Mission:The Most Dangerous Prey - Third time's the charm?
Third time's the charm?
A suspenseful tune emanates from Orpheus's lyre.
I have questioned some of the ghosts that were chasing you, and I have learned of the creature responsible for the curse upon your name. Does the name Velho mean anything to you? He seems to be holding a grudge and if I understand the moans of the dead correctly, he has been sent beyond the veil twice before.
Mission Acceptance
Look for the fetters binding Velho's spirit to this world and destroy them. Then send him to the great beyond for the final time. Once he's no longer in this realm the curse upon you shall also be broken.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Velho's spirit still haunts this plane. Destroy whatever keeps him here, then send him away. It's for your own good.
Mission Objective(s)
The shadows seem to cling to your feet like mud.
- Break the curse on your name
- Confront Velho to break the curse
- Destroy Velho's fetters
- Confront Velho to break the curse
Velho thought he was invincible but you proved him wrong, and the dark gods he served seemed to devour his spirit.
Notable NPCs
- Velho (Banished Pantheon Spirit of Death) Velho has somehow cheated death again and returned from beyond the veil. The Banished Pantheon must be powerful.
- Shadow Crystal (Object) This shadowy crystal looks similar to certain objects associated with the dread Nictus.

Velho appears early in the mission, but heals to full and becomes invulnerable to all attacks after being reduced to 75% health. To defeat him, a player should evade him and destroy the Shadow Crystal deeper inside the mission (marked with a waypoint), which will make it possible to damage and defeat Velho.
A good strategy is to run back out of the mission, then reenter and stealth or teleport past Velho to the Shadow Crystal. Note that the Crystal does not appear on the map until Velho becomes invulnerable, so it is not possible to stealth past him and destroy it without ever attacking him.
The fetters that brought Velho back from the spirit world have been destroyed, and the evil spirit sent back to the great beyond. I no longer hear the lamentations of the dead on the wind. Your curse has been lifted.