Night Widow Ragana
Ragana | |
![]() Undercover Night Widow | |
Zone | Striga Island |
Coordinates | (-507.2, 8.0, -1079.6) |
Level Range | 20-24 |
Introduced By | Dr. Francois |
Introduces | Orpheus |
Enemy Groups | |
Night Widow Ragana is a villain contact in the Port Noble neighborhood of Striga Isle at coordinates (-507.2, 8.0, -1079.6). Her level range is 20-24.
Contact Introduced By
Contact Introduces
- Single contact option
- Orpheus has asked to see you again. Apparently he thinks you would make a good hunter of the undead.
Orpheus is devoted to hunting down the undead that plague this island. A worthy, yet hopeless, cause.
Orpheus, the Warrior bard, has expressed a desire to work with you. The way you handle the Banished Pantheon followers must have impressed him.
Undercover Night Widow
Night Widow Ragana is on Striga Isle to look out for Arachnos's interests. She must rely entirely on mental deception and mind control to maintain her cover, because her disguise leaves a whole lot to be desired.
Prior to Introduction
This is not the right time for you. Seek me out later.
Initial Contact
The strategic location of this island is not lost on Lord Recluse. It is a highly contested area, and until recently the various factions were fairly balanced against each other. Lately the strongest faction, the Council, has faltered, and the Warriors, the Family and the Sky Raiders are all planning their next move. We are here to make sure that the outcome of that next move favors Arachnos.
- Arachnos has use for you, Destined One.
Too Busy
Your mind is cluttered and I need you sharp like a razor.
No More Missions
- Before introducing a higher-level contact
- You're too late, Destined One. Our window for success has closed, and we will have to take more drastic measures.
- After introducing a higher-level contact
- Your service has been adequate, Destined One. Move along.
Widows are not supposed to have friends, but I will make an exception for you, Destined One. Here's my private communications code.
- Enhancements (all TOs, DOs, and SOs)
With every successful task you are proving yourself more worthy of your title, and of my appreciation. The armories of Arachnos can provide you with enhancements.
Story Arc
Merit Rewards: This activity awards 20 Reward Merits.
Negotiations of the Living Dead
A Hand of Glory
You have kept this old severed, pickled, and mummified hand as a memory of events you recall as the Negotiations of the Living Dead. You were recruited by Night Widow Ragana, an Arachnos undercover operative on Striga Isle, to perform certain operations in order to maintain the delicate power balance between the various factions trying to control the island. Ragana knew that the Warriors, Family and Sky Raider gangs were all coming together for a meeting to discuss an alliance against the stronger faction, the Council. Arachnos Fateweavers had foreseen the collapse of the alliance imminently after their success, and the collapse of Striga into chaos and useless disorder. If the island was going to continue to serve the purposes of Arachnos, it was imperative that the Council maintained control, and order. Therefore you set out to find out the time and place for the meeting, eventually finding what you needed on a careless Family goon's cellphone. Ragana then sent you to a Warrior called Orpheus to discuss the magical wards the Warriors were going to use to protect the meeting from wandering zombie hordes. Orpheus was disgusted by the weakness his brethren put on display by using magic to protect them from the undead, and would have preferred if they simply destroyed the zombies in hand to hand combat, like true Warriors. So he guided you towards a crypt where a cult of the Banished Pantheon, led by a shaman called Velho, guarded a magical artifact - a Hand of Glory - which had the ability to open locks, and also to break protective wards. Armed with the Hand you attended the meeting, where negotiators from all the factions were trying to come to an agreement. After you were done with them any chance at an alliance was lost, and according to Ragana the Council would go on to maintain their hold on Striga for as long as Arachnos would allow it. All in a day's work, and you got to keep the Hand of Glory too, as a memento.
Agree to disrupt the tenuous alliance
Our spies report that the Family, Sky Raiders, and Warriors seek to come together in an alliance to oust what remains of the Council power structure from Striga Isle. The Fateweavers give their alliance a maximum of three weeks before it falls apart after the disappearance of the greater external threat, and the resulting chaos will diminish the usefulness of Striga Isle for years to come. We have been tasked with ensuring the alliance fails to form so that the Council can maintain their grip on Striga Isle for some time longer.
Mission Acceptance
The Sky Raiders were recently the target of a severe security breach, but they are still trying to figure out who is to blame. You will take advantage of their confusion by striking against one of their installations to find information about an upcoming meeting between leaders of the three organizations. That meeting must not be allowed to lead to an alliance.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You are free to choose your own method for extracting the information we seek from the Sky Raider base but don't waste my time.
Mission Objective(s)
Getting inside the base was easy enough.
- Seek information
- Hack the network
- Interrogate leader
You searched the Sky Raiders base for information but came up empty-handed.
Notable NPCs
- Captain Ford (Sky Raiders Sky Skiff)

Your excursion to the Sky Raider base yielded no information about the upcoming meeting whatsoever. Ragana better not blame you for this.
The Sky Raiders are better at keeping their secrets than I had expected. I do not blame you, Destined One. This just means you have to try harder with the next target.
The Sky Raiders proved too shrewd and secretive. Perhaps the Family is more loose-lipped, 'omertà' notwithstanding. Seek out information by questioning the gangsters roaming the docks of Port Noble.
Mission Acceptance
The Family are simple people. Degenerate, perverse, greedy. Ruled by fear and force. Ideal for recruitment, if it wasn't for their misguided loyalty towards the bosses who provide their precious Superadine.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You better find that information quickly, Character, or the meeting may take place without our intervention. An entirely unacceptable outcome.
Mission Objective(s)
- Interrogate Family gangsters
- Defeat 20 Family
You roughed up Family gangsters until one of them dropped a cellphone that contained some actually useful information.

The owner of this phone, one Anthony 'Tony Grinder' Grinoli, reveals in a text conversation with his goomah that he won't be able to take her to the Johnny Sonata show at the Golden Giza in St. Martial this weekend, because he has been called in as extra security for a special meeting with the other gangs of Striga—down in the Bonny Morass of all places. Jackpot. Poor Teresa will have to find another scumbag to show her a good time.
The seductive call of cellphones. When Arachnos inevitably rules the world we must honor the inventors of these, the most useful of intelligence-gathering devices.
Talk to Orpheus
They are meeting in the Bonny Morass. A strange venue, perhaps chosen because it is set apart from the most attractive gang territories, and thus could be considered 'neutral ground'. It does not come without dangers of its own, such as the roaming undead hordes of the Banished Pantheon. I need you to talk to a local expert on the undead, a warrior called Orpheus.
Mission Acceptance
Find out from Orpheus what the Warriors are planning to do about the zombie hordes infesting the Morass.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Have you talked to Orpheus yet? As Warriors go he seems unusually dependable. His single-minded focus on slaying the undead makes him easy to understand - and manipulate.
Mission Objective(s)
- Meet with Orpheus
This man is strumming a genuine lyre.
The illustrious Character honors me. Someone told me you might swing by. I have heard of the meeting down in the morass. My brothers in arms have been preparing the spirit wards to block out the Banished Pantheon and their followers for weeks. It makes a true Warrior like myself sick to his stomach, to hear of Warriors hiding from the undead behind wards and altars instead of tearing them limb from limb with axe and blade and fury. I'd bring those wards down myself if I wasn't a Warrior, through and through.
The wards are special. Even destroying the altar won't end the protective aura immediately. You're going to need something equally powerful to collapse that protective circle. Fortunately for you, I know just the thing. There's a cult of the Banished Pantheon hiding out in a nearby crypt, guarding a Hand of Glory. Destroy them all and take that thing for yourself. It can open any lock, break any ward... you get the idea.
Seek the Hand of Glory
Unnecessary Solicitation
Orpheus told you what to do. Cleanse that crypt and retrieve the solution to our problems. Be on your way.
Mission Objective(s)
The smell of recently upturned soil lingers in the cloying air within this disinterred crypt.
- Seek the Hand of Glory
- Interrogate head shaman
You killed the head shaman of a Banished Pantheon temple and acquired the magical artifact they were hoarding.
Notable NPCs
- Velho (Banished Pantheon Death Shaman)

According to occult tradition, a hand of glory is the hand of a murderer or hanged man, pickled and mummified using various salts and other alchemical substances. When combined with a candle made from the fat of the same man who provided the hand it is supposed to have all kinds of interesting properties. Lacking the identity of the man the hand belonged to, and such a candle, this hand is of limited use. However, according to the Warrior bard Orpheus it is able to break the protective wards his fellow Warriors have placed in the Bonny Morass to ward off the Banished Pantheon.
You have it. A hand of glory, supposedly able to unlock doors, break bonds, petrify the unwary and make the user invisible. According to Orpheus it can break the protective wards sheltering the meeting place in the Bonny Morass, which is all I care about for the moment. The time for the meeting approaches and you shall make a special appearance.
Sure... glory to Arachnos.
It is time. The meeting is going down in the Bonny Morass, and leaders of the Family, Warriors, and Sky Raiders are attending. The Warriors have provided magical protection against the ever-present Banished Pantheon zombie hordes, and cleared the area. If we don't throw a spanner in the works this meeting will temporarily unite these gangs and allow them to oust what remains of the Council. Your task is to make sure that does not happen, for the greater glory of Arachnos.
Mission Acceptance
Your enthusiasm has been noted. Regardless, this is your chance to prove your usefulness to Lord Recluse. Let me know when you are ready.
Unnecessary Solicitation
The negotiations must be disrupted. Use the Hand of Glory to break the wards and let the Banished Pantheon hordes in.
Are you ready to go? The three factions are already gathering in the meeting place.
I'm ready.
In a minute.
Mission Objective(s)
You deftly dodged the throngs of zombies milling about just outside the warded meeting place in order to get here.
- Disrupt the Meeting
- 3 negotiations remaining
- 3 wards to break
- Find Mission Exit
You have torn apart the alliance between the Striga gangs before it could even be formed.
Notable NPCs
- Warrior Negotiator (Warriors Slasher Elite)
- Warrior Negotiator (Warriors Crusher Elite)
- Sky Raider Negotiator (Sky Raiders Assault Jump Bot)
- Sky Raider Negotiator (Sky Raiders Sky Skiff)
- Family Negotiator x2 (Family Underboss)
- Spirit Ward x3 (Object)
- Death Spirit Velho (Banished Pantheon Spirit of Death)

The pre-combat dialogue for the ward guardians seems to be chosen randomly. There are three sets of ward guardians in each run of the mission, and for each group, one mob says one of the Warrior 1 lines and another says one of the Warrior 2 lines. Other lines may also occur.
The gangs have withdrawn from the meeting area to lick their wounds. Trust between the gangs and even within the gangs is at an all-time low. The Council has not grown any stronger but the other factions are weakened and won't be able to upset the fragile balance on Striga Isle for the foreseeable future. Just the way Lord Recluse had decreed. I will make sure to mention your part in this operation when I deliver my report.