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Titus is a Warriors Elite Boss that makes a minor appearance in Striga Isle and Talos Island, during the events of the special election that take place in John Houston's arc.

Rogues may fight him:


In Striga Isle:

Titus is leading the local Warriors chapter in yet another attempt to take control of the streets of Port Noble.

On Talos Island:

Titus may have failed on Striga but he's determined to reclaim some honor here in Talos, guarding the door to the hostage holdout.


During the Port Noble Polling mission:

Before Combat: Shut up. I hear something coming.

Combat Start: This is madness! Even celebrity tools are in Striga!

During the A Not-So-Quiet Riot mission:

Before Combat: Nobody gets through until they're done with the traitor.

Combat Start: Hold the line!

See Also

  • Titus' Warriors profile for a list of his powers