
This article has been re-written from scratch due to the loss of the original.
Kheldians were the first Epic Archetypes added to City of Heroes in Issue 3: A Council of War. Later Soldiers and Widows were added and so Kheldians were abbreviated into HEATs (Hero Epic Archetype) whilst the Arachnos were abbreviated into VEATs (Villain Epic Archetype). Kheldians are split into three separate factions; Peacebringers which are natural and original Kheldians, Nictus which are Kheldians who turned to Dark Science in order to extend their natural lifespan by draining other creatures life forcefully, and finally we have the Warshades who were Nictus but have had a change of heart, no longer forcing themselves on others.
Only Peacebringers and Warshades are available to play in-game, with Nictus appearing as an enemy type alongside the Council and Cimeroran Traitors. Both Peacebringers and Warshades fulfill the roles of Tank, Melee Damage, and Ranged Damage in-game by shapeshifting into three distinct named forms, each with its own community-adopted nickname, which are: Human form (Base form), Nova form (Squid form), and Dwarf form (Lobster form).
Peacebringers are the original Kheldians before some were corrupted by dark sciences and use energy based powers to attack, defend, and heal. Their attacks all have a Defence Debuff attached to them.
Nictus are Kheldians who delved into Science in order to prolong their lives, turning into the more corrupted (purple) looking versions that you see in-game. Their attacks all have a Slow Debuff attached to them.
"I have told you that the Nictus once fed upon other Kheldians. What I did not tell you was how. The Nictus scientists developed a powerful energy transfer device that could rip away a Kheldian's life force, even at a distance of light years. This terrible weapon is the reason we Peacebringers have resolved to destroy all Nictus, wherever they may be." - Moonfire
Warshades are Nictus who turned away from the route the Nictus were going, instead choosing not to force themselves on potential hosts anymore. Their attacks all have a Slow Debuff attached to them.
Kheldians are non-Organic beings, instead being composed of pure energy (This is best seen in the Peacebringers "Light Form" power) and originate from outside of our galaxy with the ability to travel at light speed, whilst travelling at lightspeed the Kheldian has the ability to take the form of a being with mass which causes them to create a small wormhole allowing them to travel even greater distances (Which is most likely how they first arrived to Earth) This is confirmed by the original devs quoted at the top of this backstory by FloatingFatMan
Kheldians also have a incredibly short lifespan compared to Humans and use different ways to extend that, all Kheldians prefer to merge with a host body, combining the two minds into one and making the newly merged personality that is biological immortal (Unable to die of old age) as proven by Shadowstar who has been around since Ancient Egypt. Nictus will instead try to forcefully take over the host body instead of merging, leading to the loss of the host's personality. Another option available to Nictus and Warshades through their dark science is to drain the life force out of another living creature.
Presence on Earth
Kheldians have been on earth since the days of Ancient Egypt and Rome, as proven by the aforementioned Shadowstar and the story arcs in Cimerora including the Imperious Task Force. They have been dormant until 70 years ago when the Nictus created a map detailing their plans for a Nictus Earth, and since more Kheldians have started to appear in all three factions, with the major developments being Nictus within the Council, and Peacebringers merging with members of the Paragon Police Department forming the Awakened Division.
The main thing that sets apart Kheldians for other Archetypes is the access to different forms that they can shapeshift into to gain new powers and either increase their damage, or boost their resistances. In-game limitations limit the player into having access to two other forms, the Nova form unlocked at level 4, and the Dwarf form unlocked at level 20 (Peacebringers also get Light Form, but that does not grant any new powers, it does however give you the natural Kheldian appearance and huge resists). However there is nothing to suggest a Kheldian can't have an unlimited number of previous hosts which can be expressed in-game by players by using different costumes or the prestige costumes unlocked with Aether.
The Human form (Base form) is the human the Kheldian merged with typically sporting emanating eyes.
Being in the Base form gives you access to all your nukes, toggles, and general attacks.
This form also gets access to power pools like Teleportation/Leadership.
The Nova form (Squid form) is a floating tentacle alien which features only ranged attacks and increases the players To Hit and Damage.
Peacebringers have access to the Bright Nova variant which is from the upper atmosphere of a gas giant, and are called Mefnanim.
Warshades have access to the Dark Nova variant which is from the lower depths of the same gas giant, and are called Hulmanim.
Apart from the different debuffs for each Archetype the attacks are identical between the two.
The Dwarf form (Lobster form) is a heavily armoured and huge creature which features a range of melee attacks, taunts, heals, teleports, and also boosts the players resists.
Peacebringer's have access to the White Dwarf variant which are from Neutron stars, and are called Kurukt.
Warshade's have access to the Black Dwarf variant which are from Pulsars, and are called Ruktur.
The different variants have a few differences in some of their powers as listed below:
Peacebringer's AoE "White Dwarf Flare" has a taunt built into the attack, whereas the Warshades AoE "Black Dwarf Mire" does not but instead increases the Damage and To Hit of the player depending on how many enemies it hits.
Peacebringer's heal "White Dwarf Sublimination" is a normal flat heal, whereas the Warshades heal drains the life of their foe causing damage and taunting alongside healing.
Notable Kheldians
Sunstorm is the primary point of contact for Peacebringers. He is located in Atlas Park and offers Peacebringers a chain of quests as they level.
Moonfire is investigating the council and offers the Task Force that rewards the "Honorary Peacebringer" badge upon completion. She is located in Striga Isle.
Horus is an Egyptian-themed hero who was mortally injured during the Rikti War. He was saved by becoming a host to a Kheldian and becoming a Peacebringer. He was shown prominently in the Blue King Studios' 12 issue run of the City of Heroes Comic. He fought alongside War Witch and Apex.
Arakhn is the co-lead of the Nictus. She refined Nictus fragmentation and created the Cysts where unbound Nictus can survive.
Requiem Was originally the leader of the Fifth Column but now also co-leads the Nictus efforts on Earth.
Romulus Augustus believed the Nictus were Dark Gods and betrayed his king Imperious to lay claim to Cimerora, giving the Nictus a staging ground to take over the world in a time before modern heroes.
Shadowstar is the primary point of contact for Warshades. She was located in Galaxy City before it was destroyed, now she is located in the Atlas Park Town Hall and offers Warshades a chain of quests as they level.
Lars Mendelson or Shadowcatcher is a recurring NPC in Shadowstar's Story Arc and is the only known Kheldian to have the host separated from the original Kheldian. He talks about how he can still feel a connection to his Kheldian despite being separated, suggesting a permanent mind link once merged.
"They used their magic, and they pulled us apart. They pulled Altered Umbra out of Lars Medelson, and trapped it in a crystal. The Kheldian is gone, and so is part of me. I can still feel Altered Umbra, my Kheldian half, out there somewhere. The rituals they're doing here will sever that connection forever. You've got to stop them! And you've got to rescue Altered Umbra! I know where he is. I wish I could help you, but I'm... I'm not Shadowcatcher anymore. I'm not sure I'm even Lars Mendelson." - Lars Mendelson
Special Kheldian enemies
"Quantum Gunners" can appear in almost any mission when a Kheldian has been on the team and fighting enemy groups the Heroes would normally fight. They will be normal members of the enemy faction with the "Quantum Gunner" added onto the end, for instance "Rikti Quantum Gunner" and do extra damage to Kheldians with their anti-Kheldian weapons supplied by the Council.
Galaxy Quantums of the Council have been implanted with N-Fragments, granting them minimal Nictus powers without them fully becoming Nictus (Most of the time)
Void Hunters are an elite task force made to kill Kheldians, they also have a 1 in 1,000 chance of dropping a Mini Kheldian pet.
Nictus appear in their natural forms and in Dwarf/Nova forms, these also have a 1 in 1,000 chance of dropping a Mini Kheldian pet.
Legacy Kheldian/Nictus Salvage
There are 5 pieces of in game Legacy Salvage Items relating to Kheldians/Nictus, 2 for Kheldians as a whole and 3 for Nictus.
Kheldian Blood Sample "Though merged with aliens, Khelidians still bleed. Their blood seems to have a strange texture to it, and the color isn't quite normal."
Kheldian Tech "This technology is sleek and sophisticated, but almost impossible to guess the purpose of. Truly, this is the work of alien minds."
Nictus Ammo "This ammunition, taken from a Quantum Gun, is specially designed to destroy Kheldian heroes. One Peacebringer said after being shot with such ammunition that it was as if his human and Kheldian selves were being ripped apart."
Nictus Memento "This box, carried by a Quantum Gunner, appears empty. However, traces of a living Nictus can be found inside."
Nictus Tech "A fragment of a Quantum Gunner, this technology is engineered to rip Kheldian heroes apart."
Story Bible - While old and not canon within Homecoming as confirmed by Caretaker, the Story Bible Includes a PDF on Kheldians which goes into great detail about the original concept and lore planned for them.