Clarence Jackson

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Clarence Jackson.jpg

Clarence Jackson is an NPC standing outside the Atlas Park PPD building at coordinates (-1356, -42, -2047)[Copy]

After the destruction of Galaxy City in Issue 21, Clarence Jackson was "rescued" and relocated to Atlas Park and is no longer used in missions from regular contacts.

Unnecessary Solicitation

  • We sure can use your help cleaning up these streets.


This section contains information that no longer applies to the current version of Homecoming: City of Heroes/Villains. It is provided for historical purposes.

Clarence Jackson is an NPC in the Freedom Court neighborhood of Galaxy City. He's a garbage man who witnesses a Vahzilok attack in the Talk to Clarence about the zombie attacks mission from Rebecca Brinell, and he monitors tensions between the Skulls and the Hellions for Prince Kiros Nandelu in the Talk to Clarence and get his take on the gang war mission. His coordinates are (1079.5, 16, -1955)[Copy] .