Rikti Mothership Raid (Zone)
The zone Rikti Mothership Raid is an event in the Rikti War Zone that pits players against the mothership of the resurgent Rikti and its most powerful defenders. It allows players to get elite badges as well as very quickly accumulate Vanguard Merits. Players must first defeat the established Rikti Pylons to cause the mothership to drop its shield. Players then battle it out atop the Rikti vessel and earn numerous Vanguard Merits for the defeated Rikti, often up to hundreds in a single run. The ultimate aim is to plant bombs in the mothership's ventilation system, drawing out the Rikti Master At Arms U'Kon Gr'ai.
Basic Description
Pylon Phase
Anyone can participate to take down the Rikti Pylons that dot the land surrounding the ship. While these machines are tough, they can each be taken out by a single team of eight. For every Pylon defeated, there is a fifteen percent chance of spawning a Rikti Drop Ship, which will patrol the zone. There are twenty Rikti Pylons total, and defeating all of them will cause the force field surrounding the Rikti mothership to drop.
One popular method of attacking the pylons is to gather all raid teams together in one location and run from pylon to pylon, taking each out one at a time. There will usually be one designated raid leader calling out pylon numbers (based on "special" markers that appear on the zone map) to coordinate the attacks. Employing this tactic, here are three commonly used orders of attack (others exist):
Attack Order 1 (Clockwise)
Attack Order 2 (Counterclockwise)
Attack Order 3 (Counterclockwise)
Battle Phase
When the shield drops, a timer starts with ten minutes of time before the mothership's shields regenerate, and hundreds of Rikti will spawn atop the Rikti mothership. Each will be level 54, and their sheer numbers require a large group of Heroes and Villains to get in before any real damage can be done. Each and every Rikti defeated atop the mothership will award a Vanguard Merit to any player or team who dealt 10% or more damage. Since the Rikti are constantly teleporting to the top of the mothership, there is no limit to the number of Vanguard Merits that can be obtained this way.
Bomb Phase
About the mothership, players can find grates blocking access to the mothership's ventilation system. Within some of these vents, clickable bomb glowies exist. Nearby Rikti troops will be aggroed by any attacks on a grate, which makes this part of the battle a dangerous job. Successfully planting a bomb will add to the amount of time the mothership's shields will remain down. When the bomb is planted, a message will appear on the screen to notify all players on the team of whoever plants the bomb and a large explosion will soon follow. Anyone - heroes, villains, and Rikti all included - in the blast radius of the bomb will take damage from the explosion. This part of the raid also brings out numerous Rikti Magus (Elite Bosses).
Planting ten bombs earns the Demolitionist badge:

You have helped place 10 bombs on the crashed Rikti ship in the Rikti War Zone.
GM Phase
Once enough bombs have been placed on the mothership and enough Rikti have been defeated on its surface, the Master At Arms U'Kon Gr'ai will be spawned in the sunken middle area on top of the mothership, adding ten minutes of time before the mothership's shields regenerate. U'Kon Gr'ai is a Giant Monster, and it may take several teams to defeat him. The site of the Giant Monster spawn is filled with level 54 Rikti, making fighting him in this area particularly challenging. A popular tactic is to pull U'Kon out of the bowl and up into either the area between the grates or to one of the the typically less-populated areas on the East or West side of the ship. Successfully defeating U'Kon Gr'ai will add five minutes to the amount of time the mothership's shields will remain down.
Defeating U'Kon Gr'ai ten times earns the Master at Arms badge:

You have defeated the Rikti Master At Arms from the crashed ship in the Rikti War Zone.
The End: Teleportation
The following scenarios will cause the shield to regenerate:
- The timer has run out
- A certain number of Pylons respawn
Upon shield regeneration, all twenty pylons respawn. A volume trigger will teleport all raid teams who are still on the Mothership to Point du Hoc, and the raid cycle starts over again.