Mission:The Hearts of Darkness - Rogues' Contest: Skeletons in Your Warehouse
Skeletons in Your Warehouse
It is now time for the trials to begin. This shall be the first of several competitive events that you will be used to gauge your strengths, and potentially cull the weak. Let us hope for your sake that you are not the first to be culled.
- That will never happen. When does this trial begin?
While you and the rest were avoiding the eye of Arachnos, I have put into motion all of the situations you will encounter and be judged by. You and the others will return to the impromptu training-grounds and utilize the registration terminal to begin the competition. The first to the finish line will be determined as the winner of Round One.
Oh, and you may wish to hurry. For you see, the competition has already begun...
Unnecessary Solicitation
I would highly suggest that you graced us with your presence in the Trial Ground, Character. The longer you wait, the more you have given your fellow competitors that much more headway towards the finish line.
Mission Objective(s)
You can hear various yells and explosion sounds coming from deeper inside the building. It looks like you may have gotten here too late!
- Beat the other Contestants!
- Register at the Terminal
- Trick Zephyr into following you!
- Stop Crosscut from getting ahead of you!
- Trick Crosscut into following you!
- Get the Intercom Override controls
- Fight the Skull blockade
- Find the Marker before the others do!
- Talk to Dr. Graves
- QUICKLY! Use the Marker!!!
- Deal with the angry Skulls!
You made it to the Marker before anyone else did!
Well, officially, that is... and that's all that counts now, isn't it?
Notable NPCs
- Dr. Graves (Hearts of Darkness Ally)
- Omnicore (Hearts of Darkness Ally)
- Zephyr (Hearts of Darkness Ally)
- Dollface (Hearts of Darkness Ally)
- Crosscut (Hearts of Darkness Ally)
- Skull Opportunist (Skulls)
- Skull Opportunist Leader (Skulls)

The console screen reads as follows:
All candidates will register. Upon registration, the rules of the contest shall be provided.
The candidates will remains till for retinal scan.
- Await retinal scan.
From the top of the terminal, a device emeres that appears to be a robotic hand with a cylindrical end point. A small hole is in the end of the cylinder which emits a small laser-dot. The robotic hand scans the dot up your face, reaching the bridge of your eyes... and keeps moving upwards past your eyes until resting directly in the center of your forehead.
- Quickly move away from the laser!
You deftly move out of the way of the dot.
A split second later, they cylinder erupts forward a deadly laser blast where a moment earlier your head was. Upon the screen lists the words:
Analyzing Reaction Patterns
Dodge Rating: 0.32
Complacency Rating: 1.25
Submissiveness Rating: 5
Identity Confirmed: Character.
- Submissiveness Rating of 5? Is that good or bad?!
Candidate Registration Accepted
Message from Dr. Tedd Graves directed to Character:
Character, once again you have managed to survive this test. However, as before, do not laud yourself in victory laurels just yet. From this moment forward your task will be to reach the corresponding terminal found hidden within this compound. Once you have done so, you will enter the following code - Omega Zero Terminus.
- Memorize the code.
The trial will be judges by our benefactor through hidden eyes. You will be judged not only ny what place you reach the end, but also by what means you take to reach the end.
One final note: You are still under restrictions that prevent you from killing your fellow contestants. 'Accidents' will be fully investigated, and the perpetrator of those actions will be disqualified immediately with extreme prejudice.
- Look for the other terminal before anyone else does!
Why did it have to be skeletons? I haaaaaate skeletons!!!
Ummm... can I stick around near you?
- You can't be serious, Zephyr. They're not even really skeletons, you know.
I don't care, man! When I, uh, made my, um, first body - yeah, that's it - I, uh, forgot to make a skeleton for it, right? So then I -- don't laugh at me!
Crosscut laughed at me and, man, I tell you... that was even creepier than these skeleton guys!
- You're seriously afraid of skeletons? That is the most ridiculous thi --
Look, man. If you keep making fun of me for that, I'll go back and hang out next to Crosscut. But since he's further ahead of you, it looks like you'll have to beat BOTH of us, okay?
On the other hand, you can shut up with the mocking and I'll chill out with you... giving you a better chance of winning this round... see where I'm going with this?
- Hmmm... very well. You say Crosscut was up ahead?
Yeah, he was just around the corner fighting some of those skeleton dudes. He didn't really seem like he was in a rush, though. To be honest, I think he was more interested in playing with them than actually winning this round.
- Then I'll encourage him to keep up the good work...
I have been trying to get them to say trick or treat for the past hour, and not one of these little spookies will play along.
Now what ever I am to do with my little trick I had planned for them?
- I'm afraid to ask, but what was this trick?
I have this earpiece that lets me talk over the unused intercom system. It's like the little bird that sits on your windowsill that you tell all of your secrets to.
But this little bird tells your secrets to everyone here. My trick was to tell everyone my secrets... some of my dirty, dirty secrets...
Can I tell you my secrets, Character? Oh please... let me breathe my secrets into your ear...
- If you give me that earpiece and tell me how to use it, I'll think about it.
Ohhh... I will like telling them to you. Just me and you... alone... sharing my secrets with you...
Here is the earpiece. All you do is say your secrets into the mic. Then, when you think it's the perfect time to drip your secrets inside everyone, you just say - 'Open Wide'. You will first need to override the system, but that should be easy enough.
Now... let me think... what secrets should I tell you? Maybe I'll tell you about the bad things I've done with seta belts? or with the doggy door? Ah... the retirement party... I've never told anyone where all of the went... yesssss... that one...
- I said MAYBE I'll let you! Remember that, Crosscut!
I am here to confirm the winner of this first round, and as you are able to see, Dollface has beaten each of you to the finish line. All that is left is for the winner to register their name in the Endpoint Marker--
- Stop right there!
I do not know what you mean accomplish by delaying the inevitable, Character, but Dollface is clearly the winner. If you attempt to stop her by force, I will respond in kind and disqualify you from the contest.
- I know the rules, Graves. I just wanted to congratulate her by saying 'open wide'.
Open wide? What foolish nonsense is--
Dr. Graves looks into the direction of the speakers
- Sorry, but it's a secret.
Dollface DialogueDr. Graves quickly looks at Dollface.
- Wow... looks like you get a lot of cars, Dollface! You'd better hurry and get them!
Dollface DialogueI had no involvement with that message in any way or form!
Dr. Graves turns his eyes upon you.
However, I have a good mind as to who might be responsible for that highly coincidental announcement.
- I'd love to hear your thoughts. But first, I'm going to win.

The terminal has only one line blinking on the screen.
Enter Victory Code.
- TYPE: Omega Zero Terminus
The screen pauses for a moment then displays the following:
Round One Victor:
- Looks like the round is over, Graves.
To say that I am infuriated by the manner in which you stole the victory from under the clear winner is... well, we'll just say that's an understatement.
I was looking forward to the look on your face when I told you that you had been disqualified.
However, it would seem our benefactor has deemed your actions within bounds of the contest. Therefore, as much as it pains me to say - you have officially won the first round, Character