The Drudges are an enemy group that appear in Night Ward. They, like many myths regarding reapers and ferrymen, are tasked with shepherding the dead. They deal in wax currencies, which, to some extent has influenced their appearances.
Enemy Types
Hooded Lantern
The Drudges' Hooded Lanterns are powered by the wax of souls which they collect and use as currency. This torch flickers and floats before you, moving at the whim of the Taskmasters who control the Drudges' hierarchy.
Soul Fire Ranged, Minor DMG(Energy), Minor DoT(Negative)
You launch several bursts of energy at your target, scorching their soul. The target suffers energy damage while their soul burns, causing negative energy damage over time.
Soul Burn Ranged, Light DMG(Energy), Minor DoT(Negative), Location AoE, DoT(Fire)
You fire a large burst of energy at your target, burning their soul. The target suffers energy damage, while their soul continues to burn, causing negative energy damage over time. The strength of the energy burst is so large that it creates a scorching patch of fire on the ground.
Soul Blaze Close, Moderate DMG(Energy), Light DoT(Negative)
This devastating attack scorches your target with a deadly burst of energy that burns their soul. The target suffers energy damage, while their burning soul causes negative energy damage over time.
Damage Resistance Res( S10 L10 P-10 )
The Drudges have a set of natural affinities that make them stronger against some forms of damage and weaker against others.
In the Night Ward the Drudge Patrolmen are the embodiment of the authority and law of the Taskmaster's Office. Some souls try to resist their transition from one world to the next, while outsiders are always trafficking in stolen souls. It is the Patrolman's job to ensure that operations in Night Ward move smoothly, and take care of any complications that might arise.
Soul Slam Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Minor DoT(Negative), Foe Chance for Knockup
This upward swing attempts to shatter your opponent's will to live, causing smashing damage. The target's soul is scorched, causing negative energy damage over time. It also has a chance to send him flying upwards into the air.
Soul Smash Melee, Light DMG(Smash), Foe -ToHit, -Recharge
You Clobber your foe with a massive swing of your mace. This attack deals exceptional damage and can leave most opponents disoriented for a period of time.
Soul Crush Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy), Minor DoT(Negative), Foe Chance for Knockdown
You swing your mace and unleash a bolt of energy at a single target. The target suffers energy damage when struck.. The attack also scorches the soul of affected target, causing negative energy damage over time. There is also a chance that the blow knocks the target down.
Damage Resistance Res( S10 L10 P-10 )
The Drudges have a set of natural affinities that make them stronger against some forms of damage and weaker against others.
Spirit Guide
This creature's grisly appearance is not unlike a hundred different descriptions of the grim reaper or the ferryman. Indeed, a spirit guide's existence is devoted to the ushering of souls from one world to the next. They do so with mechanical efficiency and enthusiasm, as their reward for a job well done is a payment in wax, which keeps their spirit candle burning, if only long enough to find another soul in need of guidance to the next world.
Soul Strike Melee, Heavy DMG(Negative/Energy), Foe Chance for Knockdown, -DEF, -Fly
You strike your target with a forceful blow that strikes at their very soul. The affected target suffers energy and negative energy damage, along with reduced defenses. Flying targets are knocked to the ground. Additionally, the target may be knocked down.
Soul Bolt Ranged, Light DMG(Energy/Negative), Foe -DEF
You strike your target with a bolt of energy which strikes the soul of your target. The affected target suffers both energy and negative energy damage, as well as from reduced defenses.
Soul Stream Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Energy/Negative), Foe -DEF
You create a stream of energy that strikes at the soul of several targets before you. The affected targets suffer both energy and negative energy damage, as well as a reduction in their defenses.
Damage Resistance Res( S10 L10 P-10 )
The Drudges have a set of natural affinities that make them stronger against some forms of damage and weaker against others.
Lamplighters are tasked with keeping Night Ward's lamps lit and push back the dark forces that hunger for the souls of the dead. However, their spiritual flame is more than just for lighting lamps, it can also ignite one's soul.
Enlightenment Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe Hold/Sleep
You create an aura of energy which floods the mind of your targets, showing them visions of enlightenment that overwhelm their senses. Affected targets are held in place and suffer psionic damage due to the strength of the visions.
Soul Staff Bolt Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy), Light DoT(Negative), Foe -ToHit
You fire a bolt of magical energy from your staff at a single target. The magical bolt causes energy damage and scorches the target's soul, causing negative energy damage over time.
Soul Field Ranged, Minor DMG(Negative), Location AoE, Foe Hold, -ToHit
You blanket a targeted area in darkness, afflicting your main target with negative energy damage. Any foe who enters this area will have their chance to hit reduced and has a chance to be held for a short period of time.
Haunt Ranged Foe Targeted, Summon 2 Shades
You summon a pair of shades from the Netherworld to harass your target. Shades deal moderate damage and terrorize their victims.
Imbue Ranged, Ally Heal
Heals a single targeted ally by cauterizing their wounds. You cannot use this power to heal yourself.
Damage Resistance Res( S10 L10 P-10 )
The Drudges have a set of natural affinities that make them stronger against some forms of damage and weaker against others.
The Watchers oversee squads of Patrolmen and are assigned by Drudge Taskmasters to act as cudgels when something needs to be done quickly and efficiently. They are feared not only because of their lash, but because they can call upon the very shadows of Night Ward to hunt down those who obstruct the directives of the Taskmaster's Office.
Soul Shadows Ranged (Cone), Minor DoT(Negative), Foe Immobilize, -ToHit, -Fly
You extend and animate your own shadow, causing it to entangle all foes within a cone in front of you. Affected targets suffer negative energy damage over time and reduced chance to hit. Additionally, affected targets are immobilized and unable to fly.
Soul Whip Close (Cone), Minor DMG(Energy), DoT(Negative), Foe Chance for Knockdown, -Res(All)
You channel energy into the creation of a magical whip, which is then cracked in an impressive sweep. This causes energy damage and scorches the target's soul, causing negative energy damage over time. Affected targets will also suffer reduced resistance to all forms of damage and may be knocked down.
Soul Corruption Ranged, Minor DMG(Energy), DoT(Negative), Foe -Res(All)
You lash out with your whip, firing a bolt of energy from its tip. This burst causes energy damage and scorches your target's soul, causing negative energy damage. Additionally, the affected target suffers from reduced resistance to all forms of damage.
Soul Lash Close, Minor DMG(Energy), DoT(Negative), Foe Chance for Knockdown, -Res(All)
You create a powerful whip of energy and lash out at your foe, causing energy damage. The target's soul is scorched, causing negative energy damage over time. Additionally, the target's resistance against all forms of damage is reduced and there is a chance they will be knocked down.
Soul Beast Summon Soul Beast
You conjure up a Soul Beast from the Netherworld. This creature will fight beside its summoner using its brutal claw, bite and darkness attacks.
Damage Resistance Res( S10 L10 P-10 )
The Drudges have a set of natural affinities that make them stronger against some forms of damage and weaker against others.
Taskmasters are the bureaucratic masterminds of the Drudges. They have, for time immemorial, been in charge of the flow of souls from each world to the next, and they have made a great deal of profit off of their services. The Taskmasters deal in wax, which is used to keep the candles of the Drudges burning - but in order to meet the demands of their Taskmasters the Drudges must burn their candles at both ends, creating an eternal cycle of dependence.
Dusk's Embrace PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Energy), Moderate DoT(Negative), Foe Chance for Knockdown, -DEF
You ensnare targets around you in a burst of energy which scorches their soul. The targets suffer energy damage and continued negative energy damage over time. Additionally, the targets will suffer from reduced defense against all types of damage and may be knocked down.
Light the Path Moving AoE, Moderate DoT(Fire)
You create a mobile mass of burning soul energy which chases down an enemy target. As the soul energy moves toward a target, it leaves a chain of other fiery patches in its wake. Opponents caught in these patches will suffer damage over time.
Trap Soul Ranged, Foe Hold
You ensnare the soul of a single target, holding them in place for a short period of time.
Elucidate Ranged, Heavy DMG(Psionic), Foe Confuse/Sleep
You create powerful visions in the mind of your target, eliciting confusion and causing psionic damage.
Radiance Ranged (Chain AoE), Minor DMG(Energy), Foe Knockdown, -End, -Recovery
You can send a bolt of electricity through multiple opponents, causing a muscle spasm and dealing minor damage. Each foe is knocked down, and the electric charge can fork several times, jumping to several opponents rapidly.
Summon Lantern Summon 2 Hooded Lanterns
You conjure a pair of ghostly lanterns from the depths of the Netherworld.
Damage Resistance Res( S15 L15 P-10 )
The Drudges have a set of natural affinities that make them stronger against some forms of damage and weaker against others.
Named Bosses
- Taskmaster Burke (Taskmaster) Found on the Stop the Talons from stealing souls mission from Sir Bedwyr
- Taskmaster Carlyle (Taskmaster) Found on the Find Percy's Soul mission from Montague Castanella
Related Badges

The laws of the afterlife both require that no living being enter and that no dead being depart. You have defied these laws by defeating those tasked with enforcing them, the Drudges.