Trina Furst
Trina Furst | |
![]() Mystic Anchorite of the Carnival of Light | |
Zone | First Ward |
Coordinates | (-2243, 83, -197) |
Level Range | 20-29 |
Introduced By | None |
Introduces | None |
Enemy Groups | |
Trina Furst is a hero and Praetorian resistance contact in the Mercyview neighborhood of First Ward at coordinates (-2243, 83, -197). Her level range is 20-29. Trina Furst only offers missions to characters of heroic, vigilante or Resistance alignments.

Trina Furst is an endless source of missions, much like the Police Radio, or Borea in the Rikti War Zone. She has no story arc.
Contact Introduced By
- None
Contact Introduces
- None
Mystic Anchorite of the Carnival of Light
Trina Furst has dedicated her mental powers to the discovery of fresh minds arriving in First Ward and recruiting brave individuals to find them before the less-scrupulous denizens of First Ward do.
Initial Contact
I'm very excited to meet you, Character. I am Trina, Trina Furst, one of the illustrious Carnival of Light. I have taken it upon myself to help the people of First Ward by undoing at least some of the wrong done to them. They were sent here to disappear, but that does not have to be their fate. Here in First Ward there are plenty of people who have been found, and it is I who finds them.
- First Ward needs people like you, Character.
- I am pleased to see you again.
- Shall we get to work?
Too Busy
It seems you have tasks that are much more pressing than what I need done. Your desire to help is appreciated, but I need people who can concentrate on what needs to be done, not have their concentration scattered to the 8th dimension.
Too Low Level
I'm afraid you are not yet strong enough to assist me here in First Ward. This place is dangerous, and I refuse to send anyone into harm's way if they are not capable of defending themselves.
Too High Level
There is always something that needs doing in First Ward. Sometimes you just need to look harder; other times you just need to feel a rumble in your belly.
No More Missions
- None
- None
Apparitions Preying on Newcomers
Most of the exiles that are sent from Coleside make for the Survivor Compound in Eltentown. It's been a something of a tradition, even in the gumbo, where that idea barely holds. The Apparitions have cottoned to this; perhaps because newcomers to First Ward leave an easy to follow trail of fearful disquietude. Whatever the case, the Apparitions have started hunting for host bodies in that area.
As troubled as the regime of the Compound is, they have always had the support of the Carnival of Light, and it is my role to protect those recently arrived to the Ward. This grisly business serves both ends.
- Discourage the Apparitions from troubling Eltentown.
I cannot promise that the Apparitions will be driven away completely from Eltentown. Something blocks me from seeing if they have any true agenda beyond their own ravenous hunger. But your work will not be wasted.
Know this, however: though some Apparitions dare to wander about as they like, as a whole they tend to appear more frequently in the evening.
Unnecessary Solicitation
The Apparitions still trouble the Eltentowners. Do your best to cull their numbers.
Mission Objective(s)
- Defeat Apparitions in Eltentown
- Defeat 8 Apparitions
You've culled the number of Apparitions seeking hosts in Eltentown!
So, the Drummers move against us again. It won't be the last time. The schism is widening. Thank you for your aid, Character.
Carnival of Light Troupe Missing in Action
A fresh batch of exiles arrived in First Ward recently. I sent a troupe of my cohorts to retrieve them, but I've lost their signal. On all channels, including the psychic personascape that the Carnival uses regularly. I need you to find out what happened to both the exiles and those Attendants I sent after them.
- Investigate the disappearance of the Attendant recovery team.
Also, find the source that's blocking our contact. The Carnival can't afford to be isolated like this.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Your work is not done, Character. Stay on the path.
Mission Objective(s)
A strange sensation hits you as you enter, a constant and strained keening of psychic power.
- Mind the missing Attendants
- 2 Attendants to rescue
- 2 exiles to rescue
- Lead out the exile
- Defeat the Mistress of War and her cohorts
You saved both the Carnival of Light's Shining Attendants and the exiles they were attempting to rescue themselves!
Notable NPCs
- Mistress of War
So, the Drummers move against us again. It won't be the last time. The schism is widening. Thank you for your aid, Character.
D.U.S.T. Kill Team Threatens Safe Passage of Exiles
D.U.S.T. is ever trying to oppose the Carnival's efforts to give safe passage to exiles recently sent to First Ward. The Rangers need more victims to practice on in the Free-Fire Zone, you see. One of their Kill Teams recently took out a Carnival troupe escorting some newcomers to the Survivor's Compound. We can no longer help the exiles -- they are scattered and lost in the Ward -- but we can strike back at the D.U.S.T. cell commander that gave the kill order. Perhaps it will give the Rangers pause before crossing our paths again.
- Defeat the Kill Team Leader
I've telesent the Kill Team's current base to your psyche. Take out their cell leader, and sabotage any further intelligence that D.U.S.T. has gathered on Carnival activities in the Ward.
Unnecessary Solicitation
The longer you delay, Character, the more exiles will end up as fodder for the Free-Fire Zone.
Mission Objective(s)
Crippling an entire D.U.S.T. cell may prove difficult, but First Ward will be safer for it.
- Counterattack the D.U.S.T. Kill Team
- 2 intelligence databanks to wipe
- Defeat D.U.S.T. Cell Commander and his cohorts
You've taken down the D.U.S.T. commander and wiped out his cell's intelligence on the Carnival's activities in First Ward!
Notable NPCs
- D.U.S.T. Commander
The Ward is indebted to you for what you have done today. D.U.S.T.'s numbers, though, cannot be counted. We may see such foolish actions on their part again.
Recover Emotional Ordnance from the Shepherds
The Shepherds have grown bold of late, going so far as to raid our random uplifting thought salvo caches that we hide in the Shadowed Paths. By twisting these micro-munition memetics into more dubious and fear-ridden forms, they can sow fear into the Last Worders and bolster their ranks thereby.
First Ward is too fragile for these doomsday cultists to run unchecked with emotion ordnance that they can barely control. I want you to find the Shepherd coven called The Eternal Prophets where you can, put down their cult leaders, and retrieve what they've taken from us. Otherwise, more newcomers to the Ward will just become more lost than they normally are.
- Lessen the influence of the Shepherds.
Don't underestimate the Shepherds, Character. The Vortex seemingly enhances what influence they do possess, and especially in times of anger or fear. For this reason alone, we cannot let them become more of a threat to the Ward.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Have you recovered our stolen thought ammunition from the Shepherds yet?
Mission Objective(s)
Look for treasure chests. The Shepherds like keeping with the theme of doomsday fanatics of a piratical bent.
- Search First Ward for Shepherd havens
- 4 chests to check for Carnival memetic micro-munitions
- Defeat Fist of Heaven and Bodyguards
You successfully recovered the memetic micro-munitions stolen from the Carnival of Light!
Notable NPCs
- Fist of Heaven
Already some of the bullets you've returned are filled with emotional conflict. These cannot be fired again until they are steered back to happiness and joy.
Rescue Exiles from the Dregs
I sense new minds in First Ward. More who have fallen out of favor have been exiled to First Ward; I can taste their fear. We must find them and bring them to safety. I was too late to detect them before the Dregs got to them, but I know where they have been taken.
- Rescue new exiles to First Ward.
Their fear tastes like bitter lemon, we must save them.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Your work is unfinished, we must return to the field; the innocent must be protected.
Mission Objective(s)
The Dregs have taken the recent First Ward exiles to this old, decrepit office for who knows what purpose.
- Rescue recent First Ward exiles
- 4 exiles to rescue
- Lead the exile out!
You saved a group of exiles recently sent to First Ward from the clutches of the Dregs!
Notable NPCs
- None
These exiles are safe now, thanks to you, and the Last Word will be stronger for it.