List of Slash Commands

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This is a list of all Slash Commands that can be used within City of Heroes/Villains, in alphabetical order.

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/ac message Alias for /arena
/afk message Marks the player as Away From Keyboard (with given message)
/ah Activate the Auction House Menu Alias: /auctionhouse
/ai player Alias for /arena_invite
/alt2tray [0-1]] Show and lock the third power tray (AltTray2) into the raised position or unlock and hide it it.
/altinvite name Adds other characters in your account to your supergroup.
/alttray [0-1] Show and lock the second power tray (AltTray1) into the raised position or unlock and hide it.
/alttraysticky Cycles through showing the second (AltTray1) and third (AltTray2) power trays, and then hiding them.
/angle_snap_cycle Cycles through 8 standard angles for snap drag rotation (Off - 45 degrees). (F2)
/angle_snap [0-359] Sets the angle for snap drag rotation in degrees while editing a supergroup base. Default snap = 5, disable snap = 0
/architect Activate the Mission Search menu while using the Mission Architect. Alias: /missionsearch
/architect_claim_tickets # Claims # Architect tickets
/architect_completemission Completes the current mission being tested
/architect_invincible Toggles Architect test mode invincibility on or off
/architect_invisible Toggles Architect test mode invisibility on or off
/architect_killtarget Defeats your currently selected target in the mission being tested
/architect_loginupdate Shows amount of Architect tickets available to claim
/architect_nextcritter Takes you to the next hostile entity in the mission being tested
/architect_nextobjective Takes you to the next objective in the mission being tested
/arena_invite player Invite player to join your arena event. Alias: /ai
/arena message Sends the specified message on the arena chat channel. Alias: /ac
/arenalist Open the arena window from anywhere in the game
/assist_name player Change your current target to specified ally's target
/assist Change your current target to selected ally's or enemy's target
/attach_cycle Toggle object placement attachment (Floor, Wall, Ceiling, Surface) while in the SG base editor. (F5)
/auction message Alias for /request.
/auctionhouse Activate the Auction House Menu
/autoperf Automatically change world detail for performance
/autoreply Begins a private message to the character or global name from whom you last received a private message. See also: /reply, /r
/autorun Toggles autorun

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/b message Alias for /broadcast
/backward Move backwards
/base_default_sky number Sets SG base editing default sky setting to one of 16 preset values
/base_lighting_type number Sets lighting type while in the supergroup base editor. 0 = Indoor, 1 = Outdoor sky lighting, 2 = Outdoor with shadows
/base_redo Reverse your last Undo and/or repeat action while in the SG base editor. (Ctrl-Y)
/base_select Select base object.
/base_undo Reverse your last action while in the SG base editor. (Ctrl-Z)
/beginchat Starts chat-entry mode with given string
/bind_load_file_silent filename Same as bind_load_file but does not display confirmation message
/bind_load_file filename Imports a list of key binds from a file
/bind_load Imports a list of key binds from keybinds.txt
/bind_save_file_silent filename Same as bind_save_file but does not display confirmation message
/bind_save_file filename Saves all keybinds on a character to specified file
/bind_save Saves all keybinds on a character to keybinds.txt
/bind key command Binds a key to a command or group of commands
/blackmarket Activate the Auction House Menu Alias: /auctionhouse
/bloomscale number Sets bloom blur scale, valid values are 2 and 4
/bloomweight number Sets bloom scale, valid values 0.0 - 2.0
/broadcast message Send message to Broadcast channel. Aliases: /b, /y, /yell
/buffs Toggle team buff display
/build_save Saves the current character build (Name, Level, Archetype, Origin, Powers and Slotted Enhancements) to build.txt
/build_save_file filename Saves the current character build (Name, Level, Archetype, Origin, Powers and Slotted Enhancements) to a specified file

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/c message Send message on the Coalition channel (Also: coalition)
/camdist distance Sets the distance in feet that the third person camera pulls back behind the player
/camdistadjust Adjusts the camera distance relative to the current camera distance.
/camreset Camreset is bound to the PageDown key (default) to reset the camera behind the player
/camrotate Camrotate is bound to the PageUp key to allow controlled camera rotation around the player This command should not be invoked through the console!
/camturn Turn camera to match player
/canlook Whether the player can use the mouse to look around
/cc_emote slot ccemote Change costume to specified costume slot (0-4) using specified emote prefixed with 'cc' (Also: cce)
/cc slot Change costume to specified costume slot (0-4) (Also: costume_change)
/cce slot ccemote Change costume to specified costume slot (0-4) using specified emote prefixed with 'cc' (Also: cc_emote)
/center While supergroup base editing, center alt on spot indicated. (Left-Doubleclick).
/cgShaderPath path Sets parent directory for "shaders/cgfx". If relative, path is resolved using the .exe root directory.
/chan_create channel Create a new chat channel
/chan_desc channel description Set the channel's description
/chan_invite_deny channel name_string Deny chat channel invite from named player on named channel.
/chan_invite_gf channel Invites your entire global friends list to a global chat channel
/chan_invite_sg channel rank Invite your entire Supergroup to a global chat channel. Only leaders may use this command. The rank parameter may be any of the ranks listed below. Alias: /ginvite_sg
/chan_invite_team channel Invites your entire team or Task Force to a Global chat channel
/chan_invite channel username Invite a player or chat handle to a chat channel. Alias: /ginvite
/chan_join channel Join an existing chat channel
/chan_leave channel Leave a chat channel
/chan_members channel List all members of channel
/chan_mode channel options Changes default access rights for new user who joins the channel. If you set -join, no one can join unless invited by an operator.
/chan_motd channel message Set the channel's Message Of The Day, which is sent to everyone that joins or logs into the channel
/chan_send channel message Send message to chat channel. You must be in the channel and have Send priviledges. (Also: send)
/chan_timeout <channel name> <days> Sets the number of days a member of a global channel must go without logging in before being automatically kicked from the channel.
/chan_user_mode channel global options Sets user permissions for the user with the handle global (without the @) on channel. You must have operator status to set permissions.
/change_handle new_global Change your global user name, if allowed.
/chat_cycle Cycles through the default chat channels
/chat_load_file filename Reads a list of chat settings from a file
/chat_load Reads a list of chat settings from chat.txt
/chat_save_file filename Saves a list of current chat settings to a file
/chat_save Saves a list of chat settings to chat.txt
/chat_set string Sets the channel to the given string
/chat Toggles the chat window
/chatoptions number Activates context menu for the chat window. (0-4)
/ci player Alias for /coalition_invite
/citytime Print the current in-game time
/clear_petnames Clear the names of all your named pets
/clear_tray Removes all power icons from the character's power tray; preserves macros
/clearAttributeView Clear a target's combat attributes from the Combat Attributes window.
/clearchat Clear all chat buffers
/clearRewardChoice Choose "no reward" in the current reward choice list.
/clicktomove Enables click-to-move mode. Alias: /ctm
/cmdlist Prints out most slash commands in the chat window
/coalition_cancel supergroup Cancel coalition with a supergroup.
/coalition_invite player Invite player's supergroup to join coalition. Alias: /ci
/coalition_mintalkrank rank Sets the minimum rank of members of a coalition supergroup who your supergroup can hear.
/coalition_nosend Stop your supergroup from sending coalition chat to an ally supergroup.
/coalition_sg_mintalkrank rank Sets the minimum rank of members of your supergroup who can use coalition chat. Note: This command is currently non-functional.
/coalition message Spends the specified message on the Coalition channel. Alias: /c
/comment Set search comment
/compatiblecursors Enables useage of basic Windows mouse cursors instead of graphical cursors (command line option)
/contextmenu menu_num Activate a context menu slot.
/controller_modifiers <first> <second> Allows setting two controller buttons as modifiers
/controller_vmouse <LMB> <RMB> [MMB] [Snap] Configures virtual mouse mode buttons
/cooldown_indicator [0-3] Sets cooldown timer onto tray icons: Recharge indicator setting (0=off, 1=bottom, 2=top, 3=center) Alias: /recharge_indicator
/copychat tab Copy the entire chat history from specified chat Tab into the clipboard
/copydebuginfo Gathers debug info, prints it and copies it into the clipboard.
/costume_change slot Change costume to specified costume slot; opens the costume change window with no argument. Alias: /cc
/CoV Sets your login theme to City of Villains with launch parameters.
/ctm_invert [0-1] Enable and disable click-to-move.
/ctm Alias for /clicktomove
/ctmtoggle Toggles click-to-move mode
/ctstoggle Toggles the click to source display
/cursorcache Enable cursor cache for smoother cursor changes
/custom_window name Creates a custom window
/custom_window_toggle name Opens or closes a custom window

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/demodump Alias for /demostop
/demoplay filename Start playing the specified demo file.
/demorecord_auto Begin recording a demo with a game-generated filename
/demorecord filename Record a demo to the given name
/demostop Stop demo record/play. Alias: /demodump
/demote character Demote supergroup member one rank
/dialog_answer choice Answer dialog with button matching the provided text choice (ok, yes, no, cancel, accept, decline, join, etc.)
/dialog_no Answer OK, No, or Cancel to current dialog
/dialog_yes Answer OK, Yes, or Accept to current dialog
/disable2d Disables 2D sprite drawing
/dofweight [0.0-2.0] Sets DOF (Depth Of Field) scale.
/down Move down (if flying)

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/e emote Emotes a text string or performs valid emote animation (Also: em or emote)
/e3screenshot Enables special e3 2004 screenshot mode
/editbase [1/0] Turns supergroup base editor on or off.
/em emote Emotes a text string or performs valid emote animation (Also: e or emote)
/emaildelete number Delete specified message
/emailheaders Request email headers.
/emailread message_number Request message [message number].
/emailsend name subject body Send in-game email message
/emailsendattachment name subject influence attachment_type inventory_location message Send message with an attachment.
/emote emote Emotes a text string or performs valid emote animation (Also: e or em)
/enterbasefrompasscode passcode Enter the Supergroup Base associated with the provided passcode.
/estrange character Alias for /unfriend
/extra_modifiers [mod1] [mod2] [mod3] [mod4] Allows setting up to four extra modifiers on a controller.

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/f message Send message to friends channel
/face Turn player to face target
/findmember Find a player
/first Toggles between first and third person camera
/fl Display friend list (Also: friendlist)
/follow Toggle follow mode (/cmdlist says that follow takes an argument (0 or 1), it does not)
/forward_mouse Move forward; enable autorun after 2 seconds
/forward Move forward
/friend character Add character to friend list
/friendlist Display friend list (Also: fl)
/fsaa Sets the amount of full screen antialiasing
/fullRelight Do not cap number of world object vertices to relight per frame
/fullscreen [0-1] Sets video mode to fullscreen

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/g message Alias for /team
/gamereturn Leave fullscreen, close dialogs, and close non-essential windows. Alias: /window_close_extra
/gen message Alias for /general.
/general message Send message to the General chat channel. Aliases: /gen, /z
/get_comment Get search comment
/get_local_invite globalname Invite a player to your team using their global name
/get_local_league_invite globalname Invite a player to your league using their global name
/getallarenastats Get all your arena combat statistics, more comprehensive display.
/getarenastats Get your arena stats. Alias: /getratedarenastats
/getglobalname localname Given the name of a character, this command will tell you the player's global name
/getlocalname globalname Given a global name, this command will tell you the name of a player's currently logged on character
/getpos Alias for /loc
/getratedarenastats Get your arena combat statistics. Alias: /getarenastats
/gfriend name Add a player to your global friends list.
/gfriends Display all members of your global friends list
/ghide Make yourself invisible to your global friends.
/gignore username Adds a player from your global ignore list.
/gignoring Lists the players on your global ignore list
/ginvite_sg channel_name rank Alias for /chan_invite_sg
/ginvite channel_name username Alias for /chan_invite
/gmotd View the global message again.
/goto_tray_alt number Go to specified power tray number in the secondary tray
/goto_tray_alt2 number Go to specified power tray number in the tertiary tray
/goto_tray number Go to specified power tray number in the primary tray
/goto_trays_tray position tray Go to specified power tray number (1 to 10) in the given position.
/graphfps number Graph current framerate (1 = SWAP, 2 = GPU, 4 = CPU, 8 = SLI).
/grid_snap_cycle Cycles through object placement grid sizes while in the SG base editor. (F1)
/grid_snap number Sets item placement grid size while in the SG base editor.
/group message Alias for /team
/guide message Alias for /help, /h, /helpchat, /hc
/gunfriend_player name Alias for /gunfriend
/gunfriend name Remove player from global friends list. Alias: /gunfriend_player
/gunhide Make yourself visible to your global friends
/gunignore username Removes a player from your global ignore list.

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/h message Alias for /help, /helpchat, /hc, /guide
/hc message Alias for /helpchat, /help, /h, /guide.
/help message Sends a message the global Help channel. Alias: /h, /helpchat, /hc, /guide
/helpchat message Sends a message the global Help channel. Alias: /hc, /help, /h, /guide
/helpwindow Opens the Help window.
/hide_all Hides you completely from all other players, similar to the old /hide functionality
/hide_friends Hide from server friends
/hide_gchannels Hide from global chat channels
/hide_gfriends Hide from global friends
/hide_invite Block all invite requests
/hide_search Hide from searches
/hide_sg Hide from Super Group
/hide_tell Hide from tells (private messages)
/hide Opens the hide options dialog window (See Notes)
/hideprimarychat Hide/unhide primary chat window text messages

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/i character Alias for /invite
/ignore_spammer character Ignore character and sends alert to customer service
/ignore character Ignore character
/ignorelist Displays a list of ignored characters
/incarnate_equip slot powername Equips the specified Incarnate Ability.
/incarnate_unequip_all Unequips all equipped Incarnate Abilities.
/incarnate_unequip_by_slot slot Unequips whatever ability is in the specified Incarnate slot.
/incarnate_unequip slot powername Unequips the specified Incarnate Ability.
/info_self_tab tab Opens the specified tab of the info window for yourself
/info_self Opens the info window for yourself
/info_tab tab Opens the specified tab of the info window for the current target (yourself if you have no target)
/info Opens the info window for the current target (yourself if you have no target).
/insp_combine inspiration inspiration Combines three of a kind of first argument into one of the second argument. Example: /insp_combine "Insight" "Catch a Breath"
/insp_delete inspiration Deletes an inspiration. Example: /insp_delete "Catch a Breath"
/inspexec_name inspiration Activate an inspiration by name
/inspexec_pet_name inspiration petname Gives an inspiration to the named pet
/inspexec_pet_target petname Gives an inspiration to the targeted pet
/inspexec_slot number Activate an inspiration slot in the first row (needs confirmation of possible options) Alias: /inspirationslot
/inspexec_tray row column Activate an inspiration slot in the given row and column
/inspirationslot Alias for /inspexec_slot
/interact Interact with an object or entity in front of the player using a keyboard key (equivalent to left-click on object).
/invite character Invite character to join team. Alias: /i

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/k character Alias for /kick
/keybind_reset Alias for /unbind_all
/kick character Remove character from team. Alias: /k

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/l message Alias for /local
/lc message Alias for /league
/li name Alias for /league_invite
/league message Sends the specified message on the League chat channel. Alias: /lc
/league_invite name Invite a character to your league. Alias: /li
/league_kick name Kick player name from league. Alias: /lk
/leaveteam Leave your current team
/left Strafe left
/lfg message Alias for /looking_for_group
/lfg_event_response string Accept an invitation to join an event (trial or task force).
/lfg_remove_from_queue Decline Task Force and Trial invites, and remove self or team from LFG queue.
/lfg_request_event_list Get LFG system event list.
/lfgset number Sets your "looking for group" status.
/link_channel ChannelName Activates Context Menu for link channel name.
/link_info LinkName Provides info window on matching power, inspiration, enhancement, recipe, or salvage item.
/link_interact_global name string Activates context menu for a player's global name.
/link_interact name Activates context menu for a character name.
/lk name Alias for /league_kick
/loc Get coordinates of current location on the map. Alias: /getpos
/local message Sends the specified message on the Local channel. Alias: /l
/localtime Prints local time (on your computer)
/lodbias [0.0-2.0] Multiplier for LOD (Loss of Detail) distances for entities.
/logchat Toggle chat logging
/lookdown Pitch camera down
/looking_for_group message Send message to the Looking For Group chat channel. Alias: /lfg.
/lookup Pitch camera up

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/ma message Alias for /mission_architect
/macro_image icon tooltip command Add a macro with an existing icon to the first empty slot
/macro name command Add a macro to first empty slot
/macroslot macro-slot# name command Add a macro to specified power tray slot
/makeleader character Change the team leader to targeted character, must have character targeted if no name is provided. Alias: /ml
/manage Go to the enhancement management screen
/map Toggles the map window
/maxColorTrackerVerts number Maximum number of world object vertices to relight per frame
/maxfps Limits max frames per second.
/maximize Maximizes the window
/maxInactiveFps Limits max frames per second while the game is not in the foreground.
/maxmenufps [1-?] Set the maximum FPS (frames per second) rate while the game is in a full- screen menu.
/maxrtframes number How many frames ahead to allow buffering.
/me Alias for /emote
/menu Toggles the menu
/mission_architect Send message to the Architect Chat channel. Alias: /ma
/missionmake Activate the My Arcs menu of the Mission Search window while using the Mission Architect.
/missionsearch Activate the Mission Search menu while using the Mission Architect. Alias: /architect
/ml character Alias for /makeleader
/mmentry Choose between making and starting a mission maker story arc while using the Mission Architect.
/monitorattribute string Adds a display line to the combat Attribute Monitor window.
/mousedrag Enable dragging object while using the SG base editor.
/mouse_invert Invert meaning of mouseY for mouselook
/mouse_look Command key for mouselook
/mouse_speed Scale factor for mouse look
/myhandle Display your chat handle
/mypurchases Show the list of purchases you have access to

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/name_scale [0.5-9+] Change size of name info over players, NPCs and objects.
/namecaptain name Renames the 'Captain' supergroup rank
/namecommander name Renames the 'Commander' supergroup rank
/nameenforcer name Renames the 'Enforcer' supergroup rank
/nameflunky name Renames the 'Flunky' supergroup rank
/nameleader name Renames the 'Leader' supergroup rank
/namelieutenant name Renames the 'Lieutenant' supergroup rank
/namemember name Renames the 'Member' supergroup rank
/nameoverlord name Renames the 'Overlord' supergroup rank
/nameringleader name Renames the 'Ringleader' supergroup rank
/nametaskmaster name Renames the 'Taskmaster' supergroup rank
/nav Toggles the navigation window
/neterrorcorrection [0-2] Adjusts network error correction limits.
/netgraph [0-2] Displays network connection information. 0 = disable, 1 = enable, 2 = see a large version.
/next_tray_alt Go to next secondary tray
/next_tray_alt2 Go to next tertiary tray.
/next_tray Go to next tray
/next_trays_tray Go to next trays tray slot.
/nojumprepeat Disable jump auto-repeat
/noparticles [0-1] Turn off particle graphics.
/nopopup Enable or disable popup error dialogs
/norenderthread Tell the client to not use a separate thread for rendering graphics. (You're unlikely to want to do this.)
/noreport [0-1] Do not default to error reporting window on crash.
/nosunflare Disables sun flare for performance debugging
/notga Disables saving of .TGA files in image server mode
/noversioncheck [0-1] Disable mapserver version check.

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/option_list Lists names allowed for /option_set and /option_toggle
/option_load_file filename Reads a list of option settings from a file
/option_load Reads a list of option settings from options.txt
/option_save Saves a list of current option settings to options.txt
/option_save_file filename Saves a list of current option settings to a file
/option_set optionname value Sets an option setting
/option_toggle optionname Toggles an option setting. (This command is currently bugged and can cause the client to crash)

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/p character message Alias for /tell
/pet_select_name pet_name Selects the named pet
/pet_select integer Selects a pet from the list, starting with 0 at the top
/petcom_all commands Sends commands to all pets.
/petcom_name pet_name commands Sends commands to named pet.
/petcom_pow power_name commands Sends commands to pets summoned by named power.
/petcom commands Sends commands to your current pet.
/petition message Sends in-game user petition to customer support
/petoptions Displays pet option context menu
/petrename_name name Rename the named pet
/petrename name Rename your current pet
/petsay_all message All pets say the message
/petsay_name pet_name message Named pet says the message
/petsay_pow power_name message Pets summoned by named power says the message
/petsay message Current pet says the message
/playernote globalname Opens note window for a specified global name
/playernotelocal name Opens note window for both character names and global names
/playerturn Turn player to match camera
/popmenu name Opens a custom pop-up menu at the cursor's location
/powers_togglealloff Toggles off all currently active toggle powers
/powers Toggles the power inventory display
/powexec_abort Cancels the auto-attack power and the queued power
/powexec_alt2slot slot Executes the given power slot from the second alternate tray
/powexec_altslot slot Executes the given power slot from the alternate tray
/powexec_auto power Sets the auto-attack power to given named power (or blank to shut it off, or toggles if it's on already)
/powexec_location power One click automatic targeting of a ranged location area of effect
/powexec_name power Executes a power with the given name
/powexec_server_slot slot Executes the specified power slot from the server-controlled tray.
/powexec_slot slot Executes the given power slot from the current tray
/powexec_toggleoff power Toggles a given power off. If it's already off, does nothing
/powexec_toggleon power Toggles a given power on. If it's already on, does nothing
/powexec_tray slot tray Executes a power in the given tray and slot
/powexec_unqueue Cancels the currently queued power
/prev_tray_alt Go to previous secondary tray
/prev_tray_alt2 Go to previous tertiary tray.
/prev_tray Go to previous tray
/prev_trays_tray Go to previous trays tray slot.
/priorityBoost number Set the game process priority to Above Normal rather than Normal when running in the foreground.
/private character message Alias for /tell
/profiler_record file Record client profiler information to specified file.
/profiler_stop Stop recording profiler information.
/promote character Promote supergroup member one rank

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/quickchat Pops up the quickchat menu
/quit Quits game
/quittocharacterselect Quits to character select
/quittologin Quits to login screen

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/r msg_string Sends a private message to the character from whom you last received a private message. Alias: /reply See also: /autoreply
/raid_invite Alias for /sgraid_invite
/recharge_indicator [0-3] Sets recharge timer onto tray icons: Recharge indicator setting (0=off, 1=bottom, 2=top, 3=center). Alias: /cooldown_indicator
/release_pets Release your current pets
/release Activate medicom unit for emergency medical transport when defeated
/reloadgfx Unloads all textures (causing them to be reloaded dynamically)
/renderscale Changes the scale at which the 3D world is rendered relative to your screen size
/renderscalefilter Changes method of filtering used in renderscaling
/renderscalex Changes the horizontal scale at which the 3D world is rendered relative to your screen size
/renderscaley Changes the vertical scale at which the 3D world is rendered relative to your screen size
/rendersize Changes the size at which the 3D world is rendered
/renderthread Tell the client to use a separate thread for rendering graphics. (Unneeded as of i11.)
/reply msg_string Sends a private message to the character from whom you last received a private message. Alias: /r See also: autoreply
/req message Alias for /request
/request message Send message to Request channel. Alias: /req
/requestexitmission number Leave the mission once it is completed. It requires a number argument, but the number doesn't seem to do anything. This command does not appear on the /cmdlist.
/respec Go to the power respecification screen if you have a free respec
/right Strafe right
/roleplaying Toggles "Roleplaying" tag over player name, and changes the color of the entire name block.
/room_clip_cycle Toggle wall clipping on and off while in the SG base editor. Alias: /room_clip. (F3)
/room_clip [0-1]) Enables or disables the room clipping option while in the SG base editor. Alias: /room_clip_cycle. (F3)
/rotate [0,1] Rotate object 90 degrees while in the SG base editor. (R) or (Right-Click).

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/s message Alias for /say
/ safemode Forces most compatible graphics and audio settings.
/salvage_open item Opens the specified Super Pack salvage item.
/say message Sends the given text on the current chat channel. Alias: /s
/screen resolution Sets X and Y screen dimensions, should be constrained to 640x480,1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1200, etc.
/screenshot Save a .jpg format screenshot
/screenshottga Save a .tga format screenshot
/screenshottitle title Save a .jpg format screenshot with the given title.
/screenshotui [0-1] Show ui in screenshots
/sea character Alias for /search
/search character Find a character. Alias: /sea
/see_everything [1/0] See the boundary boxes and hidden markers for everything while in the SG base editor.
/select_build number Select a Build.
/select_last Select previous object in series while in the SG base editor. (Shift+Tab)
/select_next Select next present object in series while in the SG base editor. (Tab)
/sell message Alias for /request
/send channel message Send message to specified global chat channel
/servertime Print the current server time
/set_difficulty_av Sets whether or not you encounter bosses while solo. See Notoriety
/set_difficulty_boss Sets whether or not you encounter bosses while solo. See Notoriety
/set_difficulty_level level Sets the level part of your Notoriety
/set_difficulty_team_size size Sets the team size part of your Notoriety
/set_powerinfo_class Brings up context menu for choosing archetype for power info display.
/set_title number Set badge title by number, if you do not have the specified badge your current badge title will be cleared
/sg message Alias for /supergroup
/sg_enter_passcode When the Base Entry Selection window is open, opens a secondary window to enter a Supergroup Base Access Passcode.
/sgi character Alias for /sginvite
/sginvite character Invite character to join supergroup. Alias: /sgi
/sgk character Alias for /sgkick
/sgkick character Kick character from supergroup. Alias: /sgk
/sgkickyes name Kick player from supergroup, without confirmation.
/sgleave Leave the current supergroup.
/sgmode Toggle supergroup mode.
/sgmodeset mode Set Supergroup mode. 0 = Leave supergroup mode, 1 = Enter supergroup mode
/sg_music filename Sets a sound file to play over the music channel in a supergroup base.
/sgpasscode text Creates a Base Access Passcode, used to enter a supergroup's base
/sgraid_invite player Invite player's supergroup to an instant raid. Alias: /raid_invite
/sgraid_window daybits hour Sets your supergroup raid window.
/sgsetdemotetimeout days Sets the number of days a leader in your supergroup has to go without logging in before the leader is demoted. Note: This command is currently non-functional.
/sgsetdescription description Sets your supergroup description.
/sgsetmotd message Sets the supergroup's message of the day.
/sgsetmotto motto Sets the supergroup's motto.
/sgstats Display supergroup info in chat window. Note: This command is currently non-functional.
/sgwho Lists basic information about your supergroup and generates a list of all member characters sorted by supergroup rank. The list is displayed in the System chat channel.
/shaderdetail 0-2 Changes the shader detail level. Default = 0
/shadowvol 0-4 Controls whether or not shadow volumes are drawn. 0 = off, default, 1 = green shadows, 2 = no shadows, 3 = white shadows, 4 = blue shadows
/show_bind key Shows bind attached to specified key
/show_petnames Displays the names of all your named pets
/show Forces the given window to be shown. Alias: /window_show
/showfps [0-3] Show current framerate
/shownewtray Opens an additional "tear-away" power tray.
/showtime [0-1] Show the in-game time of day on screen.
/slashchat Starts chat-entry mode with a forward slash.
/sliClear number Clear each FBO the first time it is used in the frame to help SLI/CF (0 to disable).
/sliFBOs number Number of SLI/CF framebuffers to allocate (1 to disable).
/sliLimit number Limit number of SLI/CF frames to allow in parallel (0 to disable limiter).
/speed_turn number Changes the speed that your character turns while using keyboard keys.
/ss boolean Controls whether or not simple shadows are drawn
/startchat Starts chat-entry mode
/stopinactivedisplay Stops rendering when the game is not the foreground application
/stopmonitorattribute string Removes a display line from the combat Attribute Monitor.
/stuck Try to get unstuck if you are stuck in the geometry.
/supergroup message Sends the specified message to the Supergroup channel. Alias: /sg
/supporthardwarelights Enable support for AlienFX/LightFX case lights.
/suppressCloseFx Hide all personal FX when the camera is closer than the suppressCloseFxDist
/suppressCloseFxDist number Within this camera distance, personal FX will be suppressed.
/sync Try to get back in sync if you are out of sync with the server.
/synch Alias for /sync

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/t name message Alias for /tell
/tabclose Close/delete chat tab
/tabcreate Create new chat tab. Specify window (0-4), pane(0 top, 1 bottom) and tab name.
/tabglobalnext Cycle forward through all chat tabs in all windows, will open the corresponding chat window if necessary
/tabglobalprev Cycle backward through all chat tabs in all windows, will open the corresponding chat window if necessary
/tabnext window Cycle forward through all chat tabs in specified chat window
/tabprev window Cycle backward through all chat tabs in specified chat window
/tabselect tab Select the given chat tab, will open the corresponding chat window if necessary
/tabtoggle Make the previously active chat tab the new active tab
/target_custom_far params Targets furthest matching target using the same parameters as used by /target_custom_next.
/target_custom_near params Targets nearest matching target using the same parameters as used by /target_custom_next.
/target_custom_next params Cycles through matching targets in near to far order using target parameters.
/target_custom_prev params Cycles through matching targets in far to near order using the same parameters as used by /target_custom_next.
/target_enemy_far Targets the farthest enemy
/target_enemy_near Targets the nearest enemy
/target_enemy_next Cycles through visible targetable enemies in near to far order
/target_enemy_prev Cycles through visible targetable enemies in far to near order
/target_friend_far Targets the farthest friend
/target_friend_near Targets the nearest friend
/target_friend_next Cycles through visible targetable friends in near to far order
/target_friend_prev Cycles through visible targetable friends in far to near order
/target_name name Targets next entity that matches the given name.
/target Toggles the target window
/team_quit_internal Quits a team without offering a confirmation dialog, even if in task force, flashback, or Architect modes.
/team_select number Select specified Team member
/team_task int int int Select the team task.
/team message Send message on the Team channel. Aliases: /g, /group
/tell_last message Sends a tell to the last player you sent a tell to. Alias: /tl
/tell name, message Sends a private message to a specific player. If name is a character name, the message will fail unless the player is online. If name is a global name, the message will be delivered the next time that player is online. Note that the comma after name is required or the command will fail. Aliases: /t, /p, /private, /whisper
/texaniso Sets the amount of anisotropic filtering to use, reloads textures
/texwordeditor Edit the text layout for translatable textures
/third Toggles between first and third person camera
/thumbtack x y z Adds a thumbtack to the map at the specified X/Y/Z coordinates
/title_change Opens the Title selection menu.
/tl message Alias for /tell_last
/tll yourname, message Send a message to your league leader.
/toggle_enemy_prev Cycles through targetable enemies in reverse order
/toggle_enemy Cycles through targetable enemies starting with the closest
/toggle Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. Alias: /window_toggle
/trade character Invite character to trade, must have character targeted if no name is provided
/tray Toggles the tray window
/traysticky [1-2] [0-1] Show or hide the specified power tray. <tray number> <0 = hide, 1 = show> See also: /traystickyalt2, /alttraysticky, /alttray, /alt2tray.
/traystickyalt2 Toggles the third power tray (AltTray2) show/hide. See also: /traysticky, /alttraysticky, /alttray, /alt2tray.
/ttl yourname, message Send a message to your team leader.
/turnleft degrees Rotate left a fixed number of degrees
/turnright degrees Rotate right a fixed number of degrees

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/uiscale number Enlarges or decreases the entire User Interface
/uiskin [0-2] Sets your preferred login theme with launch parameters.
/unbind_all Resets keybinds, returning all keys to their default bindings.
/unbind keyname Unbinds a bound key (sets it to default). If the default action is not desired, use:
/unfriend character Remove character from friends list. Alias: /estrange
/unhide_all Stop hiding from all other players and allow them to see whether you are online
/unhide_friends Stop hiding from server friends
/unhide_gchannels Stop hiding from global chat channels
/unhide_gfriends Stop hiding from global friends
/unhide_invite Stop blocking invite requests
/unhide_search Stop hiding from searches
/unhide_sg Stop hiding from Super Group
/unhide_tell Stop hiding from tells (private messages)
/unhide Opens the hide options dialog window
/unignore character Unignore character
/unselect Unselects currently selected thing.
/up Jump or fly up
/usebumpmaps Use bumpmaps
/usecelshader number Enables or disables the cel shader graphics setting
/useCubemap number Use cubemap
/usedof Use Depth of Field effects if available
/usefp Use a floating point render target for HDR lighting effects if available
/usehdr Use HDR lighting effects (Bloom/tonemapping) if available
/useHQ number Allow use of High Quality shader variants
/useNewColorPicker [0-1] Use new color picker in editor.
/usenvfence number Use NV fences instead of ARB queries.
/userenderscale Enables/disables render scaling feature
/usewater Use fancy water effects if available

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/vis_scale distance Controls draw distance (1.0=default)

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/watching List all channels that you belong to
/wdw_load_file filename Reads a list of window settings from a file
/wdw_load Reads a list of window settings from wdw.txt
/wdw_save_file filename Saves a list of current window settings to a file
/wdw_save Saves a list of current window settings to wdw.txt
/wentworths Activate the Auction House Menu Alias: /auctionhouse
/whereami Tells the name of the map you are on
/whisper name, message Alias for /tell
/whoall List who's on the current map, in the System chat channel.
/window_close_extra Alias for /gamereturn
/window_color Changes the window colors
/window_hide Forces the given window to be hidden. (See Notes)
/window_names Lists the names of all windows
/window_resetall Resets all window locations, sizes, and visibility to their defaults.
/window_scale Change a single window scale.
/window_show Forces the given window to be shown. Alias: /show
/window_toggle Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. Alias: /toggle

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/y message Alias for /broadcast
/yell message Alias for /broadcast

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/z message Alias for /general.
/zoomin Zoom camera in
/zoomout Zoom camera out

Obsolete Commands

This secton contains information that no longer applies to the current version of Homecoming: City of Heroes/Villains. It is provided for historical purposes.

The following is a list of commands that were once valid, but have since been made obsolete.

/alttray2 Show and lock or hide and unlock the third power tray (AltTray2). Unknown removal date
/bug subject Report a Bug Unknown removal date
/buy_coh Open the buy coh dialog box. Could be used as a method of returning to the title screen without having to sit through the 30 second timer. Made obsolete in Issue 21.
/chat_beta Unknown removal date
/comment_string Toggles the click to source display Unknown removal date
/ctstoggle Toggles the click to source display Unknown removal date
/enter_base_from_sgid Enter the Supergroup Base associated with the provided Supergroup ID. Made obsolete in Issue 25
/ex character Invite character to be your exemplar, must have character targeted if no name is provided (Also: exemplar or rsk) Made obsolete in Issue 16
/exemplar character Invite character to be your exemplar, must have character targeted if no name is provided. Aliases: /ex, /mal, /malefactor, /rsk Made obsolete in Issue 16
/getglobalnamesilent Unknown removal date
/gfriend_player Unknown removal date
/kiosk Pop up the kiosk info for the nearest kiosk if you're close enough
/lackey Alias for /sidekick Made obsolete in Issue 16
/levelingpact playername Invite named player to join a Leveling Pact. Made obsolete in Issue 21
/lightmaplodscale Set lightmap LOD scale Unknown removal date
/lp Send message to your Level Pact channel.
/mal Alias for /exemplar Made obsolete in Issue 16
/malefactor Alias for /exemplar Made obsolete in Issue 16
/mousepitchmode Set mouse pitch mode Unknown removal date
/newspaper Open up the newspaper Unknown removal date
/rsk character Alias for /exemplar Made obsolete in Issue 16
/sgcreate Unknown removal date
/sgsetcostume Unknown removal date
/sidekick character Invite character to be your sidekick, must have character targeted if no name is provided. Alias: /lackey, /lk, /sk Made obsolete in Issue 16
/sidekickaccept Accept sidekicking. Made obsolete in Issue 16
/sidekickdecline Refuse sidekicking. Made obsolete in Issue 16
/sk Alias for /sidekick Made obsolete in Issue 16
/team_accept Accepts an invitation to a team.
/team_decline Declines an invitation to a team.
/team_kick_internal Kicks a character without warning from team.
/trade_accept Accepts an offer to trade.
/trade_decline Declines an offer to trade.
/unex Alias for /unexemplar Made obsolete in Issue 16
/unexemplar No longer be an exemplar or malefactor. Aliases: /unex, /unmal, /unmalefactor, /unrsk Made obsolete in Issue 16
/unlackey Alias for /unsidekick Made obsolete in Issue 16
/unlevelingpact Bring up the dialog for quitting a leveling pact. Made obsolete in Issue 21
/unlk Alias for /unsidekick Made obsolete in Issue 16
/unmal Alias for /unexemplar Made obsolete in Issue 16
/unmalefactor Alias for /unexemplar Made obsolete in Issue 16
/unrsk Alias for /unexemplar Made obsolete in Issue 16
/unsidekick No longer be a mentor or a sidekick. Alias: /unlackey, /unlk, /unsk Made obsolete in Issue 16
/unsk Alias for /unsidekick Made obsolete in Issue 16
/vault Activate the Vault Reserve window if account owned Remote Vault Replaced in Issue 25, use /toggle vault
/w name, message Alias for /tell Unknown removal date
/who Unknown removal date


  • There are numerous mistakes in the CMDList output, and even in various command, error, and item descriptions. This Wiki endeavors to correct those mistakes; so when in doubt, trust the Wiki over the game's descriptions.
  • Update 6/2022: Many of the newly added slash commands were found in @Shenanigunner's excellent COH Technical Reference Guide, by far the most useful and complete list of slash commands that exists (other than this Wiki, of course). Thank you.