Mission:A Matter of Honor - Part Five: Wisdom and Strength
Part Five: Wisdom and Strength
We have numbers, we have strength, now we need a battle captain.
Sir Agnan is one of our oldest brothers in the Order, and many were trained by him. In keeping with that proud tradition he has recently taken on a squire.
Find Agnan and his squire and determine if they will join us in opposing Lorn and revealing to him the traitor in his midst.
- Agnan is seeking audience with the Taskmaster's Office
Then he must be close. Be careful, though. While the Drudges despair over the Black Knights taking control of their operation, they look out only for themselves. Turning you in may seem a more profitable path to them than opposing Lorn and the Black Knights.
Find Sir Agnan and his Squire
Unnecessary Solicitation
Do not underestimate the Drudges, Character. Not all of them are as eager to help you as Carlyle.
Mission Objective(s)
You hope that the dead Black Knight here isn't Sir Agnan or his squire.
- Find Sir Agnan and his Squire
- Find Sir Agnan and his Squire
- Rescue Sir Agnan!
- Defeat Carlyle and the Black Knights
- Question Carlyle
Carlyle's betrayal has lead Lorn's Black Knights straight to Sir Bedwyr, you must warn him!
Notable NPCs
- Scarlet (Black Knight Ally)
Please don't kill me!
- I'm not going to kill you, Carlyle.
- What? I mean... You aren't?
- No, but I want you to tell me everything.
- Of course, yes, everything! Right...
- Well... After we talked last I had a litt'l visit from Lord Lorn. He had a hunch you'd been chattin' wit Bedwyr... I mean, how else would you 'ave known 'bout the Knights ways and to demand a Trial by Steel?
- By the by, jolly good defeatin' Pendragon...
- At any rate, Lorn figured that, since I was your proxy, that I must know Bedwyr as well...
- Oh no...
- He made me an offer I simply could not refuse, see...
- I'm dreadfully sorry, Character, but the Black Knights are already on their way to Bedwyr as we speak.
- You get to live this time, Carlyle.
- Oh thank you, I promise I will never betray you ever again!
- No, Carlyle, I'm sorry...
- You... You're sorry? Whatever for?
- Because I lied. (Kill Carlyle)
- Please!
- Because if Bedwyr dies, you will have to live with that guilt.
- Oh thank you, I promise I will never betray you ever again!
- Then choose your next words very carefully, Carlyle!
- Okay...
- ...
- I'm... Sorry?
- How long have you been working for Lorn and the Black Knights?
- Not long, I swear it! I hate those guys, er, present company excluded.
- Listen, Lorn forced me to do it. I didn't want to but he forced me!
- Forced you to do what you miserable puke!?
- Lorn figured out that we both knew Bedwyr. He made me tell 'im where he's hidin' out 'ere in Night Ward...
- Please don't kill me.
- You get to live this time, Carlyle.
- Oh thank you, I promise I will never betray you ever again!
- (Leave)
- Time to die, Carlyle. (Kill him)
- Please!

Scarlet is Sir Agnan's Squire, a fiery young Black Knight who is eager to prove herself and make Sir Agnan proud.
Warn Bedwyr
Unnecessary Solicitation
Character, there is something you should see. Come speak to me directly.
What?! The Black Knights are on their way here?!
- I'm afraid so, we have to get you out of here.
Bedwyr's hand instinctively goes to his blade.
There's no time, Character! Though I dread drawing steel against my sword brothers, I see no other choice.
- Right! (Enter Mission)
Mission Objective(s)
Someone approaches!
- Warn Bedwyr
- Talk to Bedwyr
- Fight off the Black Knights
- Defeat Pendragon
- Talk to Pendragon
You fought off the Black Knights and saved Bedwyr, but Pendragon is now convinced that Lorn plans to kill the Black Queen.
Notable NPCs
- Pendragon (Boss)
You need not die defending me, Character, run while you still can.
- I'm not leaving you.
- I am honored that you would choose to fight by my side.
- We'll attack them, it's the last thing they'll expect.
- Right, we'll attack together!
- Tempting, but I'm not afraid of these guys.
- I am honored that you would choose to fight by my side.
- We'll attack them, it's the last thing they'll expect.
- Right, we'll attack together!
Bedwyr... How did things come to this?
Lorn branded you a traitor and a coward, yet here you are displaying the honor and loyalty that I have always remembered you by.
The very same honor which forced you in exile and saved the queen's honor, and my own.
And in your company is Character, a warrior who has bested me in battle once before as well. Who brought your words to Lorn when you could not. Surely your words must hold truth to invite an Outsider to risk his / her life to pass them along for you.
- Pendragon, the Talons can not be trusted...
BriefingListen to Character, Pendragon. The Talons of Vengeance plot not only to corrupt Lorn, but all of the Black Knights.
- The Talons plot to open the Eternal Prison.
That cannot be allowed to come to pass! The Eternal Prison dare not be opened!
Why would Lorn wish to ally with such beings? How can he not see their intent?
- His heart may already have been corrupted by their siren song...
Impossible! Lorn is the strongest of us. He has served as the Black Warden of the Eternal Order for time immemorable. He was the first of us, and he will be the last...
- Then why send you to kill Bedwyr? What threat is he to Lorn?
BriefingI stained Lorn's honor and the honor of the Black Queen... It was only by Pendragon's word that my life was spared...
- Stained his honor? Just a moment ago Pendragon praised your honor.
And his honor remains true, for the stain is truly mine to bear. Bedwyr took my dishonor upon himself and sacrificed his place amongst the Black Knights to save me.
The Queen took pity on Bedwyr that day. She begged Lorn to exile him instead of take his soul. She repaid her debt to you that day as best she could, old friend, but I never could.
Until Lorn asked for one to hunt you down. I volunteered, so that I might repay my half of the debt as well. But the truth is, at the time, I knew not whether I did so to save you, or to send our secret with you into oblivion...
I'm sorry, brother, but this dishonor is too great for me to bear any longer... Your name must be restored!
- Wait a second... the Talons were talking about the Black Queen.
What? Tell me, Character, what did the Talons say of the Queen?
- The Black Queen is somehow integral to their plans.
Then she is in grave danger!
Pendragon turns toward Bedwyr briefly.
Brother, I must try to save her. Do not try to stop me.
- (Let Pendragon go.)

You learned that Sir Bedwyr choose to take blame for the Black Queen's suspected affair than to let Pendragon be dishonored. The Queen begged Lorn to spare Bedwyr's life, leading him into exile. All this time, Bedwyr has carried a stain on his honor that was not really his, and Pendragon sought to free him of that guilt by either slaying him, or being slain by him.
Though Pendragon was bested, Bedwyr spared his life. However, when Pendragon learned that the Talons had plans for the Black Queen, he raced off to save his love and confront Lorn with the truth.