Mission:Ginger Yates - Medicate the victims of the Devouring Earth's gassing attack
Medicate the victims of the Devouring Earth's gassing attack (35-40)
The Devouring Earth just gassed an entire stockbrokers' office! The good news is that no one's dead yet. The bad news is that the gas has mutagenic properties, and if you don't get over there soon, the people inside will be nothing but a bunch of mindless creatures. Professor St. John Smythe cooked up a stabilizing agent that should prevent the victims from mutating until you can get them back to his lab for treatment. I need you to medicate the victims of the Devouring Earth's gassing attack. There's not a moment to waste! They could start to mutate in as little as 90 minutes.
Mission Acceptance
If you can find out why they attacked that office, it may help us anticipate similar attacks in the future.

This medical kit contains several hypodermic needles, each with a pre-measured dose of Dr. St. John-Smythe's stabilizing agent. If administered in time, it should prevent the victims of the gassing attack from turning into mutants.
Unnecessary Solicitation
If you don't hurry, we'll have a bunch of apes jumping around trying to manage the stock market.
Mission Objective(s)
A stock ticker chatters along in the lobby, unheeded.
- Stop Terra Firma & its guards - 90 minutes timed
- Investigate cause of attack, 5 stockbrokers to medicate
You defeated the Devouring Earth, medicated the stockbrokers, and found a section of the Devouring Earth's manifesto.

Scrawled in mud on a whiteboard in the stockbrokers' office, you found this section of the Devouring Earth's manifesto. It reads:
'The children of commerce are our greatest enemy, for theirs are the shoulders upon which the world's corporate obscenity is built. They are the root of the devastation that has been wreaked upon Earth, our precious mother, our one, irreplaceable home.
Notable NPCs
- Terra Firma (Devouring Earth Lesser Devoured)
I've seen the Devouring Earth's manifesto before, but I guess I never thought they'd attack people just because of their jobs. I guess I shouldn't have underestimated their fanaticism. One thing I can say about that manifesto; it wasn't written by a big pile of rocks or crystal. There's an intelligent mind behind the Devouring Earth somewhere. If we ever hope to defeat them for good, we'll have to find out who this Hamidon is.