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Location: Striga Isle, About 380 yards East-SouthEast and down from the Council Base Marker
Location: Striga Isle, About 380 yards East-SouthEast and down from the Council Base Marker
[[File:Arakhn.jpg|thumb|100px| {{center|Arakhn}}]]

'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''
'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''

Latest revision as of 23:12, 29 August 2024


Task Force
The Kheldian War
Contact Moonfire
Zone Striga Isle
Suggested Team Size 6 players
Coordinates (-3600, 63.5, -388)[Copy]
Level Range 23-28
Merits 32
Badge Honorary Peacebringer
Enemy Groups
v  d  e

The Moonfire Task Force is a hero Task Force that is part of the Striga Isle and Kheldian/Nictus storylines. The Task Force is started off by Moonfire. All of the door missions take place in Striga Isle, with one delivery outside.

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 32 Reward Merits.



Nictus Fragment

This fragment of a Nictus has decayed and lost its powers. Nevertheless, it is a potent reminder of your pivotal role in:

The Kheldian War

Agree to form a task force

Location: Striga Isle, Far North-Center of the Map


I have been watching this little island for some time, heroes, and I am greatly troubled. I fear that the heinous crimes of the Council (and of those they have allied themselves with) may spell the destruction of this entire planet, its people, and all its glorious mysteries. I must beg you to help me. Perhaps together, we can stand between this Earth and the coming disaster.

Before we begin, know that I am not of this world. Or, not entirely. This body was born here, yes, but there is much more to me now. You see, my body was fused with the life force of a Kheldian, a wise but short-lived alien race. In a very real sense, there is more to me than just a single soul. If we continue, you will learn things that are secret to most humans. I must be able to trust you.

You will earn my trust if you can journey into Vampyr Mountain and take down a clutch of vampyri. Only true heroes would risk such a feat.

Mission Objective(s)

Strange creatures whisper in the dark.

  • Defeat all vampyri in cave

You defeated the vampyri to gain Moonfire's trust.




Thank you, my friends. I suppose I can trust you now. Remember, what you learn from me is not for other ears. I will tell you of the villainies of the Council, and, most particularly, those of the wicked Arakhn.

Learn about the Kheldian War

Location: Striga Isle, About 220 yards NorthWest of the Bonny Morass marker.


You have earned my trust, and it is only fitting that I reward you by disclosing one of my secrets. Like me, Arakhn is only partly of this world. Her body is human, but the life force that guides her is that of a Nictus. The Nictus are ghastly creatures, the dark and twisted cousins of my race. Yes, the Kheldian legacy is fraught with misery and war. A war that has, most regrettably, come at last to Earth.

I have sensed a vast buildup of Nictus energy in a nearby cave complex. Go there. I believe we will gain a clue to Arakhn's most recent plans.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear the shuffling of clawed animal feet.

  • Defeat all villains in cave
    • Seek clues

You defeated the war wolves and found a strange flask.




This flask contains an inky coil of vapor that seems to writhe with a life of its own.


The cave was full of war wolves? Strange. I have observed them for some time, but I have not yet determined their origin. They are like the beasts of this world's legends, and yet they are also strangely familiar to the part of me that is Kheldian. Perhaps this flask you found can help us solve that mystery?

Confirm Moonfire's suspicions


I have the greatest fears about the contents of that flask you found. Before we proceed, my theory must be confirmed. There is one on this island who is wise in the ways of all things. Take the flask to her, my friends. Perhaps she will be able to confirm my dread suspicions.

I can only hope the contents are not what I fear them to be.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take the flask to Stephanie Peebles


All right, let's see that flask. Oh. Oh, my. The darkness within this bottle is a life form of some kind. No. It is a fragment of a life form. A scrap of living energy, full of malice and hunger. I can only guess at the power of a full specimen of the species. I'm glad this is merely a piece of one!

If you are willing, I will craft a simple spell to put this energy under your control.

Temporary Power


Melee; Moderate Damage (Negative); Foe -Recharge, -Speed; Self +Hit Points

This Nictus Fragment allows you to tap the primal forces of your Nictus power to create an essence draining conduit between a foe and yourself. This will transfer hit points from your enemy to yourself. Foes drained in this manner have their attack and movement speed reduced. The fragment will allow you to perform this attack about 50 times before becoming useless.


So. My worst suspicions have been confirmed. Within that flask, heroes, is a fragment of a Nictus! The cruelest race my galaxy has ever known, the sworn enemy of every right-thinking Kheldian! Be thankful that it is not a full-blooded Nictus Stephanie Peebles has bound to you. Be thankful, but also be afraid.

Help Moonfire end the Kheldian War

Location: Striga Isla, about 300 yards North-NorthWest of The Maw marker.


Listen heroes, and you will hear a terrible tale: the history of the Kheldian race. You see, the Nictus and the Kheldians were once one people. Our lives were brief—ten years by this world's reckoning—but we were content. Or so we imagined. There were those among us who wanted more.

They became the Nictus. They learned to envelop other Kheldians, drain their life force, and thus become immortal. Inevitably, war followed. It is a war that has brought us halfway across the universe, to this unspoiled and beautiful planet. Perhaps it is foolish of me, but I hope to bring it to an end.

There are Kheldians still living on this planet in their natural form, though most of us have chosen to fuse with a human, like myself. I can only assume there are Nictus still living here as well. That flask you found contained a fragment of such a creature. Perhaps in another of Arakhn's strongholds, you can learn more.

Mission Objective(s)

The air is hot with the war wolves' steamy, animal breath.

  • Defeat Archon Fontain and his men
    • 6 hostages to rescue

You have rescued the hostages from Arakhn's troops.



Notable NPCs

The hostage's story

One of the hostages you rescued from Arakhn's Galaxy troops told you:

'When I joined up, I never knew it would be like this! Those Galaxy troops said they would implant us with Nictus fragments. I don't even know what those are, but they said it would turn us into powerful Galaxy soldiers ourselves. Or, if we weren't so lucky, it would turn into war wolves! I don't want to be a war wolf!

'There was a prisoner here, but they moved her yesterday. Her name was Dr. Roberta Todd. I don't know what they want with her, but I'm sure it's something awful!'


So, Arakhn and the Council are using Nictus fragments to fashion their Galaxy troops. And when something goes wrong, however slight, the merger results not in a powerful soldier, but in a bestial war wolf! How disgusting! Listen, heroes. When I became fused with a Kheldian, it was with my full knowledge and consent. Indeed, that is the only way that such a permanent merger is possible, either for Kheldians or for Nictus. But it seems that the Council is able to force these mere fragments on their recruits. I cannot imagine anything more diabolical! Nor can I doubt that Arakhn is behind it all.

Interrogate Arakhn's soldiers


If those men you saved are correct, there is still another prisoner in the Council's clutches. This Dr. Todd they spoke of must be rescued. I don't know whether Arakhn plans to infuse her with a Nictus fragment, as she tried to do to those recruits, or whether she has some darker purpose in mind. But I am certain her plot must be stopped. Go and interrogate Arakhn's soldiers. Perhaps one of them can tell us where Dr. Todd is imprisoned.

Take this emergency medical transporter in case you find her. She may have need of it. But please don't let her get hurt. I'll consider this mission a failure if anything happens to her.

I know Arakhn's cruelty. I know what she is capable of.

Interrogate agents on Striga

Location: Striga Isle

Unnecessary Solicitation

We must find this Dr. Todd! Hurry, Task Force Name!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Interrogate agents on Striga
    • Defeat 20 Council

One one of Arakhn's officers, you found a set of orders.

Ambush! Stop Task Force Name!

You will be ambushed by Council during the street hunt.

Rescue Dr. Todd

Location: Striga Isle, About 220 yards NorthWest of the Bonny Morass marker.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Arakhn no doubt has some despicable plan in mind for this Dr. Roberta Todd. You must rescue her before it can come to pass!

Mission Objective(s)

The coordinates seem to be accurate. You have stepped right into a Council base.

  • Rescue Dr. Todd

You rescued Dr. Todd!



Notable NPCs

Dr. Todd's story

When you rescued Dr. Roberta Todd from Arakhn's troops, she told you:

'I presume you've heard of me. Dr. Roberta Todd? The famous kineticist? Well, I've done some of the premier work in energy transference. I believe that is why that dreadful woman had me kidnapped.'

'You see, she wanted me to work on a machine. It was a most powerful device, able to transport energy across thousands of light years. The project was fascinating, but the work conditions left something to be desired. That terrible face of hers! I will never forget it!'

Debriefing (Mission Success)

The device Dr. Todd described is a thing most terrible. I have told you that the Nictus once fed upon other Kheldians. What I did not tell you was how. The Nictus scientists developed a powerful energy transfer device that could rip away a Kheldian's life force, even at a distance of light years. This terrible weapon is the reason we Peacebringers have resolved to destroy all Nictus, wherever they may be. If Arakhn plans to recreate this device, she must be stopped! Immediately!

Debriefing (Mission Failure)

Dr. Todd should recover any day. When I spoke with her, she described a great energy transfer device Arakhn forced her to develop. I believe I know what it is.

It is a thing most horrible. I have told you that the Nictus once fed upon other Kheldians. What I did not tell you was how. The Nictus scientists developed a powerful energy transfer device that could rip away a Kheldian's life force, even at a distance of light years. This terrible weapon is the reason we Peacebringers have resolved to destroy all Nictus, wherever they may be. If Arakhn plans to recreate this device, she must be stopped! Immediately!

Investigate the other facility


If Arakhn truly intends to replicate the machine that allowed the Nictus to feast upon the Kheldians, it will be disastrous. There are hundreds of Kheldians living on this planet, and millions more in our home galaxy. In an eye blink she could murder us all!

Dr. Todd mentioned another facility where she was briefly imprisoned. I want you to go there and see what you can learn. If you find anything of note, please take it to one of this world's wise women. Her name is Dr. Ann-Marie Engles.

It has been a long time since I have been this badly shaken. Please, help me end this dreadful plot!

Defeat all villains in base

Location: Striga Isle

Unnecessary Solicitation

We still know little about Arakhn's plans.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear the hiss of perfectly tuned machinery.

  • Defeat all villains in base
    • Seek clues

You defeated the villains and found some schematics.




You recovered these plans from one of Arakhn's bases. They seem to describe a machine with vast energy transfer capabilities.

Take schematics to Dr. Francois

Location: Striga Isle

Unnecessary Solicitation

Dr. Francois should see those schematics. He may be able to tell us what we're dealing with.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take schematics to Dr. Francois

Ambush! Get the plans!

You will be ambushed by Council when delivering the plans to Dr. Francois.


Hmm. I'm afraid your friend, Moonfire, is mistaken. These schematics do not describe any machine that sucks energy. On the contrary. They describe a machine that transmits energy, directly into a human body. I think this machine is what allowed Arakhn to force those Nictus fragments on her recruits. What's worse, these plans describe how to make the machine stronger!

I believe this Arakhn plans to permanently merge living Nictus with hundreds of Paragon citizens. The machine would allow her to do this without the host's participation or consent. We would become creatures like her, twisted by evil, able only to serve as vessels for our Nictus masters.


So, Arakhn plans to plant the remaining Nictus within Paragon City's people? And she has found a way to make the merging permanent without their consent? Her evil can pain me but it can surprise me no longer. She must be stopped. For the good of humanity, and that of the entire universe.

You are remarkable heroes. With your help, I shall triumph over Arakhn at last!

Locate the names of Arakhn's intended victims

Location: Striga Isle


I have a plan I would like to share with you. It is a bold one. I intend to use Arakhn's plot against her, but it will require knowing the names of her intended victims. Do you think you can get that information for me?

Mission Acceptance

If we can figure out who Arakhn plans to infect with her Nictus invaders, we can get to them first, and lay a pretty trap! While you're there, it would behoove you to take out a few of her men. The more we can weaken her power, the better the next phase of the plan will go.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I need the names of Arakhn's intended victims if I am to pull off my plan!

Mission Objective(s)

Darkness seems to cloak this place.

  • Defeat Archon Salvatore and his men
    • Find list of names

You defeated Archon Salvatore and found a list of names.



Notable NPCs

List of names

You found this list of names on a computer in one of Arakhn's bases. It lists the names of several prominent Paragon citizens, including City Council members, philanthropists, and several heroes.


Look at this list of names. Arakhn hopes to force permanent mergers with Nictus upon many of this city's greatest people. This cannot come to pass. Now that we know her intended targets, I will rally the Kheldian Army, known far and wide as the Peacebringers. We will set a trap for Arakhn's Nictus.

Track down Arakhn


I want to bring the Kheldian War to a close once and for all, and to do that, I must end the Nictus threat. I intend to use Arakhn's plan against her, and lay a trap for her Nictus brethren. I want you to seek out Arakhn's stronghold. Then you must defeat her, while I gather the forces of the Kheldian Peacebringers. My bodiless brothers will go to her intended victims, and ask permission to protect them from the Nictus. And then they will wait.

Mission Acceptance

When you defeat Arakhn, I have no doubt her loyal minions will put her plan into effect, sending the Nictus into their intended hosts. But each Nictus will be surprised by a Kheldian lying in wait, within the very body they had planned to assume. There we will defeat them, once and for all.

I know this sounds dangerous, but it is the only way. If we do not stop the Nictus once and for all, Arakhn may develop an even more twisted plot. And that plot might succeed.

Interrogate agents on Striga

Location: Striga Isle

Unnecessary Solicitation

We must find Arakhn's stronghold!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Interrogate agents on Striga
    • Defeat 20 Council

One of Arakhn's soldiers gasped, 'All right, hero! I'll tell you what you want to know!'

Ambush! Stop Task Force Name!

You will be ambushed by Council during the street hunt.



The soldier's story

One of the Galaxy archons gasped, 'I'll tell you what you want to know. Arakhn is a cruel mistress, anyway. She is concerned not with the needs of her soldiers, but only the survival of her precious Nictus!'

Defeat Arakhn

Location: Striga Isle, About 380 yards East-SouthEast and down from the Council Base Marker


Unnecessary Solicitation

You must defeat Arakhn, so I can lay my trap!

Mission Objective(s)

You see a shadow flit across the ceiling. A trick of the light? Or something else?

  • Defeat Arakhn

You defeated Arakhn once and for all!



Notable NPCs


Completion of this mission earns a hero the Honorary Peacebringer Badge.


You have stopped the Council's plan to infect the populace with Nictus aliens.


Wonderful job! Wonderful! You delayed Arakhn's plan long enough for my people to lay a trap for the Nictus she intended to force upon human hosts. Some of the people we protected even invited the Kheldians to remain. I have no doubt they will become some of this world's greatest heroes.

As for the Nictus, I believe we have vanquished all of them, or at least weakened them greatly. I suppose it is possible that some of them may have fused with their human hosts, but I do not believe it is likely.


This article or section contains information that no longer applies to the current version of City of Heroes/Villains. It is provided for historical purposes.

  • There was a period of time where the badge was not awarded for completion of this TF. When the award of the badge was fixed, the badge was not retroactively awarded to characters that had completed it. (Citation needed)
  • The Moonfire Task Force was originally unavailable to villains. Issue 27 Page 7 made Striga Isle and its task forces co-op.
  • The sixth mission's task to speak with Dr. Francois in Striga Isle was originally to speak with Dr. Ann-Marie Engles in Skyway City instead. Issue 27 Page 7 changed this task, allowing villains to complete it.