Team-Up Teleporter
The Team-Up Teleporter functions to allow individual players, small groups, or entire leagues to enter a queue for various game content. It is also referred to as simply LFG, due to the window it appears in. The Teleporter was implemented with Issue 20 and the introduction of Incarnate Trials. Currently this is restricted to Incarnate Trials, the low-level raid introduced in Issue 21, and holiday events such as Dr. Kane's House of Horror and Lord Winter's Realm.
Using the Teleporter
On the character's chat window is an "LFG" option. Selecting that will open the LFG Window, which allows a solo character or the leader of a team or league to enter into the queue. Queues can be entered randomly, which lets the game place a character or group in the first-available activity, or specific activities can be selected. The LFG window shows the average wait time for people in the queue.
Joining the queue as an Open Group grants an extra Astral Merit for Incarnate Trials. Open Groups allow other players or teams that are looking for group to join that team or league. Note that it is fairly common for team sorting, and even team/league leader, to be rearranged randomly when joining as an Open Group. Additionally, note there is no extra reward for joining Death from Below as an Open Group. ??true??
Joining the queue as a Closed Group means only the members already in the team or league are allowed on that particular activity. Closed Group must be selected every time a group wishes to join the queue.