Hero Corps
Hero Corps is not only a Corps of people, but also a Corporation, selling their super-powered services to those willing to foot the bill. They may be controversial in their methods but they can have good information for aspiring heroes. They broker work for qualified heroes and help governments around the world deal with super-powered problems.
They are overseen by Rebecca Foss, who founded the group in 1995. Initially, public sentiment was against the company. Tensions between Hero Corps and the Freedom Phalanx escalated until February 1999, when the two groups met in a simultaneous investigation of the Jade Maiden, an archvillain. In the resulting confusion, the Jade Maiden escaped. Hero Corps was held largely accountable, as the Freedom Phalanx was already held in high esteem.
In March of 1999, Hero Corps member Luminary (Kit Rafter, not to be confused with the current Luminary, an android) was convinced he could help improve the public view of the company. Luminary gave a public demonstration of his powers. While most of the spectators felt touched by the healing light, a few citizens remarked they were nervous about heroes working for money.
Their initial headquarters was in the area now known as Faultline. It was destroyed by unknown attackers in power armor. Countess Crey stood up to back them and their new headquarters in May 1999, but public protests by both citizens and heroes, including the famous Hero 1, prevented them from starting construction on a new headquarters in Baumton. They abandoned the plans in October of 1999, retreating into relative obscurity for a time.
Hero Corps' current headquarters is located in the Fools Gold district of Steel Canyon, which opened in January of 2003. The Hero Corps is more or less accepted these days, though some still mistrust heroes who "sell" their powers.
Contact Information:
Hero Corps, Ultd.
Rebecca J. Foss, Esq.
New legal framework opens up for increased global cooperation.
The effects of the Praetorian invasion and the awakening of “Mot” within the confines of Paragon City are still felt today, and all around the world. Countless lives were lost in those frantic moments, not the least of which was that of the beloved hero Statesman, the world’s strongest champion.
Time and again in the face of great hardship, terror and tragedy, super-powered beings rise to fight for the greater good. Even against an eternal god of death, supers from all walks of life, from righteous to dastardly, laid their differences aside and came together in a great, albeit temporary, alliance to defend all of humanity against supernatural extermination and extradimensional subjugation. Once again, humanity proved that when push comes to shove, nothing can stand up to a united Earth. In the wake of such events, Hero Corps is proud to announce a return to the beloved birthplace of the modern superhero, Paragon City.
Hero Corps is a global franchise with branches all over the world, from Mexico City to Jakarta, from Rio de Janeiro to London. Over a hundred local branches employ thousands of heroes to serve and protect their communities, reducing crime and increasing protection against natural and manmade disasters. Our heroes are well paid and provided for - a necessity to let them focus on doing what they do best: helping you.
While Hero Corps has been a force to reckon with globally since 2003, the local Paragon City branch has until now exclusively employed local heroes to serve as advisors, in deference to city sentiment and legal challenges alike. However, recent developments in both city and national ordinances have opened up an opportunity for members of all our branches to bring their considerable talents to Paragon City, under a new program of temporary licensing provided to members of select internationally established supergroups.
Make no mistake, we fully support and respect the Citizen Crime Fighting Act, but Hero Corps offers up an improved incentive: Liability Protection, Accountability, and active involvement in our employed supers' continued growth and mastery of themselves. We encourage all supers to work for the greater good, but remind everyone that a super without accountability to an employer, government, or country is a fine line that can shift with a single decision. We are not Heroes for Hire. We are Power with Purpose, Duty with Direction, and Action with Accountability.
So today we have re-opened our doors in Paragon City to bring our resources in the time of Galaxy City's need. If you need someone, we'll be there. Look for a shining beacon of hope in these dark times.
- Taken from Homecoming Forums
Notable Members
Current Members
- Rebecca Foss (leader)
- Ashling Corlett
- Bronze Bird
- Calanthe
- Cauldron
- Colleen Saramago
- Eye in the Sky
- Feralina
- Henry Peter Wong
- Iron Ellis
- Little League
- Shiverstrike
- The Major
- Vulcannon
Former Members
Hero Corps Field Analysts
The Hero Corps Field Analysts are the people who are responsible for changing Heroes' notoriety. Previously, they would charge for their services, which would scale up with Hero security level, but as of Issue 16, their services are now free.
Hero types
Bronze Bird
A hero of limited field exposure, Bronze Bird is newer than most in the Hero Corps ranks. What they lack in experience, they make up for in an abundance of enthusiasm and flight speed. Their control over the forces of gravity and energy are not to be underestimated, either.
Superfly Flight
Allows the character to fly. At max flight speed. With no friction.
Lift Ranged, Light DMG(Smash), Foe Knockup, -Fly
Negates the gravity around a single target. Lift violently sends an enemy straight into the air, then slams him to the ground for Smashing damage. This power can bring flying foes to the ground.
Propel Ranged, Superior DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
You can open a gravitational rift and retrieve a heavy object, then Propel it at your foes for Smashing Damage.
Singularity Summon Singularity: Ranged Control Special
You can create a very powerful Gravitational Singularity. The Singularity will engage your foes, assaulting them with various gravity powers. Any foes that attempt to approach the Singularity will be violently hurled away. The Singularity cannot be healed, but is highly resistant to all forms of damage and nearly impervious to Controlling type powers.
Crushing Field Ranged (Targeted AoE), Minor DoT(Smash), Foe Immobilize, -Fly, -Speed
Creates a large gravitational field strong enough to Immobilize multiple foes. Crushing Field can also bring down flying entities. Slower and less damaging than Crush, but can capture multiple targets. Crushing Field deals Smashing damage over time and can Slow the movement of targets that escape its grasp.
Energy Torrent Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
Energy Torrent unleashes a cone of powerful energy that can smash foes and possibly send them flying.
Power Burst Close, Extreme DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
A short range, but devastating attack. Power Burst unleashes a massive amount of energy dealing very high damage at short distances. The impact from this burst often knocks back most foes.
Siphon Power Ranged, Foe -DMG, Team +DMG
You can Siphon the Power from a targeted foe, reducing their damage potential. The power is transferred back to you, increasing your own damage potential and that of all nearby allies.
Siphon Speed Ranged, Foe -Speed, -Recharge, Self +Speed, +Recharge
You can Siphon the speed from a targeted foe, Slowing their movement and attack rate while boosting your own.
Space Maker Melee, Light DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback, Repel
A focused attack of intense energy that violently sends Bronze Bird flying one way and her foe a different direction.
Brawl Melee, Light DMG(Smash)
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.
Zephyr Suit Auto, Self Res( F15 C15 E15 N15 ), Def( M15% R15% ) (While not Held, Disoriented, or Slept), Def( S15% L15% ) (While not Held, Disoriented, or Slept)
Bronze Bird surrounds herself with a thin membrane of physics-defying energy, which deflects some attacks and dampens others.
Minor Resists Auto, Self Res( All20 ), Def( All10% ), Prot( Ho 100 St 100 Kb 100 Co 100 Tp 100 ), Res( Im 50% )
Minor resistance package.
Little League
Brayden Doggett was just an average middle-class working fellow, coaching baseball on behalf of his late brother-in-law Steve. He owed it to his sister to stand in as a father figure to his nephew, and took up the job of coach to fulfill that promise and be a good role model to Bobby. Fate had other plans, though, and on the drive home from dropping Bobby off, he fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into the back of a tanker truck outside of Steel Canyon. To this day nobody has been able to determine what was in the tanker truck, despite multiple investigations. The results are unmistakable, however - Brayden now has the reaction speed of a cat and the strength of a bear. He joined the Hero Corps to show Bobby that great power should not be hidden, and now fights crime to set a good example.
Bash Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You perform a Bashing attack with your mace that deals moderate damage, and can sometimes Disorient your opponent.
Pulverize Melee, High DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You attempt to Pulverize your opponent. This attack is slower than Bash but causes more damage. It also has a chance of Disorienting your opponent for a brief time.
Jawbreaker Melee, Superior DMG(Smash), Foe Knockup
This upward swing attempts to shatter your opponent's jaw, and has a chance to send him flying upwards into the air.
Build Up Self +DMG, +ToHit
Greatly increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds, as well as slightly increasing your chance to hit.
Clobber Melee, Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
You Clobber your foe with a massive swing of your mace. This attack deals exceptional damage and can leave most opponents disoriented for a period of time.
Shatter Melee (Cone), Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
You attempt to Shatter the bones of your opponent by striking them with all your might. This attack will deal great damage and can knock foes back a great ways. The power of this attack can actually extend a short distance through multiple foes.
Ki Push Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Repel, Knockback, Hold
You smash your foe with a burst of Ki Energy, sending them flying through the air in slow motion.
Throw Sand Low-Accuracy, Ranged (Cone), Foe Disorient, -Perception
You grab some nearby debris and fling it towards a nearby foe, obstructing their vision and dazing them.
Brawl Melee, Light DMG(Smash)
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.
Line Drive Ranged, Heavy DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient, -Fly
You focus your anger at the umpire's latest round of bad calls and idly palm a baseball in your pocket. Sufficiently worked up, you hurl the ball at your target, potentially stunning them and definitely rendering them unable to fly for a short duration. That'll show them for ejecting you from the game based on 'strong language'.
Super Dodge Auto, Self Def( M7.5% R7.5% A7.5% ), Resist(Defense Debuff, Slow), Scaling Damage Resistance, +Speed, +Recovery
You have the ability to innately Dodge some melee attacks and you resist Defense DeBuffs. Dodge also grants you minor Damage Resistance to all damage except Toxic and Psionic. This Damage Resistance is only available as you lose Health but it improves as your HP declines. This power is always on, and will permanently increase your Defense versus melee attacks.
Minor Resists Auto, Self Res( All60 ), Def( All20% ), Prot( Ho 100 St 100 Kb 100 Co 100 Tp 100 ), Res( Im 50% )
Minor resistance package.
Vanessa Shaw has one rule, and one rule only when it comes to working with her - when she fires, get out of the way. Her power is great, her friendly-fire rating is not. Hero Corps has been working with her for years to study her powers and help focus them, but currently she comes with a disclaimer that you should not 'stand directly in front of the Vulcannon.'
Rain of Fire Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Fire), Foe -Speed
Summons a Rain of Fire over a targeted location, burning foes within a large area.
Inferno PBAoE, Extreme DMG(Fire/Smash), Extreme DoT(Fire), Self -Recovery, -Endurance
Unleashes a massive fiery explosion to devastate all nearby enemies and set them ablaze. Inferno deals massive damage to all nearby foes, although the damage does vary. Activating this power leaves you drained of Endurance and unable to recover Endurance for a while.
Charging for Vulcannon Vulcannon is charging her Vulcannon Beam!
Vulcannon is charging up her... vulcannon!
Vulcannon Ranged (Cone), Extreme DMG(Fire), Light DoT(Fire), Foe Taunt
A long range beam of fire that blasts your foes. Get clear!
Aim Self +ToHit, +DMG
Greatly increases the chance to hit of your attacks for a few seconds. Slightly increases damage.
Heavy Stone Fist Melee, High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
Your control over the earth allows you to form a mallet of solid stone. This Stone Mallet deals heavy damage, and can knock down weak foes.
Seismic Smash Melee, Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe Hold
This massive attack hits with all the force of the Earth itself. It deals tremendous amounts of damage, and may Hold the target if they are not defeated outright.
Tremor PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
You can cause a localized earthquake immediately around you. This will deal moderate damage to every foe in melee range, while knocking them back.
Cremate Melee, High DMG(Fire/Smash), Minor DoT(Fire)
A slow but devastating attack. Cremate clobbers your foes with a massive 2 handed fiery smash that leaves your foe set on fire.
Brawl Melee, Light DMG(Smash)
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.
Molten Armor Toggle, Self Def( S15 L15 F15 C5 E5 N5 ), Prot( Kb 2.0 ), Res( Ho 50% Im 50% St 50% Sl 50% )
While this power is active, Vulcannon's skin generates magma. Rock Armor makes her highly resistant to Smashing and Lethal based attacks. They are less likely to land and affect the Outcast.
Brimstone Special: Global Chance for +Minor DoT(Fire)
While this power is active, your skin becomes encrusted in cracked magma. Brimstone Armor makes you highly resistant to Fire and Cold damage, and help your attacks set enemies on fire, delivering damage over time.
Cannot be active at the same time as Granite Armor.
Stone Skin Auto, Self Res( S10 L10 F10 C10 E10 N10 T10 ), Def( S5% L5% F5% C5% E5% N5% )
Your tough skin is naturally resistant to most types of damage. This power is always on and costs no Endurance.
Meltdown Armor Toggle, Self Def( S25 L25 F25 C15 E15 N15 ), Prot( Ho 5.19 Im 5.19 St 5.19 Sl 5.19 Kb 2.0 ), Res( Ho 50% Im 50% St 50% Sl 50% )
While this power is active, Vulcannon's skin generates magma. Rock Armor makes her highly resistant to Smashing and Lethal based attacks. They are less likely to land and affect the Outcast.
Brimstone Special: Global Chance for +Minor DoT(Fire)
While this power is active, your skin becomes encrusted in cracked magma. Brimstone Armor makes you highly resistant to Fire and Cold damage, and help your attacks set enemies on fire, delivering damage over time.
Cannot be active at the same time as Granite Armor.
Heavy Resists Auto, Self Res( All30 ), Def( All15% ), Prot( Ho 100 St 100 Kb 100 Co 100 Tp 100 ), Res( Im 50% )
Salty resistance package.