Old Positron Task Force

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Task Force
The New Recruits
Contact Flashback
Zone Ouroboros
Suggested Team Size 1 player
Level Range 10-15
Merits 66
Badge Badge task force 01.png Positron's Ally
Enemy Groups
v  d  e

The Old Positron Task Force was the first of six Freedom Phalanx Task Forces, and remains available via the Flashback system; the completion of all six grants the Task Force Commander Accolade, and the Old Positron Task Force does still qualify for the Accolade. The other five task forces are started by Synapse, Penelope Yin (which later replaced the original Sister Psyche Task Force which also remains available via the Flashback system and qualifies for the Accolade), Citadel, Manticore, and Numina.

The Positron Task Force was considered by many to be one of the longest and most arduous Task Forces in the game. The devs have stated that it was originally intended to be two arcs, but that it was merged into one single arc because the tech did not exist at that point for a single contact to kick off two.

This task force was also designated as a Signature Task Force. As such, missions will always spawn mobs at level 15 or higher, regardless of team members' levels. A low level team may have a great deal of trouble completing this lengthy task force. The highest level team member should lead to allow the task force to be done at a manageable level.

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 66 Reward Merits.


As a hero-side Ouroboros arc, this Task Force is only accessible to Heroes and Vigilantes, not Rogues.

Additionally, because The New Recruits is no longer available from Positron himself, the "teleport to contact" option at the Ouroboros Crystals gives an error, "The portal does not know where to send you." However, you can use other means such as supergroup base teleporters or transit lines to travel to the first mission. It is possible to "call" Positron immediately from the beginning of the Flashback.


Test your mettle


I've been hearing a lot about you youngsters lately. Your contacts have put the word on the street that you are all forces to be reckoned with. I'm sure that by banding together, you can really put a dent in the crime here in Paragon City.

Statesman has asked me to test out the new groups to see if they are ready to take on bigger and tougher challenges. Are you ready to test your mettle?

When participating in this timestream, your powers will be limited to level 15.

Mission Acceptance

Glad to hear it. Your going to need a name I can refer to you by, let's use Task Force, shall we?

Recently the Vahzilok tried to poison the water of Paragon City. I've done a little recon in the area, and I came across a nest of Vahzilok led by an Eidolon called Epidural. I was planning on taking it out, but since you're here, I'll let you have the honors. If you find any evidence that they are planning to revamp their poisoning plot, let me know immediately.

You have now been attuned to the Crystal. When you are ready, click and activate the crystal and it will take you to the appropriate time stream.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You need to look into that Vahzilok nest before I assign you anything else.

Mission Objective(s)

The noxious air forms an oily vapor that sticks to everything.

  • Defeat Epidural and guards
    • Find any evidence

You have defeated Epidural and recovered a clue to the Vahzilok's next plot.

Mission Locations



Notable NPCs

Vahzilok chemical

You took this sample from a barrel of chemicals in a Vahzilok lair. Positron's analysis can tell you whether it is poisonous.


Wow, that was a great job. I watched you via one of my remote cameras. I think I can trust you with some further missions. Now, let's have a look at that sample.

I guess you really know your stuff, Character. Call me anytime.

Find a piece of Clockwork that is still functioning


Thank you for all your hard work. Up for another test? You've really proven yourself as a team, and I think I can give you a tougher mission. I have examined the Clockwork pieces at DATA and SERAPH, and I've made some interesting discoveries. But I need to know more. Can you find me a piece of Clockwork that is still functioning? No one else has been able to recover a piece like that.

Mission Acceptance

I scanned the area, and I found an abandoned warehouse that's infested with Clockwork.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Show me you can handle these Clockwork. I want to know I can count on Task Force.

Mission Objective(s)

The grinding of Clockwork gears is almost deafening. It seems you have stumbled onto a major operation.

  • Defeat all Clockwork in office
    • Recover working Clockwork piece

You have defeated all the Clockwork. Unfortunately, no working Clockwork pieces could be salvaged.

Mission Locations



Notable NPCs

Strange parts

You found these parts in a Clockwork nest, but they're clearly not from any Clockwork construct. The robots defended them with vigor, so the parts must mean something to them.


You didn't find a working piece, eh? That's a disappointment, but this unusual part you found more than makes up for it. I'd like to examine this; it isn't like anything I've seen the Clockwork King use.

Save the FEMA workers


I must say, I'm impressed with how you've handled the work I've given you. In fact, I think you're ready for another challenge! States just radioed with a crisis. The Circle of Thorns are attacking the Federal Emergency Management Agency in Skyway City. I need a hero to save the FEMA workers. Can you help us?

Mission Acceptance

Great. I hear the leader of these mystics is named Rollister. Your priority is to take him out of commission.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Hold on, States. Why are you guys still here? You need to rescue those workers right now! Ok, States, repeat your last message. I was interrupted.

Mission Objective(s)

You've heard a lot of horrifying rumors about what the Circle does to it's victims.

  • Defeat Rollister and his cadre
    • 2 workers to rescue
    • Lead workers out!

You defeated the Circle of Thorns and rescued the FEMA workers.

Mission Location


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs

Ambush! An ambush of Circle of Thorns occurs after rescuing each FEMA Worker.

The FEMA worker's story

One of the FEMA workers you rescued told you:

'That Horror dude kept going on and on about how he was wantin' the plans to the city dam up in Faultline. I ain't got no ideas why they would want that!'


I'm afraid I have no idea why the Circle is interested in the dam. But it sounds like something we had better investigate!

You are all doing wonderfully. You have exceeded my expectations. You even managed to impress the Back Alley Brawler.

Check out the Circle of Thorns hideout


Ok, Character, listen up. I know that ever since I sent you against the Circle of Thorns at the FEMA office, you've been dying to find out why those mystics are so interested in the Paragon City Dam. Well, you might just get your chance to find out.

MAGI just contacted me; some of their mystics have divined the location of the Book of T'Jer'imikanu. According to MAGI, it's a really powerful spell book. Their visions indicated that it was in the possession of the Circle of Thorns. I made a pass just now with my ground penetrating radar and discovered a cave that would be an ideal Circle hideout. I need you to check out that Circle of Thorns hideout.

Mission Acceptance

If you find the Book of T'Gerima... T'Geruni... the magic book, be really careful with it. It's the only known copy. It was thought to be destroyed in the Chicago fire of 1871.

Stop chief mage and his guards

Unnecessary Solicitation

Have you found the book yet? Numina keeps telling me that it's far too powerful to leave in the Circle's hands.

Mission Objective(s)

Positron's directions are flawless. You've already caught sight of several Circle of Thorns acolytes.

  • Stop chief mage and his guards

You recovered the book and defeated the Circle of Thorns.

Mission Location


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs

Editor's Note:

While not specified in the mission objectives, the magic book can be found in a glowie in the same room as Tarses. This glowie must be found for the mission to complete.

The Book of T'Jer'imikanu

This ancient text is written in a language you don't understand. This book, the last of its kind, was presumed lost in the Chicago fire of 1871.

Return to Positron

Unnecessary Solicitation

I'm still waiting to see that book.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Return to Positron


Great, you got the book back. Excellent job. You should take it over to Azuria at the MAGI office in City Hall. She can probably figure out why the Circle wanted it so badly.

Deliver book to Azuria

Unnecessary Solicitation

Azuria over at the MAGI labs should examine that book. She's in Atlas Park, inside City Hall.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Deliver book to Azuria


Thank you all. I will have my translators examine the book and report their discoveries to Positron. It shouldn't take long; he should have something for you by the time you get back to him.


Numina just contacted me mentally. Man, I don't think I will ever get used to that! Anyway, she translated the book for Azuria. The text describes a ritual for gaining great power that can only performed during a storm. Or, as the book has it, at 'a conflux of lightning and rain.' The larger the conflux, the more effective the ritual. Numina is still examining the book. She'll contact me if she discovers another clue to the Circle's plans.

Check out the fake company


Well, I analyzed that chemical you found in the Vahzilok nest. It turns out it's a complex bonded molecular compound with twisted valences. Very high tech stuff. I was intrigued by their ability to... oh, sorry. Ok, here's some information you can use now. One of the chemicals in the compound was polyfluidic morscarpium. Pretty specialized. Only two distributors in the area even make it. I checked their shipments for the past couple weeks, and traced one to a company in Skyway that doesn't exist. Will you check out the fake company?

Mission Acceptance

The name on the lease is Dr. Morben. I'd like you to arrest him, if you can.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You should be checking out that Vahzilok operation.

Mission Objective(s)

A chemical odor burns your nasal passage, but not thoroughly enough to make you immune to the stink of the Vahzilok.

  • Stop Dr. Morben and his minions
    • Recover any evidence

You have stopped the Vahzilok operation and recovered some evidence.

Mission Location



Notable NPCs

Blood Sample

You extracted this blood sample from the unfortunate test subject of a Vahzilok poisoning experiment.


Ok, this blood sample is a great step forward. Perhaps I can work out a counter-agent to the Vahzilok poison before it ever gets out.

Track down the Clockwork minion


I was out fighting the Clockwork earlier, and I planted a homing tracer on one that I allowed to get away. Can you track down that Clockwork minion? I want to learn more about the strange mechanical part you found in that Clockwork den.

Mission Acceptance

There seems to be an increase in the Clockwork population. I'm beginning to worry that the Clockwork King has big plans.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Have you learned anything about the Clockwork's plans? No? Well, what are you waiting for?

Mission Objective(s)

From the sound of the machinery, this is a major assembly operation.

  • Stop robot boss and its guards
    • Investigate Clockwork plans

You defeated the Clockwork and recovered plans to the Paragon City Dam.

Mission Location



Notable NPCs


These blueprints are for the Paragon City Dam. You recovered them from a Clockwork hideout, but you don't know why the Clockwork King would want them.


What are the Clockwork doing with these plans? I wonder if this has anything to do with those parts you recovered in your last Clockwork mission. I'll have to look into this further. Oh, by the way, you have attracted Numina's attention. She would like to work with you when your Security Levels are high enough.

Well, you have passed every test I could think of. You showed me you work well as a team and can adequately cover each other's weakness. Good work.

Evildoers are beginning to fear you, Character.

Collect info for Positron


Glad to see you, Character! We've got a lot of balls in the air, huh? The Vahzilok poison, the Clockwork's interest in the Paragon City Dam, and the Circle's strange ritual of power. I just need you to collect a little more info for me.

I gave that weird piece you found in the Clockwork hideout to Paula Dempsey over in Kings Row. I'd like you to talk to her about it. While you're there, please drop off this data disc I've burned for her.

After that, pop by the MAGI office in City Hall and talk to Azuria. She and Numina have a theory about the ritual the Circle of Thorns was investigating.

Mission Acceptance

I should have more on the Vahzilok poison when you get back.

Data CD

This CD contains information that Positron wants to get to Paula Dempsey.

See Paula Dempsey in Kings Row

Unnecessary Solicitation

I need you to go visit Paula Dempsey in Kings Row.

Mission Objective(s)

  • See Paula Dempsey in Kings Row


Hey, hey, it's Character! Tell Posi I've figured out the origin of the part you found in that Clockwork den. It's a modified support structure used in large scale construction projects. When he mentioned the dam blueprints you found, the pieces started coming together. The dam uses support structures exactly like these! If this piece was outfitted with an explosive and placed in the dam, the destruction would be catastrophic. All of Faultline would be flooded, and Paragon City would be without power for weeks. Take this piece back to Posi, and tell him I've done everything I could.

Dam piece

This support structure matches those used in the Paragon City Dam. If one of these structures was outfitted with an explosive device, the entire dam could be demolished.

See Azuria in Atlas Park

Unnecessary Solicitation

Azuria is waiting for you.

Mission Objective(s)

  • See Azuria in Atlas Park


I'm glad you're here. Numina has some information for you.

A voice in your mind says:

'Character, I, Numina, have translated the book you recovered from the Circle of Thorns. It speaks of a ritual that transfers the energy of a lightning storm to those who perform it. The text implies that the larger the conflux of lightning and rain, the more power the ritual will be. I have contacted agents of Ignis, the Entity of Weather, who governs the weather. There are no storms of the proper magnitude approaching Paragon City in the foreseeable future. We may be safe for a time, but you must be watchful. The Circle may have had the book long enough to transcribe a copy.'

Numina's thoughts

Great heroes, I, Numina, have translated the book you recovered from the Circle of Thorns. It speaks of a ritual that transfers the energy of a lightning storm to those who perform it. The text implies that the larger the conflux of lightning and rain, the more power the ritual will be. I have contacted agents of Ignis, the Entity of Weather, who governs the weather. There are no storms of the proper magnitude approaching Paragon City in the foreseeable future. We may be safe for a time, but you must be watchful. The Circle may have had the book long enough to transcribe a copy.

Return to Positron

Unnecessary Solicitation

You heard what Numina said, right? Well, get back here. I've got a theory to discuss.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Return to Positron


Yeah, Numina had me in on the mental link, and I had a troubling thought. What if this conflux of rain and lightning was boiled down to its elements? What is rain? Water. What is lightning? Electricity. And what is the biggest conflux of water and electricity in Paragon City? That's right, the dam. The same dam the Clockwork have plans for. I don't think they are working with the Circle of Thorns. In fact, I shudder to think what might happen if they learned of one another's plans.

Anyway, I talked to the manager of the company that sold the Vahzilok the polyfluidic morscarpium for their poison. He just got another order for it. I told him that since you took the Vahzilok down the first time, you could do it again. Here's the address of the company that ordered the chemical.

Positron's hypothesis

Yeah, Numina had me in on the mental link, and I had a troubling thought. What if this conflux of rain and lightning was boiled down to its elements? What is rain? Water. What is lightning? Electricity. And what is the biggest conflux of water and electricity in Paragon City? That's right, the dam. The same dam the Clockwork have plans for. I don't think they are working with the Circle of Thorns. In fact, I shudder to think what might happen if they learned of one another's plans.

Stop zombie boss and his guards

Unnecessary Solicitation

Get over to that company and give the Vahzilok a special delivery, Character Style!

Mission Objective(s)

The Vahzilok have turned what was once a place of business into an abattoir of horror.

  • Stop zombie boss and his guards
    • Destroy Vahzilok lab, Recover evidence

You defeated the Vahzilok and recovered some evidence.

Mission Location



Notable NPCs

Dam blueprint

This blueprint of the Paragon City Dam was found in the possession of the Vahzilok. It indicates their intention to poison the reservoir.


You found dam blueprints in the Vahzilok office? They must plan to introduce their poison directly into the water supply, probably at the water treatment center! Three groups, all setting up operations at the Paragon City Dam at the same time. It's a good thing we have heroes like you around!

Find the Clockwork's base of operations


Based on the data you've collected, it sounds like the Clockwork are planning to blow up the Paragon City Dam! Character, I need you to find the Clockwork's base of operations. I built this crude scanning device to help you out. It's really just a modified metal detector; it looks for large concentrations of metal with no detectable energy signature. If you carry it while you run a patrol in Perez Park, it should be able to triangulate the nearest nest of Clockwork minions.

Mission Acceptance

When you have enough data, the device will triangulate the source and alert you.

Clockwork scanning device

Positron built this device to find the Clockwork. He called it crude, but to you it looks quite remarkable.

Patrol Perez Park

Unnecessary Solicitation

Is the device malfunctioning? Here, lemme see it. Oh, this is switched wrong. Now go out there and complete that patrol.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Patrol Perez Park
    • Visit 3 locations

Beep beep beep beep beep beep

Defeat all villains in office

Unnecessary Solicitation

The device found a Clockwork nest? Great work, now go clear it out.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear the familiar sound of Clockwork, but the smell of decaying flesh is what really grabs your attention.

  • Defeat all villains in office
    • Search for clues

You have defeated the villains and recovered some evidence.

Mission Location



Substation 7 blueprint

This blueprint indicates that the Vahzilok plan to introduce their poison to the Paragon City water supply at this substation.


So it wasn't a Clockwork hideout, but a Vahzilok base under attack? The Clockwork King must have learned that the Vahzilok are also interested in the dam, and I guess he isn't too happy about it. If this conflict spills out into the streets, it would be a disaster for Paragon City.

Let me see if there is more I can uncover. The location of a Circle of Thorns base would be a big help to us.

Check out possible Circle of Thorns hideout


I just did a quick scan with my ground penetrating radar. I need you to check out a possible Circle of Thorns hideout. We've got to find out whether the Circle realizes that the ritual they plan to perform at the dam may be interrupted by the Clockwork and the Vahzilok.

Mission Acceptance

I'll be monitoring you via radio throughout the mission.

Defeat all mystics in base

Unnecessary Solicitation

I need you to check out that Circle of Thorns base, pronto.

Mission Objective(s)

The smell of burning candles hangs in the air, along with another odor. You breathe in deeply. Axle grease?

  • Defeat all mystics in base

Positron to Character, can you hear me? Good job, you took those guys down hard. It looks like these villains are really going for each other's throats. I want you to get over to sewer junction 8B right now so the battle between the Circle and the Vahzilok doesn't escalate and endanger civilians.

Mission Location


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs

Defeat all villains in sewer

Unnecessary Solicitation

What are you doing here? I told you to get to that sewer junction and ensure the safety of the civilians. Take out the Vahzilok and the Circle of Thorns!

Mission Objective(s)

The sad remnant of a failed Vahzilok experiment floats by in the sludge.

  • Defeat all villains in sewer

Positron here. Good job, guys.

Mission Location


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs


Looks like all these groups are aware of one another's interest in the dam. They might move up their individual time tables.

Protect the substation


Well, your last two missions proved that the Circle, Clockwork, and Vahzilok each know of one another's plans for the Paragon City Dam. And it looks like I was right about them moving up their schedules! I just got a call from the dam substation, and they are reporting attacks by the Clockwork, the Circle of Thorns, and the Vahzilok! Not only that, but the villains are attacking each other as well! It's chaos in there. I need you to protect the substation while I coordinate Freedom Phalanx's response.

Mission Acceptance

I will be here trying to contact Statesman and the rest of Freedom Phalanx. You go do what you can.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I am still gathering the Phalanx. It seems they are all covering one crisis or another.

Mission Objective(s)

Twisted metal arms lie on the floor along with the still-quivering remains of Vahzilok zombies.

  • Defeat all villains in substation

You have saved the substation.

Mission Location


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs


The Positron's Ally Badge is awarded upon completion of this mission.


Positron has awarded you this medal in recognition of services performed for him.


Wow. That's all I can say. You sure earned your stripes today! In one epic battle, you thwarted three different plots to take over Paragon City Dam. To say I am impressed would be putting it mildly.


Dam piece

You've kept this piece of the Paragon City Dam, a reminder of the mission you've come to think of as:

The Rule of Three

Your task force was formed under the guidance of Positron, one of the Surviving Eight Heroes. Positron kicked off your group's career by sending you against the Vahzilok in an effort to uncover a poisoning plot. You recovered some of the poison and turned it over to Positron, in the hopes that he could concoct an antidote.

Positron had two more tests for your team: to recover a working Clockwork piece, and to rescue some FEMA workers from the Circle of Thorns. The FEMA workers were being interrogated about the Paragon City Dam in Faultline. They weren't much help to the Circle of Thorns, though, because your task force came in and whisked them away.

You were unable to recover a working Clockwork piece, but you did secure something else, a mechanical part that was unlike anything the Clockwork have been known to use. The Clockwork defended this piece to the last Sprocket, so you assumed it was important in the Clockwork King's plans.

Positron still had a few tests for your task force. When he sent you after the Vahzilok, you recovered a blood sample from an early victim of the evil doctor's latest plot. You turned it over to Positron for further analysis.

You also found some dam blueprints in a Clockwork den and recovered a powerful tome from the Circle of Thorns.

When you returned with the book, Numina translated it, and you learned that water and lightning augment the mystic ritual the Circle was planning to conduct.

Following up on your leads, Positron sent you to a Vahzilok den, where you uncovered another set of dam blueprints. You now realized that three major villain organizations each had designs on the Paragon City Dam. The Clockwork intended to destroy the dam, the Vahzilok planned to poison it, and the Circle wanted to use it in a ritual to create great power.

While tracking down the Clockwork using a device of Positron's design, your team came upon a battle between the Clockwork and the Vahzilok. The metal men were trying to prevent the zombies from interfering with their plans.

Later, while searching for a Circle of Thorns lair, you stumbled across another Clockwork attack. The Circle of Thorns seemed to have their hands full fighting off the Clockwork, but you learned that the mystics were planning a similar attack against the Vahzilok. You stopped both battles and prevented the carnage from spilling into the streets.

Positron's worst fears were realized. All three groups knew of each other's intentions, and they all resolved to act immediately. Positron sent you to protect the dam while he tried to coordinate Freedom Phalanx. The Phalanx was not needed, as the might and power of your task force were enough to win the day.