Steven Sheridan

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Steven Sheridan
Zone Brickstown
Coordinates (376, 0, 1576)[Copy]
Level Range 35-39
Introduced By Cadao Kestrel
Colleen Nelson
Gordon Stacy
Introduces Cadao Kestrel
Ginger Yates
Enemy Groups
Badges Badge tourist 01.png Shrouded
v  d  e

Steven Sheridan is a hero contact in the Brickstown Infirmary neighborhood of Brickstown at coordinates (376, 0, 1576)[Copy] . His level range is 35-39.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)

Don't listen to the rumors about Cadao Kestrel. He would never use his mastery of voodoo for any dark purpose, and he has excellent information on the Circle of Thorns. He loves to work with magic heroes and can provide Relic and Focus Enhancements.

Kestrel is a man of peace, Character. He will help you fight the Circle of Thorns menace.

Ginger Yates is an ecologist who lost her family to the Devouring Earth. She's pretty grim, but her information is the best. She likes working with science heroes, and she has access to Invention and Generic Alteration Enhancements.

She has faced great adversity and is still fighting. Don't be put off by her brusque manner.



When Dr Steven 'Science' Sheridan was young, his parents thought him a brilliant child prodigy. As it turned out, they had greatly underestimated their son. Some people think he's a mutant; others suspect he's the product of genetic engineering. Either way, he's without a doubt the most knowledgeable human being who ever lived. 'Doc Science' never forgets a single fact; once he learns something, it is locked in his memory forever. His great intellect allows him to easily recall these facts and draw inferences from them; as one might imagine, this makes him one heck of a scientist.

Prior to Introduction

Have we met? I believe you should be speaking to Active Contact.

Initial Contact

I am glad you agreed to speak with me, Character. I believe the Rikti may be the greatest threat facing Paragon City.


  • I have more Rikti activity to report.
  • We have to stop the Rikti.
  • I have some data you may find interesting, Character.

Too Busy

You need to spend less time looking for missions and more time completing them.

No More Missions

Thanks for all your help, but I've got nothing more to report.


My science and your abilities are a powerful combination, my friend. I found some more Enhancements while I was cleaning out the lab. Hope they'll help. Call me anytime.

With someone I trust at my side, I believe we may lick this Rikti problem yet. I hope these new Enhancements will help in that regard.

  • Level 40 Magic/Mutation Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
  • Level 40 Natural/Technology Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
  • Level 40 Mutation/Science Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
  • Level 40 Technology/Science Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
  • Level 40 Natural/Magic Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)

Story Arc


The Organ Grinders (35-39)

  • The first and second mission may occur in any order.

Template:Souvenir Omega level clearance badge

Investigate the Crey Lab


Hey, I've been hearing rumors that Crey is covering up the fact that one of their labs was taken over by Rikti a couple days ago. It's one of their facilities in Crey's Folly. This might be a good opportunity to learn something more about Crey, or better yet, about what the Rikti's next move is. Will you investigate that Crey lab?

Mission Acceptance

Crey denies any of this, of course, but I have a hunch there is some truth to this rumor.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Crey is still adamantly denying the rumor that their lab has been overrun by Rikti for days now.

Mission Objective(s)

The secure locks to the doors are busted, revealing that there may be some truth to the rumor that this lab has been overrun by Rikti.

  • Defeat all Rikti in lab
    • Investigate Rikti plan

You have cleared out the Rikti and learned why they took over the lab.



Human heart

This human heart was recently removed from a cadaver stolen by the Rikti.

Human lung

This human lung was recently removed from a cadaver stolen by the Rikti.

Human kidney

This human kidney was recently removed from a cadaver stolen by the Rikti.

Human liver

This human liver was recently removed from a cadaver stolen by the Rikti.

Organ data

You recovered this data from a lab infested with Rikti. It appears to be a detailed analysis of human organs.


Crey finally admitted that their lab was taken over, but they claim the Paragon Protectors cleaned it out. Typical. Lets look at what you found. So, the Rikti were collecting data on human organs! I have the feeling this is part of some larger plot.

Recover stolen blood


I got a report here that the Brickstown Infirmary had their entire supply of blood stolen right out of their storage facility. The only sign of forced entry was through a liquid waste disposal chute, so I think it's safe to assume the perps came in through the sewers. They can't treat any patients until someone recovers that stolen blood. Can you help them out?

Mission Acceptance

I think they should probably still be in the sewers, try this entrance to track them down.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Brickstown Infirmary is in dire straights, you need to find that blood.

Mission Objective(s)

A popped bag of blood on the ground tells you that you are hot on their trail.

  • Recover stolen blood
    • 7 blood lots remaining

You have recovered all of the stolen blood.



Blood bags

The Rikti stole these bags of blood from Brickstown Medical Center.


Great job recovering that stolen blood. I wonder what the Rikti are up to?

With the Rikti after fresh blood and human organs, I can only surmise that they are looking at a way to improve their mutagen.

Protect Nicholson Chemicals


These recent Rikti thefts have me worried. There's only one reason I can think of for the Rikti to go around stealing human blood and organs. They must be trying to improve their mutagen so that it transforms people more quickly! From what is known about the current Rikti mutagen, they will need a large supply of the chemical Barizium. The only place I could find that had a lot of Barizium in stock was Nicholson Chemicals over in Independence Port. You should get over there to protect their warehouse so the Rikti can't make off with the Barizium.

Mission Acceptance

Keep those chemicals out of the Rikti's hands, Character.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You need to make Paragon City as safe as possible, Character. You know what to do.

Mission Objective(s)

The upper levels were empty, abandoned. You soon found a staircase leading down to a sub-basement, and quickly realized this was no ordinary warehouse, but a front for a Council base!

  • Defeat all villains in warehouse

The Council base has been cleaned out.




It wasn't a chemical company, but a Council front? Well, we lucked out on that one. Still, I'm sure the Rikti are up to something. Why else would they go around stealing human organs and blood? We've got to get back on their trail.

Rescue Dr. Snider


It looks like that warehouse I sent you to was a dead end. Even worse, the Rikti struck while you were over there! They kidnapped the renowned transplant specialist Dr. Samuel Snider, right out of his operating room! We have a hot trail to follow, Character. I need you to rescue Dr. Snider.

Mission Acceptance

Dr. Snider was wearing his pager, so we should be able to track that to where he is being held. Hurry, Character, before it's too late!

Take this signal triangulator. It should zero in on his pager and lead you right to him.

Signal triangulator

This device communicates with two signal detectors in Paragon City to triangulate a signal's source. It's currently set to home in on Dr. Snider's personal pager.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You need to get back Dr. Snider. Follow the signal to his pager!

Mission Objective(s)

The triangulator has too much interference to precisely locate the pager in here, but it is close.

  • Find Dr. Snider

Dr. Snider is not here, and the trail is cold.

Dr. Snider's pager

This is Dr. Snider's pager. It is the only evidence that he was ever here. He must have dropped it. The trail to him has gone cold.


Dr. Snider must have dropped his page in the sewers while the Rikti were carrying him off! I don't know if we'll ever find him now. Character, this is getting bad. The Rikti have human organs, human blood, and now a human surgeon!

Go see Marvin Weintraub


So, all you could find of Dr. Snider was his pager. That's not good news. I'm certain the Rikti plan to force him to do some kind of procedure with those human organs they stole. There has to be a way to track him down. Perhaps my friend Marvin Weintraub can help us out. Why don't you pay Marvin a visit?

Mission Acceptance

If anyone has tech that can help us, it's him.

Go see Marvin Weintraub

Unnecessary Solicitation

Marvin should have some useful tech to help us find Dr. Snider.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Go see Marvin Weintraub


Steven Sheridan sent you, eh? Ok, I do have something that can help you. I call it a Psychic Probe, and it has been proven to be able to read the minds of weakened Rikti. All you gotta do is defeat them, and the probe will pick up any thoughts about Dr. Snider. Take down enough, and you should find out where he's being held.

Psychic Probe

This high tech device can read the thoughts of weakened Rikti. It is currently set to find thoughts pertaining to Dr. Snider.

Probe Rikti minds

Unnecessary Solicitation

Marvin's gadget won't read Rikti minds until you've defeated them. I say you hit the streets and start kickin' butt.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Probe Rikti minds
    • Defeat 35 Rikti

The probe beeps. It knows the location of Dr. Snider.



Rikti info

The Psychic Probe discovered that Dr. Snider is most likely being held in a warehouse in Brickstown.

Rescue Dr. Snider

Unnecessary Solicitation

The probe says Dr. Snider is in a warehouse in Brickstown. Get over there and rescue him!

Mission Objective(s)

This warehouse looks like it was recently taken over by the Rikti.

  • Rescue Dr. Snider

You have rescued Dr. Snider.



Dr. Snider's story

When you rescued Dr. Snider from the Rikti, he told you:

'They forced me to do transplants on some of their most powerful soldiers. When I extracted their old organs, they were in terrible shape. Withered, decaying! I was told to put in new organs, which I guess came from some fallen Rikti soldiers.'


Dr. Snider thanks you for saving his life. I must say, his story is pretty strange. Performing organ transplants on Rikti soldiers? I wonder what that's all about.

Go see Rebecca Brinell


I've done a little digging. There's a rumor that all Rikti bodies are taken to a secret SERAPH lab for analysis. Makes sense, I guess. I have a good friend over at SERAPH, Rebecca Brinell. Go see her; maybe she can tell you more about the Rikti's recent organ thefts.

Mission Acceptance

She's over in Galaxy City, in the Freedom Corps Headquarters.

Talk to Rebecca Brinell

Unnecessary Solicitation

Rebecca should be expecting you.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Rebecca Brinell


Steven Sheridan called and said you would be by. SERAPH does indeed have a lab were dead Rikti are examined, but it's not like we end up with every single one. I've pulled a couple strings and have secured you a visitor's pass to the facility. Perhaps our techs there can point you in the right direction.

SERAPH visitor badge

This badge grants you limited access to the SERAPH facility that analyzes dead Rikti soldiers.

Defeat all Rikti in lab

Unnecessary Solicitation

So the rumour has some truth to it, eh? Don't they all. You should use that pass to go visit the lab and find out what you can.

Mission Objective(s)

The sounds of plasma fire make it apparent that the Rikti have learned the location of this secret lab.

  • Defeat all Rikti in lab
    • 3 scientists remaining

You have cleared the lab of Rikti and rescued the hostages.



Notable NPCs

  • 3 SERAPH Scientists (Hostages)


Sorry you didn't get any solid info on Rikti biology. We'll just have to keep digging if we want to know what they want with those human organs. At least you saved the day over at that secret SERAPH lab! It never hurts to impress the big boys, Character.

Go see Rebecca Brinell


I just got a call from Rebecca Brinell over at SERAPH. She says she wants you to visit her right away. She couldn't discuss her news on the phone, but I'm hoping it's a lead on this Rikti plot we've been investigating. We need to know what those aliens are doing with those stolen human organs!

Mission Acceptance

I don't know what it's about, but Rebecca said you would really like it.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Rebecca is wondering when you are going to visit her.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Rebecca Brinell


I wanted to tell you that the Federal Bureau of Super-Powered Affairs was very happy with your help in saving that SERAPH lab. Months of Rikti research was almost wiped out entirely, and we have you to thank for saving it. It took a call from the Vice President, and a background check, but you now have Omega clearance! I can tell you what SERAPH has learned from analyzing the Rikti. Are you ready for this?

Rikti are humans. Biologically, they're not aliens at all, just highly mutated human beings. That means that the Rikti homeworld is not another planet, but an alternate Earth. You can imagine the panic if this was to get out. Not like anyone would really believe it though.

One thing we aren't sure of is if the Rikti themselves know this fact. If they did, they would most likely try to use it to their advantage somehow.

Omega level clearance badge

This badge is the proof of your Omega level clearance, granted by the Vice President and the Federal Bureau of Super-powered Affairs in recognition of your heroism. You now have access to some of the government's most secret files.

Rebecca Brinell's revelation

Rebecca Brinell told you:

'Rikti are humans. Biologically, they're not aliens at all, just highly mutated human beings. That means that the Rikti homeworld is not another planet, but an alternate Earth. You can imagine the panic if this was to get out. Not like anyone would really believe it though.

One thing SERAPH isn't sure of is if the Rikti themselves know this fact. If they did, they would most likely try to use it to their advantage somehow.

We also learned that the tougher a Rikti is, the more decayed his organs were when we autopsied him. Almost like they were burning up their organs in battle or something. Weirdest thing is, lately we haven't had as many Rikti show up with decaying organs. They are fresh and new, like they worked around this little limitation of theirs.'


So you can't talk about what she told you, eh? From the way you're acting I can imagine it was really juicy. Don't go breaking your code clearance on my account. Now, back to this problem with the Rikti organ thefts. I wonder what's going on there?

Hit the streets with Weintraub's Psychic Probe


I think you need to hit the streets again with Weintraub's Psychic Probe. I've set it to probe for information on organs. Just defeat as many Rikti as you can find; sooner or later one of them has to have some information on those stolen human organs.

Mission Acceptance

Not all the Rikti will be informed on what their plans are with the organs, so you might have to defeat quite a few.

Psychic Probe

This high tech device that can read the thoughts of weakened Rikti. It is currently set to find thoughts pertaining to human organs.

Probe Rikti minds

Unnecessary Solicitation

That probe of Marvin's needs the Rikti to be defeated in order to work. So start kicking some butt!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Probe Rikti minds
    • Defeat 45 Rikti

The probe beeps. It knows the location of a hidden Rikti base.


Investigate Rikti base

Unnecessary Solicitation

missing data

Mission Objective(s)

  • Investigate Rikti base
    • 3 clues to find

You have shut down the Rikti organ transplanting operation.


Decaying Rikti organs

This crate contains some decaying Rikti organs. They are atrophied beyond repair. These were recently extracted from their Rikti hosts.

Mutating human organs

In this cold storage unit you find Rikti mutagen being used to alter human organs into Rikti ones. They must be replacing the decaying Rikti organs with these altered human ones, since they are genetically the same.


So, the Rikti burn out their own organs, possibly by overworking themselves during combat. It's still hard to believe that they were trying to replace their organs with mutated human ones! I can't see how that could work, them being aliens and all. You did a great job stopping them before their plan could come to fruition.


Template:Mission Intro Help the Founders' Falls Security Chief

Go to Crey's Folly and clear the Rikti out


For the last few days the Rikti have been all over the factories in Crey's Folly. They're making off with the companies' technology, even carrying off an occasional technician who gets in their way. I need you to head over to Crey's Folly and clear the Rikti out. We can't let them get their hands on any more technology!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat 40 Rikti

You discouraged the Rikti from pilfering technology in Crey's Folly.


Well, the Rikti will think twice before they hit the factories in Crey's Folly again! You did a great job. I'm sure those technicians are grateful.

Clear the Rikti out of Crey's Folly


For the last few days the Rikti have been all over the factories over in Crey's Folly. They're making off with the companies' technology, even carrying off an occasional technician who gets in their way. I need you to head over to Crey's Folly and clear the Rikti out. We can't let them get their hands on any more technology!

Mission Acceptance

The more technology the Rikti acquire, the greater the chance they'll find a way to teleport through our city zone force fields.

Unnecessary Solicitation

The Rikti are still a threat in Crey's Folly. Somebody has to get them out of that zone.

Mission Objective(s)

You discouraged the Rikti from pilfering technology in Crey's Folly.




Well, the Rikti will think twice before they hit the factories in Crey's Folly again! You did a great job, Character. I'm sure those technicians are grateful.

Go to the Crey's Folly and defeat as many Rikti as you can


Since people learned the Rikti can impersonate humans, we've been seeing a lot of paranoia. People don't trust each other. There's even a very real threat of civilian violence! I need you to get over to the Crey's Folly and defeat as many Rikti as you can. If people can see that we're on top of the Rikti situation, they'll feel a lot more secure.

Mission Acceptance

When people get scared, they do irrational things. Sometimes it's our job to protect them from their own worst impulses.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I think a bigger demonstration is in order. I need you to defeat some more Rikti, really make people feel safe.

Mission Objective(s)

You defeated enough Rikti to calm the fears of the civilian paranoia.


I just got a call from the Paragon City Free Press, they had a photographer covering your sweep through Crey's Folly. They wanted a quote about it all. I told them that as long as Character is on the job, the Rikti will never threaten our safety again. People in this town respect you, Character. Your actions have a lot of impact.

Concentrate your efforts against the Rikti menace


Even after the war's end, the Rikti trapped on Earth still pose a deadly threat to the whole of mankind. We still don't know what they want or why they attacked in the first place, only that they refuse to give up and continue to spread panic and fear in the people of the city and the world. You're a well respected hero, Character, and I think, if you were to concentrate your efforts against the Rikti for a while, it could help to show that the world's greatest heroes can defend the people of Earth.

Mission Acceptance

The people of the city will be watching you closely, Character, hoping to get inspiration from each victory you have against the Rikti.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Every Rikti trooper or drone you defeat helps the people of the city believe that the nightmare of the Rikti War is closer to an end.

Mission Objective(s)

You have defeated enough Rikti.


The menace of the Rikti is far from over, but you've shown people that they can't let fear of the invaders rule their lives. The Rikti are still a threat, but with heroes like you in the world, I think it's a threat that we can handle.

Stop the Rikti from killing the Circle of Thorns


I just learned that the Rikti are mounting a raid against a Circle of Thorns base. They've even got some sort of electronic device that momentarily zaps the brain's language center. It'll be a whole lot harder for those mystics to defend themselves if they can't remember the words to their spells! I know the Circle hasn't been a good neighbor, but if the Rikti push against them the Circle will push right back, and that would leave too many innocents trapped between them. I know it seems strange, Character, but you've got to stop the Rikti from killing the Circle of Thorns. It won't be long before this gets out of hand. The Circle can get re-enforcements there in as little as 90 minutes.

Mission Acceptance

Another day, another epic battle. Take care of yourself, Character.

Unnecessary Solicitation

The Rikti are tearing up that Circle base. I need a hero presence there, stat!

Mission Objective(s)

You hear the fevered voices of the Circle's mystics casting rapid, desperate spells.

  • Stop Rikti raid on Circle - 90 minutes timed
    • 3 mystics to rescue

The mystic's story

One of the Circle of Thorns mystics you rescued told you:

'They wanted to wipe us out, each and every one. They learned that in our legends we were taught magic by our ancient god, Ermeeth. The Rikti seem to fear gods, for as far as we know they have none of their own. They thought that if they destroyed us, they'd destroy Ermeeth as well. That's how they got rid of the gods on their own world: by wiping out anyone who believed in them. Gods can not exist without faith.'

Notes Even though it isn't a stated mission objective, this mission cannot be completed until all enemies have been defeated.


So, the Rikti eliminated the gods on their own planet? How very strange. That could explain their extreme hatred of heroes as well, after all, many of you seem like gods to the people you protect.

Find the real Rikti spy


Character, I've been accused of being a Rikti spy! The police won't tell me who made the accusation, but they took it seriously enough to search my apartment this morning. I swear I don't know how it got there, but they found a Rikti communicator under my mattress. Then they sent me to a lab for DNA testing, and the data came back positive. I'm being framed! My only hope is that you can find the real Rikti spy. It's probably someone over at the lab where I had the testing done. You'll have to hurry, though. You'll only have 2 hours to find him before they all go off-shift and the spy can disappear.

This is how the Rikti work: accusing innocents to divert suspicion from the real infiltrators. Please, don't let them get away with it!

This portable blood work kit should allow you to positively identify the real spy. Just test every person in that lab

Note: The in game mission statement is not clear. The primary mission is to uncover the Rikti spy, after which the mission can be exited. In addition there are five innocents that can be found.

Blood work kit

This kit contains a small electronic device that can analyze human blood. If the sample shows Rikti characteristics, a red warning light will appear on the panel.

Mission Objective(s)

You walk through the door and hear a blast of plasma gunfire. The Rikti are here!

  • Find the real Rikti spy - 2 hours timed
    • 5 innocents to rescue

You uncovered the Rikti spy.

The Rikti spy's history

'It's true, human. I did replace your friend's DNA sample. My superiors thought it would keep you from meddling; we didn't want anyone to learn how we've been using this lab. We've been analyzing human DNA so we can further our plan to bring the human population into the great Rikti society. Unfortunately for me, the Restructurists found out. They'd do anything to stop us!'


Thanks, Character, you're a good friend. I wonder who that Rikti spy meant by the Restructurists? When the Rikti attacked they seemed like a monolithic block, but maybe there's more going on that we know. We won't find out from the one you captured, though. The spy used some kind of incendiary implant. There's nothing but ashes left.

Rescue the doctors from the Rikti

Rescue the doctors from the Rikti


The Rikti just attacked the Chiron Medical Center!

Every single doctor was kidnapped, though the Rikti didn't seem to be interested in the nursing staff or orderlies. In fact, they left everyone else strictly alone. You've got to rescue those doctors from the Rikti, Character. If they need human doctors, it could mean they're cooking up some new biological weapon.

As soon as you're out of there, I want you to talk to Professor Jonathan St. John Smythe about possible threats posed by a biological attack.

Mission Acceptance

See if you can find out what the Rikti are planning. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's not good.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Chiron Medical Center is still half a dozen docs short. I need you to rescue them, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

Someone in these dank caves is whistling a tune full of false cheer and bravado.

  • Rescue doctors from Rikti
    • 3 doctors to save

You rescued the doctors and learned that the Rikti are dying of chicken pox.


The doctor's story

One of the doctors you rescued told you:

'You'll never guess why they wanted us. The Rikti have the chicken pox! I know we think of it as a simple childhood virus, but their reaction to it is far more severe. It's killing them! They kidnapped some of my colleagues as well, but they must have taken them to another facility. I hope you'll help them, but please be careful! The Rikti were very hostile to us; I think they may view this disease as a type of biological warfare.'

Talk to St. John-Smythe

Unnecessary Solicitation

missing data

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to St. John-Smythe


Chicken pox, eh? That's a nasty one. Alas, there is no cure, strictly speaking. With the Rikti kidnapping more doctores, perhaps we can use the Rikti's weakness to our advantage.

We may be able to exchange some anti-viral medicine for the hostages. I'll also throw in some vaccine; it should help the uninfected Rikti remain healthy. I know they're our enemies, but somehow it seems like the right thing to do. Now, go out there and get those doctors back, Character.

Oh, and tell the Rikti not to scratch!

Medical kit

Though there is no known cure for the chicken pox, this medical kit contains several doses of an anti-viral medication that should help the Rikti fight off the infection. It also contain several doses of a vaccine, to be used by uninfected Rikti.

Exchange cure for hostages

Unnecessary Solicitation

I don't know if the Rikti will give up those doctors without a fight, but we have to try.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear a hoarse voice struggle over the words: 'We cannot trust them. The humans will not leave alive.'

  • Exchange cure for hostages
    • 2 doctors to save

You defeated the Rikti and rescued the doctors.



Notable NPCs

The Rikti progeny

One of the doctors you rescued told you:

'I know why they're so desperate for this cure. They don't want it just for their soldiers; they want it for their children. That's right, children! They wouldn't permit me to see them first hand, but there are whole nurseries filled with infant Rikti in other well-hidden bases. I think they're rebuilding their whole civilization, right here on Earth.'


The Rikti are having children, in their military outposts? I know they're an alien civilization, but it still doesn't make sense.

I've got a theory about this, Character. We know that we've been unable to access the Rikti world since the war. What if the Rikti can't, either? They're rebuilding their civilization, because their old world is lost to them.

I'd bet my life on it.

Confiscate the Rikti music


You know those recordings the Rikti POW's made of the music piped into their cells? Well, the government's afraid that music may contain subversive propaganda, and they're fighting an uphill battle to keep it out of people's hands. I've got a lead on a warehouse that's storing a bunch of CD's: Rikti music mixed with dance tracks, that sort of things. I want you to confiscate that Rikti music and defeat the Rikti doing the distribution. You'll have to hurry; once those discs hit the streets, there's no getting them back. You only have 1 hour to stop the distribution.

It's strange to protect people from something that seems so innocuous. Thanks for trusting me on this one.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear music, strange, but not unpleasant. Suddenly the weight of the world seems lighter, and you march into the warehouse with your head held high.

  • Confiscate CD's & defeat Rikti - 60 minutes timed
    • 5 crates to confiscate

You defeated the Rikti and confiscated the CD's.

Rikti CD's

The CDs you confiscated are a mix of Rikti music, dance beats and human vocals. The crates in which they were stored were labeled 'Pacify,' 'Stupefy,' 'Euphoria,' 'Terror,' and 'Enrage.'




This Rikti music is more insidious than anybody could have guessed. It's not propaganda; it's outright mind control! Those CD's labeled 'Euphoria' actually make you feel happy! Ditto for the rest. By conditioning people to accept emotional cues from this music, the Rikti can steal into our very minds. Who knows what they could make people do?

Appear at the science fiction convention


How would you like to take it easy for a day, Character? You've been asked to appear at a local science fiction convention, if you can believe it! The convention organizer told me they want some real life heroes there, to add a little drama. What do you say? Want to appear at the science fiction convention, be a big star?

You better practice your Vulcan neck pinch, Character!

Mission Objective(s)

The plants are dead, the floor is dusty, and the fluorescent lights flicker incessantly. There's nothing going on here today, except for an ambush.

  • Defeat all villains in building
    • 4 people to save

You defeated the Rikti.

The hostage's story

One of the hostages you rescued told you:

'My buddies and I, we call ourselves the Brotherhood of Our Other Selves. See, we reached out to the Rikti when no one else would. We always believed there was a way to make peace. We've been doing stuff for them, telling them about our culture, lobbying for less stringent laws restricting their technology. In return, they've been telling us about the grand Rikti culture.

The Rikti told us that you've been harassing them, that you were one of the main barriers to peace between our peoples. So we invited you here, just to hear their side of things. I guess the Rikti didn't want to talk at all, huh? They just wanted to use us to lure you into a trap. I've never felt more disillusioned in my life.'


Yeah, I've heard of the Brotherhood. It's a group composed mostly of lost souls: the confused, the lonely, those who are looking for someone in the world to connect to. Can you believe they even think the Rikti are related to human beings? You did a good work rescuing those people, Character. They may feel adrift now, but at least they have a chance at a life without illusions.

Stop the Rikti assault


The Rikti are planning a major assault on a neighborhood called Kaylie Crescent! We haven't faced a situation like this since the war, when they wiped out whole neighborhoods in moments. You've got to get over there and stop this Rikti assault, Character. I can give you the location of their first strike; it's the Sanderson office complex. After that, you'll have to figure out their next strike for yourself. Watch out though, you probably won't have a lot of time to stop that second strike.

Mission Acceptance

We've got the area contained with an emergency force field, but there are still people trapped inside. It's been a long time since we've seen violence like this from the Rikti. Anything you can learn about their motives will help.

Stop the Rikti assault

Unnecessary Solicitation

missing data

Mission Objective(s)

You hear the piercing whine that denotes the discharge of a plasma weapon.

  • Stop the Rikti assault
    • 9 people to save, Learn Rikti motives

You defeated the Rikti.



Notable NPCs

Strange fluid

You found this canister of fluid at the site of the Rikti assault. The design of the canister is similar to those used to transport the mutagenic goo the Rikti use to turn the Lost into monsters. However, the color of this fluid is different, and the canister is missing the large orange designs that Rikti linguists assume are warnings of hazardous contents.

The hostage's story

One of the hostages you rescued told you:

'The Rikti tried to force us to eat this weird, green fluid. But then some other Rikti came along and stopped them!'

Find next Rikti strike site

Unnecessary Solicitation

missing data

Mission Objective(s)

  • Find next Rikti strike site
    • Defeat 20 Rikti

The last Rikti you defeated told you the location of the next strike site.

The Rikti's story

One of the Rikti you defeated gasped:

'Traditionalist plot: an aberration. Their delusion: human filth can be like Rikti. Their plan: turn your kind into us! They descend: Wylie Park!'

Stop next Rikti assault

Unnecessary Solicitation

missing data

Mission Objective(s)

Your hair stands on end; repeated plasma blasts have charged the air with static electricity.

  • Stop next Rikti assault - 90 minutes timed
    • Destroy mutagen, 8 people to save

You stopped the Rikti plan to alter the human population.



Notable NPCs


It looks like the factions within the Rikti army may be fighting a war as desperate as their war with humanity. I can't thank you enough for stopping the Traditionalist plot, Character. It's hard to imagine the terror that would have swept through the populace if the Rikti had altered those people!

Spending time on this map awards the Shrouded badge.


This otherworld has been overshadowed by corrupting magic.

A trip back to Paragon City confirmed it: You're the shady type of person other people are right to be afraid of.

Template:Mission Intro Help the Security Chief with the sewers

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