Mage-Killer Tatiana

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Mage-Killer Tatiana
Arcane Assassin
Zone Striga Isle
Coordinates (-2640.7, 66.7, -3346.5)[Copy]
Level Range 25-29
Introduced By Orpheus
Introduces None
Enemy Groups +++ Missing Information +++
v  d  e

Mage-Killer Tatiana is a villain contact in the Bonny Morass neighborhood of Striga Isle at coordinates (-2640.7, 66.7, -3346.5)[Copy] . Her level range is 25-29.


Contact Introduced By

Contact Introduces

  • None


Arcane Assassin

Mage-Killer Tatiana is the protegé of Mage-Killer Zuhkara, and the first to be inducted into their order since the end of the Cold War. The technomagical augmentations and intense training which render her nearly immune to magic reek of Arachnos's designs and methodologies, revealing who is the sponsor of this development. Her recent deployment to Striga Isle is likely a test to find out how she handles herself on a solo mission.

Prior to Introduction

Are you hunting zombies, Character? I'm out for bigger game.

Initial Contact

Do you know why this place is called Striga Isle? 'Striga', or variants of that word, means 'witch' in several languages. This island used to be a meeting place for witches, coming from far and wide to perform their dark rites in service of their supernatural masters. The Banished Pantheon infesting the place now are just the latest cult of spirit worshippers to take advantage of the island's special properties. While they are a nuisance, and certainly need to be dealt with, I am after a very special target. I plan to kill the last witch of Striga.

The last witch of Striga Isle. It sounds like a myth, right? A fairy tale the mothers of Port Noble tell their little ones when they put them to bed at night. 'Go to sleep, or the witch will get you!' A cute story. People like you and I know better. The witch is real, but she is hiding. I have been searching for her for a while now, and whatever she's using to cover her magical origin has me stumped. I'm planning to take a more active approach but I need someone like you to act as my arms and legs, so the witch doesn't figure out that I'm on her trail.


  • I am Tatiana, the mage-killer. I'm here to hunt down a very particular target. If you think you've got what it takes, I've got use for you.

Too Busy

You have to focus when you're trying to take down big game like what I'm after. Clear your agenda and get back to me.

No More Missions

It seems like there will always be some magic left on Striga. The witch slipped out of my net, somehow.


I'll share my secrets with you, even at a distance. Let me put a communications chip on you.

You're getting good at this. Have you considered joining the mage-killers? We get these really cool enhancements!

Story Arc

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 20 Reward Merits.

The Last Witch of Striga


The Witch's Wedding Ring

Mage-Killer Tatiana let you keep the ring you pried off the finger of a fallen witch during the episode you remember as The Last Witch Of Striga. It started when the mage-killer asked for your help to flush out the witch from hiding. She sent you to deal with some newcomers to Striga Isle, the Legacy Chain, who were stirring up trouble all over the island with their investigations. You raided their warehouse hideout and discovered some useful information about the current magical happenings on Striga. The entire island is supposedly located on an entrance to the underworld, which makes it ideal for worshippers of spiritual entities such as the Banished Pantheon. The pantheon's worshippers had brought samples of the Shivan meteorites from Bloody Bay to Striga, to facilitate with the summoning of an entity known only as The Unnamed. Tatiana was able to track down the radiation of the Shivan fragments to a certain cave where the summoners were performing rituals to control the Unnamed. You put an end to the shamans and stopped their ritual, which caused the Unnamed to go on a rampage across the island. This was enough to lure the witch protector of Striga out of hiding. The witch's ring made her quite invulnerable, but fortunately Tatiana was able to dispel the magic of her ring with a shot from her sniper rifle. Once she was no longer protected by power of love bound in her wedding ring, you could easily deal with the witch.

Deal with the Legacy Chain


The Legacy Chain recently sent some of their mages from the mainland and they have taken up residence in a warehouse down by the docks. I need you to get rid of them for me, so my real target doesn't get spooked by these do-gooders on her doorstep. I would have done it myself already but I don't want the witch to know I'm on her trail just yet.

Mission Acceptance

Take them all out and recover anything of value. Don't worry about any repercussions. People disappear on Striga all the time.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I need you to remove the Legacy Chain from the equation, Character. I don't need any bumbling amateurs messing up my plans.

Mission Objective(s)

The air is thick with incense and the gentle jingling of chimes.

  • Defeat all mages
    • 3 secrets to uncover

You got rid of the Legacy Chain occupying the warehouse but there might be more of them already on the island.


Legacy Chain

Notable NPCs

Treatise on 'The Unnamed'

The Legacy Chain have only been on Striga Isle for a short while but already they have uncovered some disturbing information concerning a being they call 'the Unnamed'. According to the documents, The Unnamed is a powerful spiritual entity whose physical form was supposedly buried on Striga, and which the cult of the Banished Pantheon have been seeking to raise to lead them to greatness. Recent events indicate that the cultists have succeeded, and are currently performing rites deep in The Bog in order to take control of the entity. The Legacy Chain researchers have been working on a spell to counter the creature's unnatural toughness. Maybe Tatiana can use this information.

Treatise on 'Shivan Meteorites'

One of the chests contained green rock fragments with a faint otherworldly glow. The attached research concluded that the Banished Pantheon cultists have been collecting Shivan meteorite fragments from Bloody Bay to use in their dark rites. The radiation from the meteorites seems to be able to cause dead bodies to animate spontaneously, and even small pieces can improve the effect of necromantic rituals substantially. The Legacy Chain researcher postulates that Shivan radiation was used to bring The Unnamed back to life, which could make the entity notoriously difficult to put back to rest.

Treatise on 'Striga Isle'

According to the documents you found, the Legacy Chain researcher believes that Striga sits on top of an entrance to an underworld, a 'land of the dead'. Volcanoes often mark such places on the material plane. The actual gateway, if it exists, would be deep underground and very difficult to reach, but its mere presence could weaken the barriers between the worlds which would greatly facilitate the communication with beings of the spirit world. The researcher suggests that a long-term solution to Striga's troubles would be to find the entrance and seal it, permanently, but he acknowledges the enormity of such an endeavour, and doubts that it can be accomplished in his lifetime.


This information you've uncovered about The Unnamed seems troubling, but we can use it for our own purposes. Let me have a closer look at it.

And if we stop them...


If the Legacy Chain mages are right, the Banished Pantheon shamans have used Shivan meteorite fragments to augment their rituals. So any zombies they've raised would carry some of that radiation. With enough samples we can track down their origin point, and find where the shamans are performing the rituals to control the Unnamed!

Mission Acceptance

The Unnamed would go on a rampage, threatening Striga and perhaps even lands beyond. If that's not enough to draw the witch out in the open, I don't know what is. So what I need you to do is to check the radiation levels in different places all over the island. Get to work!

While you are busy digging, I will look into this spell you stole from the Legacy Chain. I'll let you know if I can get it to work.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Check out the northern cemetery first and measure the radiation at any recently disturbed graves.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Gather radiation measurements
    • Headstones

Unnecessary Solicitation

Scan some rocks in the nearby marsh too. The zombies hide under the water there sometimes.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Scan Rocks
    • Rocks

Unnecessary Solicitation

Take some measurements at the southern cemetery as well. Just don't get too close to the local heroes.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Scan Graves
    • Graves

Editor's Note:

These are basically patrol missions, with 4 headstones, 5 rocks, and 5 graves to visit. Players will travel to the site of the The Unnamed Badge during the patrol.


That should be enough samples. With my techno-magical implants I can process these in the field. Give me a minute to calculate the point of origin.

Disrupt the rituals


I've tracked down the radiation from the Shivan fragments to another cave, and I'm detecting severe spiritual fluctuations from within. Put an end to the rituals.

Mission Acceptance

Once those rituals end the Unnamed will go on a rampage somewhere on the island. Watch your step when you leave the cave.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I've tracked down the radiation from the Shivan fragments to another cave, and I'm detecting severe spiritual fluctuations from within. Put an end to the rituals going on in that cave to unleash the Unnamed!

Mission Objective(s)

The power of the ritual magic is almost palpable.

  • Disrupt the rituals
    • 3 ongoing ceremonies

You have ended the attempts of the worshippers to control The Unnamed. A roar as from hundreds of strained voices rises somewhere outside the cave. The Unnamed is loose upon the world, all thanks to you. Your villainy truly knows no bounds.


Banished Pantheon

Notable NPCs

The Unnamed, Unleashed

When the final ritual is disrupted an inhuman roar as from hundreds of strained throats seems to emanate from all around you. The Unnamed is set loose upon the world, all thanks to you. Your villainy truly knows no bounds.


Mage-Killer Tatiana seems practically giddy with anticipation.

The Unnamed walks the earth in physical form once more. Whatever that being once was - a long-forgotten god, some life-sucking spirit, doom incarnate - it matters not. Its presence is a blight upon the land and the last witch of Striga can feel it. She is a part of this island, bound to it by oath and blood. Every step it takes burns her, and she is already planning to deal with it with her allies among the Legacy Chain.

See Also