Mission:Just Prototypical - Find a talented thief
Find a talented thief
It's true. The Sky Raiders have stolen the giant mech man the Council were working on and are planning to take it all away for further study and development. They've talked about the Crimson Prototype, or a project by that name, in hushed tones. They didn't trust me enough to inform me what they were planning exactly, but they ordered me to check out the pieces of the giant mech man and prepare them for transport.
They are sending a floating fortress to pick up the pieces, whatever that means. Until then the parts are stored in their most secure facilities and heavily guarded. There's no way to get to them, trust me.
On the other hand, once they are being transported, it will be easier to reach them. Not that it matters. These mech man parts are enormous and weigh tens or hundreds of tonnes each. Even if you are super-strong you couldn't possibly carry them all at once. Are you super-strong? No, no, I don't need to find out! I'll take your word for it.
What you need is a way to make the pieces easier to handle, am I right?
I happen to know of a woman with just the right abilities for the job. Her name is... well, she's called Pincher. She has the ability to shrink and enlarge objects. I've worked with her a couple of times, when I could afford her services, to enlarge some fiddly little gadgets so I could have a closer look at them. Pincher could shrink down the robot parts for you, if you can convince her to help you out. Don't worry about the legality of it all - she's known to be a bit of a thief. In fact, I think that's how she makes most of her money.
Mission Acceptance
Pincher can often be found at the Mermaid tavern between jobs. Go ask around, but don't cause any trouble. The owner, Ms. Peebles, is dear to all of Striga's citizens and you would be in a world of trouble if you did her any harm.
Unnecessary Solicitation
The Mermaid tavern is almost always open. Just go there and ask around for Pincher.
Mission Objective(s)
The music stops as soon as you enter the tavern, and every face turns to look at you.
- Visit the Mermaid
- Get rid of the competition
You have made contact with Pincher and recruited her to join in your heist.
Notable NPCs
- Pincher

After the fight in the Mermaid tavern you found Pincher outside. She was grateful for the help, and once you told her that Dr. Francois had recommended her she agreed to join you in your heist.
You've got a knack for finding people when they need you the most. Are you sure you're not a hero in disguise?
Pincher says she'll help out with your plans once she's cleared her head. You must have made a good first impression.