Mission:Glory and Dark Tidings - Chapter Two: The Cave
Chapter Two: The Cave
It is good to see you again, Warrior of Fate. I have conferred with my attendants, the sybils, and held a brief audience with Sister Solaris about the nature of this map.
There is agreement amongst us that the map makes little sense; there are no true routes between these points. However, it is possible that these routes may have been carved into the earth itself.
Sister Valeria points to a spot on the map, just off the Cimeroran coast.
I will ask you to investigate this area next - to determine what, if any, truth is to be learned from this map.
This cavern was once the site of a fierce battle with a Dark One, vanquished shortly after Imperious' cohort purged a set of stones from the ancient caves. Evil fled there once, it could be there anew.
Be on your guard, friend.
- I'll head there now.
Excellent news, friend / sister. Make sure to bring back anything of interest.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Report back when you have news for me.
Mission Objective(s)
Darkness and faint laughter surround you.
- Explore the coastal cavern
- Search the caverns for anything of interest
- Secure the cavern exit
- Defeat the crystal's guardians
- Search the caverns for anything of interest
The map makes more sense now - the Nictus are growing new crystals and using them to move troops about! But who are these newcomers, and why do the Nictus seem so eager to ally with them?
Notable NPCs
- ??? (Archvillain) (Teleports away when aggroed)
- Nictus Shadow Crystal (Object)
- Shadowy Defender (Nictus Greater Unbound Nictus)
- Shadowy Brood Leader (Nictus Greater Unbound Nictus)
- Guardian Empusa (Ravenna Conclave Sybil)
- Tachyon (Nictus Dark Dwarf)

???: It is as he said. A combination of heat, minerals, and a well-timed death...
???: You feel familiar, but changed. Did we know each other?
???: Rest in peace, friend. Your death brings us an alliance.
???: Ah, the irresistible temptation of future knowledge. There's nothing else quite like it.

These Shadow Crystals are acting as some kind of transport endpoint. You realize that if this is true, Nictus could flood from anywhere to Earth!

The second troop transport commander was less accustomed to this method of travel.

A Sybil, acting like a guardian to the crystal, lamented that you were depriving it from growing... But wasn't it already fully grown?
This is dire news, warrior / friend. Romulus and his obsession with the Dark Ones are a plague upon the spirit of the people, and mere mention of it brings great fear and trepidation to those who hear of it.
I am putting my soldiers on high alert - if anyone sees these traitorous females in their darkened garb, eliminate them on sight!
It is not my desire to deliver news that the Dark Ones grow once more, but our mission is clear now - we must finish what Imperious started, and eliminate these cursed gems at all costs!
I will not rest until I know where these new threats hail from. You have my word.