Mission:Negotiations of the Living Dead - Sure... glory to Arachnos.
Sure... glory to Arachnos.
It is time. The meeting is going down in the Bonny Morass, and leaders of the Family, Warriors, and Sky Raiders are attending. The Warriors have provided magical protection against the ever-present Banished Pantheon zombie hordes, and cleared the area. If we don't throw a spanner in the works this meeting will temporarily unite these gangs and allow them to oust what remains of the Council. Your task is to make sure that does not happen, for the greater glory of Arachnos.
Mission Acceptance
Your enthusiasm has been noted. Regardless, this is your chance to prove your usefulness to Lord Recluse. Let me know when you are ready.
Unnecessary Solicitation
The negotiations must be disrupted. Use the Hand of Glory to break the wards and let the Banished Pantheon hordes in.
Are you ready to go? The three factions are already gathering in the meeting place.
I'm ready.
In a minute.
Mission Objective(s)
You deftly dodged the throngs of zombies milling about just outside the warded meeting place in order to get here.
- Disrupt the Meeting
- 3 negotiations remaining
- 3 wards to break
- Find Mission Exit
You have torn apart the alliance between the Striga gangs before it could even be formed.
Notable NPCs
- Warrior Negotiator (Warriors Slasher Elite)
- Warrior Negotiator (Warriors Crusher Elite)
- Sky Raider Negotiator (Sky Raiders Assault Jump Bot)
- Sky Raider Negotiator (Sky Raiders Sky Skiff)
- Family Negotiator x2 (Family Underboss)
- Spirit Ward x3 (Object)
- Death Spirit Velho (Banished Pantheon Spirit of Death)

The pre-combat dialogue for the ward guardians seems to be chosen randomly. There are three sets of ward guardians in each run of the mission, and for each group, one mob says one of the Warrior 1 lines and another says one of the Warrior 2 lines. Other lines may also occur.
The gangs have withdrawn from the meeting area to lick their wounds. Trust between the gangs and even within the gangs is at an all-time low. The Council has not grown any stronger but the other factions are weakened and won't be able to upset the fragile balance on Striga Isle for the foreseeable future. Just the way Lord Recluse had decreed. I will make sure to mention your part in this operation when I deliver my report.