Template:StoryArc The Vahzilok Plague
Merit Rewards: This activity awards 20 Reward Merits.
The Vahzilok Plague (15-19)
Hypodermic needle
A used needle may seem like a strange souvenir to some, but to you it's a reminder of one of your closest brushes with death, in an adventure you've come to think of as:
The Vahzilok Plague
It all started when your contact informed you of a deadly new Vahzilok disease. Eager to help, you went into the streets and the sewers to collect data on the diseased Vahzilok. But your heroism was not without its price. You learned that you had been infected with the deadly Vahzilok plague.
Your contact sent you to Professor St. John-Smythe for a cure. But when you arrived at the professor's labs, you found them under attack. You defeated the Vahzilok inside and saved the professor's colleagues, along with some of the precious serum they had concocted. Grateful for your help, one of the scientists used this needle to administer the cure.
Restored to full health, you ventured into the sewers once more, this time on a mission to incinerate the contaminated bodies. You came face to face with Dr. Vahzilok himself, but the mad doctor was not able to prevent you from ridding the world of his plague.
Take the scanning device and use it on any Vahzilok you see
Look, the city council wants to keep this quiet. There's been a rash of mysterious illnesses in the past few days, and a few cases have already proved fatal. We're not sure what this disease is, but it's quite virulent. If something isn't done soon, we'll be living in a ghost town.
We do have good evidence that the illness is connected to the Vahzilok zombies. I need you to take this scanning device and use it on any Vahzilok you see. We need all the data we can get.
Mission Acceptance
Once you've defeated at least 15 of them, we should have enough data.
Unnecessary Solicitation
If you don't scan some more Vahzilok, we won't be able to use your data at all.
Here's the scanner. I hope you can find some good data for us.

This small medical device was designed by the ingenious Jonathan St. John Smythe. When placed on a subject's skin, it scans the body for any infections.
Mission Objective(s)
- Scan Vahzilok for disease info
- Defeat 15 Vahzilok
You have scanned enough Vahzilok.

This data contains information on the Vahzilok you defeated. It will be cross-referenced with previous scans to determine if these Vahzilok were carriers of the deadly new plague.
Thanks for scanning those Vahzilok, Character. If they were carriers of this strange new disease, this data will be invaluable.
The best minds in Paragon City are working on this data you collected from the diseased Vahzilok.
Eliminate the diseased Vahzilok and collect samples
We had people all over the city scanning Vahzilok, but you got the best results. Based on your data, we think we've discovered where the diseased zombies are coming from! No surprises here; those walking disease factories have been hanging out in the most unhygienic place they could find: the sewers. I need you to eliminate the diseased Vahzilok and collect some samples of their tissue and blood.
Mission Acceptance
Get back to me as soon as you can, Character, and watch out for a Vahzilok they call the Boss Name. He's as nasty as they come.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I need those blood and tissue samples to keep this investigation on track.
Mission Objective(s)
On the way here, you passed some kids playing kick-the-can. They have no idea that the Vahzilok infection could soon be ripping through their neighborhoods like a forest fire.
- Eliminate all diseased Vahzilok
- Find disease sample
You have located pure samples of the Vahzilok disease.

These vials of foul-smelling, black blood should help determine the nature of the virulent Vahzilok contagion.
- The boss name can vary. Possiblities are Cutter, Doctor, Surgeon and Vivisector.
Notable NPCs
- Cutter/Doctor/Surgeon/Vivisector (Vahzilok Mire Eidolon)
Great work, Character! These samples are the disease in it's pure form. With these, we're sure to find an antidote. I'll get tests run on them immediately.
Take the diseased blood samples to Professor St. John-Smythe for final processing
I'm sorry to say this, but you've been infected with the Vahzilok virus. Now, I don't want you to panic; it's at a very early stage, and we're already hard at work on a serum. If you could take these diseased blood samples to Professor St. John-Smythe for final processing, I'm sure he could give you a shot right away.
Mission Acceptance
If you start to feel woozy, whatever you do, don't go to sleep!
Unnecessary Solicitation
Get those samples over to the professor, Character. You are pushing your luck.
Temporary Power

Auto: Self -Regeneration, -Recovery, -Hit Points, -Endurance
You have been infected with the Vahzilok Wasting Disease. This disease, introduced by the Vahzilok, is slowly wasting you away. Find a cure, quick! Your maximum hit points, endurance, regeneration, and recovery have all been reduced.
Deliver samples to the professor
Mission Objective(s)
- Deliver samples to the professor
Thank goodness you're here! Our labs are under attack by Vahzilok zombies, and we need your help! If that lab falls to the Vahzilok, our hopes for a cure will be ruined!
Defeat Patient Zero and minions
Mission Objective(s)
Saving the scientists is the only hope you have of curing the Vahzilok wasting disease.
- Defeat Patient Zero and minions
- 3 scientists to rescue
You have rescued the scientists and saved the labs. One of the scientists gave you a shot to cure you of the Vahzilok disease.

One of the scientists you rescued said:
'I'm glad you got here when you did. You just missed Dr. Vahzilok himself! He found half of our supply of the serum, and left to examine it. His minions would have found the rest in a few more minutes. Here, let me give you a shot. You'll be all right soon. But I'm afraid that Dr. Vahzilok will just alter his disease to make it resistant to our cure. I guess this proves that his so-called humanitarian motives are nothing but a crock. He can't be trying to cheat death if he's spreading killer viruses around.
Notable NPCs
- Patient Zero (Vahzilok Murk Eidolon)
- 3 Scientists (Hostages)
So, Dr. Vahzilok's minions made off with some of the serum! If Dr. Vahzilok modifies his virus to resist that drug, we may not be able to step the epidemic!
Go to the sewers and incinerate every body you find
Now that Dr. Vahzilok has a sample of the antidote, it's only a matter of time before he can modify his virus and undo our work. However, I've analyzed all the data, and I think I have a very viable candidate for the ground zero of this entire outbreak. I'd like you to go down to the sewers and incinerate every body you find. If you can manage this, Character, you'll put an end to Vahzilok's evil plague forever!
Mission Acceptance
You must be careful, Character. Dr. Vahzilok himself knows about your involvement, and may try to stop you. You'll have to judge for yourself if you'll be strong enough to fight him, or if destroying the bodies is the better answer. Maybe we can put an end to this whole thing here and now, before the rest of the city gets infected.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Please put an end to this Vahzilok plague!
Mission Objective(s)
The hackles on the back of your neck stand on end.
- Put an end to Vahzilok plague
- 4 bodies remaining. Defeat Dr. Vahzilok (Issue 12 Patch notes)
You have put an end to the Vahzilok plague.
Notable NPCs
- The Leech (Vahzilok Mire Eidolon)
- Doctor Vahzilok (Archvillain)
So, you actually came face to face with Dr. Vahzilok himself? Few people have done that and lived to tell the tale. It's interesting that he seemed to have the same goal as you: eradicating the deadly plague he had caused. I guess it's possible that Vahzilok really does care about the harm he causes.