Special Salvage
Special Salvage is a class of salvage unrelating to Events, Incarnate Abilities, or the Invention System, and can be located in the Special tab of your in-game personal storage. Special salvage marked as (Untradeable) cannot be sold or sent to another character in any way while special salvage marked as (Account Bound) can only be transferred to characters on the same account via the Mail System to your own Global Chat Handle.
Special Salvage Items
Common Special Salvage
Brain Storm Idea
Main Article: Brain Storm Idea Salvage
Special Salvage (Common)
Your experimentation created something that may be useful in an invention! Use these ideas at an invention table to create new salvage.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 10,000
Enhancement Converter
Main Article: Enhancement Converter Salvage
Enhancement Converter (Common)
Enhancement Converters can be used to convert an enhancement to another within the same rarity (Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, PvP or Archetype Origin Enhancement) or category (Melee Damage, Healing, Resist Damage, etc.). Alternatively, this salvage can be used to convert an enhancement within the same set for three times the cost in Enhancement Converters. You can access your enhancement converter interface by clicking on Enhancement on your power tray and then clicking on Convert.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 10,000
Enhancement Unslotter
Main Article: Enhancement Unslotter
Enhancement Unslotter (Common)
This salvage can be used to bring a slotted enhancement into the user's enhancement tray. A single Enhancement Slotter will be consumed for each enhancement that is unslotted. To use, simply drag a slotted enhancement from the power in which it is slotted, to an open enhancement tray slot.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 10,000
Invention Discount Coupon
Special Salvage (Common) (Untradeable)
Your connections with your Day Job has earned you a coupon good for 25% off the cost of creating an invention enhancement, power or costume piece
Characters that log off in Wentworth's Fine Consignments/The Black Market, docks (for villains), or stores (for heroes) gain pieces of this salvage item after receiving the Entrepreneur (for heroes) or Profiteer (for villains) accolade.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 10,000
Mission Architect Ticket
Main Article: Ticket
Special Salvage (Common) (Untradeable)
You've earned this ticket from having players rate your Architect Missions or from having played content from the Mission Architect. You can exchange these tickets for fabulous prizes at any Mission Architect location!
NOTE: Maximum stack is 9,999
Tailor Discount Coupon
Special Salvage (Common) (Untradeable)
Your connections with your Day Job has earned you a coupon good for 25% off a costume change.
Characters that log off in a Tailor gain pieces of this salvage item.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 10,000
Rare Special Salvage
Access Bypass
Uncommon Salvage (Rare)
This salvage allows you to replace the need for one Scientist to get the launch code for the rocket in Warburg.
Access Bypass salvage can drop on the Break In/Smash and Grab side mission in a Mayhem Mission or Safeguard Mission.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 1
Enhancement Booster
Main Article: Enhancement Booster Salvage
Enhancement Booster (Rare)
An Enhancement Booster can be combined with an Invention Origin enhancement to increase their effective level by 1. Each enhancement can be boosted up to 5 times this way. To use this salvage, enter your enhancement management screen. Click on the power that contains the slotted Invention Origin enhancement. Once in the combine screen, click on the enhancement you wish to boost. This will cause the enhancement to slide into the left combine slot and will cause the Enhancement Booster salvage to appear in this screen. Click the Enhancement Booster to cause it to slide into the right combine slot. Click Combine to complete.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 10,000
Enhancement Catalyst
Main Article: Enhancement Catalyst Salvage
Enhancement Catalyst (Rare)
This salvage can be combined in the Enhancement management screen, with a slotted Archetype Origin Enhancement if the character is level 50. This will result in a superior version of that Archetype Origin Enhancement that has significantly improved stats and set bonuses. To use this salvage, enter your enhancement management screen. Click on the power that contains the slotted Archetype Origin enhancement. Once in the combine screen, click on the enhancement you wish to upgrade. This will cause the enhancement to slide into the left combine slot and will cause the Enhancement Catalyst salvage to appear in this screen. Click the Enhancement Catalyst to cause it to slide into the right combine slot. Click Combine to complete.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 10,000
Monstrous Aether
Main Article: Monstrous Aether Salvage
Special Salvage (Rare)
These strange aether particles are found when intensity distortions surrounding an individual's fate are resolved.
This aether appears to be monstrous and flucuating. This salvage drops from Giant Monsters and can be brought to a BenevoLabs Hologram Vendor found in Vault Reserve locations and refined into other rewards.
This salvage is account-bound, cannot be sold on the Auction House, nor traded to other players. One-thousand (1,000) can be carried at the same time.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 1,000
Prototype Element
Uncommon Salvage (Rare)
This salvage allows you to replace the need for one Core Sample to process the ore in Bloody Bay.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 2
Reward Merit
Main Article: Merit Rewards
Special Salvage (Rare) (Account Bound)
You have been awarded a reward token for your efforts in completing a difficult task. Reward tokens are given out after completing Task/Strike Forces, Story Arcs, and more. The number of tokens is based upon the type of task and the average completion time for that particular task. These tokens can be spent to purchase a wide variety of rewards at Merit Vendors. These contacts can be found in many zones.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 10,000
Vanguard Merit
Main Article: Vanguard Merit
Special Salvage (Rare) (Untradeable)
Vanguard has awarded you a Merit of Commendation for your work done in the Rikti War Zone.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 10,000
Very Rare Special Salvage
Astral Merit
Main Article: Astral Merit Salvage
Special Salvage (Very Rare) (Account Bound)
You have been awarded a reward token for completing Endgame content. Astral Merits can be spent on various Endgame Rewards, or traded for Reward Merits.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 10,000
Empyrean Merit
Main Article: Empyrean Merit Salvage
Special Salvage (Very Rare) (Account Bound)
You have been awarded a reward token for completing Endgame content. Empyrean Merits can be spent on various Endgame Rewards, or traded for Astral Merits.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 10,000
Hero Merit
Main Article: Alignment Merit
Special Salvage (Very Rare) (Account Bound)
Hero Merits can be sent to your Global Handle using the Character Email system, or traded for Reward Merits.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 10,000
Prismatic Aether Particle
Main Article: Prismatic Aether Particle Salvage
Special Salvage (Very Rare)
These strange aether particles are found when intensity distortions surrounding an individual's fate are resolved, such as completing Incarnate Trials or Advanced Difficulty modes.
This salvage can be brought to a BenevoLabs Hologram Vendor found in Vault Reserve locations and exchanged for permanent Prestige Costume Powers or traded to other players.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 10,000
Super Pack: Heroes and Villains
Main Article: Heroes and Villains Super Pack
Super Pack (Very Rare)
5 random rewards can be claimed by right clicking on this piece of salvage and selecting "Open" from the menu. Super Packs can contain valuable consumable items like: Enhancement Boosters, Enhancement Unslotters, Costume Pieces, Archetype Origin Enhancements and much much more.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 10,000
Super Pack: Lords of Winter
Main Article: Lords of Winter Super Pack
Super Pack (Very Rare)
5 random rewards can be claimed by right clicking on this piece of salvage and selecting "Open" from the menu. Super Packs can contain valuable consumable items like: Enhancement Boosters, Enhancement Unslotters, Costume Pieces, Archetype Origin Enhancements and much much more. NOTE: This Super Pack is tradeable on the Auction Houses.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 10,000
Super Pack: Rogues and Vigilantes
Main Article: Rogues and Vigilantes Super Pack
Super Pack (Very Rare)
5 random rewards can be claimed by right clicking on this piece of salvage and selecting "Open" from the menu. Super Packs can contain valuable consumable items like: Enhancement Boosters, Enhancement Unslotters, Costume Pieces, Archetype Origin Enhancements and much much more.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 10,000
Transcendent Merit
Main Article: Transcendent Merit Salvage
Special Salvage (Very Rare) (Account Bound)
Transcendent Merits can be sent to your Global Handle using the Character Email system, or traded for Empyrean Merits.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 10,000
Villain Merit
Main Article: Alignment Merit
Special Salvage (Very Rare) (Account Bound)
Villain Merits can be sent to your Global Handle using the Character Email system, or traded for Reward Merits.
NOTE: Maximum stack is 10,000
Special Mission Salvage Items
Special Mission Salvage can be located in the Special tab of your in-game personal storage. It is acquired from specific missions for special mission specific recipes and cannot traded or sold.
Azuria's Wand
Mission Salvage
One of Azuria's wands. Seems to be the only thing she doesn't lose on a regular basis.
NOTE: Part of the Craft Lost cure mission from Montague Castanella.
Circle of Thorns Incantation
Mission Salvage
An incantation used by the Circle of Thorns in a transformation ritual.
NOTE: Part of the Craft Lost cure mission from Montague Castanella.
Grave Dirt
Mission Salvage
This dirt comes from the grave sites of Midnighters who were killed during the Rikti invasion. It's infused with the angry spirit of all those who were struck down on that fate filled day. Their vengeance will guide the wand to the correct target.
NOTE: Part of the Craft Lost cure mission from Montague Castanella.
Sample of Lost Serum
Mission Salvage
A sample of the serum used to create the Lost.
NOTE: Part of the Craft Lost cure mission from Montague Castanella.
Vial of Hero 1's Blood
Mission Salvage
A vial of blood from Hero 1.
NOTE: Part of the Craft Lost cure mission from Montague Castanella.
Unused Special Salvage
Celestial Merit
Special Salvage
You have been awarded a reward token for completing Endgame content. Celestial Merits can be spent on various Endgame Rewards, or traded for Empyrean Merits.
Cosmic Merit
Special Salvage
You have been awarded a reward token for completing Endgame content. Cosmic Merits can be spent on various Endgame Rewards, or traded for Celestial Merits.
- When introduced in Winter Event 2007, Candy Cane Salvage was listed under the Special Salvage tab in-game do to stack limits on Event Salvage. Thanks to coding improvements in Issue 15, Candy Canes were moved to the Special salvage tab while retaining their higher stack limit.