Mission:Powers at Play - Part Two: Problem?
Part Two: Problem?
It appears that we have a problem, Character. While pursuing the Clockwork in Skyway City, it appears that Positron and Numina encountered a large group of Trolls on a rampage, and... well, it appears that they were overwhelmed.
Now, I haven't been active in Paragon for decades, but something smells fishy about this to me. If you ask me, two members of the most prominent supergroup in the city should be able to handle a few drugged-up hooligans.
Wavelength lets out a mild sigh.
But what do I know, dear? My glory days are long gone, and if these Trolls are enough of a danger to threaten the Phalanx, then they're going to need assistance. I know it's a bother, but could I send you to Skyway to see if you could help?
- I'll head there immediately.
Thank you, dear, but I can get you there faster. I've called in transportation from the Freedom Corps, so as soon as you're ready to go they can take you directly to the scene. From the reports I'm getting, it doesn't seem you'll have to look far to find the Trolls.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I don't think this is a good time for a chat, Character. Lives are at stake, you know.
Are you prepared, Character?
- I'm ready, Wavelength. (Start Mission)

To enter the mission, team members must interact physically with Wavelength.
Mission Objective(s)
Wavelength wasn't kidding. The Trolls are out in force today.
- Stop the Troll Rampage
- Rescue Positron
- Make sure Positron is alright
- Rescue Numina
- Make sure Numina is alright
- Rescue Positron
You have defeated Atta, and scattered his rampaging Troll horde.
Notable NPCs
- Positron (Freedom Phalanx Hero)
- Numina (Freedom Phalanx Hero)
- Caliban (Trolls Boss) x2
- Atta (Trolls Elite Boss)
Numina appears to be fading in and out of consciousness. You're not sure how the Trolls were capable of harming her, given her generally incorporeal nature. Still, somehow they were able to overpower her.
- (Activate Numina's Medi-porter)
Numina's eyes flutter open as you activate her medical teleporter. She looks at you and manages a weak smile before being transported to a safe location.
- Leave
Positron looks battered, and sections of his armor appear to have been torn open.
Character... it's good to see you. We were ambushed... while pursuing the Clockwork. The Trolls far exceeded my predictions.
This is highly abnormal, Character. I've never known Superadine to grant this much power to a person. Something else appears to be affecting them... empowering them.
- We can address that later. You need medical attention.
Positron nods, and activates his medi-porter.
You're right, of course. I'll leave the Trolls to you, Character. Good luck.
- Leave

Atta: Atta... strong. Feel... different.
Atta: I am... becoming stronger. Much stronger.
Atta: It is as though strength itself calls to me. I can feel it.
Atta: I...
Atta: ...
Trollkin: Go Atta! You show all!
Atta: I want MORE!
Trollkin: Atta big boss! Go fight!
Thank you for your timely intervention, Character. It's reassuring to know that some young Heroes today have the drive to do what's right, no matter what odds they face. I must admit, I've been disappointed in the performance of the Phalanx of late, but I suppose that's to be expected, given what they've been through, recently.