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Shortly after the Rikti invaded, The United Nations Security Council, led by Great Britain and France, formed an emergency umbrella organization to help coordinate hero resources in the worldwide war against the invaders. Called the Vanguard, this group was comprised of some of the world's best and brightest heroes.

The Rikti had taken their toll and famous super groups like the Freedom Phalanx, The Dawn Patrol, Midnight Squad, Regulators, and Hero Corps were down to only the toughest and most powerful heroes. With its decentralized command structure and international recruiting base, only the Vanguard, remained a viable, organized fighting force.

The Vanguard initiated a plan to strike back at the Rikti using a plan by Dr. Science. Leaving only skeleton crews to man defenses, the Vanguard was split into two teams. Alpha Team was led by Statesman and Omega Team was led by Hero 1. Alpha Team was much larger and consisted of over 1,000 heroes which launched a frontal assault on the Rikti. It was a costly attack and 800 of the heroes lost their lives. While the Alpha Team attacked the main body of Rikti troops, Omega Team slipped into the main Rikti portal base, through one of the portals and after a huge explosion from the other side, the portal was shut down. Only one hero, the utterly invulnerable Ajax, managed to survive the blast on this side of the portal. It is presumed that the heroes that went through the portal have perished.

Thanks to the heroics of the Vanguard, the Rikti War was over, or at least the first phase of it was. Both sides were nearly shattered in the process. The Vanguard and the other great hero organizations of the world scarcely existed anymore. With the exception of Statesman and a few others, all the world's greatest heroes had died in the war. Trillions upon trillions of dollars of damage had been done to the majority of the world's most populated cities. Paragon City was the worst hit of all. Once a shining beacon of light and prosperity, now much of it lay in ruins. It didn't take long for criminals to start reasserting themselves, and new heroes were needed. It was the beginning of a desperate time that would last for decades. historical note?

The Vanguard is an NPC group that will was implemented in Issue 10. The first contact of players with this enemy group happened during the closed Issue 9 beta, where a bug caused Police Radio missions to spawn this enemy group. When asked about it, Positron stated they weren't supposed to be seen yet.

Structural Hierarchy

The Vanguard is split into 4 main divisions: The Helm, The Gauntlet, The Shield, and The Herald.

The Herald - The public relations division is ran by a heroine named Incandescent. She's not normally on-site as she's usually too busy abroad working with the UN.

The Shield - The security division headed up by the sisters Levantera and Borea. Sharing the leadership between the two of them, together they handle security and most defensive roles.

The Gauntlet - The main offensive branch is headed up by the hero known as Serpent Drummer. Most troops that are visibly seen taking physical action against the Rikti invaders belong to this branch.

The Helm - The intelligence division, headed up by the mysterious Dark Watcher. This division is dedicated in gathering information to help keep the Rikti contained.

The Lady Grey is the overall commander of the Vanguard and is both powerful and well connected. It's believed that she has been around as long as Statesman and Recluse. She sets the overall strategy of the organization and has Dark Watcher as her second in command.


Vanguard AVs.jpg

Serpent Drummer, Borea, Dark Watcher.

Vanguard More AVs.jpg

Gaussian, The Lady Grey, Levantera.


Vanguard Male.jpg

Male NPC models

Vanguard Female.jpg

Female NPC models

Vanguard Robot.jpg

Heavy Assault model. Not to scale; this model is over 20 feet tall.

Enemy Types

Pets (?)

Vanguard Shield


Main Article: Faultline (As Ally)
See also: Jim Temblor (As Contact)

After he rediscovered his heroic roots, young Jim Temblor has been doing all he can to redeem the name of his father: Faultline. Following several intense battles with the Rikti, Faultline and his girlfriend Fusionette have joined the Vanguard to help fight the alien invaders.


EarthGrasp Fossilize.png Fossilize Ranged, Moderate Damage (Smashing), Foe Hold, -Defense
Encases a single target within solid stone. The stone slowly crushes the victim, dealing Smashing damage. The Fossilized victim is held helpless and unable to defend himself.

EarthGrasp StonePrison.png Stone Prison Ranged, Minor Damage (Smashing), Foe Immobilize, -Fly, -Defense
Immobilizes a single target within an earthy formation and deals some Smashing damage over time. Some more resilient foes may require multiple attacks to Immobilize. Stone Prison can also reduce a target's Defense.

EarthGrasp Quicksand.png Quicksand Ranged, Location Area of Effect, Foe -Speed, -Jump, -Fly, -Defense
You can cause the ground to liquefy like Quicksand at a targeted location. Any foes that pass through the Quicksand will become snared, their movement will be dramatically Slowed, and their Defense reduced. Foes trapped in the Quicksand cannot jump or Fly.

StoneArmor Granite.png Granite Armor Self, +Resistance(All but Psionics), +Defense(All but Psionics), -Speed, -Recharge, -Damage
When you activate this power, you are transformed into a massive bulk of unyielding Granite. Your incredible mass makes you almost completely invulnerable and resistant to most effects. However, you also become quite heavy, cannot fly, your attack and movement speed are Slowed and you do less damage. Granite Armor also grants you high resistance to Defense DeBuffs.Cannot be active at the same time as other Armors in this set, Fly powers, Sprint, Super Speed, or Jump powers.

StoneMelee StoneFist.png Stone Fist Melee, Moderate Damage(Smashing), Foe Minor Disorient
Your stone covered fists attack swiftly for moderate damage, and may Disorient your opponent.

StoneMelee SeismicSmash.png Seismic Smash Melee, Extreme Damage(Smashing), Foe Hold
This massive attack hits with all the force of the Earth itself. It deals tremendous amounts of damage, and may Hold the target if they are not defeated outright.


Main Article: Fusionette

Fusionette is one of the Nuclear 90; 90 children from around the world all born in one year with an unusual mutation that gives them natural magnetic nuclear fusion reactors for hearts, and the ability to channel energy from their internal reactor for a variety of super powers. Like many of the Nuclear 90, Fusionette has decided to use her powers for the betterment of mankind as a hero. She has recently joined the Vanguard along with her boyfriend Faultline in order to help fight the Rikti.


Flight TravelFlight.png Fly Toggle:

PowerBlast PowerBolts.png Power Bolt Ranged, Minor Damage (Energy/Smash), Foe: Knockback
A quick attack that rapidly hurls small bolts of energy at foes, sometimes knocking them down. Fast, but little damage.

PowerBlast PowerBlast.png Power Blast Ranged, Moderate Damage (Energy/Smash), Foe: Knockback
A much more powerful, yet slower version of Power Bolt. Power Blast sends a focused beam of energy at a foe that can knock him back.

PowerBlast EnergyTorrent.png Energy Torrent Ranged (Cone), Moderate Damage (Energy/Smash), Foe: Knockback
Energy Torrent unleashes a cone of powerful energy that can smash foes and possibly send them flying.

PowerBlast PowerBurst.png Power Burst Close, High Damage (Energy/Smash), Foe: Knockback
A short range, but devastating attack. Power Burst unleashes a massive amount of energy dealing very high damage at short distances. The impact from this burst often knocks back most foes.

EnergyManipulation PowerThrust.png Power Thrust Close, low Damage (Energy/Smash), Foe: Knockback
A focused attack that violently shoves the target and sends him flying. Deals minimal damage, but can be very effective. {clr}}


Vanguard Shield

Vanguard Soldier
Image Unavailable

Vanguard is a group backed by the United Nations, and headed up by Lady Grey. Their soldiers are specifically outfitted in Impervium armor and with high tech as well as magical weaponry to fight the Rikti. Everything they do is centered around containing the Rikti menace on our world.


Vanguard Sword

Vanguard Ranger
Vanguard Ranger

Vanguard is a group backed by the United Nations, and headed up by Lady Grey. Their soldiers are specifically outfitted in Impervium armor and with high tech as well as magical weaponry to fight the Rikti. Everything they do is centered around containing the Rikti menace on our world.



Vanguard Shield

Vanguard Adept
Image Unavailable

Vanguard is a group backed by the United Nations, and headed up by Lady Grey. Their soldiers are specifically outfitted in Impervium armor and with high tech as well as magical weaponry to fight the Rikti. Everything they do is centered around containing the Rikti menace on our world.


Vanguard Sergeant
Image Unavailable

Vanguard is a group backed by the United Nations, and headed up by Lady Grey. Their soldiers are specifically outfitted in Impervium armor and with high tech as well as magical weaponry to fight the Rikti. Everything they do is centered around containing the Rikti menace on our world.


Vanguard Sword

Vanguard Eliminator
Image Unavailable

Vanguard is a group backed by the United Nations, and headed up by Lady Grey. Their soldiers are specifically outfitted in Impervium armor and with high tech as well as magical weaponry to fight the Rikti. Everything they do is centered around containing the Rikti menace on our world.


Vanguard Sergeant
Image Unavailable

Vanguard is a group backed by the United Nations, and headed up by Lady Grey. Their soldiers are specifically outfitted in Impervium armor and with high tech as well as magical weaponry to fight the Rikti. Everything they do is centered around containing the Rikti menace on our world.



Vanguard Shield

Vanguard Colonel
Image Unavailable

Vanguard is a group backed by the United Nations, and headed up by Lady Grey. Their soldiers are specifically outfitted in Impervium armor and with high tech as well as magical weaponry to fight the Rikti. Everything they do is centered around containing the Rikti menace on our world.


Vanguard Wizard
Image Unavailable

Vanguard is a group backed by the United Nations, and headed up by Lady Grey. Their soldiers are specifically outfitted in Impervium armor and with high tech as well as magical weaponry to fight the Rikti. Everything they do is centered around containing the Rikti menace on our world.


Vanguard Sword

Sword Sorcerer
Image Unavailable

Vanguard is a group backed by the United Nations, and headed up by Lady Grey. Their soldiers are specifically outfitted in Impervium armor and with high tech as well as magical weaponry to fight the Rikti. Everything they do is centered around containing the Rikti menace on our world.


Vanguard Sorcerer
Vanguard Sorcerer

Vanguard is a group backed by the United Nations, and headed up by Lady Grey. Their soldiers are specifically outfitted in Impervium armor and with high tech as well as magical weaponry to fight the Rikti. Everything they do is centered around containing the Rikti menace on our world.



The Lady Grey

The Lady Grey

Main Article: The Lady Grey

Ever composed, ever mysterious, the powerful and otherworldly Lady Grey is rumored to be older than Statesman, and one of the most powerful meta-humans on the planet. She was instrumental in the founding of Vanguard, and runs the organization expertly. She takes a great interest in Vanguard's day-to-day operations, and knows all of her troops by name.


DarkMiasma PetrifyingGaze.png Petrifying Gaze Ranged Hold
Petrifies a single targeted foe with a terrifying gaze. The victim is Held and defenseless.

DarkMiasma DarkestNight.png Life Drain Ranged, Minor Damage (Negative), Self: Heal, Foe: -Accuracy
You can tap the power of the netherworld to steal some life from a target foe and reduce his accuracy. Some of that stolen life is transferred to you in the form of hit points.

DarkMiasma TwilightGrasp.png Twilight Grasp Ranged, Foe -Accuracy -Damage, Team Heal
You channel Negative Energy from the Netherworld through yourself to a targeted foe. Twilight Grasp drains the power from that target and slowly transfers it to you and all nearby allies. The targeted foe's Accuracy and damage are reduced, while you and your nearby allies are healed.

DarkMiasma DarkServant.png Dark Servant Summon Dark Servant: Ranged Debuff Special
Summons a Dark Servant to your aid. The Dark Servant possesses an assortment of dark powers to weaken your foes. The summoned entity is not a willing servant, and it is only your power that binds it in this realm. The Dark Servant can be buffed and healed.

Dark Servants are resistant to Negative Energy damage but vulnerable to Energy damage.

DarkCast SoulDrain.png Gloom Ranged, Moderate Damage over Time(Negative), Foe: -Accuracy
Gloom slowly drains a target of life, while reducing his accuracy. Slower than dark blast, but deals more damage over time.

DarkCast NightFall.png Night Fall Ranged(Cone), Moderate Damage over Time(Negative), Foe: -Accuracy
Unleashes a cone shaped burst of particles from the netherworld. All targets within the modest range of this power take negative energy damage and have reduced accuracy.


DarkMiasma DarkestNight.png Darkest Night Toggle: Ranged Targeted area of effect, Foe -damage, Foe -accuracy
While active, you channel Negative Energy onto a targeted foe. Darkest Night decreases the damage potential and Accuracy of the target, and all foes nearby, as long as you keep the power active.

DarkCast TenebrousTentacles.png Tenebrous Tentacles Ranged(Cone), Minor Damage over Time(Negative), Foe: Immobilize, -Accuracy
You can create a cone shaped rift to the netherworld that allows its native creatures to slip their oily tentacles into our reality. These creatures will snare all foes within range, immobilizing them while the tentacles drain their life and reduce their accuracy.

DarkCast Blackstar.png Blackstar Point Blank Area of Effect, Extreme Damage(Negative), Self: -Recovery, Foe: -Accuracy
You can unleash a devastating blast of negative energy around yourself, dealing massive damage and severely reducing affected foes' accuracy. This power leaves you drained of endurance and unable to recover endurance for a while.

External Links

Official History of the Rikti Invasion