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Experience, or experience points (XP), measures a player character's life experience and progression through the game. It is primarily accrued by defeating enemies and completing missions.

Experience Requirements Table

This table indicates the experience requirements for each level in both City of Heroes and City of Villains.

   Level       Incremental       Cumulative       Level       Incremental       Cumulative   
1    n/a    0    26    85,200    446,119   
2    106    106    27    108,000    554,119   
3    337    443    28    135,000    689,119   
4    582    1,025    29    166,650    855,769   
5    800    1,825    30    203,400    1,059,169   
6    1,237    3,062    31    254,000    1,313,169   
7    1,575    4,637    32    314,600    1,627,769   
8    1,950    6,587    33    386,400    2,014,169   
9    2,680    9,267    34    470,600    2,484,769   
10    3,125    12,392    35    571,200    3,055,969   
11    3,600    15,992    36    701,500    3,757,469   
12    4,995    20,987    37    854,700    4,612,169   
13    6,405    27,392    38    1,036,600    5,648,769   
14    7,400    34,792    39    1,250,200    6,898,969   
15    9,093    43,885    40    1,502,550    8,401,519   
16    11,184    55,069    41    1,692,900    10,094,419   
17    13,000    68,069    42    1,907,550    12,001,969   
18    15,950    84,019    43    2,150,550    14,152,519   
19    19,200    103,219    44    2,421,900    16,574,419   
20    23,400    126,619    45    2,729,700    19,304,119   
21    28,000    154,619    46    3,078,000    22,382,119   
22    36,000    190,619    47    3,470,850    25,852,969   
23    45,000    235,619    48    3,912,300    29,765,269   
24    56,000    291,619    49    4,410,450    34,175,719   
   25       69,300       360,919       50       4,973,400       39,149,119   
Veteran Levels require 5,608,000 XP for each level

Experience Rewards

A character receives experience rewards for defeating an enemy based on their actual experience level relative to the defeated enemy's level. Some critters have a Reward Scale multiplier that increases or decreases the amount of XP rewarded depending upon the difficulty of the critter. Defeating an enemy whose level is higher than your character's will grant the character more XP. Defeating a lower level enemy, less XP.

A player may completely turn off all experience gain for a character in Options (Menu --> Options --> General Tab --> Disable Earning XP).

Experience Boosts

There are several ways a player may boost their character's experience gain:

  • A character that has accrued Patrol Experience will receive a 50% boost in XP until the Patrol XP runs out.
  • The P2W vendors in Atlas Park, Mercy Island, and Nova Praetoria offer various experience boosters as a gift from the game developers
  • Certain temporary powers

Experience Distribution and Team Bonuses

The experience that a character gets while on a team is affected by the team's size and by their level relative to the enemies. Larger teams get a higher XP multiplier, but the rewards also get split more ways. Players on teams will receive less XP per critter, but the increased number of mobs and speed of defeats usually results in a greater total amount of XP by the end of a standard mission. A character who is sidekicked, and hence one combat level below that of the team leader, will receive experience based on their actual level and not their boosted level.

Mission completion experience is affected only by the character's actual level relative to the mission's. The full amount is awarded to each team member individually, with no split or weighting.

Calculating Experience Rewards

The experience awarded by defeating an enemy is calculated using a base experience table and several multipliers. The standard formula for this is:

(Base XP x Reward Scale x Level Bonus x Team Size Bonus ÷ Team Size)

and the result is rounded up. After this, any additional multipliers are factored in (such as XP boosters, Patrol XP, etc.), and the final result is rounded down (drop off the decimals).

Base Experience Rewards Table

These are the base experience reward values for each rank and level of critter. If playing solo, simply reference the level and rank of the enemy to get the critter's Base XP. For sidekicked characters on a team, the referenced enemy level is reduced to the player character's actual level plus the difference between the boosted combat level and the enemy level (enemy level + actual level - sidekicked level). If the enemy is one level greater than the boosted level, the referenced enemy level will be one above the character's actual level. For example, a level 10 character is sidekicked to level 19 by a level 20 mentor and defeats a level 21 enemy (21+10-19=12). The level referenced for the base XP would be 12.

Level Minion Lieutenant Boss
1 10 33 100
2 10 33 100
3 10 33 100
4 10 33 100
5 13 43 132
6 14 48 144
7 16 55 168
8 18 60 180
9 19 63 192
10 20 67 204
11 24 79 240
12 30 99 300
13 36 120 360
14 44 147 444
15 51 171 516
16 52 175 528
17 55 183 552
18 56 187 564
19 57 192 576
20 60 199 600
21 61 204 612
22 62 207 624
23 72 240 720
24 82 276 828
25 96 320 960
Level Minion Lieutenant Boss
26 110 366 1100
27 127 423 1270
28 146 486 1460
29 169 563 1690
30 210 700 2100
31 240 800 2400
32 274 913 2740
33 312 1040 3120
34 353 1176 3530
35 429 1430 4290
36 484 1613 4840
37 546 1820 5460
38 658 2193 6580
39 792 2376 7128
40 892 2527 7582
41 974 2597 7792
42 1063 2657 7972
43 1198 2795 8386
44 1351 2927 8781
45 1524 3048 9144
46 1719 3438 10314
47 1938 3876 11628
48 2185 4370 13110
49 2464 4928 14784
50 2779 5558 16674

Reward Scale

This is the difficulty level of the enemy, typically based on the enemy's stats. The vast majority of critters in the game have a reward scale of 1, essentially no bonus. The Reward Scale bonuses can be found on the Reward scale page.

Level Bonus

The Level Bonus is based on the difference in levels between the player character and the defeated enemy.

When a character's level is BELOW the enemy's level, their xp and inf are increased:
Level Difference Level Bonus
0 1
-1 1.2
-2 1.4
-3 1.6
-4 1.8
When a character's level is ABOVE the enemy's level, their xp and inf are decreased.
Level Difference Level Bonus
0 1
+1 0.8
+2 0.6
+3 0.4
+4 0.2
+5 0

Team Size Bonus

Every character on a team receives a bonus based on the number of members on the team. More teammates means a bigger bonus.

Team Size Bonus
1 1
2 1.25
3 1.5
4 1.8
5 2
6 2.1
7 2.2
8 2.5
9 2.728125
10 2.9403125
11 3.137313438
12 3.319848038
13 3.488606979
14 3.644252522
15 3.787419585
16 3.918716797
17 4.038727499
18 4.148010714
19 4.247102081
20 4.336514756
21 4.416740279
22 4.488249408
23 4.551492922
24 4.606902401
25 4.654890968
Team Size Bonus
26 4.695854008
27 4.730169864
28 4.758200501
29 4.780292146
30 4.796775912
31 4.807968389
32 4.814172219
33 4.815676648
34 4.812758056
35 4.805680471
36 4.794696058
37 4.780045598
38 4.761958939
39 4.740655438
40 4.716344385
41 4.689225405
42 4.659488853
43 4.627316192
44 4.592880351
45 4.556346075
46 4.517870264
47 4.47760229
48 4.435684311
49 4.392251569
50 4.347432675


The standard experience forumla is (Base XP x Reward Scale x Level Bonus x Team Size Bonus ÷ Team Size) rounded up.

If a level 15 solo character defeats a level 14 Skull Bone Daddy boss then (444 x 1.4 x 0.8 x 1 ÷ 1) = 497.28 --> rounds up to 498 XP.

If a level 20 character is sidekicked to level 29 by a level 30 mentor on a team of 4 and defeats a level 31 Crey Elite Security Agent lieutenant then the base XP level would be (31+20-29)=22, so (207 x 1 x 1.4 x 1.8 ÷ 4) = 130.41 --> rounds up to 131 XP.

TIP: Patrol XP is ridiculously easy to accrue. Make sure to check and factor it in if your character had Patrol XP.


The following section contains information that does not apply to the current version of Homecoming: City of Heroes/Villains. It is provided for historical purposes only.

The level bonuses for characters that were BELOW enemies' level were revised in Issue 27 Page 7. Prior to Issue 27 Page 7 the level bonuses were:

When a character's level is BELOW the enemy's level, their xp and inf are increased:
Level Difference Level Bonus
0 1
-1 1.2
-2 1.4
-3 1.65
-4 1.9
-5 2.00

Issue 16 (September 15, 2009) saw a complete overhaul of the sidekicking system. Prior to this, multiple players on a single team were able to have their own sidekicks. This meant that there could potentially be 8 characters on a team, all with different levels. In order to balance rewards for a team with varying levels, the developers created a system that defined a set of "weights" on the basis of the "max combat level" of the team (i.e. a value between the minimum level and maximum level of a team). A team's max combat level was then used to reference a multiplier to weigh or adjust the splitting up of experience and influence.

See Also