Mission:A Matter of Honor - Part Two: Changing of the Guard
Part Two: Changing of the Guard
We must find proof of the Talons plot to breach the Eternal Prison. If we can provide that, then Lorn will have no choice but to turn the might of the Black Knights against them. I believe I know someone who will be able to help you track the Talons down.
- Oh yeah, who's that?
His name is Githredeon, and he is a Spirit Stalker, a deadly spirit that hunts the souls of the dead.
I saved his life from the Talons, I have no doubt that he'll be looking for an opportunity to pay back his debt as quickly as possible. The spirit stalkers are loathe to owe anyone anything. They take what they need and exist only for the hunt. The only thing they respect is strength.
Talk to Githredeon
Unnecessary Solicitation
Find Githredeon, he'll know how to track the Talons down.

I smell the brimstone on you, Outsider... But you're no Black Knight...
- One sent me to find you... Bedwyr.
Calling on my debt to him... fine... what's your quarry?
- The Talons of Vengeance, I need help tracking them down.
Talons, huh? Heh... You did right coming to me.
I've hunted Talons... Dangerous prey... But you want more than just to hunt them... Don't you?
- I believe they are planning on corrupting the Black Knights.
Black Knights... heh... Funny that. A contingent made out of their camp for the Vale not an hour ago.
If they aren't corrupted already, they soon will be. That siren song sings and fwip they'll turn on each other.
Turned my hounds on me ... I had to put 'em down. Only me and Three Jaguar's left...
I got no love for the Talons... and no love of the Vale either. This's your hunt... and I'll leave you to it.
- Fine, where did they go?
Some caves throughout the Vale... Talons all over this one.
Githredeon draws you a rudimentary map on a piece of hide.
I think it's some sort of nest... wouldn't go there if I were you.
Heh, but then again, I'm not, am I?
- No, you aren't. Thanks for the tip.
Track down the Talons
Unnecessary Solicitation
Githredeon is an expert tracker. If he says the Talons are in the Howling Vale, then that is where they are.
Mission Objective(s)
Heavy booted footprints lead deeper into the cavern.
- Find the Black Knights
- Stop the interrogation
You discovered a plot involving someone within the Black Knights and the Talons of Vengeance.

This message will have reached you by warriors of the Eternal Order loyal to me. Slay them.
We alone must keep the secret of my discovery.
I deigned it too hazardous to contact the Talons in any other way, for to do so would undoubtably reveal the truth of my allegience and jeopardize everything we have done here. The Eternal Order searches Night Ward in vain for Black Swan, and already its ranks are starting to fray. Orders are being questioned and several Knights have already abandoned their posts. Just as I planned.
In the chaos I have learned of the locations for the remaining keys.
You must gather your sisters and begin your search for Silence. The Oracles of Earth will be most helpful in discovering its location. Meanwhile, I will continue my task of recovering Love and Justice from within the Eternal Order.
Once these are acquired we will move on Dream and then Name, leaving only Death as the seventh and final key.
Do not alert the Midnighters to our efforts. That they survived the attack complicates things enough, in addition to the meddlings of Character. He / She is already searching for links between the Talons and the Eternal Order. It would be best for us to avoid any further confrontations with him / her until all of the keys are ours.
Bring back proof to Bedwyr
Unnecessary Solicitation
We have much to discuss, please see me face to face.
This is most concerning, Character. The Black Knights appear to be working of their own free will, but are following orders from within. I do not know who is issuing these orders, but I do not recognize the hand that wrote this letter. The letter mentions that there are other Black Knights that are starting to question their orders from Lorn.
They are starting to see as I do and have grown concerned enough to do something about it. We must find them and rally them together at once, before Lorn declares them traitors and sends the rest of the order out to hunt them down. No doubt this is what the Talons seek.
I believe that if we can rally the Knights together then we can uncover the mastermind behind this sinister plot. Taskmaster Carlyle may yet again prove his worth. Seek him out and discover what he knows about the whereabouts of my sword brothers.
Ask Carlyle about the errant Knights
Unnecessary Solicitation
Taskmaster Carlyle is an invaluable source of information. If some of my sword brothers have abandoned their posts, Carlyle will no doubt know where they can be found.
Mission Objective(s)
A hint of brimstone and oiled metal betrays the presence of the Black Knights here.
- Ask Carlyle about the errant Knights
- Find Taskmaster Carlyle
- Talk to Carlyle
You rescued Carlyle from the Black Knights and their declaration of martial law on the Drudges here in Night Ward. To repay you, Carlyle has told you everything he knows about the rogue Knights that his Drudges have heard about in Night Ward.
Notable NPCs
- Taskmaster Carlyle (Hostage)
- Dread Templar (Boss)
Why, thank you, Character. I don't know what's happened, but the Black Knights have declared martial law over the Night Ward, and what's worse, they've fired the entire Taskmasters Office!
- That's unfortunate, but I need your help now.
Help? You need my help? Pah! If anyone needs help it's me! I'm nothing without my job, nothing I say!
- Help me and the Black Knights will leave.
Leave? What do you mean, leave? Like, forever?
Why, that would be dandy. What can I do?
- Some Black Knights abandoned the Order, help me find them.
Ah ha... I like how you think, Character. Start a bit of a war within their own ranks, eh? Quite clever...
- Carlyle, do you know or not?
Oh, of course I know! It pays to keep your ear close to the dirt I always say. But... how much is it worth to you?
- I just saved your life, how much is that worth to you?
I wasn't in any real danger...
Carlyle smiles at you and then frowns.
Alright! Fine, fine. You did save me from torture and a slow, rotting decay. Your goals are also in line with my own, at least, as far as either of us can tell...
I've heard that four well respected Knights have left the Order and are questing across the Night Ward, or some such rubbish. I have it whistled down here somewhere.
Carlyle pats at his pockets before smiling satisfactorily and producing a small wooden recorder which he places to his lips and blows through lightly. The device repeats the report made to him by one of his underlings.
Sir Lucane is in The City of Souls seeking the Animus Arcana.
Sir Emric and those loyal to him are rumored to have traveled into the earth beneath The Digs to fight the Talons of Vengeance.
Sir Agnan and his squire were last heard from awaiting audience with the Taskmaster's Office.
Carlyle lowers the recorder and smiles.
That's all that I've heard.
- That'll do Carlyle. That'll do.
Now stick up to your end of the bargain and undo this madness you Outsiders have plagued us with. First we can't make shipments, and now we've been downsized. The Taskmaster's Office will not get involved with a war, Character. The sooner one side or the other has the decency to die, the sooner things can get back to normal around here!
- Always a pleasure, Carlyle.
Go and find the Black Knights and get this over with. Until then, I'm finding myself a nice cozy place to lay low until this all blows over. I'd suggest you do the same, but you're the one who's got to fix this mess.
- Always a pleasure, really.
My word. Only Lorn could have declared martial law. Whatever deception is being orchestrated around Lorn is worse than I could imagine. To drive away his own sword brothers and then declare martial law on the Drudges. Whoever is behind this is manipulating him keenly. We must hurry to rally my brothers. Only by standing together will Lorn see that he has no choice but to listen to our words and together discover he who is not our brother.
- On with the quest.