Mission:Tip - Denmark Wants Muscles This Friday
Denmark Wants Muscles This Friday | |
Alignment Mission | |
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Type | Alignment Tip |
Place | Paragon City |
Available to | Heroes and Vigilantes |
Level range | 30–39 |
Choice | Hero or Vigilante |
Denmark Wants Muscles This Friday
You find a piece of paper with these odd words on it. Reading it over, you discover the following...
This phrase seems to be code to indicate one of the Family's large-scale 'drug sales' going on. Investigating further, you find out that this particular one is happening today in a nearby warehouse. The Family supplies all sorts of enhancing drugs there - excelsior, dyne, even base steroids, which would seem tame compared to dyne or excelsior. Anyone who is interested in any of those drugs are sure to be at this 'convention', looking to score the latest hit or to get enough of a supply to sell on the streets - with the Family approval, of course.
The Family always seem to be at the forefront of the drug industry within Paragon City. However, with this information, you'll be able to storm the convention and catch all of the drug dealers right in the act - putting them all out of business, including the major members of the Family.
Although... You could also stalk one of the Family underbosses leaving the convention - they'll be bringing the money made from this convention to be stored with the rest of their cash. The Family can always replace the goons they lose at a convention, but this will hit them where it really hurts - their wallets, even if it means letting the dealers in that convention get away.
Hero Acceptance
All of the Family's main buyers will be gathered at this convention - this would be the perfect time to round them all up and bring them in. However you're aware that this place will be heavily guarded - both by the Family and whoever else might be there to purchase their goods. Not that it matters, really - since you'll make sure everyone there is taken down.
Take down the Family Drug Convention!
You head off towards the location of the drug convention. You're going to show the Family that their drugs aren't welcome in this city - along with all of the people who do business with them.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You'll have to make sure to bring enough evidence so no one gets off on any loopholes.
Mission Objective(s)
There were several cars parked outside of the warehouse - however, they all seemed to belong to...Crey? Is Crey Industries trying to get in on the Family's turf?
- Break up the Drug Convention!
- 2 Drug Shipments to destroy!, Defeat Antonino Marcone!
You took down all of the drug dealers and stopped the Family's drug trade!

You defeated the former boxer, Stalwart, who shared his regrets with you afterwards...
Do you know what it's like, Character? To focus all of your life on one thing only to find out that you're just 'not good enough' anymore? I couldn't even save those pitiable Scrapyarders from the Cage Consortium...I couldn't save any of them! If I was just stronger...maybe I could have.
But I can't... I've reached my peak. I can't... I thought if I just had some more dyne... some more of the steroids... that I could push myself harder. It wasn't for me, Character - it was so that I could protect the others.
Take me in, but I warn you. Those bars won't stop me from getting back out. Nothing will stop me from doing what's right - not even my own health.
Notable NPCs
- Antonino Marcone
- Stalwart (Hero)
The Paragon Police should be arriving to deal with everyone you took care of in that warehouse. It seems Antonino Marcone's influence within Crey was very widespread - enough to get other members of Crey to approve of the drug deal. You'll have to keep an eye out for this in the future.
Vigilante Acceptance
Who exactly gets away at this drug convention doesn't matter to you - they can sell all the drugs they want, but they'll be in for a surprise when they find out that their main dealer has been hit - and hard. You're going to stalk out the warehouse location, wait for any of the higher ups in the Family to leave, then follow them to wherever they're keeping their money.
Destroy the Family's main source of income!
You wait outside of the warehouse until you see something that catches you off guard - a higher up within Crey Corporation leaving the warehouse with several escorts, all of them putting large briefcases full of money into the back of a truck.
Something isn't right here...you begin to track the truck down, following it to a nearby Crey warehouse.
Unnecessary Solicitation
What is Crey doing in the Family business?
Mission Objective(s)
The warehouse is quiet - the man who brought in the money dropped it off somewhere deep inside of here.
- Investigate the...Crey Warehouse?
- 'Question' the Crey Security!
- Find the Crey Agent in charge!
- Destroy Crey's money!!
You destroyed Antonino Marcone's main source within Crey - looks like he'll have a tough time peddling his goods now.
Notable NPCs
- Crey Security
- Agent Meyers
You destroyed all the money that Crey and the Marcones made from the transactions, along with Antonino Marcone's allies within Crey. He'll be left without any resources now to peddle his wares - and he'll know that it was your doing. You can just imagine the fearful look on his face now.