Sharkhead Isle

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Sharkhead Isle is one of the city zones in City of Villains. Dominated by The Pit - a huge mining operation - in the southern center of the island, and Port Recluse in the northeast, Sharkhead is heavy on industry. East of The Pit is Villa Requin, and west is Potter's Field cemetery where the Ghost of Scrapyard emerges and the Circle of Thorns hold dominion. Northwest of The Pit is the Hellforge, and north of that is The Crush, almost totally gone to the Freakshow.

Arbiter Friesen trains villains in Port Recluse. Sharkhead's Brokers are Kara the Scorpion, east of the Vault Reserve in Port Recluse, and Mickey the Filch, northeast of the Ferry in Port Recluse.


(Copied from City of Heroes official Web site [1])

Upon exiting the ferry onto Sharkhead Isle, the visitor is faced with a grimy industrial port and the unmistakable feeling that something sinister resides in this place. Beyond this shadowy sensation, the unusual topography and strange geological formations of the isle indicate that this is no natural landform. Though scientific research has not been able to determine the exact origin of the island, there is some suggestion that it must have something to do with the unique type of coral possessing strange properties discovered scattered throughout the bedrock. This suggestion is supported by the Slag Golems, inexplicable beasts often found near these coral deposits.

Whatever the island’s mysterious origin, by the 1600’s Sharkhead had become one of the many havens for the pirates and thieves among the Rogue Isles. Evolving into a hub of trade and industry, Sharkhead remained a popular but unremarkable port of call until the deep veins of bauxite that marble the island were discovered. Kirk Cage, a shady businessman from the US, was the first to realize the resource potential of the island. Borrowing money from several sources—including the Marcone Family of Port Oakes—Cage quickly bought all the land and formed a new corporation, the Cage Consortium, to mine the find.

Today almost everything on Sharkhead Isle is related to Cage’s mine. The Pit itself is a maze of holes, troughs, and enormous ditches dug into the belly of the island. Unconstrained by OSHA regulations, the Pit has become a dangerous place littered with the bones of cave-in victims. Dominating the landscape of the island is the Hellforge, one of the largest blast furnaces ever built. Smelting all the bauxite raised from the Pit, Hellforge is a smoky bastion of relentless industry – with belching flame, pounding steam hammers, and flowing channels of molten steel.

Behind the forge, the Crush is piled high with rubble and cast-off from the mining process. The workers’ shanties, the graveyard filled with workers’ bodies, the shipping port for the mined mineral, and virtually everything else found on Sharkhead allows Cage to keep his mine running 24/7. Only Villa Requin seems out of place, an upscale residence built to house Cage and his top employees in comfort away from the rabble of the rest of the island.

As owner of the island and all its mining rights, Cage had the money and power to demand the Governorship of Sharkhead Isle. Securing his position by working closely with Lord Recluse, Cage was able to set all labor laws to suit his own business needs. Greedy and callous, Cage continually increased hours and decreased pay for the miners until they eventually revolted, beginning the famous “Sharkhead Labor Movement”.

A local woman named Darla Sinclair, with the help of her super-powered champion and lover, Scrapyard, led this labor movement. With a small amount of Mu blood coursing through her veins, Sinclair began experienced strange dreams of a slumbering leviathan at the center of the island after arriving on Sharkhead Isle in her late teens. Based on these dreams, Sinclair became convinced she had to stop the destruction of the island by the Cage Consortium mine. Perhaps uncovering the true origins of the island, she zealously believes that the never-ending tunneling into the heart of Sharkhead Isle poses a great danger to all those who reside here.

Using her minor powers of divination coupled with her beauty and charisma, Sinclair sparked unrest among the underpaid and exhausted workers, driving them to a full-fledged revolt. The pinnacle of this rebellion was the ill-fated protest march through the streets of Sharkhead.

Genuinely dedicated to freeing the workers from oppressive conditions, Scrapyard led a group of enraged miners across the island, rallying supporters to their cause. Unknown to Scrapyard and his followers, Cage had hired a local pirate and bounty hunter known as Captain Mako to stop the march. In order to halt the protest, Mako attacked Scrapyard with vicious precision. Although grievously injured, Scrapyard continued to lead the workers and so Mako tormented him, attacking again and again as he struggled through the streets. Bloodied and broken, Scrapyard led the horrified miners to the now infamous Pier 7 where Mako finally dismembered him. This act of brutal cruelty drew the attention of Lord Recluse who sought out Mako, seeking to harness this feral killer for himself.

Fragmented and disheartened, most of the cowed miners returned to work, though a small band of rebels continues to fight against Cage, naming themselves the Scrapyarders in honor of Scrapyard’s sacrifice. Shortly after the massacre of her beloved, Sinclair fled Sharkhead and her current whereabouts remain a mystery. Some suggest she is in fact the hero known as Iron Widow who now leads the Scrapyarders in their ongoing struggle against the Consortium. Today the Scrapyarders have returned to work but remain extremely volatile, waiting for any chance to strike out at their oppressors.

As the human drama of murder, rage, and greed unfolds on the surface of Sharkhead, not even Recluse knows that the island contains something at its heart more dangerous than any bomb. Something able to unleash incomprehensible devastation upon this fragile planet should it be disturbed by the unthinking drive to mine ever deeper.




Strike Force Contacts

Regular Contacts

Level 20-29

Level 20-24

Level 25-29

Level 25-39

Special Contacts

Notable NPCs

Zone events

Major events

  • The spawn of the Ghost of Scrapyard may affect the zone, as he will start patrolling it, at least for a time.

Lesser events

Important Locations


  • Hell Forge (Orange - Level 21-25) (Music), squeezed into the west-central part of the island,
  • Port Recluse (Yellow - Level 20-22) (Music), to the northeast,
  • Potter's Field (Red - Level 27-30) (Music), in the southwest,
  • The Crush (Orange - Level 21-25) (Music), in the northwest,
  • The Pit (Orange - Level 23-27) (Music), in the south-central part of the island,
  • Villa Requin (Red - Level 24-27) (Music), to the east,

Exploration Badges

Razor Toothed (461.5, -15.4, 1652.0)[Copy]

This is the spot where Mako paraded Scrapyard's body after he eviscerated him. Many of the locals have seen his ghost in this area.

Forged by Hellfire (1968.0, 64.0, -192.0)[Copy]

The Hell Forge is the largest above ground furnace on the planet.

Freak of Nature (1228.0, 89.6, -2183.5)[Copy]

The Freakshow have managed to find utopia in this forsaken slag heap.

Pit Viper (147.5, -377.8, 1498.5)[Copy]

This hole is used by the locals as a makeshift arena for fighting and wagering.

Thrill Seeker (multiple locations)

You're always looking for new forms of entertainment, and it's said that the Mission Architect technology is entertainment in its purest form.

Sky Chaser (304.0, 127.3, 2309.0)[Copy]

The Sky Raiders use this as one of their main bases. Some say that they received funding from Arachnos to build the base in Sharkhead, perhaps to serve as a balance against the Council base nearby.

Unwelcome Guest (-634.0, 0.5, 1437.0)[Copy]

This Council base has managed to maintain its foothold within Sharkhead despite numerous attacks from several groups. These days, the biggest threats are the 5th Column raids and exposing sleeper agents among Council ranks.

Sky Trader (-2077.0, 56.0, 512.0)[Copy]

The Family's mansion in Villa Requin has played host to many higher ranking officials within the Sky Raiders. There are rumors that the two groups plot a potential take over of Sharkhead Isle within this mansion.

Carping the Diem (-0.5, 7.7, -1986.0)[Copy]

The Carpe Diem is the Family's 'flagship' for various overseas deals that they make. The ship is periodically grounded to deal with troublesome Scrapyarders.



Know your friend—but know your rivals even better.


You have learned much that is hidden from the eyes of mortal men.

Day Jobs


Your study of the Mission Architect system has earned you the Architect Day Job. Logging out in the Mission Architect will earn you 2 bonus Mission Architect Tickets, when you log back in, each time you complete a mission for a short time.


You have spent a great deal of time working in the hospitals of Paragon City during your free time earning the Caregiver Day Job. Logging out in a Hospital will earn you a Regeneration Bonus, when you log back in, for a short time.

Your expertise in surgery and understanding pain has earned you the Pain Specialist Day Job. Logging out in a Hospital will earn you a Regeneration Bonus, when you log back in, for a short time.


Your time spent working with the financial institutions of Paragon City during your free time has earned you the Banker Day Job. Logging out in a Vault will earn you an Influence Bonus, when you log back, in each time you complete a mission for a short time.

Your time spent staging heists on the various financial institutions of the Rogue Isles has earned you the Thief Day Job. Logging out in a Vault will earn you an Infamy Bonus, when you log back, in each time you complete a mission for a short time.


Your time spent working at Wentworth's has earned you the Day Trader Day Job. Logging out in Wentworth's will grant you a Brain Storm Idea Salvage after mission completion, when you log in, for a short time.

Your time spent supplying the Black Market has earned you the Marketeer Day Job. Logging out near a Black Market will grant you a Brain Storm Idea Salvage after mission completion, when you log back in, for a short time.

Pilot / Grounded (requires rogue/villain)

You have aided Arachnos by piloting its fliers, helping Lord Recluse better mobilize his troops, earning you the Pilot Day Job. Logging out near a Black Helicopter will earn you a Speed Bonus, when you log back in, for a short time.

Arachnos is more likely to pound you into dust than let you near one of their fliers. And your license is no good in Paragon City, it seems.


Your time spent protecting your Supergroup's base has earned you the Monitor Duty Day Job. Logging out in your Supergroup base will earn you charges for your Base Teleporter power.


Your time spent studying death itself has earned you the Mortician Day Job. Logging out in a graveyard will earn you protection against Experience Debt, when you log back in, for a short time.

Arachnos Agent / Cannon Fodder (requires rogue/villain)

Your work with the forces of Arachnos has earned you the Arachnos Agent Day Job. Logging out in an Arachnos Base will grant you an Experience bonus, when you log back in, each time you complete a mission for a short time.

There's no resigning from Arachnos, but you appear to have done just that. Good luck.

Smuggler / Gunrunner (requires rogue/villain)

You spend your free time smuggling in illicit black market goods earning you the Smuggler Day Job. Logging out near a ferry will earn you a random enhancement, upon each mission completion, for a short time.

You've scored the biggest coup of all; smuggling directly into Paragon City. Unfortunately, it's a long round-trip.


  • All non-origin Quartermasters sell Level 25 and 30 TO Enhancements.
  • The Origin Quartermasters all sell Level 25 and 30 DO Enhancements matching their origin, and Level 25 and 30 SO Enhancements matching their origin. There is a Quartermaster for each of the five origins.
  • Archmage Tarixus sells Level 25 Natural/Magic DO Enhancements, Level 25 and 30 Magic SO Enhancements, and Small Inspirations.
  • Captain Petrovich sells Level 20 and 25 Technology/Science DO Enhancements, Level 25 Technology SO Enhancements, and Small Inspirations.
  • Crash Cage sells Level 20 and 25 Natural/Magic DO Enhancements, Level 25 Magic SO Enhancements, and Small Inspirations.
  • Darrin Wade sells Level 25 Natural/Magic DO Enhancements and Small Inspirations.
  • Diviner Maros sells Level 25 Natural/Magic DO Enhancements, Level 25 and 30 Magic SO Enhancements, and Small Inspirations.
  • Doc Buzzsaw sells Level 25 Technology/Science DO Enhancements, Level 25 and 30 Technology SO Enhancements, and Small Inspirations.
  • Henri Dumont sells Level 20 and 25 Technology/Science DO Enhancements, Level 25 Technology SO Enhancements, and Small Inspirations.
  • Lorenz Ansaldo sells Level 20 and 25 Natural/Technology DO Enhancements, Level 25 Natural SO Enhancements, and Small Inspirations.
  • Lt. Chalmers sells Level 20 and 25 Magic/Mutation DO Enhancements, Level 25 Mutation SO Enhancements, and Small Inspirations.
  • Operative Kirkland sells Level 25 Natural/Technology DO Enhancements, Level 25 and 30 Natural SO Enhancements, and Small Inspirations.
  • Operative Vargas sells Level 20 and 25 Mutation/Science DO Enhancements, Level 25 Science SO Enhancements, and Small Inspirations.
  • Vince Dubrowski sells Level 20 and 25 Natural/Technology DO Enhancements, Level 25 Natural SO Enhancements, and Small Inspirations.

Transfer Points

Enemy Groups


