Arbiter Mudd

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Arbiter Mudd is a villain trainer on Striga Isle in the Bonny Morass neighborhood. His coordinates are (-1991, -23, -1405.5)[Copy] , and his location is marked on the map as a trainer.


  • Come seeking knowledge? I can impart plenty of wisdom. This one's free: Don't interrupt your superiors.
  • I was about to ask how things are going with your villainous ambitions, but I just got a good look at your outfit and I don't think I really need to ask.
  • Not sure if you're a Destined One or not, but I'm not feeling good about your fate. Maybe training will shave off some of the bad juju.
  • Oh, it's you. And you need help.
  • Oh. You're nothing like what your dossier suggested. You're far worse. Let's get you trained.
  • Okay, time to train. Honestly, this is the worst part of the job but I'm sure you'll do fine.
  • The sooner we get you trained up and confident, the sooner I can be anywhere else doing anything else.
  • Yes, I willingly chose to camp out on this frozen dock and help you. Nothing at all to do with bad life choices, clearly.
  • You need a theme song, but 'I'm a Danger To Myself And Others' is probably already copyrighted. Let's get you trained up and in control of those powers.