Peacebringer (Enemy Group)
This article is about the Peacebringer Enemy Group. For the Archetype, see Peacebringer.
This group consists of Peacebringer heroes such as Sunstorm and Moonfire.
These Kheldians only merge with those who are willing and tend to choose members of law enforcement or other forces for justice in the world as their new hosts.
Enemy Types
Main Article: Moonfire
The young woman known as Aurelie Damiens used to be a humble French art student, visiting Paragon City as part of an international exchange program. She was bright and enthusiastic, but, in her eyes at least, nothing special. That all changed one day at the Paragon Museum of Art, when she felt the presence of a dying Kheldian touch her mind. Aurelie had a choice: she could allow the energy being to fade away entirely; or she could take it upon herself, merging with it, becoming far more than the sum of her parts. To this day, Aurelie has no regrets about her choice. As a member of the Peacebringer Army, she watches over Striga Isle and the dark forces that shadow it.
Levels: 25-54
Gleaming Blast Ranged, High DMG(Energy), Foe -DEF, Knockback
Your Defenses have been reduced by the Gleaming Blast.
Proton Scatter Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe -DEF
The Proton Scatter has reduced your Defense.
Luminous Detonation Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe -DEF, Knockback
The Luminous Detonation has reduced your Defense.
Radiant Strike Melee, Minor DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe -DEF, -Fly, Knockback
The Radiant Strike has reduced your Defense and knocked you to the ground.
Incandescent Strike Melee, High DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Hold, -DEF, -Fly, Knockdown
The Incandescent Strike has locked you in position. You cannot move and your Defense is reduced.
Pulsar Low-Accuracy, PBAoE, Foe Disorient
Generates a brilliant pulse of Kheldian light around you that stuns nearby foes. Affected foes are Disoriented and unable to defend themselves.
Photon Seekers Summon 3 Drones: Suicide Special, Ranged, High DMG(Energy), Foe Knockback
You manifest 3 spheres of light from your Kheldian essence. These spheres will follow you until they detect an enemy target. The Photon Seekers will then zero in on their targets and detonate on impact. The explosion is small but devastating and may affect multiple foes if they are near the target.
White Dwarf Toggle, Shapeshift, Special: Self Res( S50 L50 F50 C50 E50 N50 T50 ), Prot( Ho 17.3 Im 20.76 St 17.3 Sl 17.3 Kb 100 Co 17.3 Fr 17.3 ), +MaxHP, +Jump, +Recovery
Kheldians are masters of energy and matter. A Peacebringer can transform into a massive unstoppable energy beast known as a White Dwarf. When you choose this power, you will have access to 6 other powers that can only be used while in this form. You will not be able to use any other powers while in White Dwarf form. White Dwarf has awesome resistance to all damage except Psionics, as well as controlling effects. White Dwarf also has improved HP and Endurance Recovery, but is limited to melee attacks.
White Dwarf Strike Melee, Light DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe -DEF, Knockdown
The White Dwarf Strike has weakened your Defenses!
White Dwarf Smite Melee, Heavy DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient, -DEF, -Fly, Knockdown
You have been knocked down by the White Dwarf Smite. You are Disoriented and cannot fly.
White Dwarf Flare PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe -DEF, Knockdown
The White Dwarf Flare has weakened your Defenses!
White Dwarf Sublimation Self Heal
Through perfect control of your body and energy, you can concentrate for a few moments and heal yourself. This power is only available while in White Dwarf Form.
White Dwarf Antagonize Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe Taunt
The White Dwarf grabs your attention and you focus your attacks on it.
Shining Shield Toggle: Self +Res( S30 L30 F30 C30 E30 N30 )
When you toggle on your Shining Shield, you create an energy barrier that grants you high resistance to Smashing and Lethal damage.
Restore Essence Self Resurrect
Should you fall in battle, you can Restore your Essence and bring yourself from the brink of death. You will revive with most of your Hit Points and half your Endurance and be protected from XP Debt for 20 seconds.
Light Form Self +Res( S70 L70 F70 C70 E70 N70 T70 ), Prot( Ho 17.3 Im 20.76 St 17.3 Sl 17.3 Kb 100 Rp 10 ), +Recovery, Delayed Weaken(Self -End, -HP)
When you activate Light Form, you become pure Kheldian energy and are extremely resistant to most damage. You are also partially protected from some Disorient, Immobilization, Hold, and Sleep effects. Endurance recovery is also increased. While in Light Form, you cannot shape shift into Bright Nova or White Dwarf form. Light Form costs little Endurance to activate, but when it wears off you are left exhausted, and drained of almost all Hit Points and Endurance.
Dawn Strike PBAoE, Extreme DMG(Energy), Foe -DEF, Knockback
The Dawn Strike has reduced your Defenses.
Maneuvers Auto: PBAoE, Team +Def( M6.25% R6.25% )
A good leader knows how to protect his team. While active, this power increases the Defense of yourself and all nearby teammates.
Assault Auto: PBAoE, Team +DMG
While this power is active, you and your nearby teammates deal more damage.
Tactics Auto: PBAoE, Team +ToHit, Prot( Co 5.19 ), Res( Co 50% ), +Perception
While this power is active, your Accuracy and that of all your nearby teammates' is increased. Your advanced Tactics also protect you and your team from Confuse effects, as well as your Perception so you can detect Stealthy foes.
Incandescence Res( E12 N12 )
Main Article: Sunstorm
When the Kheldian warrior called Perihelion arrived on Earth, it sought a human warrior with courage and strength to match it's own as a host. Sgt. Benjamin Carter was a Paragon Police Department officer who was facing down a Vahzilok menace, and Perihelion saw this as the opportunity to bond with him and form a powerful Kheldian Peacebringer. They became the being called Sunstorm, and handily defeated the surrounding Vahzilok. While he has no real rank over the rest of his kind, Sunstorm usually coordinates the activities of his fellow Peacebringers on Earth, mainly due to his great experience and wisdom.
Gleaming Blast Ranged, High DMG(Energy), Foe Knockback, -DEF
Your Defenses have been reduced by the Gleaming Blast.
Proton Scatter Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe -DEF
The Proton Scatter has reduced your Defense.
Luminous Detonation Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Knockback, -DEF
The Luminous Detonation has reduced your Defense.
Radiant Strike Melee, Minor DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback, -DEF, -Fly
The Radiant Strike has reduced your Defense and knocked you to the ground.
Incandescent Strike Melee, High DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Hold, Knockdown, -DEF, -Fly
The Incandescent Strike has locked you in position. You cannot move and your Defense is reduced.
Pulsar PBAoE, Foe Disorient
Generates a brilliant pulse of Kheldian light around you that stuns nearby foes. Affected foes are Disoriented and unable to defend themselves.
Photon Seekers Summon 3 Photon Seekers: Ranged Special, High DMG(Energy), Foe Knockback
You manifest 3 spheres of light from your Kheldian essence. These spheres will follow you until they detect an enemy target. The Photon Seekers will then zero in on their targets and detonate on impact. The explosion is small but devastating and may affect multiple foes if they are near the target.
White Dwarf Toggle: Shapeshift, Special, +Res( S50 L50 F50 C50 E50 N50 T50 ), Prot( Ho 17.3 Im 20.76 St 17.3 Sl 17.3 Kb 100 Co 17.3 Fr 17.3 ), +MaxHP, +Recovery, +Jump
Kheldians are masters of energy and matter. A Peacebringer can transform into a massive unstoppable energy beast known as a White Dwarf. When you choose this power, you will have access to 6 other powers that can only be used while in this form. You will not be able to use any other powers while in White Dwarf form. White Dwarf has awesome resistance to all damage except Psionics, as well as controlling effects. White Dwarf also has improved HP and Endurance Recovery, but is limited to melee attacks.
White Dwarf Strike Melee, Light DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockdown, -DEF
The White Dwarf Strike has weakened your Defenses!
White Dwarf Smite Melee, Heavy DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient, Knockdown, -DEF, -Fly
You have been knocked down by the White Dwarf Smite. You are Disoriented and cannot fly.
White Dwarf Flare PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Knockdown, -DEF
The White Dwarf Flare has weakened your Defenses!
White Dwarf Antagonize Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe Taunt
The White Dwarf grabs your attention and you focus your attacks on it.
White Dwarf Sublimation Self Heal
Through perfect control of your body and energy, you can concentrate for a few moments and heal yourself. This power is only available while in White Dwarf Form.
Shining Shield Toggle: Self +Res( S30 L30 F30 C30 E30 N30 )
When you toggle on your Shining Shield, you create an energy barrier that grants you high resistance to Smashing and Lethal damage.
Restore Essence Self Resurrect
Should you fall in battle, you can restore your essence and bring yourself from the brink of death. You will be restored with most of your Hit Points and half your Endurance and be protected from XP Debt for 20 seconds.
Light Form Self +Res( S70 L70 F70 C70 E70 N70 T70 ), Prot( Ho 17.3 Im 20.76 St 17.3 Sl 17.3 Kb 100 ), +Recovery, Delayed Weaken(Self -HP, -End)
When you activate Light Form, you become pure Kheldian energy and are extremely resistant to most damage. You are also partially protected from some Disorient, Immobilization, Hold, and Sleep effects. Endurance recovery is also increased. While in Light Form, you cannot shape shift into Bright Nova or White Dwarf form. Light Form costs little Endurance to activate, but when it wears off you are left exhausted, and drained of almost all Hit Points and Endurance.
Dawn Strike PBAoE, Extreme DMG(Energy), Foe Knockback, -DEF
The Dawn Strike has reduced your Defenses.
Maneuvers Auto: PBAoE, Team +Def( M6.25% R6.25% )
A good leader knows how to protect his team. While active, this power increases the Defense of yourself and all nearby teammates.
Assault Auto: PBAoE, Team +DMG
While this power is active, you and your nearby teammates deal more damage.
Tactics Auto: PBAoE, Team +ToHit, Prot( Co 5.19 ), Res( Co 50% ), +Perception
While this power is active, your Accuracy and that of all your nearby teammates' is increased. Your advanced Tactics also protect you and your team from Confuse effects, as well as your Perception so you can detect Stealthy foes.
Incandescence Auto: Self +Res( E15 N15 )