Mission:The Choice of Hope - Part One: The Long War
Part One: The Long War
Our first order of business has to be the Tsoo. Protean is working within their organization to gather the components needed to summon Tielekku, but there is only so much he can do. If we do not prevent them from summoning the goddess, they will weaken her power, leaving us without a way to banish Mot.
I believe in some twisted way Tub Ci thinks he is doing the right thing, but I fear his sanity has been corrupted by the will of Mot. The Tsoo have spent years in Dark Astoria fighting the forces of Mot. They have become jaded to the point in believing only they can stop the creature, going so far as to believe they are above a goddess.
- So, we need to find Tub Ci and his god-killer sword.
Yes, exactly. Protean has reported to me where Tub Ci last was, which was in a storage warehouse that the Tsoo have for their new 'incarnate' powered ink. He should have the sword on him, as well.
We must get to that warehouse, recover any items to summon Tielekku, find Tub Ci, and take the sword from him. I can only assume this will happen with a thorough beating of Tub Ci. Afterwards, I will see if I can talk sense into him to join our cause, as he would make a worthy ally.
Myself and Scirocco will meet you at the warehouse; Scirocco is determined to do everything he can to rescue his lackey, Ice Mistral, and I believe he can be trusted as long as he has such a drive to his actions.
Find Tub Ci
Unnecessary Solicitation
You can't get in touch with Dream Doctor.
Mission Objective(s)
You go through various winding tunnels to get into the Tsoo warehouse, located deep underground.
- Find Tub Ci
- Recover items to summon Tielekku
- Find Tub Ci
You found several artifacts to summon Tielekku and the location of where Tub Ci is.
Notable NPCs
- Dream Doctor (Ally)
- Scirocco (Ally)
- Hua Tov
Hua Tov coughs, seeming to be badly injured from not only your fight but from previous wounds. He was in no shape to even fight you in the first place.
I'm... sorry... Character... I don't know what overcame me...
You've been trying to... destroy Mot all of this time... and yet the Tsoo... we believed we were the only ones who could do it. Tub Ci has gone mad... and all of us willingly followed him... how many have we killed... have we sacrificed... to get where we are...?
It is not noble... it is not honorable... we were supposed to be better than... common gangsters... I wanted to... I WANTED to be better...
Tub Ci has fled to a local sewer system... he has the god-killer sword... p-please, you must stop him... you must save Astoria and the world from him...
But before you go... Character... do you think... do you think the Tsoo... that I... can be forgiven... for everything that I've done? For all the horrors that I've caused...?
- You can be forgiven, Hua, if you want to be, if you are truly repentant.
- Hua Tov lets out a small, weak smile.
- I... do... want to be... forgiven.
- Thank you... Character...
- Hua Tov collapses, the life leaving his body.
- You've done too much to be forgiven, Hua.
- Hua Tov remains silent at your words. A few moments later, a maw of Mot appears, devouring Hua!
- I don't have the right to judge you, Hua. You have to decide for yourself.
- Hua Tov remains silent at your words. A few moments later, a maw of Mot appears, devouring Hua! It seems on his own, Hua Tov could not bring himself to choose hope or forgiveness.
Defeat Tub Ci and Recover the God-Killer Sword
Unnecessary Solicitation
You can't get in touch with Dream Doctor.
Mission Objective(s)
Tub Ci is somewhere deep within these sewers, along with the sword that can take the power of a god.
- Defeat Tub Ci and Recover the God-Killer Sword
- Defeat Tub Ci
- 4 spirits to defeat to remove Tub Ci's invulnerability
You defeated Tub Ci and recovered the God-Killer Sword!
Notable NPCs
- Dream Doctor (Ally)
- Scirocco (Ally)

You retrieved the God-Killer sword from Tub Ci after defeating him. The sword itself is twisted and looks like it would be useless in a normal fight. The only real use would be a stabbing motion, as the sides of the blade are covered with some sort of black substance that dulls it. The sword pulses an evil aura; the components that came together to create this must have been truly vile.
This sword could be used to take the power from Tielekku and a weakened Mot, should you choose to use it, though there's no telling how long the sword will actually last.
Scirocco and Ajax are dealing with Tub Ci as we speak. Tub Ci was able to resist Mot, but not the hatred that rested in his heart.
The man had spent too long here in Astoria and this hatred of his had grown. He wanted to save the world, yet he had grown to hate the world for abandoning Dark Astoria and for ignoring the threat that was growing.
The fog has been lifted from Tub Ci's eyes, thankfully, though he must still begin to atone for the horror that is his Tsoo 'incarnate' ink. They created the ink by using the cursed souls within Dark Astoria. Some spirits were from the Circle of Thorns, others were from the cursed souls trapped within Dark Astoria. So many have tried to gain immense power through different methods, Character, however, none of them reach the same level as the power granted from the Well... unfortunately.
At any rate, the Tsoo are no longer a threat, and we have what is required to summon Tielekku. I have members of the Midnight Squad working on the ritual as we speak, using David Hazen's runes to power it. We have one last threat to deal with, Character.