Category:Sets for improving Universal Damage

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SEW Cupid's Crush.png
Cupid's Crush   (Levels 10-50)
DropIcon-SEW.png Damage/Recharge Unique
DropIcon-SEW.png Endurance/Recharge Unique
DropIcon-SEW.png Accuracy/Damage/Endurance Unique
DropIcon-SEW.png Accuracy/Damage/Recharge Unique
DropIcon-SEW.png Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge Unique
DropIcon-SEW.png Damage/Chance for Confuse Unique Proc


Set Bonuses

  • 2: Grants you a 2.5% discount to all Endurance costs.
  • 3: Increases maximum Health by 1.5%.
  • 4: Improves the Accuracy of all your powers by 11%.
  • 5: Increases Smashing and Lethal Resistance by 3%.
  • 5: reduces the duration of Immobilize effects on you by 5%.
  • 5: reduces the duration of Hold effects on you by 5%.
  • 5: reduces the duration of Stun effects on you by 5%.
  • 5: reduces the duration of Sleep effects on you by 5%.
  • 5: reduces the duration of Fear effects on you by 5%.
  • 5: reduces the duration of Confuse effects on you by 5%.
  • 6: Improves the Recharge of all your powers by 8.75%.

SBB Overwhelming Force.png
Overwhelming Force   (Levels 10-50)
DropIcon-SBB.png Accuracy/Damage Unique
DropIcon-SBB.png Endurance/Recharge Unique
DropIcon-SBB.png Accuracy/Damage/Endurance Unique
DropIcon-SBB.png Damage/Endurance/Recharge Unique
DropIcon-SBB.png Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge Unique
DropIcon-SBB.png Damage/Chance for Knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown Unique Proc


Set Bonuses

  • 3: Improves the Damage of all your powers by 3%.
  • 4: Increases maximum Health by 1.5%.
  • 6: Provides 4 points of protection against Knockback effects on you.

Pages in category "Sets for improving Universal Damage"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.