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{{Mission Objective|Entrance=You know what you need to do. Thank goodness this office is abandoned. This might get nasty.|Primary=Defeat Spark|Secondary=5 Outcasts to Defeat|Completion=You have defeated Spark. You should talk to Meg and see what else she has for you.<br />You have successfully completed your assignment.}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=You know what you need to do. Thank goodness this office is abandoned. This might get nasty.|Primary=Defeat Spark|Secondary=5 Outcasts to Defeat|Completion=You have defeated Spark. You should talk to Meg and see what else she has for you.<br />You have successfully completed your assignment.}}
{{Enemy Outcasts}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
* Spark / Ward {{Named|Faction=Outcasts}} ([[Boss]])
{{red|Note:  The boss name is randomly chosen.}}

{{NPC Text|title=Spark Dialogue|text='''Before combat:'''<br />
{{NPC Text|title=Spark Dialogue|text='''Before combat:'''<br />
Line 289: Line 297:
'''Combat start:'''<br />
'''Combat start:'''<br />
:'''''Spark:''' {{Character}}! Good to see you! You're right on time! Okay, guys. This one's first.}}
:'''''Spark:''' {{Character}}! Good to see you! You're right on time! Okay, guys. This one's first.}}
{{Enemy Outcasts}}


Revision as of 05:15, 1 January 2010


Meg Mason
File:Contact Meg Mason 01.jpg
Zone The Hollows
Coordinates (1130, 70, -3397)[Copy]
Level Range 5-15
Introduced By David Wincott
Enemy Groups
v  d  e

Meg Mason is a hero contact in the Cherry Hills neighborhood of The Hollows at coordinates (1130, 70, -3397)[Copy] .


  • Meg Mason is an endless source of missions, much like the Police Radio, or Borea in the Rikti War Zone. She has no story arc.
  • The Hollows is an optional zone. While all heroes are referred to contacts in the Hollows, they may speak to Wincott and return to their regular contacts if they like. Heroes may miss out on important story information, temporary powers, and/or badges if they skip the regular contacts in this level range (though most content is available via flashback later on.)


Contact Introduced By

After doing his first mission, David Wincott will introduce you to Meg Mason.

Contact Introduces

  • None


Contracted PPD Liaison

Meg Mason has her ear to the ground and knows what's going on. She works for the Paragon Police as an incredibly useful contract civilian. Meg is well-connected, especially when she utilizes the massive number of contacts she's planted within the various gangs of The Hollows. She's exceptionally good at her job and has always gotten her information the old-fashioned way: infiltration, subterfuge, and a warehouse full of guts.

Prior to Introduction

I have no idea who you are. No business card, no nothing. Maybe you need to get someone to slip me your info. Otherwise, I don't know what I'm dealing with here.

Initial Contact

It's good to see you, Character. Lieutenant Wincott speaks very highly of you. I'm on retainer by the Paragon Police Department as a contractor with some insight into the gang activity here in The Hollows. Needless to say, I need all the help I can get.

I'm a can-do girl who doesn't like to wait around for results, so if you're interested in working with me, you need to know that all my assignments are on a strict deadline. If that's acceptable to you, I'm sure we'll become fast friends at kicking bad guy butt.


  • Today's a good day for an assignment, don't you think?
  • You know, I've been watching you. You're pretty good. Pretty darn good. I know of some bad guys that need a lesson in ethics and you're the perfect person to instruct them. Whaddya say, teach?
  • I got a big job for you. You up for it?
  • Hey. Up for some work?
  • Hey. I could use your help on something.
  • Over here! I need some of those heroic skills of yours.
  • Hey, Character. Another day another drama. Looks like I could use your help again.
  • Well, Character, it looks like the bad guys never sleep, so neither should we. You up for some action?
  • I've got some work for you, if you've got the time.
  • You free for an assignment?
  • I COULD just stand here and look sensational. Or I could give you a task and together we can clean up the streets. What do you say?
  • Hi. I can use your skills if you have a minute.

Too Busy

I appreciate your enthusiam, but you have way too much stuff going on to be able to help me. I need someone who is focused. Go clear your schedule and come back to me when you have some dedicated time.

No More Missions

Looks like we're done here, Character. You've been a great help to me, but it's time for you to move on. Maybe one of your other contacts can use your services now.


You have been a huge help to me. Check out these new Enhancements. You've earned them.

Oh, and write down my number. I always have plenty of work around here so you can call me any time. I can definitely use the help.

  • Inspirations (all)
  • Level 10 Training Enhancements (100% base costs) (Power 10 only)

You've done some great things for me, Character. I trust you with anything. And since you're on my good side, I've got some new gear, if you're interested.

Missions: Intro

Show Meg that you have what it takes


I have put a lot of time and energy into managing assets and infiltrating the ranks of the various street gangs across Paragon City, and now I'm focusing my attention on The Hollows. If you're going to work for me, you need to show me that you have what it takes.

So I'm going to have you run a little errand for me. As a test. If you do a good job, you'll have begun to earn my trust and we'll work together again.

Sound fair? Good.

Mission Acceptance

Excellent, Character. Look, this one is time sensitive, so you need to work fast. Word on the street is that the Hellions are doing some promotions within their ranks again.

Your job is to take out their leader, a guy by the name of Matchstick, and throw them into chaos. That'll slow them down for a little bit. You have 30 minutes to take him out. Good luck.

You have 30 minutes to complete this assignment.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Time is crucial here, so you might want to get moving.

Mission Objective(s)

Looks like the party's already begun. Time to get in there and break things up.

  • Defeat Matchstick - 30:00

You have defeated Matchstick. Return to Meg for more information.
You have successfully completed your assignment.



Notable NPCs

Note: The boss name is randomly chosen.


Well now we're getting somewhere. Good work, Character. Let's get started.

Missions: Street Sweeping

Lost culling Assignment


You know, I don't know why they call them the Lost because they always seem find their way back into The Hollows and under my feet. I need you to scatter them for me for a while. Think you can do that?

Mission Acceptance

Well, at least there aren't as many of them around as the Outcasts or the Trolls, but they're still dangerous. You can find them there in Cherry Hills and over in Four Seasons. Either here or there, makes no difference to me.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I'm confused. Didn't I send you out on an assignment to defeat some Lost? I'm pretty sure I did.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat 10 Lost


The Lost


Frankly, those Lost guys creep me out all over the place. Let's hope they go underground for a while. Good Job, Character. I know it's a thankless job, but truly appreciate all of your hard work.

Outcast culling Assignment


Either the Outcasts are gearing up for something big, or my contacts aren't doing their jobs. I don't care which it is. There are way too many of them wandering the streets for my comfort. I'd be grateful if you'd thin them out a little for me.

Mission Acceptance

I hope that, after a few of their numbers spend a day or two in the Zig, maybe they'll get the hint. Any neighborhood is fine with me, Character, as long as they're of the streets, I'm a happy woman.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I'm confused. Didn't I send you out on an assignment to defeat some Outcasts? I'm pretty sure I did.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat 10 Outcasts




Well, who knows how long the Outcasts slow down for? A day? A week?

Good job, Character. I know it's a thankless job but I appreciate your hard work.

Defeat Hellions


I have a mathematical task for you. The Hollows minus some Hellions equals a very happy Meg. Are you up for it?

Mission Acceptance

Every time we send a bunch of their guys to the Zig, it's time they don't have to cause trouble. No specific neighborhood this time, Character.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Well, this is weird. Didn't I send you out on an assignment to defeat some Hellions? I'm pretty sure I did.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat 10 Hellions




Well, who knows how long the Hellions will retreat for? Even a day works for me. Good job, Character. I know it's a thankless job, but I really appreciate all your hard work.

Skulls culling Assignment


It's spring cleaning. On today's menu? The Skulls. How about it? Up for a bit of street sweeping?

Mission Acceptance

Maybe if heroes like you keep making their lives unpleasant, the Skulls will forget about making a move to the Hollows permanent.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I'm confused. Didn't I send you out on an assignment to defeat some Skulls? I'm pretty sure I did.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat 10 Skulls

You have successfully completed your assignment.




Well, who knows how long the Skulls will slow down for? Even a day works for me. Good job, Character. I appreciate all of your hard work.

Missions: Neighborhood Sweeping

Activity Report: Increased Gang Presence


Attention: Meg Mason, PPD Liaison

Attached is the most recent log of gang activity in The Hollows. Please forward this information to your contacts for immediate attention.

Target: Trolls

Neighborhood: Cherry Hills

Mission Acceptance

Thanks, Character. Just remember, you need to focus on the Trolls here in Cherry Hills.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Missing text

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat 10 Trolls




Good job, Character. You've made me look good to my contact in the Police Department.

Missions: Defeat Boss

Defeat Crink (Trolls)


I always tend to underestimate the Trolls. Half the time I think they're dumb as dirt and then, every once in a while, they go and do something smart and sneaky. I can't attribute this to the collective, so I think it's got to be one man. A guy by the name of Crink.

One of my informants told me he's hanging out in an abandoned warehouse right here in Cherry Hills. I'd appreciate it if you'd take care of him, Character.

Mission Acceptance

This guy is a real peace of work. He's a Troll, but there's something about him. He's as strong as an ox and I think he's been taking Superadine, but he's not like the other Trolls. He's smart. That's bad. If he gains to much influence within the Trolls, he'll become a real thorn in our side. That can't happen.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Missing text

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Crink
    • 5 Trolls to Defeat




Nice job, Character. If only all the other heroes that work for me were as single-minded.

Defeat Spark (Outcasts)


The Outcasts are making real pests of themselves again, Character. Right here in Cherry Hills. Some new yahoo named Spark is trying to make a name for himself and I need you to give him a little amnesia so he can't remember what that name is.

Mission Acceptance

You know, I can't stand the Outcasts more than most. They've created a lot of problems for me in the past. This guy is a real piece of work who is spreading some nasty propaganda within the Outcasts network. We need him neutralized and off the streets.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You got this, Character. Just take him and a few of his lackeys out before he can do any more damage.

Mission Objective(s)

You know what you need to do. Thank goodness this office is abandoned. This might get nasty.

  • Defeat Spark
    • 5 Outcasts to Defeat

You have defeated Spark. You should talk to Meg and see what else she has for you.
You have successfully completed your assignment.



Notable NPCs

Note: The boss name is randomly chosen.


Nice job, Character. The Outcasts should think twice before they make another move.

Defeat Cinder (Hellions)


You know, it really irritates me when the bad guys flaunt their illegal activities right in my back yard. Something's going down right here in Cherry Hills and I want you to take care of it. Another one of my sources just tipped me off to a new guy in the Hellions organization who is trying to make a name for himself.

His name is Cinder, but I think he needs a new name. Prisoner.

Mission Acceptance

Those little arsonists are punks. Get rid of this Cinder and, while you're at it, take out a few of his flunkies, too.

Unnecessary Solicitation

He's not getting any less motivated to take over while you stand in front of me, Character. You wanted a job, you got it. It's go time.

Mission Objective(s)

It wasn't too hard to find this warehouse. The strong smell of char is noticeable all the way down the block.

  • Defeat Cinder
    • 5 Hellions to Defeat

You have defeated Cinder. You should talk to Meg and see what else she has for you.
You have successfully completed your assignment.




Nice job, Character. I had some operatives working in the building he was about to torch. You were right on time.

Missions: Objectives

Weapons Destruction Assignment


Attention: Meg Mason, PPD Liaison

The Freedom Corps Security Coalition has issued a weapons destruction notice. One of their evidence warehouses in Peregrine Island (or Striga Isle) has been broken into and a large shipment of weapons was stolen. The shipment has been tracked to The Hollows and is flagged 'for immediate destruction.' Please forward this information to you contacts for urgent attention.

Suspected Location: Warehouse

Gang: Outcasts or Trolls

Neighborhood: Cherry Hills

Mission Acceptance

You know what to do. Destroy the shipment and make those punks wish they'd never stolen it.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I'm counting on you, Character. Make me look good to my contacts in the Security Coalition.

Mission Objective(s)

Today is a good day to defeat some bad guys and take their ill-gotten booty.

  • 3 weapons crates to destroy






Good job, Character. That'll slow those punk Lost down for a while.

Assignment to retrieve the stolen shipment


I'm so frustrated with all the thefts, I could just spit!


Another day, another stolen shipment.

I just heard that the Hellions have 'acquired' a electronics (or pharmaceutical) shipment that they're storing in a local warehouse here in Cherry Hills. I'm pretty sure they don't have receipts for this stuff, so I'd like you to get it back from them.

Mission Acceptance

Retrieve the shipment and if you should decide to send a few Hellions to the Zig while you're at it, who am I to stop you?

Unnecessary Solicitation

Those crates belong to someone. I'm sure they want it back. Go get that shipment, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

Within moments of entering the abandoned office you spot the candy machine. It's great that even these old dilapidated buildings the candy mach--

Hey! Get to work!
Another warehouse, another shipment. Where do these guys get their resources?

  • 3 crates to retrieve

You have successfully completed your assignment.




Nice work, Character. The PPD are following up with the real owners of that shipment as we speak.

Retrieve stolen shipment


Those Hellions really chap my hide. They've gone and stolen a massive computers shipment. Can you believe it? They haven't moved it yet, thank goodness. For now it's being held in an abandoned office located in Four Seasons. Can you get the stuff back for me, please? The Hellions have no business with it and it needs to get back to its rightful owner.

Mission Acceptance

Get the stuff, send a few Hellions to the Zig, and come on back. This should be no problem for you, Character.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I can't believe those stinkers would have the chops to pull this off. You need to make it right, and quick.

Mission Objective(s)

This abandoned office smells like shipping materials, sweat, and rotting garbage. Ew.

  • 3 crates to retrieve




Thanks, Character. I knew you could do it! That shipment is on its way to PPD headquarters as we speak for processing.

External Links

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