Weekly Strike Target/Schedule

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Homecoming has a 13-Week Rotation of Weekly Strike Targets repeated four times a year for all 52 weeks of annual play.

The tables below offer cycle details and errata, and dates for each cycle year.

Editor's Note:

These are separate tables for sanity reasons: ensuring things are easy on editors in the future to update the listing without complicated wikitable structures in place. Please do not merge the dates into the Cycle Details.

Cycle Details

See Weekly Strike Target for bonus rewards common to every attempt.

This table is sortable to allow players to compare columns and organize a plan on which weeks to partake.

  • The Week and Notes columns will be split into single rows if sorted apart, every row will keep correct individual data.
  • Starred Contacts (*) offer Advanced Difficulty task/strike force options (1-4 Star Difficulty) in exchange for greater rewards and larger amounts of Prismatic Aether upon completion.
  • Contacts with a Dagger (†) award optional Incarnate Salvage as a completion choice instead of double merits for Level 50 characters. The option is presented in a Rewards Table to pick from.
  • Unlockable contacts such as Ernesto Hess or Mortimer Kal only need unlocked on the team leader; any teammate who meets the TF/SF requirements otherwise can join.
  • Only one weekly bonus is given per character. (If a Reward Table appears, you can only select one reward. Subsequent completion will not grant any remaining choice left behind.) Once the WST reward for a character has been earned that week, normal Diminishing Returns will apply on subsequent completions like any other attempt.
Weekly Strike Target Cycle Info
Week Tasks Range RMs 2X RMs Missions Type Notes
Week 1 The Rule of Three - Positron Lv. 8-15 11 22 7 Hero Earliest Hero TF
Dam Hero - Positron Lv. 11-16 15 30 7 Hero 2nd Half of
Positron TF
Beast of the Mountain - Virgil Tarikoss Lv. 15-20 13 26 6 Villain Earliest Villain TF
Week 2 The Praetorian Offensive - Tin Mage Mark II Lv. 50 40 80 3 Co-Op Used to require
Alpha slot
Alpha Strike - Apex Lv. 50 40 80 2 Co-Op Used to require
Alpha slot
Explorers and Exploiters - Dr. Quaterfield Lv. 40-45 122 244 24 Hero Longest TF in
the game
Week 3 The Fall of The Clockwork King - Synapse Lv. 15-20 58 116 15 Hero
The Legend of Ruladak - Sara Moore Lv. 44-50 63 126 15 Hero
Pirates of The Skies - Silver Mantis Lv. 20-25 42 84 6 Villain
Week 4 Time's Arrow - Imperious* Lv. 35-50 28 56 5 Co-Op
The Saga of Faathim - Justin Augustine Lv. 44-50 42 84 32 Hero Highest mission count
Temple of The Waters - Operative Renault Lv. 25-30 24 48 14 Villain
Week 5 A Clamor For The People - Penelope Yin Lv. 20-25 20 40 4 Hero Formerly Sister
Psyche TF
The Saga of Lanaru - Faathim the Kind Lv. 44-50 73 146 12 Hero
The Crystal of Serafina - Ice Mistral Lv. 35-40 26 52 7 Villain
Week 6 Ms. Liberty TF - Ms. Liberty Lv. 45-50 38 76 5 Hero Formerly Statesman
TF, Awards Synth
Future of Freedom - Lord Recluse Lv. 45-50 25 50 7 Villain Awards Synth
Abandoned Sewer Trial - Mairenn MacGregor Lv. 38-50 28 56 2 Hero
Week 7 Citadel's Children - Citadel Lv. 25-30 40 80 11 Hero
Beast of the Mountain - Virgil Tarikoss Lv. 15-20 13 26 6 Villain Repeat from
Week 1
The Eden Trial - Woodsman Lv. 39-41 6 12 2 Hero Awards Titan-Origin
Week 8 The Lady Grey TF - Lady Grey* Lv. 35-50 39 78 5 Co-Op
The MegaMech Cometh - Ernesto Hess Lv. 25-30 19 38 9 Hero Requires Unlock:
Lars Hansen
Pirates of The Skies - Silver Mantis Lv. 20-25 42 84 6 Villain Repeat from
Week 3
Week 9 Following Countess Crey - Manticore Lv. 30-35 32 64 10 Hero
The Sky is Falling - Admiral Sutter Lv. 20-40 22 44 3 Hero
The Fire and The Flames - Mortimer Kal Lv. 20-40 22 44 4 Villain Requires Unlock:
Wizard's Weakness
Week 10 Market Crash - Ada Wellington Lv. 40-50 20 40 3 Co-Op Very Rare IO
granted as a
one-time reward
on first run
Temple of The Waters - Operative Renault Lv. 25-30 24 48 14 Villain Repeat from
Week 4
The Kheldian War - Moonfire Lv. 23-28 31 62 11 Hero
Week 11 Soul of The Woodsman - Numina Lv. 35-40 36 72 23 Hero
A Tangled Plot - Katie Hannon Lv. 30-44 9 18 4 Hero Requires Unlock:
Buck Salinger
Chasing Fools' Gold - Dr. Aeon* Lv. 35-50 40 80 7 Villain Awards D-Sync Origin
Week 12 Return of The Reichsman - Dr. Khan Lv. 45-50 20 40 5 Hero
Thus Spoke The Reichsman - Barracuda Lv. 45-50 20 40 9 Villain
Cavern of Transcendence - Karsis Lv. 12-15 7 14 1 Hero Requires Unlock:
Talshak the Mystic
Week 13
Terra Volta #1 - Jane Hallaway Lv. 24-33 28 56 3 Hero Completion Grants
a Respec Token
Tree of Thorns #1 - Sparcetriel Lv. 24-33 14 28 3 Villain
Terra Volta #2 - Captain James Harlan Lv. 34-43 20 40 3 Hero
Tree of Thorns #2 - Trepsarciel Lv. 34-43 14 28 3 Villain
Terra Volta #3 - Major Richard Flagg Lv. 44-50 20 40 3 Hero
Tree of Thorns #3 - Ractespriel Lv. 44-50 15 30 3 Villain
Editor's Note:

Please note that all schedules are SUBJECT TO CHANGE. This is not an official calendar, nor maintained regularly; it is merely iterating the above cycle over the course of a given year.

2024 Schedule

Weekly Strike Targets cycle nightly at Monday 04:00 UTC, or Midnight Eastern Time. This means for most US Players, Sunday evening is when the WST will change from one week's targets to a new list.

For the end bonus, a Weekly Strike Target must be completed BEFORE the change over. The WST check is done at the TF/SF completion, not the start.

Example: Ernesto Hess started at 9:45 PM CST in Chicago. Task Force finished at 11:20 PM. 11:20 PM Central is 12:20 AM Eastern, so the bonus would no longer apply. The completion still grants 19 Merits.

2024 Weekly Strike Target Dates
Week Targets Summer Cycle Fall Cycle Winter Cycle
Week 1 Positron, Virgil Tarikoss Mon June 24 - Sun June 30 Mon Sept 23 - Sun Sept 29 Mon Dec 23 - Sun Dec 29
Week 2 Tin Mage, Apex, Dr. Q Mon July 1 - Sun July 7 Mon Sept 30 - Sun Oct 6 Mon Dec 30 - Sun Jan 5
Week 3 Synapse, Sara Moore, Silver Mantis Mon July 8 - Sun July 14 Mon Oct 7 - Sun Oct 13 See 2025 Schedule
Week 4 Imperious, Justin Augustine, Operative Renault Mon July 15 - Sun July 21 Mon Oct 14 - Sun Oct 20
Week 5 Penelope Yin, Faathim The Kind, Ice Mistral Mon July 22 - Sun July 28 Mon Oct 21 - Sun Oct 27
Week 6 Ms. Liberty, Lord Recluse, Mairenn MacGregor Mon July 29 - Sun Aug 4 Mon Oct 28 - Sun Nov 3
Week 7 Citadel, Virgil Tarikoss, Woodsman Mon Aug 5 - Sun Aug 11 Mon Nov 4 - Sun Nov 10
Week 8 Lady Grey, Ernesto Hess, Silver Mantis Mon Aug 12 - Sun Aug 18 Mon Nov 11 - Sun Nov 17
Week 9 Manticore, Adm. Sutter, Mortimer Kal Mon Aug 19 - Sun Aug 25 Mon Nov 18 - Sun Nov 24
Week 10 Ada Wellington, Operative Renault, Moonfire Mon Aug 26 - Sun Sep 1 Mon Nov 25 - Sun Dec 1
Week 11 Numina, Katie Hannon, Dr. Aeon Mon Sep 2 - Sun Sep 8 Mon Dec 2 - Sun Dec 8
Week 12 Dr. Kahn, Barracuda, Karsis Mon Sep 9 - Sun Sep 15 Mon Dec 2 - Sun Dec 15
Week 13 Respec Week - All Terra Volta/Tree of Thorns Mon Sep 16 - Sun Sep 22 Mon Dec 16 - Sun Dec 22

2025 Schedule

2025 Weekly Strike Target Dates
Week Targets Winter I Cycle Spring Cycle Summer Cycle Fall Cycle Winter II Cycle
Week 1 Positron, Virgil Tarikoss See 2024 Schedule Mon March 24 -
Sun March 30
Mon June 22 -
Sun June 29
Mon Sep 22 -
Sun Sep 28
Mon Dec 22 -
Sun Dec 28
Week 2 Tin Mage, Apex, Dr. Q   Mon March 31 -
Sun April 6
Mon June 30 -
Sun Jul 6
Mon Sep 29 -
Sun Oct 5
Mon Dec 29 -
Sun Jan 4
Week 3 Synapse, Sara Moore, Silver Mantis Mon Jan 6 -
Sun Jan 12
Mon Apr 7 -
Sun Apr 13
Mon Jul 7 -
Sun Jul 13
Mon Oct 6 -
Sun Oct 12
2026 Calendar TBA
Week 4 Imperious, Justin Augustine, Operative Renault Mon Jan 13 -
Sun Jan 19
Mon Apr 14 -
Sun Apr 20
Mon Jul 14 -
Sun Jul 20
Mon Oct 13 -
Sun Oct 19
Week 5 Penelope Yin, Faathim The Kind, Ice Mistral Mon Jan 20 -
Sun Jan 26
Mon Apr 21 -
Sun Apr 27
Mon Jul 21 -
Sun Jul 27
Mon Oct 20 -
Sun Oct 26
Week 6 Ms. Liberty, Lord Recluse, Mairenn MacGregor Mon Jan 27 -
Sun Feb 2
Mon Apr 28 -
Sun May 4
Mon Jul 28 -
Sun Aug 3
Mon Oct 27 -
Sun Nov 2
Week 7 Citadel, Virgil Tarikoss, Woodsman Mon Feb 3 -
Sun Feb 9
Mon May 5 -
Sun May 11
Sun Aug 4 -
Mon Aug 10
Mon Nov 3 -
Sun Nov 9
Week 8 Lady Grey, Ernesto Hess, Silver Mantis Mon Feb 10 -
Sun Feb 16
Mon May 12 -
Sun May 18
Mon Aug 11 -
Sun Aug 17
Mon Nov 10 -
Sun Nov 16
Week 9 Manticore, Adm. Sutter, Mortimer Kal Mon Feb 17 -
Sun Feb 23
Mon May 19 -
Sun May 25
Mon Aug 18 -
Sun Aug 24
Mon Nov 17 -
Sun Nov 23
Week 10 Ada Wellington, Operative Renault, Moonfire Mon Feb 24 -
Sun Mar 2
Mon May 26 -
Sun Jun 1
Mon Aug 25 -
Sun Aug 31
Mon Nov 24 -
Sun Nov 30
Week 11 Numina, Katie Hannon, Dr. Aeon Mon Mar 3 -
Sun Mar 9
Mon Jun 2 -
Sun Jun 8
Mon Sep 1 -
Sun Sep 7
Mon Dec 1 -
Sun Dec 7
Week 12 Dr. Kahn, Barracuda, Karsis Mon Mar 10 -
Sun Mar 16
Mon Jun 9 -
Sun Jun 15
Mon Sep 8 -
Sun Sep 14
Mon Dec 8 -
Sun Dec 14
Week 13 Respec Week - All Terra Volta/Tree of Thorns Mon Mar 17 -
Sun Mar 23
Mon Jun 16 -
Sun Jun 22
Mon Sep 15 -
Sun Sep 21
Mon Dec 15 -
Sun Dec 21