Mission:Troubled Times - Part One: Break-In
Part One: Break-In
I suppose there's no point in hiding it from you; you'll find out soon enough. You see, my work involves a lot of dangerous creatures. Creatures that the people of Paragon City might not particularly like having within municipal borders. I have all the relevant permits, of course, but I'd rather not deal with the negative attention if it got out to the public. So that's why I need you. You can deal with that, right?
- I'll check out the scene.
Excellent! Hopefully there are some clues that will show who broke in... and what their objective was. I had a lot of valuable research going on; if the wrong people got their hands on something dangerous, it could be a calamity for this city. My lab is in a facility in Jamison Office Park, so you'll need to take the train to get there.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Have you discovered who it was who broke into my lab? You shouldn't wait, we don't want the trail to go cold.
Mission Objective(s)
You pass the remains of an activated EMP device as you enter the lab.
- Investigate Lab Break-In
- 4 clues to locate
- 16 specimens to contain (Heroic)
- Escape with the evidence!
It seems clear the Freakshow were behind the break-in, though the ransomware makes it seem more sophisticated than most Freak operations.
Notable NPCs
- Hydra Telepathic Link Snooper x4 (Hydra Spawn) This Hydra test subject appears to be coordinating its movements in synchronicity with its peers, but only at certain intervals.
- Arachnoid Antivenin Test Subject x4 (Arachnoids Arachnoid) These Arachnoids have somewhat larger fangs than others you've encountered, potentially to make extraction of venom easier to facilitate.
- Sthenic Brood Candidate x4 (Snakes Mamba Fang) This Snake seems to have been chosen for clutch size and deposit rate of eggs.
- Auditory Hallucinator x4 (Wailers Wailer Queen) There isn't enough time to contemplate what these monsters are doing here... just that they shouldn't be here.

These doors have been melted to slag. The scorch marks left behind resemble those caused by a powerful electrical discharge.

This stasis pod looks like it was torn open from the outside, the damage resembling that caused by the jaws of life or something similar.

When you examined the lab's mainframe, you found it locked down with ransomware. Curiously, the message demanding payment was filled with outdated "l33t" speak. When you tried to interact with the computer, all of the sealed doors in the lab were thrown open and a flood of dangerous creatures were released.

Mission Objective(s)
- Call Dr. Stribbling to report your findings
Hello, Character. I'm currently at the location of my backup lab, preparing to transfer some sensitive research. What did your investigation uncover?
- It was the Freakshow.
- The Freakshow? Are you sure? This is very disturbing, those thoughtless brutes probably destroyed some very valuable research! And who knows what they might be doing with whatever they stole? Did you figure out what they took, by the way?
- You describe what you found in the lab. When you get to the part about the broken-into stasis pod, he goes pale.
- What? No. No no no. Oh no. This is very bad, Character, very very bad.
- Dr. Stribbling lets out a sigh.
- I suppose it's best that you know exactly what they took from my laboratory. You see, I have been investigating ways to eliminate mutations or genetic alterations from living people. As part of this research, I had taken custody of an extremely dangerous mutant so that I could test my work. I had the mutant safely secured in the stasis pod, where their powers were being suppressed.
- If they have escaped, it could put the entire city at risk! We have to recapture them and bring them back into my custody.
- Your lab was full of monsters!
- Monsters? Oh, you meant the test subjects. Yes, I am doing various tests on those creatures. Did I not tell you? They escaped their containment chambers? That's unfortunate... I guess that means you destroyed them. A shame, they were difficult to procure...
- You could have warned me about the danger!
- Oh. Well, I never expected that anyone would be foolish enough to free them. Anyway, here you are, alive and well! So no harm, no foul.
- But harm could come if the wrong thing was stolen from my lab, so...
- Your face will be fouled if you don't warn me next time!
- Ah... I see my quip was too pithy. I do apologize, Character. I honestly did not expect them to be free. I shall make sure I am more robust with the information I give you in the future.
- What sort of powers does this mutant have that makes him so dangerous?
- He can manipulate time itself. And not just to slow down or speed up time, but to completely reverse it! He once used his powers to completely reverse time and de-aged a child until the child was simply unmade. I hope I don't need to explain how dangerous he could be. The amount of destruction and loss of life he could cause.
- Thankfully, the drugs that were keeping him in stasis will take some time to wear off. Even if he is free now, he won't be able to make full use of his powers. It's imperative that you find out who broke into my lab and where they took the mutant.
- You were experimenting on a person?
- No, of course not!
- Not directly. I was taking cell cultures from him and experimenting on those. That way I could see if my methods would have a lasting effect on his DNA before trying it on a person. I'd never use untested methods on a person.
- How was your research going?
- It was beginning to show progress. I was able to deactivate the mutated genes approximately one-third of the time. Unfortunately, this was on a cellular level, so it was still not useful for a full scale test. And, of course, this was only for a single person, so there's no telling if it would work on others... Hence an important reason to recapture the mutant so I can continue my experimentation.
- Why were you researching that?
- I want to make the world a better place. There are dozens... no, hundreds of people out there who were either born with or given dangerous powers. Many of them use their powers for good, but many others use them for evil. If we arrested Black Scorpion, we can take away his super suit and take away his powers. We can't do the same to Captain Mako or Barracuda... But imagine that we could!
- How many lives could be saved if we could prevent villains from using their powers? And that doesn't even get into the fact that many people don't get beneficial mutations and desperately wish they could be cured.
- I'll hit up the Freakshow.
- Yes... Yes! That is a grand idea. I wouldn't have thought of beating up random gang members for information, but that is why you are the hero and I'm just a scientist. You know, some in the scientific community see heroes as little more than brainless thugs, but not me. Different areas of expertise is the difference! No biologist would be able to come up with that idea.
- But be fast, Character! There's no telling what sort of danger this mutant could put the city into. Or what the Freakshow are even doing with him. This could be a terrible disaster!
- I'd better get going.