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Vulnerability is the Sentinel inherent power. It consumes 50% of Opportunity meter to debuff a target.


By analyzing the weaknesses of your enemy, you make them vulnerable to attacks and detection. This power does not stack with other Sentinels.


You must have at least 50% of your Opportunity meter to use Vulnerability. Opportunity meter builds automatically at a rate of 100% over 60 seconds.

You can't use Vulnerability on a target already affected by Vulnerability, whether used by you or another Sentinel. The game will tell you the target is invalid, and you won't expend meter. If multiple Sentinels somehow manage to inflict Vulnerability, they don't stack.

Vulnerability is auto-hit. It has a 5 second recharge, and consumes 50% of Opportunity meter. It has the following debuffs, which last 15 seconds, and don't scale based on the target's level relative to yours:

  • −11.25% defense
  • −15% resistance to all normal damage types — smashing, lethal, fire, cold, energy, negative, psionic, and toxic
  • −15% resistance to confusion, fear, hold, immobilize, sleep, and stun, causing these status effects to have longer durations on the target
  • −15% resistance to recovery, regeneration, and to-hit debuffs, causing these debuffs to have a stronger effect on the target
  • −150' stealth

See Also