Dark Mastery

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Dark Mastery is a Blaster, Controller, Defender, Tanker, Brute, Corruptor, Dominator and Sentinel Ancillary Power Pool.

Corruptor/Defender: You have Mastery over Darkness to weaken your foes, and to add some much needed defense.

Blaster/Brute/Controller/Dominator/Sentinel/Tanker: You have Mastery over Darkness to control and blast your foes.

Power Table

The following table shows which powers are available and at what level:


Power Level Effect
Murky Cloud 35 Toggle: Self +Res(Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative)
Fearsome Stare 35 Ranged (Cone), Foe Fear, -ToHit
Possess 38 Ranged, Foe Confuse, -ToHit
Black Hole 41 Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe Intangible
Soul Consumption 44 PBAoE, Self Heal, +MaxHP, +MaxEnd; Foe -MaxHP, -MaxEnd, -Regen


Power Level Effect
Penumbral Grasp 35 Ranged, Light DoT(Negative), Foe Immobilize, -ToHit
Petrifying Gaze 35 Ranged, Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe Hold
Dark Blast 38 Ranged, Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe -ToHit
Night Fall 41 Ranged (Cone), Moderate DoT(Negative), Foe -ToHit
Tar Patch 44 Ranged (Location AoE), Foe -SPD, -Res(All), -Fly


Power Level Effect
Murky Cloud 35 Toggle: Self +Res(Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative)
Dark Blast 35 Ranged, Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe -ToHit
Umbral Torrent 38 Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe Knockback, -ToHit
File:Dark Mastery MidnightGrasp.webpMidnight Grasp 41 Melee, Extreme DoT(Negative), Foe Immobilize, -ToHit
Soul Consumption 44 PBAoE, Self Heal, +MaxHP, +MaxEnd; Foe -MaxHP, -MaxEnd, -Regen

Corruptor / Defender

Power Level Effect
Oppressive Gloom 35 Toggle: PBAoE, Foe Disorient, Self -HP
Dark Consumption 35 PBAoE, Light DMG(Negative), Self +End
Dark Embrace 38 Toggle: Self +Res(Smash, Lethal, Negative, Toxic)
Soul Transfer 41 Self Rez, Special
Spirit Drain 44 Ranged (Targeted AoE), Minor DMG(Negative), Self +DMG, +ToHit


Power Level Effect
Murky Cloud 35 Toggle: Self +Res(Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative)
Tar Patch 35 Ranged (Location AoE), Foe -SPD, -Res(All), -Fly
Darkest Night 38 Toggle: Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -DMG, -ToHit
Umbral Torrent 41 Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe Knockback, -ToHit
Soul Consumption 44 PBAoE, Self Heal, +MaxHP, +MaxEnd; Foe -MaxHP, -MaxEnd, -Regen


Power Level Effect
Netherworld Tentacles 35 Ranged (Cone), Minor DoT(Neg), Foe Immob, -To-Hit, -Fly
Smite 35 Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash/Neg), Foe -To Hit
Netherworld Grasp 38 Ranged, Moderate DMG(Neg), Foe Hold, -To-Hit
Engulfing Darkness 41 PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Neg), Minor DoT(Neg), Foe -To-Hit
Darkest Night 44 Toggle: Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -DMG, -To-Hit


The following are powers in the Dark Mastery powerset.

Dark Mastery BlackHole.png Black Hole

Opens up a Black Hole to the Netherworld that temporarily pulls in all foes within its grasp. The victims become phase shifted and are completely intangible. You must be level 41 and have one other Dark Mastery Powers before selecting this power.

Recharge Extremely Long
Minimum Level Archetypeicon blaster.png 41 (Blaster)
Effects Ranged (Targeted AoE)
Foe Intangible
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate

Dark Mastery DarkBlast.png Dark Blast

A long range blast of dark energy. Deals moderate Negative Energy damage and reduces the target's Accuracy.

Brutes/Tankers: You must be level 38 and have one other Dark Mastery Powers before selecting this power.

Damage Moderate DMG(Negative)
Recharge Moderate
Minimum Level V archetypeicon brute.png 38 (Brute)
Archetypeicon controller.png 35 (Controller)
Archetypeicon tanker.png 38 (Tanker)
Effects Ranged
Foe -ToHit
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance ToHit Debuff
Set Categories Ranged Damage
ToHit Debuff
Accurate ToHit Debuff
Universal Damage

Dark Mastery DarkConsumption.png Dark Consumption

The dark power of the Netherworld allows you to tap the essence of your foe's soul and transfer it to yourself. This will drain the Hit Points of your enemy and add to your Endurance.

Damage Light DMG(Negative)
Recharge Extremely Long
Minimum Level V archetypeicon corruptor.png 35 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon defender.png 35 (Defender)
Effects PBAoE
Self +Endurance
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Enhance Endurance Modification
Reduce Endurance Cost
Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories Melee AoE Damage
Endurance Modification
Universal Damage

Dark Mastery DarkEmbrace.png Dark Embrace

You tap into the energy of the Netherworld to protect yourself from damage. This Dark Embrace shrouds you and grants resistance to Lethal, Smashing, Toxic, and Negative Energy damage. You must be level 38 and have one other Dark Mastery Powers before selecting this power.

Recharge Moderate
Minimum Level V archetypeicon corruptor.png 38 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon defender.png 38 (Defender)
Effects Toggle: Self +Resist(Smashing, Lethal, Negative, Toxic)
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance Damage Resistance
Set Categories Resist Damage

DarknessControl Debuff.png Darkest Night

While active, you channel Negative Energy onto a targeted foe. Darkest Night decreases the damage potential and chance to hit of the target, and all foes nearby, as long as you keep the power active.

Recharge Moderate
Minimum Level Archetypeicon sentinel.png 44 (Sentinel)
Effects Toggle: Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)
Foe -Damage, -To-Hit
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance ToHit Debuff
Set Categories ToHit Debuff

DarknessControl PBAoE.png Engulfing Darkness

You release a burst of negative energy to foes around you dealing moderate Negative Energy damage, reducing their chance to hit and sapping their health over time.

Damage Moderate(Negative)
Recharge Slow
Minimum Level Archetypeicon sentinel.png 41 (Sentinel)
Effects Point Blank Area of Effect, Minor Damage Over Time(Negative)
Foe -To Hit
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Reduce Endurance Cost
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance ToHit Debuff
Set Categories Melee AoE Damage
ToHit Debuff
Accurate ToHit Debuff
Universal Damage

Dark Mastery FearsomeStare.png Fearsome Stare

Instills tremendous Fear within a cone area in front of you, causing all affected targets to tremble in Terror uncontrollably.

Recharge Very Long
Minimum Level Archetypeicon blaster.png 35 (Blaster)
Effects Ranged (Cone)
Foe Fear, -ToHit
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Fear Duration
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance ToHit Debuff
Set Categories Fear
Accurate ToHit Debuff
ToHit Debuff

File:Dark Mastery MidnightGrasp.webp Midnight Grasp

Mastery over the forces of the Netherworld allows you to create dark tentacles that can Immobilize a foe, reduce their chance to hit and continuously drain their life force. You must be level 41 and have one other Dark Mastery Powers before selecting this power.

Damage Extreme DoT(Negative)
Recharge Long
Minimum Level Archetypeicon controller.png 41 (Controller)
Effects Melee
Foe Immobilize, -ToHit
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Immobilization Duration
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance ToHit Debuff
Set Categories Melee Damage
ToHit Debuff
Accurate ToHit Debuff
Universal Damage

Dark Mastery MurkyCloud.png Murky Cloud

You create a Murky Cloud enshrouding you. This cloud can absorb all forms of energy, making you more resistant to Fire, Cold, Energy, and Negative Energy attacks.

Recharge Moderate
Minimum Level Archetypeicon blaster.png 35 (Blaster)
Archetypeicon controller.png 35 (Controller)
V archetypeicon dominator.png 35 (Dominator)
Effects Toggle: Self +Resist(Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative)
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance Damage Resistance
Set Categories Resist Damage

DarknessControl DarkGrasp.png Netherworld Grasp

Mastery over the forces of the Netherworld allows you to summon dark tentacles to render your target helpless and inflicting moderate negative energy damage. Even if the target is powerful enough to resist the power's hold effect they will have their chance to hit reduced.

Damage Moderate(Negative)
Recharge Moderate
Minimum Level Archetypeicon sentinel.png 38 (Sentinel)
Effects Ranged
Foe Hold, -To Hit
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Hold Duration
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance ToHit Debuff
Set Categories Ranged Damage
ToHit Debuff
Accurate ToHit Debuff
Universal Damage

DarknessControl LivingShadows.png Netherworld Tentacles

You can create a cone shaped rift to the Netherworld that allows its native creatures to slip their oily tentacles into our reality. These creatures will snare all foes within range, Immobilizing them while the tentacles drain their life and reduce their chance to hit.

Damage Minor Damage Over Time(Negative)
Recharge Moderate
Minimum Level Archetypeicon sentinel.png 35 (Sentinel)
Effects Ranged (Cone)
Foe Immobilize, -To Hit, -Fly
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Immobilization Duration
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance ToHit Debuff
Set Categories Ranged AoE Damage
ToHit Debuff
Accurate ToHit Debuff
Universal Damage

Dark Mastery NightFall.png Night Fall

Unleashes a cone shaped burst of particles from the Netherworld. All targets within the modest range of this power take Negative Energy damage and have a reduced chance to hit. You must be level 41 and have one other Dark Mastery Powers before selecting this power.

Damage Moderate DoT(Negative)
Recharge Slow
Minimum Level V archetypeicon brute.png 41 (Brute)
Archetypeicon tanker.png 41 (Tanker)
Effects Ranged (Cone)
Foe -ToHit
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance ToHit Debuff
Set Categories Ranged AoE Damage
ToHit Debuff
Accurate ToHit Debuff
Universal Damage

Dark Mastery OppressiveGloom.png Oppressive Gloom

The Netherworld has many mutable properties, such as the Oppressive Gloom. This power allows you to use your own Hit Points to keep enemies near you disoriented and unable to use any powers. Endurance cost for this is minimal, but the power can be dangerous to use.

Recharge Slow
Minimum Level V archetypeicon corruptor.png 35 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon defender.png 35 (Defender)
Effects Toggle: PBAoE
Foe Disorient
Self -HP
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Reduce Endurance Cost
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance Disorient Duration
Set Categories Stuns

Dark Mastery PenumbralGrasp.png Penumbral Grasp

Penumbral Grasp deals moderate Negative Energy damage, reduces their chance to hit and may leave the targeted foe Immobilized for a brief time. Immobilized foes cannot move but can still attack.

Damage Light DoT(Negative)
Recharge Moderate
Minimum Level V archetypeicon brute.png 35 (Brute)
Archetypeicon tanker.png 35 (Tanker)
Effects Ranged
Foe Immobilize, -ToHit
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Immobilization Duration
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance ToHit Debuff
Set Categories Ranged Damage
ToHit Debuff
Accurate ToHit Debuff
Universal Damage

Dark Mastery PetrifyingGaze.png Petrifying Gaze

Petrifies a single targeted foe with a terrifying gaze. The victim is Held and defenseless.

Damage Moderate DMG(Negative)
Recharge Slow
Minimum Level V archetypeicon brute.png 35 (Brute)
Archetypeicon tanker.png 35 (Tanker)
Effects Ranged
Foe Hold
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Hold Duration
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories Ranged Damage
Universal Damage

Dark Mastery Possess.png Possess

You cause your targeted foe to be possessed by a dark entity from the Netherworld causing them to be confused for a short period of time. While confused they will be unable to tell the difference between friend or foe and will attack nearby allies. You must be level 38 and have one other Dark Mastery Powers before selecting this power.

Recharge Slow
Minimum Level Archetypeicon blaster.png 38 (Blaster)
Effects Ranged
Foe Confuse, -ToHit
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Confusion Duration
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories Confuse

DarknessControl Punch.png Smite

You wrap your fists with Negative Energy channeled from the Netherworlds, then perform a Smite that deals more damage than Shadow Punch, but has a longer recharge time. Smite clouds the target's vision, lowering their chance to hit for a short time.

Damage Moderate(Smashing/Negative)
Recharge Moderate
Minimum Level Archetypeicon sentinel.png 35 (Sentinel)
Effects Melee
Foe -To Hit
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Reduce Endurance Cost
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance ToHit Debuff
Set Categories Melee Damage
ToHit Debuff
Accurate ToHit Debuff
Universal Damage

Dark Mastery SoulConsumption.png Soul Consumption

You consume life and soul from all enemies nearby, thus siginficantly increasing your maximum hitpoints and endurance. The more foes affected, the stronger the effect. You must be level 44 and have two other Dark Mastery Powers before selecting this power.

Recharge Extremely Long
Minimum Level Archetypeicon blaster.png 44 (Blaster)
Archetypeicon controller.png 44 (Controller)
Effects PBAoE
Self Heal, +Max HP, +Max Endurance
Foe -Max HP, -Max Endurance, -Regeneration
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Endurance Modification
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Heal
Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories Accurate Healing
Endurance Modification

DarkMastery SoulTransfer.png Soul Transfer

Should you fall in battle, you can perform a Soul Transfer, sucking the life force of all foes around you to bring yourself back from the brink of death. The more foes nearby, the more life is restored to you. Drained foes are left Disoriented. The dark effects of this Soul Transfer will actually leave you invulnerable for a brief time, and protected from XP Debt for 90 seconds. There must be at least one foe nearby to fuel the Transfer and revive yourself. You must be level 41 and have Oppressive Gloom or Dark Consumption before selecting this power.

Damage Moderate(Negative)
Recharge Very Long
Minimum Level V archetypeicon corruptor.png 41 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon defender.png 41 (Defender)
Effects Self Resurrect, Special
Enhancements Enhance Damage
Enhance Endurance Modification
Enhance Heal
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance Disorient Duration
Set Categories Melee AoE Damage
Endurance Modification
Universal Damage

Dark Mastery SpiritDrain.png Spirit Drain

Using this power, you can drain the spirits of your foes, thus increasing your own strength. Each affected foe will lose some Hit Points and add to your Damage and Accuracy. You must be level 44 and have two other Dark Mastery Powers before selecting this power.

Damage Minor DMG(Negative)
Recharge Very Long
Minimum Level V archetypeicon corruptor.png 44 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon defender.png 44 (Defender)
Effects Ranged (Targeted AoE)
Self +Damage, +ToHit
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance ToHit Buff
Set Categories Ranged AoE Damage
To Hit Buff
Universal Damage

Dark Mastery TarPatch.png Tar Patch

Drops a large patch of viscous Negative Energy which dramatically slows down enemies that run through it and reduces their damage resistance. Affected targets stuck in the Tar Patch cannot jump or fly. You must be level 44 and have two other Dark Mastery Powers before selecting this power.

Editor's Note:

Unlike other versions of Tar Patch, the resistance debuff is not autohit and has a tohit check every half second.

Recharge Extremely Long
Minimum Level V archetypeicon brute.png 44 (Brute)
Archetypeicon tanker.png 44 (Tanker)
Effects Ranged (Location AoE)
Foe -Speed, -Resist(All), -Fly
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance Slow
Set Categories Slow Movement

Dark Mastery UmbralTorrent.png Umbral Torrent

You summon a wave of mire that sweeps away foes within its arc. The attack deals minimal Negative Energy damage, but sends foes flying and reduces their chance to hit. You must be level 38 and have one other Dark Mastery Powers before selecting this power.

Damage Moderate DMG(Negative)
Recharge Long
Minimum Level Archetypeicon controller.png 38 (Controller)
Effects Ranged (Cone)
Foe Knockback, -ToHit
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Knockback Distance
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance ToHit Debuff
Set Categories Ranged AoE Damage
ToHit Debuff
Accurate ToHit Debuff
Universal Damage


This section contains information about changes that took place in City of Heroes/Villains. It is provided for historical purposes.

ShadowFighting StealPower.png Soul Drain

Using this power, you can drain the essence of all nearby foes' souls, thus increasing your own strength. Each affected foe will lose some Hit Points and add to your damage and accuracy. You must be level 44 and have two other Dark Mastery Powers before selecting this power.

Damage Moderate DMG(Negative)
Recharge Very Long
Minimum Level V archetypeicon corruptor.png 44 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon defender.png 44 (Defender)
Effects PBAoE
Self +Damage, +ToHit
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Reduce Endurance Cost
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance ToHit Buff
Set Categories Melee AoE Damage
To Hit Buff
Universal Damage

See Also

External Links

Dark Mastery for Defenders at City of Data v2.0