. This power is always on, and will permanently increase your Defense versus melee attacks.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Res( S20 L20 F20 P-20 ), Prot( Kb 50% )
The stronger Warriors are tough and resistant to smashing, lethal, and fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks. They are also sturdy on their feet.

Hunter Champion

Those that have excelled in the School of Toxo are inducted into the inner circles as Hunters. They are gifted with a few additional techniques to hinder their targets.

Levels: 40-54


Archery MediumArrow.png Aimed Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
Though it takes longer to execute, your Aimed Shot deals greater damage than Snap Shot.

Archery FlamingArrow.png Blazing Arrow Ranged, High DMG(Lethal/Fire), Minor DoT(Fire)
You fire a Blazing Arrow at your foe, dealing some Lethal damage and causing them to catch on fire and burn.

TrickArrow Hold.png Ice Arrow Ranged, Moderate DMG(Cold/Lethal), Foe Hold
You fire an arrow of crystalline nether energy at your target. This arrow pierces the target, causing lethal damage, while the frigid temperature of the arrow causes additional cold damage. This temperature has a chance of crystallizing vapor in the air around the target, giving a small chance of holding the opponent.

TrickArrow Immobilize.png Entangling Arrow Ranged, Foe Immobilize, -Resist(All), -Fly, -SPD
You entangle a targeted foe causing their reflexes to become slowed and sluggish. This grounds them and causes them to have decreased movement speed and damage resistance. Weaker foes will also be immobilized.

Inherent Brawl.png Brawl Melee, Light DMG(Smash), Fighting Synergy
When all else fails, you have only your two fists to depend on, and will cause smashing damage to your target. Brawl also features a synergy with the Fighting pool. If you have trained Boxing or Kick, Brawl will also reduce the target's attack speed and chance to hit.

SuperReflexes PracticedBrawler.png Practiced Brawler Toggle: Self +Def( M15% R15% ), Prot( Ho 5.19 Im 5.19 St 5.19 Sl 5.19 Kb 2.0 Co 5.19 ), +Perception
Your training has allowed you to become a Practiced Brawler, tuning you into a perfect fighting machine. You gain a resistance to Knockback, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, and Immobilization powers for a short duration.

SuperReflexes Dodge.png Reflexes Auto: Self +Def( M15% R15% ), +Res(DeBuff DEF, Slow), Scaling Damage Resistance, +SPD, +Recharge
You have the ability to innately Dodge some melee attacks and you resist Defense DeBuffs. Dodge also grants you minor Damage Resistance to all damage except Toxic and Psionic. This Damage Resistance is only available as you lose Health but it improves as your HP declines. This power is always on, and will permanently increase your Defense versus melee attacks.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Res( S20 L20 F20 P-20 ), Prot( Kb 50% )
The stronger Warriors are tough and resistant to smashing, lethal, and fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks. They are also sturdy on their feet.

Pankratiast Champion

Once a trainee in the School of Grothia claims their first kill with nothing but their bare fists, they are granted their first tattoos of rank and trained in the ancient art of Pankration. More deadly than their initiate counterparts, Pankratiasts should be approached with caution.

Levels: 40-54


Brawling InitialStrike.png Initial Strike Melee, Light DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You deliver a pair of lightning fast blows to your opponent in an effort to throw them off balance. Initial Strike deals Light Smashing damage and has a small chance to disorient your target.

Brawling HeavyBlow.png Heavy Blow Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
You strike your foe with a powerful punch dealing Moderate Smashing damage. Heavy Blow has a fair chance to knock the target off its feet.

Brawling SweepingCross.png Sweeping Cross Melee (Cone), High DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You execute a sweeping right hook that can strike multiple targets in your frontal arc. Sweeping Cross deals High Smashing damage and can disorient foes.

Brawling SpinningStrike.png Spinning Strike Melee (Targeted AoE), High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
You execute a spinning attack that first strikes with your fist and finally your heel hitting your foe and all enemies immediately nearby. Spinning Strike deals Heavy Smashing damage and has a high chance to knockdown foes.

Archery FlamingArrow.png Blazing Arrow Ranged, High DMG(Lethal/Fire), Minor DoT(Fire)
You fire a Blazing Arrow at your foe, dealing some Lethal damage and causing them to catch on fire and burn.

SuperReflexes PracticedBrawler.png Practiced Brawler Toggle: Self +Def( M15% R15% ), Prot( Ho 5.19 Im 5.19 St 5.19 Sl 5.19 Kb 2.0 Co 5.19 ), +Perception
Your training has allowed you to become a Practiced Brawler, tuning you into a perfect fighting machine. You gain a resistance to Knockback, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, and Immobilization powers for a short duration.

SuperReflexes Dodge.png Reflexes Auto: Self +Def( M15% R15% ), +Res(DeBuff DEF, Slow), Scaling Damage Resistance, +SPD, +Recharge
You have the ability to innately Dodge some melee attacks and you resist Defense DeBuffs. Dodge also grants you minor Damage Resistance to all damage except Toxic and Psionic. This Damage Resistance is only available as you lose Health but it improves as your HP declines. This power is always on, and will permanently increase your Defense versus melee attacks.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Res( S20 L20 F20 P-20 ), Prot( Kb 50% )
The stronger Warriors are tough and resistant to smashing, lethal, and fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks. They are also sturdy on their feet.

Slasher Champion

Although they prefer to be called Swordsmen, everyone refers to these students in the School of Spathi as Slashers. They're experts at swordplay, and can swing with both finesse and ferocity, making them very dangerous in close combat.

Levels: 40-54


Sword Slash.png Slash Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -DEF
You perform a quick Slash that can reduce a target's Defense, making him easier to hit. This attack causes moderate damage, but has a quick recharge time.

Sword Hack.png Hack Melee, High DMG(Lethal), Foe -DEF
You Hack your opponent for a high amount of damage. This attack can reduce a target's Defense, making him easier to hit.

Sword Parry.png Parry Melee, Light DMG(Lethal), Self +DEF(Melee, Smash, Lethal)
You can use this power to Parry incoming melee attacks. The Parry itself does minor damage, but every successful hit will increase your Defense against melee and lethal attacks for a short while.

Sword WhirlingSword.png Whirling Sword PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -DEF
You perform a Whirling Sword maneuver, attacking all foes in melee range. This attack wounds your opponents, causing them to take minor damage over time and reduces their defense.

Archery FlamingArrow.png Blazing Arrow Ranged, High DMG(Lethal/Fire), Minor DoT(Fire)
You fire a Blazing Arrow at your foe, dealing some Lethal damage and causing them to catch on fire and burn.

Willpower HeightenedSenses.png Heightened Senses Toggle: Self +Def( S5% L5% F15% C15% E15% N15% ), Prot( Ho 5.19 Im 5.19 St 5.19 Sl 5.19 Kb 2.0 Co 5.19 Fr 5.19 ), +Perception
You become more aware of your environment and its hazards while this power is activated. This will increase your Defense versus environmental damage as long as it is active. Your Heightened Senses also allow you to perceive stealthy foes and resist Defense DeBuffs.

Willpower HighPainTolerance.png Willpower Auto: Self +Res( All7.5 ), +MaxHP, +Regeneration, +Recovery
You have a greater tolerance to pain than others. You are also slightly resistant to all types of damage. This power is always on and costs no Endurance.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Res( S20 L20 F20 P-20 ), Prot( Kb 50% )
The stronger Warriors are tough and resistant to smashing, lethal, and fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks. They are also sturdy on their feet.


Crusher Elite

The toughest mace wielders to ascend in the School of Skiptro, the Crusher Elites have been around long enough that they can not only dish out pain, but take it as well. On the streets of Paragon City, one doesn't survive long lacking powers without scars and determination.

Levels: 20-39


Mace Bash.png Bash Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You perform a Bashing attack with your mace that deals moderate damage, and can sometimes Disorient your opponent.

Mace Pulverize.png Pulverize Melee, High DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You attempt to Pulverize your opponent. This attack is slower than Bash but causes more damage. It also has a chance of Disorienting your opponent for a brief time.

Mace Clobber.png Clobber Melee, Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You Clobber your foe with a massive swing of your mace. This attack deals exceptional damage and can leave most opponents disoriented for a period of time.

Mace Shatter.png Shatter Melee (Cone), Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
You attempt to Shatter the bones of your opponent by striking them with all your might. This attack will deal great damage and can knock foes back a great ways. The power of this attack can actually extend a short distance through multiple foes.

Archery ConeArrow.png Fistful of Bolts Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Lethal)
The Warrior can fire a cluster of bolts from their crossbow in a cone in front of them.

FlamingShield FlamingShield.png Resistance Res( S20 L20 F20 P-20 ), Prot( Kb 50% ), +Recovery
The Warrior leaders are tough and resistant to smashing, lethal, and fire damage, but vulnerable to mental attacks. They are also sturdy on their feet and have greater stamina than their peers.

Hewer Elite

The most Elite Hewers are granted their final tattoos by the School of Tsekouri, now true bloodlusting berserkers. The most experienced with the axe can take their opponents clean off their feet, and sometimes those opponents lose their feet in the process.

Levels: 20-44


MedievalWeapons MaceSwing.png Gash Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockdown
Gash your opponent with your Battle Axe. This attack is fairly quick for such a large weapon, and can knock down foes.

MedievalWeapons SwordParry.png Chop Melee, High DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
The Chop deals heavy damage, altough it is much slower than Gash. This attack can knock back a target.

MedievalWeapons MaceSmash.png Beheader Melee, Superior DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
Swings your Battle Axe horizontally at neck level. Deals very high damage, and can send a target flying. However, this attack is very slow.

MedievalWeapons BattleAxeSwing.png Pendulum Melee (Targeted AoE), Heavy DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
This devastating attack swings your Battle Axe in a wide arc in front of you. All foes in its arc are dealt a serious blow, and are sent flying!

MedievalWeapons Crossbow.png Crossbow Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
The Heavy Crossbow can knock down foes.

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Auto, Res( S30 L30 F30 P-20 ), Prot( Kb 50% )
Warriors are resistant to smashing and lethal damage and Knockback.

Hoplite Elite

Hoplite Elites are fully inducted into the inner circles of the Warriors, with updated tattoo designs to reflect. Top-ranking Hoplites are fast, evasive, and hit with the force of a dozen initiates. Do not underestimate them.


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Hunter Gladiator

The masters of the School of Toxo are not to be trifled with. Only the most agile and accurate Hunters are promoted to the rank of Gladiator - their skills and loadouts rival some military contemporaries.


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Pankratiast Elite

Full graduates of the School of Grothia use their bodies as living weapons. Top ranking Pankratiasts are known for their vicious and relentless assaults, often ending a fight under a minute from where it began.


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Slasher Elite

Some of the finest swordsmen on the streets, the masters of the School of Spathi are experts at using their blades for both offense and defense. High-ranking Slashers are known for liberating opponents of their dominant hands, collecting them as trophies.

Levels: 20-44


MedievalWeapons MaceSmash.png Slash Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -DEF
The Warrior has lowered your Defense with his Broad Sword.

MedievalWeapons MaceSwing.png Hack Melee, High DMG(Lethal), Foe -DEF
The Warrior has lowered your Defense with his Broad Sword.

Sword Parry.png Parry Melee, Light DMG(Lethal), Self +DEF(Melee, Lethal)
You can use this power to Parry incoming melee attacks. The Parry itself does minor damage, but every successful hit will increase your Defense against melee attacks for a short while.

MedievalWeapons SwordTwirl.png Whirling Sword PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -DEF
The Warrior has lowered your Defense with his Broad Sword.

MedievalWeapons Crossbow.png Crossbow Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
The Heavy Crossbow can knock down foes.

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Auto, Res( S30 L30 F30 P-20 ), Prot( Kb 50% )
Warriors are resistant to smashing and lethal damage and Knockback.

Named Enemies

Warrior Quantum Gunner (Minion)

A little education can be a dangerous thing. The members of the gang known as the Warriors take their inspiration from ancient Greek heroes and soldiers. They seem to favor the old school weapons over democracy, literature and art.


AssaultWeapons ShotgunBuckShot.png Quantum Array Gun Ranged, Moderate Negative Damage, Foe -Recharge, -Speed, Special vs. Peacebringers/Warshades
Your attack and Movement rate have been slowed by the Quantum Array Gun.

Lieutenant Quantum Gunner (Lieutenant)

Although they prefer to be called Swordsmen, everyone refers to these Warriors as the Slashers. They are experts at swordplay, and can swing with both finesse and ferocity, making them very dangerous in close combat.


AssaultWeapons ShotgunBuckShot.png Quantum Array Gun Ranged, Moderate Negative Damage, Foe -Recharge, -Speed, Special vs. Peacebringers/Warshades
Your attack and Movement rate have been slowed by the Quantum Array Gun.

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Auto, Res( S20 L20 ), Prot( Kb 50% )
Warriors are resistant to smashing and lethal damage and Knockback.

Elite Quantum Gunner (Boss)

These Warriors have been around long enough that they can not only dish out pain, they can take it as well. On the streets of Paragon City, one doesn't survive long as a mace wielder without building up a resistance to smashing attacks.


AssaultWeapons ShotgunBuckShot.png Quantum Array Gun Ranged, Moderate Negative Damage, Foe -Recharge, -Speed, Special vs. Peacebringers/Warshades
Your attack and Movement rate have been slowed by the Quantum Array Gun.

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Auto, Res( S20 L20 ), Prot( Kb 50% )
Warriors are resistant to smashing and lethal damage and Knockback.

Elite Bosses



Main Article: Heracles

This Warrior tough has stolen Stephanie Peebles' wedding band. It would mean a lot to her if you could get it back.

Levels: 20-27


MedievalWeapons MaceSwing.png Hack Melee, Moderate Lethal Damage, Foe -Defense
Your defenses have been lowered by the Broad Sword.

MedievalWeapons MaceSmash.png Slash Melee, Moderate Lethal Damage, Foe -Defense
Your defenses have been lowered by the Broad Sword.

Sword Slice.png Slice Melee (Cone), Moderate Lethal Damage, Foe -Defense
Your defenses have been lowered by the Broad Sword.

Sword Parry.png Parry Melee, Moderate Damage(Lethal), Self +Defense
You can use this power to Parry incoming melee attacks. The Parry itself does minor damage, but every successful hit will increase your Defense against melee attacks for a short while.

Sword HeadSplitter.png Head Splitter Melee (Cone), Superior Lethal Damage, Foe -Defense, Knockdown
Your defenses have been lowered by the Broad Sword.

MedievalWeapons SwordTwirl.png Whirling Sword Point Blank Area of Effect, Moderate Lethal Damage, Minor Damage over Time(Lethal), Foe -Defense
Your defenses have been lowered by the Broad Sword.

MedievalWeapons Crossbow.png Exploding Bolt Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect), Moderate Lethal Damage, Foe Knockback
Exploding Crossbow Bolts can knock down foes.

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Auto, Res( S25 L25 F25 ), Prot( Kb 50% ), +Recovery
Heracles has Stephanie Peebles Wedding Band, which grants him special resistance.


Titus is leading the local Warriors chapter in yet another attempt to take control of the streets of Port Noble.

Levels: 40-44


MedievalWeapons MaceSwing.png Hack Melee, Light DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense
Your defenses have been lowered by the Broad Sword.

MedievalWeapons MaceSmash.png Slash Melee, Heavy DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense
Your defenses have been lowered by the Broad Sword.

Sword Slice.png Slice Melee (Cone), Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense
Your defenses have been lowered by the Broad Sword.

Sword Parry.png Parry Melee, Light DMG(Lethal), Self Def( M20 )
You can use this power to Parry incoming melee attacks. The Parry itself does minor damage, but every successful hit will increase your Defense against melee attacks for a short while.

Sword HeadSplitter.png Head Splitter Melee (Cone), Superior DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense, Knockdown
Your defenses have been lowered by the Broad Sword.

MedievalWeapons SwordTwirl.png Whirling Sword PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -Defense
Your defenses have been lowered by the Broad Sword.

MedievalWeapons Crossbow.png Exploding Bolt Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
Exploding Crossbow Bolts can knock down foes.

MedievalWeapons Crossbow.png Crossbow Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Knockback
The Heavy Crossbow can knock down foes.



Odysseus, with Fists of Vulcan

Main Article: Odysseus

Odysseus has amased quite the collection of ancient powerful artifacts, many of which bear the mark of the Well of the Furies. The Gloves of Hephaestus are the piece de resistance in his collection, and vital to your scheme.

Levels: 20-44


MedievalWeapons MaceSwing.png Bash Melee, Moderate Smash Damage, Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented.

MedievalWeapons MaceSmash.png Pulverize Melee, High Smash Damage, Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented.

MedievalWeapons BattleAxeSwing.png Shatter Melee (Cone), Superior Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
This devastating attack Shatters a single opponent and really sends him flying.

MedievalWeapons MaceClobber.png Vulcan Clobber Melee, Extreme Smash Damage, Foe -Resist(All), -Defense, Knockback
Your resistance and defense have been greatly lowered.

MedievalWeapons Crossbow.png Crossbow Ranged, Moderate Lethal Damage, Foe Knockback
The Heavy Crossbow can knock down foes.

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Res( S20 L20 )
Warriors are resistant to smashing and lethal damage and Knockback.

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Resistance
Archvillain Resistance.

Named enemies

  • Anton (Slasher Elite)
  • Big Brutus (Smasher Elite)
  • Blade King Caesar (Slasher Elite)
  • Bronze (Slasher Elite)
  • King Mace (Smasher Elite)
  • Lukas Morakis (Slasher Elite)
  • Mace Master (Smasher Elite)
  • Orion (Smasher Elite)
Orion is a hunter, through and through, and rarely loses his prey.
  • Pythagoras (Slasher Elite)
  • Seneschal (Slasher Elite)
  • Search Leader (Hewer Elite)
  • Warrior Rearguard (Slasher Elite)


The Warriors faction underwent a complete redesign with Issue 28, Page 1: Legacy and given new models and enemy variations.

Related Badges


You have shown the leaders of the Warriors who the real combatant is.


The Warriors respect those who fight.